void UAnimSingleNodeInstance::SetPosition(float InPosition, bool bFireNotifies)
	float PreviousTime = CurrentTime;
	CurrentTime = FMath::Clamp<float>(InPosition, 0.f, GetLength());

	if (FAnimMontageInstance* CurMontageInstance = GetActiveMontageInstance())

	// Handle notifies
	// the way AnimInstance handles notifies doesn't work for single node because this does not tick or anything
	// this will need to handle manually, emptying, it and collect it, and trigger them at once. 
	if (bFireNotifies)
		UAnimSequenceBase * SequenceBase = Cast<UAnimSequenceBase> (CurrentAsset);
		if (SequenceBase)

			TArray<const FAnimNotifyEvent*> Notifies;
			SequenceBase->GetAnimNotifiesFromDeltaPositions(PreviousTime, CurrentTime, Notifies);
			if ( Notifies.Num() > 0 )
				// single node instance only has 1 asset at a time
				AddAnimNotifies(Notifies, 1.0f);


void UAnimSingleNodeInstance::SetPosition(float InPosition, bool bFireNotifies)
	float PreviousTime = CurrentTime;
	CurrentTime = FMath::Clamp<float>(InPosition, 0.f, GetLength());

	if (FAnimMontageInstance* CurMontageInstance = GetActiveMontageInstance())

	// Handle notifies
	// the way AnimInstance handles notifies doesn't work for single node because this does not tick or anything
	// this will need to handle manually, emptying, it and collect it, and trigger them at once. 
	if (bFireNotifies)
		UAnimSequenceBase * SequenceBase = Cast<UAnimSequenceBase> (CurrentAsset);
		if (SequenceBase)

			TArray<const FAnimNotifyEvent*> Notifies;
			SequenceBase->GetAnimNotifiesFromDeltaPositions(PreviousTime, CurrentTime, Notifies);
			if ( Notifies.Num() > 0 )
				// single node instance only has 1 asset at a time
				AddAnimNotifies(Notifies, 1.0f);


			// since this is singlenode instance, if position changes, we can't keep old morphtarget curves
			// we clear it and evaluate curve here with new asset. 
			// Evaluate Curve data now - even if time did not move, we still need to return curve if it exists
			SequenceBase->EvaluateCurveData(this, CurrentTime, 1.0);