Beispiel #1
void CIrcWnd::NoticeMessage( CString source, CString message )
	bool flag = false;
	Channel* curr_channel = m_channelselect.FindChannelByName( source );
	if( curr_channel )
		AddInfoMessage( source, _T("-%s- %s"), source, message);
		flag = true;
	POSITION pos1, pos2;
	for (pos1 = m_channelselect.channelPtrList.GetHeadPosition();( pos2 = pos1 ) != NULL;)
		curr_channel = (Channel*)(m_channelselect.channelPtrList).GetAt(pos2);
		Nick* curr_nick = m_nicklist.FindNickByName(curr_channel->name, source );
		if( curr_nick)
			AddInfoMessage( curr_channel->name, _T("-%s- %s"), source, message);
			flag = true;			
	if( flag == false )
		if( m_channelselect.m_pCurrentChannel->type == 4 )
			AddInfoMessage( m_channelselect.m_pCurrentChannel->name, _T("-%s- %s"), source, message);
			AddStatus( _T("-%s- %s"), source, message );
Beispiel #2
void CIrcWnd::AddInfoMessage(const CString& sChannelName, CString sLine, bool bShowChannel)
	if (sChannelName.IsEmpty())
	sLine += _T("\r\n");

	Channel* pUpdateChannel = m_wndChanSel.FindChannelByName(sChannelName);
	if (!pUpdateChannel)
		if (sChannelName.GetLength() >= 1 && sChannelName[0] == _T('#'))
			pUpdateChannel = m_wndChanSel.NewChannel(sChannelName, Channel::ctNormal);
		else if (sChannelName == thePrefs.GetIRCNick())
			// A 'Notice' message for myself - display in current channel window
			pUpdateChannel = m_wndChanSel.m_pCurrentChannel;
			if (pUpdateChannel && pUpdateChannel->m_eType == Channel::ctChannelList)
				pUpdateChannel = NULL;	// channels list window -> open a new channel window
		if (!pUpdateChannel)
			pUpdateChannel = m_wndChanSel.NewChannel(sChannelName, Channel::ctPrivate);
	if (bShowChannel)
	AddInfoMessage(pUpdateChannel, sLine);
void CPocketSMDlg::AddToLastMessage(CString s)
	if(size == 0)
	msgList[(last+MSG_LIST_SIZE-1)%MSG_LIST_SIZE] += s;
Beispiel #4
void CIrcWnd::AddInfoMessageF(const CString& sChannelName, CString sLine, ...)
	if (sChannelName.IsEmpty())
	va_list argptr;
	va_start(argptr, sLine);
	CString sTemp;
	sTemp.FormatV(sLine, argptr);
	AddInfoMessage(sChannelName, sTemp);
Beispiel #5
void CChat::AddInfoMessage( const char * szInfo, ... )
	// Get the arguments
	char szBuffer[ MAX_MESSAGE_LEN ];
	va_list args;
	va_start( args, szInfo );
	vsnprintf( szBuffer, MAX_MESSAGE_LEN, szInfo, args );
	va_end( args );

	// Get the arguments
	AddInfoMessage( CColor( 24, 116, 205, 255 ), szBuffer );
 * display SETUP dialog
void CPocketSMDlg::OnButtonSetup() 
	int i;
	CString strBuf;
	// TODO: Add your control notification handler code here
	// m_TrayIcon.MinimiseToTray(this);
	if(m_dlgSetup->DoModal() == IDOK)
			SendSIPRegister("0", 2);
		m_nFlag = 1;
		if(m_dlgSetup->getUserName().GetLength() > 0 
			&& m_dlgSetup->getUserName().Find('@') > 0
			&& m_dlgSetup->getUserName().Find(':') < 0)
			m_strUserName = m_dlgSetup->getUserName();
			i = m_strUserName.Find('@');
			if (i!=-1)
				m_strUserPart = m_strUserName.Left(i);
				m_strSrvPart = m_strUserName.Right(m_strUserName.GetLength() - i - 1);

			AfxMessageBox(_T("SIP User ID is invalid.\r\nMust be like:\r\n\"[email protected]\""));
		if(m_dlgSetup->getPassword().GetLength() > 0)
			m_strPassword = m_dlgSetup->getPassword();
		if(m_dlgSetup->getServerAddress().GetLength() > 0)
			m_strSipSrvAddress = m_dlgSetup->getServerAddress();
			m_strSipSrvAddress = m_strSrvPart;

		if(m_dlgSetup->getServerPort()  > 0)
			m_nSipSrvPort = m_dlgSetup->getServerPort();

		strBuf.Format(_T("<%s> registering ...\r\n  outbound proxy:\r\n   <%s:%d>\r\n"),
			m_strUserName, m_strSipSrvAddress, m_nSipSrvPort);
		if(SendSIPRegister("3600", 10) != 0)
			AddToLastMessage("Not registered. Please try again.\r\n");
Beispiel #7
void CIrcWnd::AddStatus(CString sLine, bool bShowActivity, UINT uStatusCode)
	Channel* pStatusChannel = m_wndChanSel.m_lstChannels.GetHead();
	if (!pStatusChannel)
	sLine += _T("\r\n");

	// This allows for us to add blank lines to the status..
	if (sLine == _T("\r\n"))
	else if (sLine.GetLength() >= 1 && sLine[0] == _T('*'))
		if (thePrefs.GetIRCAddTimeStamp())
			AddColorLine(s_szTimeStampColorPrefix + CTime::GetCurrentTime().Format(TIME_STAMP_FORMAT), pStatusChannel->m_wndLog);
		AddColorLine(sLine, pStatusChannel->m_wndLog, STATUS_MSG_COLOR);
	else if (uStatusCode >= 400)
		if (thePrefs.GetIRCAddTimeStamp())
			AddColorLine(s_szTimeStampColorPrefix + CTime::GetCurrentTime().Format(TIME_STAMP_FORMAT), pStatusChannel->m_wndLog);
		if (!(sLine.GetLength() >= 1 && sLine[0] == _T('-')))
			sLine = _T("-Error- ") + sLine;
		AddColorLine(sLine, pStatusChannel->m_wndLog, INFO_MSG_COLOR);
		if (thePrefs.GetIRCAddTimeStamp())
			AddColorLine(s_szTimeStampColorPrefix + CTime::GetCurrentTime().Format(TIME_STAMP_FORMAT), pStatusChannel->m_wndLog);
		AddColorLine(sLine, pStatusChannel->m_wndLog);
	if (m_wndChanSel.m_pCurrentChannel == pStatusChannel)
	if (bShowActivity)
		m_wndChanSel.SetActivity(pStatusChannel, true);
	if (uStatusCode >= 400)
		if (!(sLine.GetLength() >= 1 && sLine[0] == _T('-')))
			sLine = _T("-Error- ") + sLine;
		AddInfoMessage(m_wndChanSel.m_pCurrentChannel, sLine);
Beispiel #8
void CIrcWnd::ParseChangeMode( CString channel, CString changer, CString commands, CString params )
		if( commands.GetLength() == 2 )
			//Single mode change..
			if(m_nicklist.m_sUserModeSettings.Find(commands[1]) != -1 )
				//This is a user mode change!
				m_nicklist.ChangeNickMode( channel, params, commands );
			if(m_channelselect.m_sChannelModeSettingsTypeA.Find(commands[1]) != -1 )
				//We do not use these messages yet.. But we can display them for the user to see
				//These modes always have a param and will add or remove a user from some type of list.
				m_channelselect.ChangeChanMode( channel, params, commands );
			if(m_channelselect.m_sChannelModeSettingsTypeB.Find(commands[1]) != -1 )
				//We do not use these messages yet.. But we can display them for the user to see
				//These modes will always have a param..
				m_channelselect.ChangeChanMode( channel, params, commands );
			if(m_channelselect.m_sChannelModeSettingsTypeC.Find(commands[1]) != -1 )
				//We do not use these messages yet.. But we can display them for the user to see
				//These modes will only have a param if your setting it!
				m_channelselect.ChangeChanMode( channel, params, commands );
			if(m_channelselect.m_sChannelModeSettingsTypeD.Find(commands[1]) != -1 )
				//We do not use these messages yet.. But we can display them for the user to see
				//These modes will never have a param for it!
				m_channelselect.ChangeChanMode( channel, params, commands );
			if( !thePrefs.GetIrcIgnoreMiscMessage() )
				AddInfoMessage( channel, GetResString(IDS_IRC_SETSMODE), changer, commands, params);
		else if ( commands.GetLength() > 2 )
			//Multiple mode changes..
			CString dir;
			dir = commands[0];
			if( dir == _T("+") || dir == _T("-"))
				//The mode must be either adding (+) or removing (-)
				int currModeIndex = 1;
				int currNameIndex = 0;
				int currNameBackIndex = params.Find( _T(" "), currNameIndex);
				CString currName = _T("");
				while( currModeIndex < commands.GetLength())
					//There is another mode to process..
					if(m_nicklist.m_sUserModeSettings.Find(commands[1]) != -1 )
						//This is a user mode change and must have a param!
                        if( currNameBackIndex > currNameIndex )
							//There's a valid name to this mode change..
							currName = params.Mid(currNameIndex, currNameBackIndex-currNameIndex);
							currNameIndex = currNameBackIndex +1;
							//This should not happen!
						m_nicklist.ChangeNickMode( channel, currName, dir + commands[currModeIndex]);
						//Move to the next param.
						currNameBackIndex = params.Find(_T(" "), currNameIndex+1);
						if( currNameBackIndex == -1)
							currNameBackIndex = params.GetLength();
					if(m_channelselect.m_sChannelModeSettingsTypeA.Find(commands[currModeIndex]) != -1)
						//We do not use these messages yet.. But we can display them for the user to see
						//These modes always have a param and will add or remove a user from some type of list.
                        if( currNameBackIndex > currNameIndex )
							//There's a valid name to this mode change..
							currName = params.Mid(currNameIndex, currNameBackIndex-currNameIndex);
							currNameIndex = currNameBackIndex +1;
							//This should not happen!

						m_channelselect.ChangeChanMode( channel, currName, dir + commands[currModeIndex]);

						//Move to the next param.
						currNameBackIndex = params.Find(_T(" "), currNameIndex+1);
						if( currNameBackIndex == -1)
							currNameBackIndex = params.GetLength();
					if(m_channelselect.m_sChannelModeSettingsTypeB.Find(commands[currModeIndex]) != -1)
						//We do not use these messages yet.. But we can display them for the user to see
						//These modes will always have a param..
                        if( currNameBackIndex > currNameIndex )
							//There's a valid name to this mode change..
							currName = params.Mid(currNameIndex, currNameBackIndex-currNameIndex);
							currNameIndex = currNameBackIndex +1;
							//This should not happen!

						m_channelselect.ChangeChanMode( channel, currName, dir + commands[currModeIndex]);

						//Move to the next param.
						currNameBackIndex = params.Find(_T(" "), currNameIndex+1);
						if( currNameBackIndex == -1)
							currNameBackIndex = params.GetLength();
					if(m_channelselect.m_sChannelModeSettingsTypeC.Find(commands[currModeIndex]) != -1 )
						//We do not use these messages yet.. But we can display them for the user to see
						//These modes will only have a param if your setting it!
						if( dir == _T("+") )
							//We are setting a mode, find param
	                        if( currNameBackIndex > currNameIndex )
								//There's a valid name to this mode change..
								currName = params.Mid(currNameIndex, currNameBackIndex-currNameIndex);
								currNameIndex = currNameBackIndex +1;
								//This should not happen!
							//We are removing a mode, no params
							currName = _T("");

						m_channelselect.ChangeChanMode( channel, currName, dir + commands[currModeIndex]);

						if( dir == _T("+") )
							//Set this mode, so move to the next param.
							currNameBackIndex = params.Find(_T(" "), currNameIndex+1);
							if( currNameBackIndex == -1)
								currNameBackIndex = params.GetLength();
					if(m_channelselect.m_sChannelModeSettingsTypeD.Find(commands[currModeIndex]) != -1 )
						//We do not use these messages yet.. But we can display them for the user to see
						//These modes will never have a param for it!
						currName = _T("");

						m_channelselect.ChangeChanMode( channel, currName, dir + commands[currModeIndex]);

				if( !thePrefs.GetIrcIgnoreMiscMessage() )
					AddInfoMessage( channel, GetResString(IDS_IRC_SETSMODE), changer, commands, params);
		AddInfoMessage( channel, GetResString(IDS_IRC_NOTSUPPORTED));
Beispiel #9
void CChat::ProcessInput( void )
	// Are we not connected?
	if( !pCore->GetNetworkModule() || !pCore->GetNetworkModule()->IsConnected() )

	// Was anything entered?
	if( m_strInput.GetLength() > 0 )
		// Is the input a command?
		bool bIsCommand = (m_strInput.GetChar( 0 ) == CHAT_CMD_CHAR);

		// Internal cmds
		bool bHasUsedCmd = false;

		// Process internal commands
		if( bIsCommand )
			std::string sInput = m_strInput.Get();

			// Get the end of the command
			size_t sCommandEnd = sInput.find( " " );

			// If we don't have a valid end use the end of the string
			if ( sCommandEnd == std::string::npos )
				sCommandEnd = sInput.length();

			// Get the command name
			std::string strCommand = sInput.substr( 1, (sCommandEnd - 1) );

			// Get the command parameters
			std::string strParams;

			// Do we have any parameters?
			if( sCommandEnd < sInput.length() )
				strParams = sInput.substr( (sCommandEnd + 1), sInput.length() );

			if( strCommand == "q" || strCommand == "quit" || strCommand == "exit" )
				// Shutdown
			else if( strCommand == "disconnect" )
				// Are we connected?
				if( pCore->GetNetworkModule() && pCore->GetNetworkModule()->IsConnected() )
					// Disconnect from the network

					// Stop multiplayer

					// Go back to main menu
					pCore->GetGUI()->GetMainMenu()->SetVisible( true );

				bHasUsedCmd = true;
			else if( strCommand == "savepos" )
				bHasUsedCmd = true;

				// Are we spawned?
				if( pCore->GetPlayerManager()->GetLocalPlayer()->IsSpawned() )
					CVector3 vecPosition;
					CVector3 vecRotation;
					bool bOnFoot = true;

					// Is the player on-foot?
					if( pCore->GetPlayerManager()->GetLocalPlayer()->GetState() == ePlayerState::PLAYERSTATE_ONFOOT )
						// Get the localplayer position
						pCore->GetPlayerManager()->GetLocalPlayer()->GetPosition( &vecPosition );

						// Get the localplayer rotation
						pCore->GetPlayerManager()->GetLocalPlayer()->GetRotation( &vecRotation );
					else if( pCore->GetPlayerManager()->GetLocalPlayer()->GetState() == ePlayerState::PLAYERSTATE_DRIVER || pCore->GetPlayerManager()->GetLocalPlayer()->GetState() == ePlayerState::PLAYERSTATE_PASSENGER )
						// Get the vehicle position
						pCore->GetPlayerManager()->GetLocalPlayer()->GetVehicle()->GetPosition( &vecPosition );

						// Get the vehicle rotation
						pCore->GetPlayerManager()->GetLocalPlayer()->GetVehicle()->GetRotation( &vecRotation );

						bOnFoot = false;

					// Open the saved positions file
					FILE * pFile = fopen( SharedUtility::GetAbsolutePath( "data\\savedpositions.txt" ).Get(), "a" );

					// Did the file open?
					if( pFile )
						// Get the localplayer pointer
						CLocalPlayer * pLocalPlayer = pCore->GetPlayerManager()->GetLocalPlayer();

						// Save the player position
						fprintf( pFile, "%d, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f, %f // %s\n", (bOnFoot ? pLocalPlayer->GetModel () : pLocalPlayer->GetVehicle()->GetModel ()), vecPosition.fX, vecPosition.fY, vecPosition.fZ, vecRotation.fX, vecRotation.fY, vecRotation.fZ, strParams.c_str() );

						// Close the saved positions file
						fclose( pFile );

						AddInfoMessage( (bOnFoot ? " -> Onfoot position saved!" : " -> Invehicle position saved!") );
						AddInfoMessage( CColor( 255, 0, 0, 255 ), "Failed to open savedpositions.txt" );
#ifdef DEBUG
			else if( strCommand == "lua" )
				bHasUsedCmd = true;

				if( CLua::Execute( strParams.c_str() ) )
					AddInfoMessage( CColor( 50, 177, 94, 255 ), strParams.c_str() );
					AddInfoMessage( CColor( 178, 40, 86, 255 ), strParams.c_str() );

		// Have we used a command?
		if( bHasUsedCmd )
			// Add this command to the history

			// This is an internal command, don't pass it to the server!

		// Is the network module instance valid?
		if( pCore->GetNetworkModule() )
			// Are we connected?
			if( pCore->GetNetworkModule()->IsConnected() )
				RakNet::BitStream bitStream;
				RakNet::RakString strInput;

				// Is this a command?
				if( bIsCommand )
					// Write 1

					// Set the input minus the command character
					strInput = (GetInputText() + 1);
					// Write 0

					// Set the input
					strInput = GetInputText();

				// Write the input
				bitStream.Write( strInput );

				// Call the client event
				CSquirrelArguments pArguments;
				pArguments.push( strInput.C_String () );

				// Should we send this message?
				if ( pCore->GetClientScriptingManager()->GetEvents()->Call( "onClientChat", &pArguments ).GetInteger() == 1 )
					// Send it to the server
					pCore->GetNetworkModule()->Call( RPC_PLAYER_CHAT, &bitStream, HIGH_PRIORITY, RELIABLE_ORDERED, true );

					// Add this message to the history

					// Add the chat message for the localplayer if it's not a command
					if ( !bIsCommand )
						AddChatMessage( pCore->GetPlayerManager()->GetLocalPlayer(), GetInputText() );
 * timer handler
void CPocketSMDlg::OnTimer(UINT nIDEvent) 
	// TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default
	CString servAddress;
	int nrBytes=1, nBufLen = 2047;
	UINT servPort;
	char pBuf[2048], oBuf[1024], c, c1;
	str from, body, res;
	CTime crtTime;

	if(nIDEvent == ID_TIMER_A && m_bSetupOK)
		if(m_nCounter > 3000)
			m_nCounter = 0;
			if(SendSIPRegister("3600", 10) != 0)
				AddInfoMessage("Can not register again. Please restart\r\n");

		res.s = oBuf;
		res.len = 1024;
		// check for MESSAGE messages
		nrBytes = m_pCSock->ReceiveFrom((void*)pBuf, nBufLen, servAddress, servPort);
		while(nrBytes > 7 && (strncmp(pBuf, "MESSAGE", 7) == 0))
			crtTime = CTime::GetCurrentTime();
			pBuf[nrBytes] = 0;
			if(!m_sipMsg.isIdentic(pBuf, nrBytes))
				m_sipMsg.setSIPMsg(pBuf, nrBytes);
				if(!m_bTrayIcon && m_bDlgHide)
					m_bTrayIcon = true;
				if(m_sipMsg.getFrom(&from) == 0 && m_sipMsg.getBody(&body) == 0)
					// build response
					m_sipMsg.buildResponse(&res, "SIP/2.0 200 OK\r\n", m_strIPAddress, m_nIPPort);
					// send response
					m_pCSock->SendTo(res.s, res.len, m_nSipSrvPort, (LPCTSTR)m_strSipSrvAddress);

					// display to user
					c = from.s[from.len];
					from.s[from.len] = 0;
					c1 = body.s[body.len];
					body.s[body.len] = 0;
					AddRecvMessage(from.s, body.s, crtTime);
					from.s[from.len] = c;
					body.s[body.len] = c1;
					PlaySound(TEXT("DOORBELL"), GetModuleHandle(NULL), SND_RESOURCE | SND_ASYNC);
					//PlaySound (TEXT("bell.wav"), NULL, SND_SYNC);

					// build response
					m_sipMsg.buildResponse(&res, "SIP/2.0 400 Bad request\r\n", m_strIPAddress, m_nIPPort);
					// send response
					m_pCSock->SendTo(res.s, res.len, m_nSipSrvPort, (LPCTSTR)m_strSipSrvAddress);
					// display to user
					AddInfoMessage("Wrong formatted MESSAGE received");

				m_strEditView = "Non MESSAGE received";
			nrBytes = m_pCSock->ReceiveFrom((void*)pBuf, nBufLen, servAddress, servPort);
			//AddInfoMessage("Config params are not set!\r\nClick on 'Setup' to set them");
Beispiel #11
void CIrcWnd::ParseChangeMode(const CString& sChannel, const CString& sChanger, CString sCommands, const CString& sParams)
	CString sCommandsOrig = sCommands;
	CString sParamsOrig = sParams;
		if( sCommands.GetLength() >= 2 )
			CString sDir;
			int iParamIndex = 0;
			while( !sCommands.IsEmpty() )
				if (sCommands[0] == _T('+') || sCommands[0] == _T('-'))
					sDir = sCommands.Left(1);
					sCommands = sCommands.Right(sCommands.GetLength()-1);
				if( !sCommands.IsEmpty() && !sDir.IsEmpty() )
					CString sCommand = sCommands.Left(1);
					sCommands = sCommands.Right(sCommands.GetLength()-1);

					if(m_wndNicks.m_sUserModeSettings.Find(sCommand) != -1 )
						//This is a user mode change and must have a param!
						CString sParam = sParams.Tokenize(_T(" "), iParamIndex);
						m_wndNicks.ChangeNickMode( sChannel, sParam, sDir + sCommand);
					if(m_wndChanSel.m_sChannelModeSettingsTypeA.Find(sCommand) != -1)
						//We do not use these messages yet.. But we can display them for the user to see
						//These modes always have a param and will add or remove a user from some type of list.
						CString sParam = sParams.Tokenize(_T(" "), iParamIndex);
						m_wndChanSel.ChangeChanMode( sChannel, sParam, sDir, sCommand);
					if(m_wndChanSel.m_sChannelModeSettingsTypeB.Find(sCommand) != -1)
						//We do not use these messages yet.. But we can display them for the user to see
						//These modes will always have a param..
						CString sParam = sParams.Tokenize(_T(" "), iParamIndex);
						m_wndChanSel.ChangeChanMode( sChannel, sParam, sDir, sCommand);
					if(m_wndChanSel.m_sChannelModeSettingsTypeC.Find(sCommand) != -1 )
						//We do not use these messages yet.. But we can display them for the user to see
						//These modes will only have a param if your setting it!
						CString sParam;
						if (sDir == _T("+"))
							sParam = sParams.Tokenize(_T(" "), iParamIndex);
						m_wndChanSel.ChangeChanMode( sChannel, sParam, sDir, sCommand);
					if(m_wndChanSel.m_sChannelModeSettingsTypeD.Find(sCommand) != -1 )
						//We do not use these messages yet.. But we can display them for the user to see
						//These modes will never have a param for it!
						CString sParam;
						m_wndChanSel.ChangeChanMode( sChannel, sParam, sDir, sCommand);
			if (!thePrefs.GetIRCIgnoreMiscMessages())
				AddInfoMessageF(sChannel, GetResString(IDS_IRC_SETSMODE), sChanger, sCommandsOrig, sParamsOrig);
		AddInfoMessage(sChannel, GetResString(IDS_IRC_NOTSUPPORTED));