Beispiel #1

  Synopsis    [Expands cubes against the offset given as an AIG.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Abc_ObjExpandCubesTry( Vec_Str_t * vSop, sat_solver * pSat, Vec_Int_t * vVars )
    extern int Bmc_CollapseExpandRound( sat_solver * pSat, sat_solver * pSatOn, Vec_Int_t * vLits, Vec_Int_t * vNums, Vec_Int_t * vTemp, int nBTLimit, int fCanon, int fOnOffSetLit );

    char * pCube, * pSop = Vec_StrArray(vSop);
    int nCubes = Abc_SopGetCubeNum(pSop);
    int nVars = Abc_SopGetVarNum(pSop);

    Vec_Int_t * vLits = Vec_IntAlloc( nVars );
    Vec_Int_t * vTemp = Vec_IntAlloc( nVars );

    assert( nVars == Vec_IntSize(vVars) );
    assert( Vec_StrSize(vSop) == nCubes * (nVars + 3) + 1 );
    Bmc_SopForEachCube( pSop, nVars, pCube )
        int k, Entry;
        // collect literals and clean cube
        Vec_IntFill( vLits, nVars, -1 );
        for ( k = 0; k < nVars; k++ )
            if ( pCube[k] == '-' )
            Vec_IntWriteEntry( vLits, k, Abc_Var2Lit(Vec_IntEntry(vVars, k), pCube[k] == '0') );
            pCube[k] = '-';
        // expand cube
        Bmc_CollapseExpandRound( pSat, NULL, vLits, NULL, vTemp, 0, 0, -1 );
        // insert literals
        Vec_IntForEachEntry( vLits, Entry, k )
            if ( Entry != -1 )
                pCube[k] = '1' - Abc_LitIsCompl(Entry);
Beispiel #2

  Synopsis    [Converts SOP in ABC into SOP representation in Espresso.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

pset_family Abc_SopToEspresso( char * pSop )
    char *      pCube;
    pset_family Cover;
    pset        set;
    int         nCubes, nVars, Value, v;
    if ( pSop == NULL ) 
        return NULL;
    nVars  = Abc_SopGetVarNum(pSop);
    nCubes = Abc_SopGetCubeNum(pSop);
    assert( cube.size == 2 * nVars );
    if ( Abc_SopIsConst0(pSop) ) 
        Cover = sf_new(0, cube.size);
        return Cover;
    if ( Abc_SopIsConst1(pSop) ) 
        Cover = sf_new(1, cube.size);
        set = GETSET(Cover, Cover->count++);
        set_copy( set, cube.fullset );
        return Cover;

    // create the cover
    Cover = sf_new(nCubes, cube.size);
    // fill in the cubes
    Abc_SopForEachCube( pSop, nVars, pCube )
        set = GETSET(Cover, Cover->count++);
        set_copy( set, cube.fullset );
        Abc_CubeForEachVar( pCube, Value, v )
            if ( Value == '0' )
                set_remove(set, 2*v+1);
            else if ( Value == '1' )
                set_remove(set, 2*v);
Beispiel #3

  Synopsis    [Computes the results of simulating one node.]

  Description [Assumes that fanins have pCopy set to the input values.]
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Abc_ObjSopSimulate( Abc_Obj_t * pObj )
    char * pCube, * pSop = (char *)pObj->pData;
    int nVars, Value, v, ResOr, ResAnd, ResVar;
    assert( pSop && !Abc_SopIsExorType(pSop) );
    // simulate the SOP of the node
    ResOr = 0;
    nVars = Abc_SopGetVarNum(pSop);
    Abc_SopForEachCube( pSop, nVars, pCube )
        ResAnd = 1;
        Abc_CubeForEachVar( pCube, Value, v )
            if ( Value == '0' )
                ResVar = 1 ^ ((int)(ABC_PTRUINT_T)Abc_ObjFanin(pObj, v)->pCopy);
            else if ( Value == '1' )
                ResVar = (int)(ABC_PTRUINT_T)Abc_ObjFanin(pObj, v)->pCopy;
            ResAnd &= ResVar;
        ResOr |= ResAnd;
Beispiel #4

  Synopsis    []

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Io_ReadBlifNetworkNames( Io_ReadBlif_t * p, Vec_Ptr_t ** pvTokens )
    Vec_Ptr_t * vTokens = *pvTokens;
    Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk = p->pNtkCur;
    Abc_Obj_t * pNode;
    char * pToken, Char, ** ppNames;
    int nFanins, nNames;

    // create a new node and add it to the network
    if ( vTokens->nSize < 2 )
        p->LineCur = Extra_FileReaderGetLineNumber(p->pReader, 0);
        sprintf( p->sError, "The .names line has less than two tokens." );
        Io_ReadBlifPrintErrorMessage( p );
        return 1;

    // create the node
    ppNames = (char **)vTokens->pArray + 1;
    nNames  = vTokens->nSize - 2;
    pNode   = Io_ReadCreateNode( pNtk, ppNames[nNames], ppNames, nNames );

    // derive the functionality of the node
    p->vCubes->nSize = 0;
    nFanins = vTokens->nSize - 2;
    if ( nFanins == 0 )
        while ( (vTokens = Io_ReadBlifGetTokens(p)) )
            pToken = (char *)vTokens->pArray[0];
            if ( pToken[0] == '.' )
            // read the cube
            if ( vTokens->nSize != 1 )
                p->LineCur = Extra_FileReaderGetLineNumber(p->pReader, 0);
                sprintf( p->sError, "The number of tokens in the constant cube is wrong." );
                Io_ReadBlifPrintErrorMessage( p );
                return 1;
            // create the cube
            Char = ((char *)vTokens->pArray[0])[0];
            Vec_StrPush( p->vCubes, ' ' );
            Vec_StrPush( p->vCubes, Char );
            Vec_StrPush( p->vCubes, '\n' );
        while ( (vTokens = Io_ReadBlifGetTokens(p)) )
            pToken = (char *)vTokens->pArray[0];
            if ( pToken[0] == '.' )
            // read the cube
            if ( vTokens->nSize != 2 )
                p->LineCur = Extra_FileReaderGetLineNumber(p->pReader, 0);
                sprintf( p->sError, "The number of tokens in the cube is wrong." );
                Io_ReadBlifPrintErrorMessage( p );
                return 1;
            // create the cube
            Vec_StrPrintStr( p->vCubes, (char *)vTokens->pArray[0] );
            // check the char 
            Char = ((char *)vTokens->pArray[1])[0];
            if ( Char != '0' && Char != '1' && Char != 'x' && Char != 'n' )
                p->LineCur = Extra_FileReaderGetLineNumber(p->pReader, 0);
                sprintf( p->sError, "The output character in the constant cube is wrong." );
                Io_ReadBlifPrintErrorMessage( p );
                return 1;
            Vec_StrPush( p->vCubes, ' ' );
            Vec_StrPush( p->vCubes, Char );
            Vec_StrPush( p->vCubes, '\n' );
    // if there is nothing there
    if ( p->vCubes->nSize == 0 )
        // create an empty cube
        Vec_StrPush( p->vCubes, ' ' );
        Vec_StrPush( p->vCubes, '0' );
        Vec_StrPush( p->vCubes, '\n' );
    Vec_StrPush( p->vCubes, 0 );

    // set the pointer to the functionality of the node
    Abc_ObjSetData( pNode, Abc_SopRegister((Mem_Flex_t *)pNtk->pManFunc, p->vCubes->pArray) );

    // check the size
    if ( Abc_ObjFaninNum(pNode) != Abc_SopGetVarNum((char *)Abc_ObjData(pNode)) )
        p->LineCur = Extra_FileReaderGetLineNumber(p->pReader, 0);
        sprintf( p->sError, "The number of fanins (%d) of node %s is different from SOP size (%d).", 
            Abc_ObjFaninNum(pNode), Abc_ObjName(Abc_ObjFanout(pNode,0)), Abc_SopGetVarNum((char *)Abc_ObjData(pNode)) );
        Io_ReadBlifPrintErrorMessage( p );
        return 1;

    // return the last array of tokens
    *pvTokens = vTokens;
    return 0;

///                        DECLARATIONS                              ///
///                     FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                         ///


  Synopsis    [Reorder fanins of the network.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

void Abc_NtkOrderFaninsById( Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk )
    Vec_Int_t * vOrder;
    Vec_Str_t * vStore;
    Abc_Obj_t * pNode;
    char * pSop, * pSopNew;
    char * pCube, * pCubeNew;
    int nVars, i, v, * pOrder;
    assert( Abc_NtkHasSop(pNtk) );
    vOrder = Vec_IntAlloc( 100 );
    vStore = Vec_StrAlloc( 100 );
    Abc_NtkForEachNode( pNtk, pNode, i )
        pSop = (char *)pNode->pData;
        nVars = Abc_SopGetVarNum(pSop);
        assert( nVars == Abc_ObjFaninNum(pNode) );
        Vec_IntClear( vOrder );
        for ( v = 0; v < nVars; v++ )
            Vec_IntPush( vOrder, v );
        pOrder = Vec_IntArray(vOrder);
        Vec_IntSelectSortCost( pOrder, nVars, &pNode->vFanins );
        // copy the cover
        Vec_StrGrow( vStore, Abc_SopGetCubeNum(pSop) * (nVars + 3) + 1 );
        memcpy( Vec_StrArray(vStore), pSop, Abc_SopGetCubeNum(pSop) * (nVars + 3) + 1 );
        pSopNew = pCubeNew = pSop;
        pSop = Vec_StrArray(vStore);
        // generate permuted one
        Abc_SopForEachCube( pSop, nVars, pCube )
            for ( v = 0; v < nVars; v++ )
                pCubeNew[v] = '-';
            for ( v = 0; v < nVars; v++ )
                if ( pCube[pOrder[v]] == '0' )
                    pCubeNew[v] = '0';
                else if ( pCube[pOrder[v]] == '1' )
                    pCubeNew[v] = '1';
            pCubeNew += nVars + 3;
        pNode->pData = pSopNew;
        Vec_IntSort( &pNode->vFanins, 0 );
//        Vec_IntPrint( vOrder );