Beispiel #1

  Synopsis    []

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

Abc_Ntk_t * Wlc_NtkGetInv( Wlc_Ntk_t * pNtk, Vec_Int_t * vInv, Vec_Str_t * vSop, int fVerbose )
    Wlc_Obj_t * pObj;
    int i, k, nNum, nRange, nBits = 0;
    Abc_Ntk_t * pMainNtk = NULL;
    Abc_Obj_t * pMainObj, * pMainTemp;
    char Buffer[5000];
    // start the network
    pMainNtk = Abc_NtkAlloc( ABC_NTK_LOGIC, ABC_FUNC_SOP, 1 );
    // duplicate the name and the spec
    pMainNtk->pName = Extra_UtilStrsav(pNtk->pName);
    // create primary inputs
    Wlc_NtkForEachCi( pNtk, pObj, i )
        if ( pObj->Type != WLC_OBJ_FO )
        nRange = Wlc_ObjRange(pObj);
        for ( k = 0; k < nRange; k++ )
            nNum = Vec_IntEntry(vInv, nBits + k);
            if ( nNum )
        if ( k == nRange )
            nBits += nRange;
        //printf( "%s[%d:%d] : ", Wlc_ObjName(pNtk, Wlc_ObjId(pNtk, pObj)), pObj->End, pObj->Beg );
        for ( k = 0; k < nRange; k++ )
            nNum = Vec_IntEntry( vInv, nBits + k );
            if ( nNum == 0 )
            //printf( "  [%d] -> %d", k, nNum );
            pMainObj = Abc_NtkCreatePi( pMainNtk );
            sprintf( Buffer, "%s[%d]", Wlc_ObjName(pNtk, Wlc_ObjId(pNtk, pObj)), k );
            Abc_ObjAssignName( pMainObj, Buffer, NULL );

        //printf( "\n");
        nBits += nRange;
    //printf( "%d %d\n", Vec_IntSize(vInv), nBits );
    assert( Vec_IntSize(vInv) == nBits );
    // create node
    pMainObj = Abc_NtkCreateNode( pMainNtk );
    Abc_NtkForEachPi( pMainNtk, pMainTemp, i )
        Abc_ObjAddFanin( pMainObj, pMainTemp );
    pMainObj->pData = Abc_SopRegister( (Mem_Flex_t *)pMainNtk->pManFunc, Vec_StrArray(vSop) );
    // create PO
    pMainTemp = Abc_NtkCreatePo( pMainNtk );
    Abc_ObjAddFanin( pMainTemp, pMainObj );
    Abc_ObjAssignName( pMainTemp, "inv", NULL );
    return pMainNtk;

  Synopsis    []

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

Abc_Ntk_t * Io_ReadBenchNetwork( Extra_FileReader_t * p )
    ProgressBar * pProgress;
    Vec_Ptr_t * vTokens;
    Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk;
    Abc_Obj_t * pNode, * pNet;
    Vec_Str_t * vString;
    unsigned uTruth[8];
    char * pType, ** ppNames, * pString;
    int iLine, nNames, nDigits, fLutsPresent = 0;
    // allocate the empty network
    pNtk = Abc_NtkStartRead( Extra_FileReaderGetFileName(p) );

    // go through the lines of the file
    vString = Vec_StrAlloc( 100 );
    pProgress = Extra_ProgressBarStart( stdout, Extra_FileReaderGetFileSize(p) );
    for ( iLine = 0; (vTokens = (Vec_Ptr_t *)Extra_FileReaderGetTokens(p)); iLine++ )
        Extra_ProgressBarUpdate( pProgress, Extra_FileReaderGetCurPosition(p), NULL );

        if ( vTokens->nSize == 1 )
            printf( "%s: Wrong input file format.\n", Extra_FileReaderGetFileName(p) );
            Vec_StrFree( vString );
            Abc_NtkDelete( pNtk );
            return NULL;

        // get the type of the line
        if ( strncmp( (char *)vTokens->pArray[0], "INPUT", 5 ) == 0 )
            Io_ReadCreatePi( pNtk, (char *)vTokens->pArray[1] );
        else if ( strncmp( (char *)vTokens->pArray[0], "OUTPUT", 5 ) == 0 )
            Io_ReadCreatePo( pNtk, (char *)vTokens->pArray[1] );
            // get the node name and the node type
            pType = (char *)vTokens->pArray[1];
            if ( strncmp(pType, "DFF", 3) == 0 ) // works for both DFF and DFFRSE
                pNode = Io_ReadCreateLatch( pNtk, (char *)vTokens->pArray[2], (char *)vTokens->pArray[0] );
//                Abc_LatchSetInit0( pNode );
                if ( pType[3] == '0' )
                    Abc_LatchSetInit0( pNode );
                else if ( pType[3] == '1' )
                    Abc_LatchSetInit1( pNode );
                    Abc_LatchSetInitDc( pNode );
            else if ( strcmp(pType, "LUT") == 0 )
                fLutsPresent = 1;
                ppNames = (char **)vTokens->pArray + 3;
                nNames  = vTokens->nSize - 3;
                // check the number of inputs
                if ( nNames > 8 )
                    printf( "%s: Currently cannot read truth tables with more than 8 inputs (%d).\n", Extra_FileReaderGetFileName(p), nNames );
                    Vec_StrFree( vString );
                    Abc_NtkDelete( pNtk );
                    return NULL;
                // get the hex string
                pString = (char *)vTokens->pArray[2];
                if ( strncmp( pString, "0x", 2 ) )
                    printf( "%s: The LUT signature (%s) does not look like a hexadecimal beginning with \"0x\".\n", Extra_FileReaderGetFileName(p), pString );
                    Vec_StrFree( vString );
                    Abc_NtkDelete( pNtk );
                    return NULL;
                pString += 2;
                // pad the string with zero's if needed
                nDigits = (1 << nNames) / 4;
                if ( nDigits == 0 )
                    nDigits = 1;
                if ( strlen(pString) < (unsigned)nDigits )
                    Vec_StrFill( vString, nDigits - strlen(pString), '0' );
                    Vec_StrPrintStr( vString, pString );
                    Vec_StrPush( vString, 0 );
                    pString = Vec_StrArray( vString );
                // read the hex number from the string
                if ( !Extra_ReadHexadecimal( uTruth, pString, nNames ) )
                    printf( "%s: Reading hexadecimal number (%s) has failed.\n", Extra_FileReaderGetFileName(p), pString );
                    Vec_StrFree( vString );
                    Abc_NtkDelete( pNtk );
                    return NULL;
                // check if the node is a constant node
                if ( Extra_TruthIsConst0(uTruth, nNames) )
                    pNode = Io_ReadCreateNode( pNtk, (char *)vTokens->pArray[0], ppNames, 0 );
                    Abc_ObjSetData( pNode, Abc_SopRegister( (Mem_Flex_t *)pNtk->pManFunc, " 0\n" ) );
                else if ( Extra_TruthIsConst1(uTruth, nNames) )
                    pNode = Io_ReadCreateNode( pNtk, (char *)vTokens->pArray[0], ppNames, 0 );
                    Abc_ObjSetData( pNode, Abc_SopRegister( (Mem_Flex_t *)pNtk->pManFunc, " 1\n" ) );
                    // create the node
                    pNode = Io_ReadCreateNode( pNtk, (char *)vTokens->pArray[0], ppNames, nNames );
                    assert( nNames > 0 );
                    if ( nNames > 1 )
                        Abc_ObjSetData( pNode, Abc_SopCreateFromTruth((Mem_Flex_t *)pNtk->pManFunc, nNames, uTruth) );
                    else if ( pString[0] == '2' )
                        Abc_ObjSetData( pNode, Abc_SopCreateBuf((Mem_Flex_t *)pNtk->pManFunc) );
                    else if ( pString[0] == '1' )
                        Abc_ObjSetData( pNode, Abc_SopCreateInv((Mem_Flex_t *)pNtk->pManFunc) );
                        printf( "%s: Reading truth table (%s) of single-input node has failed.\n", Extra_FileReaderGetFileName(p), pString );
                        Vec_StrFree( vString );
                        Abc_NtkDelete( pNtk );
                        return NULL;
                // create a new node and add it to the network
                ppNames = (char **)vTokens->pArray + 2;
                nNames  = vTokens->nSize - 2;
                pNode = Io_ReadCreateNode( pNtk, (char *)vTokens->pArray[0], ppNames, nNames );
                // assign the cover
                if ( strcmp(pType, "AND") == 0 )
                    Abc_ObjSetData( pNode, Abc_SopCreateAnd((Mem_Flex_t *)pNtk->pManFunc, nNames, NULL) );
                else if ( strcmp(pType, "OR") == 0 )
                    Abc_ObjSetData( pNode, Abc_SopCreateOr((Mem_Flex_t *)pNtk->pManFunc, nNames, NULL) );
                else if ( strcmp(pType, "NAND") == 0 )
                    Abc_ObjSetData( pNode, Abc_SopCreateNand((Mem_Flex_t *)pNtk->pManFunc, nNames) );
                else if ( strcmp(pType, "NOR") == 0 )
                    Abc_ObjSetData( pNode, Abc_SopCreateNor((Mem_Flex_t *)pNtk->pManFunc, nNames) );
                else if ( strcmp(pType, "XOR") == 0 )
                    Abc_ObjSetData( pNode, Abc_SopCreateXor((Mem_Flex_t *)pNtk->pManFunc, nNames) );
                else if ( strcmp(pType, "NXOR") == 0 || strcmp(pType, "XNOR") == 0 )
                    Abc_ObjSetData( pNode, Abc_SopCreateNxor((Mem_Flex_t *)pNtk->pManFunc, nNames) );
                else if ( strncmp(pType, "BUF", 3) == 0 )
                    Abc_ObjSetData( pNode, Abc_SopCreateBuf((Mem_Flex_t *)pNtk->pManFunc) );
                else if ( strcmp(pType, "NOT") == 0 )
                    Abc_ObjSetData( pNode, Abc_SopCreateInv((Mem_Flex_t *)pNtk->pManFunc) );
                else if ( strncmp(pType, "MUX", 3) == 0 )
//                    Abc_ObjSetData( pNode, Abc_SopRegister(pNtk->pManFunc, "1-0 1\n-11 1\n") );
                    Abc_ObjSetData( pNode, Abc_SopRegister((Mem_Flex_t *)pNtk->pManFunc, "0-1 1\n11- 1\n") );
                else if ( strncmp(pType, "gnd", 3) == 0 )
                    Abc_ObjSetData( pNode, Abc_SopRegister( (Mem_Flex_t *)pNtk->pManFunc, " 0\n" ) );
                else if ( strncmp(pType, "vdd", 3) == 0 )
                    Abc_ObjSetData( pNode, Abc_SopRegister( (Mem_Flex_t *)pNtk->pManFunc, " 1\n" ) );
                    printf( "Io_ReadBenchNetwork(): Cannot determine gate type \"%s\" in line %d.\n", pType, Extra_FileReaderGetLineNumber(p, 0) );
                    Vec_StrFree( vString );
                    Abc_NtkDelete( pNtk );
                    return NULL;
    Extra_ProgressBarStop( pProgress );
    Vec_StrFree( vString );

    // check if constant 0 is present
    if ( (pNet = Abc_NtkFindNet( pNtk, "gnd" )) )
        if ( Abc_ObjFaninNum(pNet) == 0 )
            Io_ReadCreateConst( pNtk, "gnd", 0 );
    if ( (pNet = Abc_NtkFindNet( pNtk, "1" )) )
        if ( Abc_ObjFaninNum(pNet) == 0 )
            printf( "Io_ReadBenchNetwork(): Adding constant 0 fanin to non-driven net \"1\".\n" );
            Io_ReadCreateConst( pNtk, "1", 0 );
    // check if constant 1 is present
    if ( (pNet = Abc_NtkFindNet( pNtk, "vdd" )) )
        if ( Abc_ObjFaninNum(pNet) == 0 )
            Io_ReadCreateConst( pNtk, "vdd", 1 );
    if ( (pNet = Abc_NtkFindNet( pNtk, "2" )) )
        if ( Abc_ObjFaninNum(pNet) == 0 )
            printf( "Io_ReadBenchNetwork(): Adding constant 1 fanin to non-driven net \"2\".\n" );
            Io_ReadCreateConst( pNtk, "2", 1 );

    Abc_NtkFinalizeRead( pNtk );

    // if LUTs are present, collapse the truth tables into cubes
    if ( fLutsPresent )
        if ( !Abc_NtkToBdd(pNtk) )
            printf( "Io_ReadBenchNetwork(): Converting to BDD has failed.\n" );
            Abc_NtkDelete( pNtk );
            return NULL;
        if ( !Abc_NtkToSop(pNtk, 0) )
            printf( "Io_ReadBenchNetwork(): Converting to SOP has failed.\n" );
            Abc_NtkDelete( pNtk );
            return NULL;
    return pNtk;
Beispiel #3

  Synopsis    []

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Io_ReadBlifNetworkNames( Io_ReadBlif_t * p, Vec_Ptr_t ** pvTokens )
    Vec_Ptr_t * vTokens = *pvTokens;
    Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk = p->pNtkCur;
    Abc_Obj_t * pNode;
    char * pToken, Char, ** ppNames;
    int nFanins, nNames;

    // create a new node and add it to the network
    if ( vTokens->nSize < 2 )
        p->LineCur = Extra_FileReaderGetLineNumber(p->pReader, 0);
        sprintf( p->sError, "The .names line has less than two tokens." );
        Io_ReadBlifPrintErrorMessage( p );
        return 1;

    // create the node
    ppNames = (char **)vTokens->pArray + 1;
    nNames  = vTokens->nSize - 2;
    pNode   = Io_ReadCreateNode( pNtk, ppNames[nNames], ppNames, nNames );

    // derive the functionality of the node
    p->vCubes->nSize = 0;
    nFanins = vTokens->nSize - 2;
    if ( nFanins == 0 )
        while ( (vTokens = Io_ReadBlifGetTokens(p)) )
            pToken = (char *)vTokens->pArray[0];
            if ( pToken[0] == '.' )
            // read the cube
            if ( vTokens->nSize != 1 )
                p->LineCur = Extra_FileReaderGetLineNumber(p->pReader, 0);
                sprintf( p->sError, "The number of tokens in the constant cube is wrong." );
                Io_ReadBlifPrintErrorMessage( p );
                return 1;
            // create the cube
            Char = ((char *)vTokens->pArray[0])[0];
            Vec_StrPush( p->vCubes, ' ' );
            Vec_StrPush( p->vCubes, Char );
            Vec_StrPush( p->vCubes, '\n' );
        while ( (vTokens = Io_ReadBlifGetTokens(p)) )
            pToken = (char *)vTokens->pArray[0];
            if ( pToken[0] == '.' )
            // read the cube
            if ( vTokens->nSize != 2 )
                p->LineCur = Extra_FileReaderGetLineNumber(p->pReader, 0);
                sprintf( p->sError, "The number of tokens in the cube is wrong." );
                Io_ReadBlifPrintErrorMessage( p );
                return 1;
            // create the cube
            Vec_StrPrintStr( p->vCubes, (char *)vTokens->pArray[0] );
            // check the char 
            Char = ((char *)vTokens->pArray[1])[0];
            if ( Char != '0' && Char != '1' && Char != 'x' && Char != 'n' )
                p->LineCur = Extra_FileReaderGetLineNumber(p->pReader, 0);
                sprintf( p->sError, "The output character in the constant cube is wrong." );
                Io_ReadBlifPrintErrorMessage( p );
                return 1;
            Vec_StrPush( p->vCubes, ' ' );
            Vec_StrPush( p->vCubes, Char );
            Vec_StrPush( p->vCubes, '\n' );
    // if there is nothing there
    if ( p->vCubes->nSize == 0 )
        // create an empty cube
        Vec_StrPush( p->vCubes, ' ' );
        Vec_StrPush( p->vCubes, '0' );
        Vec_StrPush( p->vCubes, '\n' );
    Vec_StrPush( p->vCubes, 0 );

    // set the pointer to the functionality of the node
    Abc_ObjSetData( pNode, Abc_SopRegister((Mem_Flex_t *)pNtk->pManFunc, p->vCubes->pArray) );

    // check the size
    if ( Abc_ObjFaninNum(pNode) != Abc_SopGetVarNum((char *)Abc_ObjData(pNode)) )
        p->LineCur = Extra_FileReaderGetLineNumber(p->pReader, 0);
        sprintf( p->sError, "The number of fanins (%d) of node %s is different from SOP size (%d).", 
            Abc_ObjFaninNum(pNode), Abc_ObjName(Abc_ObjFanout(pNode,0)), Abc_SopGetVarNum((char *)Abc_ObjData(pNode)) );
        Io_ReadBlifPrintErrorMessage( p );
        return 1;

    // return the last array of tokens
    *pvTokens = vTokens;
    return 0;

  Synopsis    [Deriving the functionality of the gates.]

  Description []
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

int Mio_GateParseFormula( Mio_Gate_t * pGate )
    DdManager * dd = pGate->pLib->dd;
    char * pPinNames[100];
    char * pPinNamesCopy[100];
    Mio_Pin_t * pPin, ** ppPin;
    int nPins, iPin, i;

    // set the maximum delay of the gate; count pins
    pGate->dDelayMax = 0.0;
    nPins = 0;
    Mio_GateForEachPin( pGate, pPin )
        // set the maximum delay of the gate
        if ( pGate->dDelayMax < pPin->dDelayBlockMax )
            pGate->dDelayMax = pPin->dDelayBlockMax;
        // count the pin

    // check for the gate with const function
    if ( nPins == 0 )
        if ( strcmp( pGate->pForm, MIO_STRING_CONST0 ) == 0 )
            pGate->bFunc = b0;
            pGate->pSop = Abc_SopRegister( pGate->pLib->pMmFlex, " 0\n" );
            pGate->pLib->pGate0 = pGate;
        else if ( strcmp( pGate->pForm, MIO_STRING_CONST1 ) == 0 )
            pGate->bFunc = b1;
            pGate->pSop = Abc_SopRegister( pGate->pLib->pMmFlex, " 1\n" );
            pGate->pLib->pGate1 = pGate;
            printf( "Cannot parse formula \"%s\" of gate \"%s\".\n", pGate->pForm, pGate->pName );
            return 1;
        Cudd_Ref( pGate->bFunc );
        return 0;

    // collect the names as they appear in the formula
    nPins = Mio_GateCollectNames( pGate->pForm, pPinNames );
    if ( nPins == 0 )
        printf( "Cannot read formula \"%s\" of gate \"%s\".\n", pGate->pForm, pGate->pName );
        return 1;

    // set the number of inputs
    pGate->nInputs = nPins;

    // consider the case when all the pins have identical pin info
    if ( strcmp( pGate->pPins->pName, "*" ) == 0 )
        // get the topmost (generic) pin
        pPin = pGate->pPins;
        FREE( pPin->pName );

        // create individual pins from the generic pin
        ppPin = &pPin->pNext;
        for ( i = 1; i < nPins; i++ )
            // get the new pin
            *ppPin = Mio_PinDup( pPin );
            // set its name
            (*ppPin)->pName = pPinNames[i];
            // prepare the next place in the list
            ppPin = &((*ppPin)->pNext);
        *ppPin = NULL;

        // set the name of the topmost pin
        pPin->pName = pPinNames[0];
        // reorder the variable names to appear the save way as the pins
        iPin = 0;
        Mio_GateForEachPin( pGate, pPin )
            // find the pin with the name pPin->pName
            for ( i = 0; i < nPins; i++ )
                if ( pPinNames[i] && strcmp( pPinNames[i], pPin->pName ) == 0 )
                    // free pPinNames[i] because it is already available as pPin->pName
                    // setting pPinNames[i] to NULL is useful to make sure that
                    // this name is not assigned to two pins in the list
                    FREE( pPinNames[i] );
                    pPinNamesCopy[iPin++] = pPin->pName;
                if ( i == nPins )
                    printf( "Cannot find pin name \"%s\" in the formula \"%s\" of gate \"%s\".\n", 
                        pPin->pName, pGate->pForm, pGate->pName );
                    return 1;

        // check for the remaining names
        for ( i = 0; i < nPins; i++ )
            if ( pPinNames[i] )
                printf( "Name \"%s\" appears in the formula \"%s\" of gate \"%s\" but there is no such pin.\n", 
                    pPinNames[i], pGate->pForm, pGate->pName );
                return 1;

        // copy the names back
        memcpy( pPinNames, pPinNamesCopy, nPins * sizeof(char *) );

    // expand the manager if necessary
    if ( dd->size < nPins )
        Cudd_Quit( dd );
        dd = Cudd_Init( nPins + 10, 0, CUDD_UNIQUE_SLOTS, CUDD_CACHE_SLOTS, 0 );
        Cudd_zddVarsFromBddVars( dd, 2 );

    // derive the formula as the BDD
    pGate->bFunc = Parse_FormulaParser( stdout, pGate->pForm, nPins, 0, pPinNames, dd, dd->vars );
    Cudd_Ref( pGate->bFunc );

    // derive the cover (SOP)
    pGate->pSop = Abc_ConvertBddToSop( pGate->pLib->pMmFlex, dd, pGate->bFunc, pGate->bFunc, nPins, 0, pGate->pLib->vCube, -1 );
    return 0;
Beispiel #5

// For description of Binary BLIF format, refer to "abc/src/aig/bbl/bblif.h"

///                        DECLARATIONS                              ///

///                     FUNCTION DEFINITIONS                         ///


  Synopsis    [Constructs ABC network from the manager.]

  Description [The ABC network is started, as well as the array vCopy,
  which will map the new ID of each object in the BBLIF manager into
  the ponter ot the corresponding object in the ABC. For each internal
  node, determined by Bbl_ObjIsLut(), the SOP representation is created
  by retrieving the SOP representation of the BBLIF object. Finally,
  the objects are connected using fanin/fanout creation, and the dummy
  names are assigned because ABC requires each CI/CO to have a name.]
  SideEffects []

  SeeAlso     []

Abc_Ntk_t * Bbl_ManToAbc( Bbl_Man_t * p )
    Abc_Ntk_t * pNtk;
    Abc_Obj_t * pObjNew;
    Bbl_Obj_t * pObj, * pFanin;
    Vec_Ptr_t * vCopy;
    // start the network
    pNtk = Abc_NtkAlloc( ABC_NTK_LOGIC, ABC_FUNC_SOP, 1 );
    pNtk->pName = Extra_UtilStrsav( Bbl_ManName(p) );
    // create objects
    vCopy = Vec_PtrStart( 1000 );
    Bbl_ManForEachObj( p, pObj )
        if ( Bbl_ObjIsInput(pObj) )
            pObjNew = Abc_NtkCreatePi( pNtk );
        else if ( Bbl_ObjIsOutput(pObj) )
            pObjNew = Abc_NtkCreatePo( pNtk );
        else if ( Bbl_ObjIsLut(pObj) )
            pObjNew = Abc_NtkCreateNode( pNtk );
        else assert( 0 );
        if ( Bbl_ObjIsLut(pObj) )
            pObjNew->pData = Abc_SopRegister( (Mem_Flex_t *)pNtk->pManFunc, Bbl_ObjSop(p, pObj) );
        Vec_PtrSetEntry( vCopy, Bbl_ObjId(pObj), pObjNew );
    // connect objects
    Bbl_ManForEachObj( p, pObj )
        Bbl_ObjForEachFanin( pObj, pFanin )
            Abc_ObjAddFanin( (Abc_Obj_t *)Vec_PtrEntry(vCopy, Bbl_ObjId(pObj)), (Abc_Obj_t *)Vec_PtrEntry(vCopy, Bbl_ObjId(pFanin)) );
    // finalize
    Vec_PtrFree( vCopy );
    Abc_NtkAddDummyPiNames( pNtk );
    Abc_NtkAddDummyPoNames( pNtk );
    if ( !Abc_NtkCheck( pNtk ) )
        printf( "Bbl_ManToAbc(): Network check has failed.\n" );
    return pNtk;