bool C4Menu::AddItem(C4MenuItem *pNew, const char *szCaption, const char *szCommand,
                     int32_t iCount, C4Object *pObject, const char *szInfoCaption,
                     C4ID idID, const char *szCommand2, bool fOwnValue, int32_t iValue, bool fIsSelectable)
	if (Config.General.DebugRec)
		if (pObject)
			C4RCMenuAdd rc = { pObject ? pObject->Number : -1, iCount, idID, fOwnValue, iValue, fIsSelectable };
			AddDbgRec(RCT_MenuAdd, &rc, sizeof(C4RCMenuAdd));
			if (szCommand) AddDbgRec(RCT_MenuAddC, szCommand, strlen(szCommand)+1);
			if (szCommand2) AddDbgRec(RCT_MenuAddC, szCommand2, strlen(szCommand2)+1);
	// Add it to the list
	// first menuitem is portrait, if it does not have text but a facet
	if (!ItemCount && (!szCaption || !*szCaption))
		fHasPortrait = true;
	// Item count
	// set new item size
	if (!pClientWindow->IsFrozen()) UpdateElementPositions();
	// Init selection if not frozen
	if (Selection==-1 && fIsSelectable && !pClientWindow->IsFrozen()) SetSelection(ItemCount-1, false, false);
	// initial progress
	if (fTextProgressing) pNew->TextDisplayProgress = 0;
	// adjust scrolling, etc.
	// Success
	return true;
bool C4MassMoverSet::Create(int32_t x, int32_t y, bool fExecute)
	if (Count == C4MassMoverChunk) return false;
	if (Config.General.DebugRec)
		C4RCMassMover rc;
		rc.x=x; rc.y=y;
		AddDbgRec(RCT_MMC, &rc, sizeof(rc));
	int32_t cptr=CreatePtr;
		if (cptr>=C4MassMoverChunk) cptr=0;
		if (Set[cptr].Mat==MNone)
			if (!Set[cptr].Init(x,y)) return false;
			if (fExecute) Set[cptr].Execute();
			return true;
	while (cptr!=CreatePtr);
	return false;
void C4MassMover::Cease()
	if (Config.General.DebugRec)
		C4RCMassMover rc;
		rc.x=x; rc.y=y;
		AddDbgRec(RCT_MMD, &rc, sizeof(rc));
void C4LArea::DebugRec(class C4Object *pObj, char cMarker)
	C4RCArea rc;
	rc.op = cMarker;
	rc.obj = pObj ? pObj->Number : -1;
	rc.x1 = pFirst ? pFirst->x : -1;
	rc.y1 = pFirst ? pFirst->x /* 2do: y */ : -1;
	rc.xL = xL;
	rc.yL = yL;
	rc.dpitch = dpitch;
	rc.out = !!pOut;
	AddDbgRec(RCT_Area, &rc, sizeof(C4RCArea));
static void RecordRandom(uint32_t range, uint32_t val)
	if (Config.General.DebugRec)
		// next pseudorandom value
		C4RCRandom rc;
		AddDbgRec(RCT_Random, &rc, sizeof(rc));
Beispiel #6
void C4PXS::Deactivate()
	if (Config.General.DebugRec)
		C4RCExecPXS rc;
		rc.x=x; rc.y=y; rc.iMat=Mat;
		rc.pos = 2;
		AddDbgRec(RCT_ExecPXS, &rc, sizeof(rc));
Beispiel #7
void C4Shape::Rotate(int32_t iAngle, bool bUpdateVertices) {
  C4RCRotVtx rc;
  rc.x = x;
  rc.y = y;
  rc.wdt = Wdt;
  rc.hgt = Hgt;
  rc.r = iAngle;
  int32_t i = 0;
  for (; i < 4; ++i) {
    rc.VtxX[i] = VtxX[i];
    rc.VtxY[i] = VtxY[i];
  AddDbgRec(RCT_RotVtx1, &rc, sizeof(rc));
  int32_t cnt, nvtx, nvty, rdia;

  // int32_t *vtx=VtxX;
  // int32_t *vty=VtxY;
  FIXED mtx[4];
  FIXED fAngle = itofix(iAngle);

  if (bUpdateVertices) {
    // Calculate rotation matrix
    mtx[0] = Cos(fAngle);
    mtx[1] = -Sin(fAngle);
    mtx[2] = -mtx[1];
    mtx[3] = mtx[0];
    // Rotate vertices
    for (cnt = 0; cnt < VtxNum; cnt++) {
      // nvtx= (int32_t) ( mtx[0]*vtx[cnt] + mtx[1]*vty[cnt] );
      // nvty= (int32_t) ( mtx[2]*vtx[cnt] + mtx[3]*vty[cnt] );
      nvtx = fixtoi(mtx[0] * VtxX[cnt] + mtx[1] * VtxY[cnt]);
      nvty = fixtoi(mtx[2] * VtxX[cnt] + mtx[3] * VtxY[cnt]);
      VtxX[cnt] = nvtx;
      VtxY[cnt] = nvty;

    /* This is freaking nuts. I used the int32_t* to shortcut the
            two int32_t arrays Shape.Vtx_[]. Without modifications to
            this code, after rotation the x-values of vertex 2 and 4
            are screwed to that of vertex 0. Direct use of the array
            variables instead of the pointers helped. Later in
            development, again without modification to this code, the
            same error occured again. I moved back to pointer array
            shortcut and it worked again. ?!

            The error occurs after the C4DefCore structure has
            changed. It must have something to do with struct
            member alignment. But why does pointer usage vs. array
            index make a difference?

  // Enlarge Rect
  rdia = (int32_t)sqrt(double(x * x + y * y)) + 2;
  x = -rdia;
  y = -rdia;
  Wdt = 2 * rdia;
  Hgt = 2 * rdia;
  rc.x = x;
  rc.y = y;
  rc.wdt = Wdt;
  rc.hgt = Hgt;
  for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
    rc.VtxX[i] = VtxX[i];
    rc.VtxY[i] = VtxY[i];
  AddDbgRec(RCT_RotVtx2, &rc, sizeof(rc));
Beispiel #8
void C4PXS::Execute()
	if (Config.General.DebugRec)
		C4RCExecPXS rc;
		rc.x=x; rc.y=y; rc.iMat=Mat;
		rc.pos = 0;
		AddDbgRec(RCT_ExecPXS, &rc, sizeof(rc));
	int32_t inmat;

	// Safety
	if (!MatValid(Mat))
		{ Deactivate(); return; }

	// Out of bounds
	if ((x<0) || (x>=::Landscape.GetWidth()) || (y<-10) || (y>=::Landscape.GetHeight()))
		{ Deactivate(); return; }

	// Material conversion
	int32_t iX = fixtoi(x), iY = fixtoi(y);
	C4MaterialReaction *pReact = ::MaterialMap.GetReactionUnsafe(Mat, inmat);
	if (pReact && (*pReact->pFunc)(pReact, iX,iY, iX,iY, xdir,ydir, Mat,inmat, meePXSPos, NULL))
		{ Deactivate(); return; }

	// Gravity

	if (GBackDensity(iX, iY + 1) < ::MaterialMap.Map[Mat].Density)
		// Air speed: Wind plus some random
		int32_t iWind = Weather.GetWind(iX, iY);
		C4Real txdir = itofix(iWind, 15) + C4REAL256(Random(1200) - 600);
		C4Real tydir = C4REAL256(Random(1200) - 600);

		// Air friction, based on WindDrift. MaxSpeed is ignored.
		int32_t iWindDrift = std::max(::MaterialMap.Map[Mat].WindDrift - 20, 0);
		xdir += ((txdir - xdir) * iWindDrift) * WindDrift_Factor;
		ydir += ((tydir - ydir) * iWindDrift) * WindDrift_Factor;

	C4Real ctcox = x + xdir;
	C4Real ctcoy = y + ydir;

	int32_t iToX = fixtoi(ctcox), iToY = fixtoi(ctcoy);

	// In bounds?
	if (Inside<int32_t>(iToX, 0, ::Landscape.GetWidth()-1) && Inside<int32_t>(iToY, 0, ::Landscape.GetHeight()-1))
		// Check path
		if (::Landscape._PathFree(iX, iY, iToX, iToY))
			x=ctcox; y=ctcoy;

	// Test path to target position
	int32_t iX0 = iX, iY0 = iY;
	bool fStopMovement = false;
		// Step
		int32_t inX = iX + Sign(iToX - iX), inY = iY + Sign(iToY - iY);
		// Contact?
		inmat = GBackMat(inX, inY);
		C4MaterialReaction *pReact = ::MaterialMap.GetReactionUnsafe(Mat, inmat);
		if (pReact)
			if ((*pReact->pFunc)(pReact, iX,iY, inX,inY, xdir,ydir, Mat,inmat, meePXSMove, &fStopMovement))
				// destructive contact
				// no destructive contact, but speed or position changed: Stop moving for now
				if (fStopMovement)
					// But keep fractional positions to allow proper movement on moving ground
					if (iX != iX0) x = itofix(iX);
					if (iY != iY0) y = itofix(iY);
				// there was a reaction func, but it didn't do anything - continue movement
		iX = inX; iY = inY;
	while (iX != iToX || iY != iToY);

	// No contact? Free movement
	x=ctcox; y=ctcoy;
	if (Config.General.DebugRec)
		C4RCExecPXS rc;
		rc.x=x; rc.y=y; rc.iMat=Mat;
		rc.pos = 1;
		AddDbgRec(RCT_ExecPXS, &rc, sizeof(rc));