int SDTSRawPolygon::AssembleRings()

    int         iEdge;
    int         bSuccess = TRUE;
    if( nRings > 0 )
        return TRUE;

    if( nEdges == 0 )
        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Allocate ring arrays.                                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    panRingStart = (int *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(int) * nEdges);

    nVertices = 0;
    for( iEdge = 0; iEdge < nEdges; iEdge++ )
        nVertices += papoEdges[iEdge]->nVertices;

    padfX = (double *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(double) * nVertices);
    padfY = (double *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(double) * nVertices);
    padfZ = (double *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(double) * nVertices);

    nVertices = 0;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Setup array of line markers indicating if they have been        */
/*      added to a ring yet.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int *panEdgeConsumed, nRemainingEdges = nEdges;

    panEdgeConsumed = (int *) CPLCalloc(sizeof(int),nEdges);

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Loop generating rings.                                          */
/* ==================================================================== */
    while( nRemainingEdges > 0 )
        int             nStartNode, nLinkNode;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Find the first unconsumed edge.                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        SDTSRawLine     *poEdge;
        for( iEdge = 0; panEdgeConsumed[iEdge]; iEdge++ ) {}

        poEdge = papoEdges[iEdge];

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Start a new ring, copying in the current line directly          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        panRingStart[nRings++] = nVertices;

        AddEdgeToRing( poEdge->nVertices,
                       poEdge->padfX, poEdge->padfY, poEdge->padfZ,
                       FALSE, FALSE );

        panEdgeConsumed[iEdge] = TRUE;
        nStartNode = poEdge->oStartNode.nRecord;
        nLinkNode = poEdge->oEndNode.nRecord;

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Loop adding edges to this ring until we make a whole pass       */
/*      within finding anything to add.                                 */
/* ==================================================================== */
        int             bWorkDone = TRUE;

        while( nLinkNode != nStartNode
               && nRemainingEdges > 0
               && bWorkDone )
            bWorkDone = FALSE;
            for( iEdge = 0; iEdge < nEdges; iEdge++ )
                if( panEdgeConsumed[iEdge] )

                poEdge = papoEdges[iEdge];
                if( poEdge->oStartNode.nRecord == nLinkNode )
                    AddEdgeToRing( poEdge->nVertices,
                                   poEdge->padfX, poEdge->padfY, poEdge->padfZ,
                                   FALSE, TRUE );
                    nLinkNode = poEdge->oEndNode.nRecord;
                else if( poEdge->oEndNode.nRecord == nLinkNode )
                    AddEdgeToRing( poEdge->nVertices,
                                   poEdge->padfX, poEdge->padfY, poEdge->padfZ,
                                   TRUE, TRUE );
                    nLinkNode = poEdge->oStartNode.nRecord;
                panEdgeConsumed[iEdge] = TRUE;
                bWorkDone = TRUE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Did we fail to complete the ring?                               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( nLinkNode != nStartNode )
            bSuccess = FALSE;
    } /* next ring */

    CPLFree( panEdgeConsumed );

    if( !bSuccess )
        return bSuccess;

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Compute the area of each ring.  The sign will be positive       */
/*      for counter clockwise rings, otherwise negative.                */
/*                                                                      */
/*      The algorithm used in this function was taken from _Graphics    */
/*      Gems II_, James Arvo, 1991, Academic Press, Inc., section 1.1,  */
/*      "The Area of a Simple Polygon", Jon Rokne, pp. 5-6.             */
/* ==================================================================== */
    double      *padfRingArea, dfMaxArea = 0.0;
    int         iRing, iBiggestRing = -1;

    padfRingArea = (double *) CPLCalloc(sizeof(double),nRings);

    for( iRing = 0; iRing < nRings; iRing++ )
        double  dfSum1 = 0.0, dfSum2 = 0.0;
        int     i, nRingVertices;

        if( iRing == nRings - 1 )
            nRingVertices = nVertices - panRingStart[iRing];
            nRingVertices = panRingStart[iRing+1] - panRingStart[iRing];
        for( i = panRingStart[iRing];
             i < panRingStart[iRing] + nRingVertices - 1;
            dfSum1 += padfX[i] * padfY[i+1];
            dfSum2 += padfY[i] * padfX[i+1];

        padfRingArea[iRing] = (dfSum1 - dfSum2) / 2;

        if( ABS(padfRingArea[iRing]) > dfMaxArea )
            dfMaxArea = ABS(padfRingArea[iRing]);
            iBiggestRing = iRing;

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Make a new set of vertices, and copy the largest ring into      */
/*      it, adjusting the direction if necessary to ensure that this    */
/*      outer ring is counter clockwise.                                */
/* ==================================================================== */
    double      *padfXRaw = padfX;
    double      *padfYRaw = padfY;
    double      *padfZRaw = padfZ;
    int         *panRawRingStart = panRingStart;
    int         nRawVertices = nVertices;
    int         nRawRings = nRings;
    int         nRingVertices;

    padfX = (double *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(double) * nVertices);
    padfY = (double *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(double) * nVertices);
    padfZ = (double *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(double) * nVertices);
    panRingStart = (int *) CPLMalloc(sizeof(int) * nRawRings);
    nVertices = 0;
    nRings = 0;

    if( iBiggestRing == nRawRings - 1 )
        nRingVertices = nRawVertices - panRawRingStart[iBiggestRing];
        nRingVertices =
            panRawRingStart[iBiggestRing+1] - panRawRingStart[iBiggestRing];

    panRingStart[nRings++] = 0;
    AddEdgeToRing( nRingVertices,
                   padfXRaw + panRawRingStart[iBiggestRing],
                   padfYRaw + panRawRingStart[iBiggestRing],
                   padfZRaw + panRawRingStart[iBiggestRing],
                   padfRingArea[iBiggestRing] < 0.0, FALSE );

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Add the rest of the rings, which must be holes, in clockwise    */
/*      order.                                                          */
/* ==================================================================== */
    for( iRing = 0; iRing < nRawRings; iRing++ )
        if( iRing == iBiggestRing )
        if( iRing == nRawRings - 1 )
            nRingVertices = nRawVertices - panRawRingStart[iRing];
            nRingVertices = panRawRingStart[iRing+1] - panRawRingStart[iRing];

        panRingStart[nRings++] = nVertices;
        AddEdgeToRing( nRingVertices,
                       padfXRaw + panRawRingStart[iRing],
                       padfYRaw + panRawRingStart[iRing],
                       padfZRaw + panRawRingStart[iRing],
                       padfRingArea[iRing] > 0.0, FALSE );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Cleanup                                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLFree( padfXRaw );
    CPLFree( padfYRaw );
    CPLFree( padfZRaw );
    CPLFree( padfRingArea );
    CPLFree( panRawRingStart );

    CPLFree( papoEdges );
    papoEdges = NULL;
    nEdges = 0;

    return TRUE;
Beispiel #2
OGRGeometryH OGRBuildPolygonFromEdges( OGRGeometryH hLines,
                                       int bBestEffort,
                                       int bAutoClose,
                                       double dfTolerance,
                                       OGRErr * peErr )

    int         bSuccess = TRUE;
    OGRGeometryCollection *poLines = (OGRGeometryCollection *) hLines;
    OGRPolygon  *poPolygon = new OGRPolygon();

    (void) bBestEffort;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Setup array of line markers indicating if they have been        */
/*      added to a ring yet.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int         nEdges = poLines->getNumGeometries();
    int         *panEdgeConsumed, nRemainingEdges = nEdges;

    panEdgeConsumed = (int *) CPLCalloc(sizeof(int),nEdges);

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Loop generating rings.                                          */
/* ==================================================================== */
    while( nRemainingEdges > 0 )
        int             iEdge;
        OGRLineString   *poLine;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Find the first unconsumed edge.                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        for( iEdge = 0; panEdgeConsumed[iEdge]; iEdge++ ) {}

        poLine = (OGRLineString *) poLines->getGeometryRef(iEdge);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Start a new ring, copying in the current line directly          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        OGRLinearRing   *poRing = new OGRLinearRing();

        AddEdgeToRing( poRing, poLine, FALSE );

        panEdgeConsumed[iEdge] = TRUE;

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Loop adding edges to this ring until we make a whole pass       */
/*      within finding anything to add.                                 */
/* ==================================================================== */
        int             bWorkDone = TRUE;
        double          dfBestDist = dfTolerance;

        while( !CheckPoints(poRing,0,poRing,poRing->getNumPoints()-1,NULL)
               && nRemainingEdges > 0
               && bWorkDone )
            int         iBestEdge = -1, bReverse = FALSE;

            bWorkDone = FALSE;
            dfBestDist = dfTolerance;

            // We consider linking the end to the beginning.  If this is
            // closer than any other option we will just close the loop.


            // Find unused edge with end point closest to our loose end.
            for( iEdge = 0; iEdge < nEdges; iEdge++ )
                if( panEdgeConsumed[iEdge] )

                poLine = (OGRLineString *) poLines->getGeometryRef(iEdge);

                if( CheckPoints(poLine,0,poRing,poRing->getNumPoints()-1,
                                &dfBestDist) )
                    iBestEdge = iEdge;
                    bReverse = FALSE;
                if( CheckPoints(poLine,poLine->getNumPoints()-1,
                                &dfBestDist) )
                    iBestEdge = iEdge;
                    bReverse = TRUE;

            // We found one within tolerance - add it.
            if( iBestEdge != -1 )
                poLine = (OGRLineString *)

                AddEdgeToRing( poRing, poLine, bReverse );

                panEdgeConsumed[iBestEdge] = TRUE;
                bWorkDone = TRUE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Did we fail to complete the ring?                               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        dfBestDist = dfTolerance;

        if( !CheckPoints(poRing,0,poRing,poRing->getNumPoints()-1,
                         &dfBestDist) )
            CPLDebug( "OGR",
                     "Failed to close ring %d.\n"
                     "End Points are: (%.8f,%.7f) and (%.7f,%.7f)\n",
                     poRing->getX(0), poRing->getY(0),
                     poRing->getY(poRing->getNumPoints()-1) );

            bSuccess = FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Do we need to auto-close this ring?                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( bAutoClose
            && !CheckPoints(poRing,0,poRing,poRing->getNumPoints()-1,NULL) )
            poRing->addPoint( poRing->getX(0),

        poPolygon->addRingDirectly( poRing );
    } /* next ring */

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Cleanup.                                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLFree( panEdgeConsumed );

// Eventually we should at least identify the external ring properly,
// perhaps even ordering the direction of rings, though this isn't
// required by the OGC geometry model.

    if( peErr != NULL )
        if( bSuccess )
            *peErr = OGRERR_NONE;
            *peErr = OGRERR_FAILURE;

    return (OGRGeometryH) poPolygon;