//==== Add Geom Picker ====//
void GroupLayout::AddGeomPicker( GeomPicker & geom_picker )

    assert( m_Group && m_Screen );

    //==== Geom Button ====//
    Fl_Button* button = new Fl_Button( m_X, m_Y, m_ChoiceButtonWidth, m_StdHeight, "Geom" );
    button->box( FL_THIN_UP_BOX );
    button->labelfont( 1 );
    button->labelsize( 12 );
    button->labelcolor( FL_BLACK );
    m_Group->add( button );
    AddX( m_ChoiceButtonWidth );

    //==== Geom Picker ====//
    int choice_w = FitWidth( m_ChoiceButtonWidth, m_SliderWidth );
    Fl_Choice* geom_choice = new Fl_Choice( m_X, m_Y, choice_w, m_StdHeight );
    geom_choice->down_box( FL_BORDER_BOX );
    geom_choice->textfont( 1 );
    geom_choice->textsize( 12 );
    geom_choice->textcolor( FL_DARK_BLUE );
    m_Group->add( geom_choice );
    AddX( choice_w );

    AddY( m_StdHeight );

    geom_picker.Init( m_Screen, geom_choice );
//==== Create & Init Index Selector  ====//
void GroupLayout::AddIndexSelector( IndexSelector& selector )
    assert( m_Group && m_Screen );

    int butw = 5 * m_ButtonWidth / 6;

    Fl_Button* but_ll = new Fl_Button( m_X, m_Y, butw, m_StdHeight, "<<" );
    but_ll->box( FL_THIN_UP_BOX );
    but_ll->labelfont( 1 );
    but_ll->labelsize( 20 );
    but_ll->labelcolor( ( Fl_Color )4 );
    but_ll->align( Fl_Align( FL_ALIGN_CLIP ) );

    AddX( butw );

    Fl_Button* but_l = new Fl_Button( m_X, m_Y, butw, m_StdHeight, "<" );
    but_l->box( FL_THIN_UP_BOX );
    but_l->labelfont( 1 );
    but_l->labelsize( 20 );
    but_l->labelcolor( ( Fl_Color )4 );
    but_l->align( Fl_Align( FL_ALIGN_CLIP ) );

    AddX( butw );

    int iw = FitWidth( 4 * butw, m_InputWidth );

    Fl_Int_Input* int_inp = new Fl_Int_Input( m_X + 4, m_Y, iw - 8, m_StdHeight );
    int_inp->type( 2 );
    int_inp->box( FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX );
    int_inp->labelfont( 1 );
    int_inp->textsize( 14 );
    int_inp->align( Fl_Align( FL_ALIGN_CENTER ) );
    int_inp->when( FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY | FL_WHEN_RELEASE );

    AddX( iw );

    Fl_Button* but_r = new Fl_Button( m_X, m_Y, butw, m_StdHeight, ">" );
    but_r->box( FL_THIN_UP_BOX );
    but_r->labelfont( 1 );
    but_r->labelsize( 20 );
    but_r->labelcolor( ( Fl_Color )4 );
    but_r->align( Fl_Align( FL_ALIGN_CLIP ) );

    AddX( butw );

    Fl_Button* but_rr = new Fl_Button( m_X, m_Y, butw, m_StdHeight, ">>" );
    but_rr->box( FL_THIN_UP_BOX );
    but_rr->labelfont( 1 );
    but_rr->labelsize( 20 );
    but_rr->labelcolor( ( Fl_Color )4 );
    but_rr->align( Fl_Align( FL_ALIGN_CLIP ) );

    AddX( butw );

    selector.Init( m_Screen, but_ll, but_l, int_inp, but_r, but_rr );

    AddY( m_StdHeight );
//==== Create & Init Gui Slider Adjustable Range  ====//
void GroupLayout::AddSlider( SliderAdjRangeInput& slid_adj_input,
                             const char* label, double range, const char* format )
    assert( m_Group && m_Screen );

    int init_used_w = m_X - m_Group->x();

    //==== Parm Button ====//
    VspButton* button = AddParmButton( label );

    //==== Range Button ====//
    Fl_Repeat_Button* lbutton = new Fl_Repeat_Button( m_X, m_Y, m_RangeButtonWidth, m_StdHeight, "<" );
    lbutton->box( FL_THIN_UP_BOX );
    lbutton->labelcolor( ( Fl_Color )4 );
    m_Group->add( lbutton );
    AddX( m_RangeButtonWidth );

    //==== Slider ====//
    int sw = FitWidth( m_ButtonWidth + 2 * m_RangeButtonWidth + m_InputWidth + init_used_w, m_SliderWidth );
    Fl_Slider* slider = new Fl_Slider( m_X, m_Y, sw, m_StdHeight );
    slider->type( 5 );
    slider->box( FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX );
    slider->color( FL_BACKGROUND2_COLOR );
    slider->selection_color( FL_SELECTION_COLOR );
    m_Group->add( slider );
    AddX( sw );

    //==== Range Button ====//
    Fl_Repeat_Button* rbutton = new Fl_Repeat_Button( m_X, m_Y,  m_RangeButtonWidth, m_StdHeight, "<" );
    rbutton->box( FL_THIN_UP_BOX );
    rbutton->labelcolor( ( Fl_Color )4 );
    m_Group->add( rbutton );
    AddX( m_RangeButtonWidth );

    //==== Input ====//
    Fl_Float_Input* input = new Fl_Float_Input( m_X, m_Y, m_InputWidth, m_StdHeight );
    input->type( 1 );
    input->box( FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX );
    input->textsize( 12 );
    input->when( FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY | FL_WHEN_RELEASE );
    m_Group->add( input );
    AddX( m_InputWidth );

    AddY( m_StdHeight );

    slid_adj_input.Init( m_Screen, slider, lbutton, rbutton, input, range, format, button );

    if( strcmp( label, "AUTO_UPDATE" ) == 0 || strcmp( label, "" ) == 0 )
        slid_adj_input.SetButtonNameUpdate( true );
//==== Add Sub Group Layout At Current Position  ====//
void GroupLayout::AddCounter( Counter & count, const char* label )
    assert( m_Group && m_Screen );

    //==== Counter Button ====//
    VspButton* button = NULL;
    if ( strcmp( label, "" ) != 0 )
        VspButton* button = AddParmButton( label );
        button->align( Fl_Align( FL_ALIGN_CLIP ) );

    //==== Counter ====//
    int counter_w = FitWidth( m_ButtonWidth, m_SliderWidth );
    Fl_Counter* fl_counter = new Fl_Counter( m_X, m_Y, counter_w, m_StdHeight );
    fl_counter->type( FL_SIMPLE_COUNTER );
    fl_counter->minimum( 0 );
    fl_counter->maximum( 10000 );
    fl_counter->step( 1 );
    m_Group->add( fl_counter );

    AddX( counter_w );

    count.Init( m_Screen, fl_counter, button );

    AddY( m_StdHeight );

//==== Create & Init Choice  ====//
void GroupLayout::AddChoice( Choice & choice, const char* label, int used_w )
    assert( m_Group && m_Screen );

    //==== Choice Button ====//
    VspButton* button = new VspButton( m_X, m_Y, m_ChoiceButtonWidth, m_StdHeight, label );
    button->box( FL_THIN_UP_BOX );
    button->labelfont( 1 );
    button->labelsize( 12 );
    button->labelcolor( FL_BLACK );
    button->copy_label( label );
    m_Group->add( button );
    AddX( m_ChoiceButtonWidth );

    //==== Choice Picker ====//
    int choice_w = FitWidth( m_ChoiceButtonWidth + used_w, m_SliderWidth );
    Fl_Choice* fl_choice = new Fl_Choice( m_X, m_Y, choice_w, m_StdHeight );
    fl_choice->down_box( FL_BORDER_BOX );
    fl_choice->textfont( 1 );
    fl_choice->textsize( 12 );
    fl_choice->textcolor( FL_DARK_BLUE );
    m_Group->add( fl_choice );
    AddX( choice_w );

    //==== Add Choice Text ===//
    vector< string > choice_vec = choice.GetItems();
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < ( int )choice_vec.size() ; i++ )
        fl_choice->add( choice_vec[i].c_str() );
    fl_choice->value( 0 );

    choice.Init( m_Screen, fl_choice, button );

    if( strcmp( label, "AUTO_UPDATE" ) == 0 || strcmp( label, "" ) == 0 )
        choice.SetButtonNameUpdate( true );

    AddY( m_StdHeight );

//==== Add Label ====//
void GroupLayout::AddLabel( const char* label, int width )

    Fl_Button* button = new Fl_Button( m_X, m_Y, width, m_StdHeight, label );
    button->box( FL_THIN_UP_BOX );
    button->labelfont( 1 );
    button->labelsize( 12 );
    button->labelcolor( FL_BLACK );
    m_Group->add( button );
    AddX( width );
//==== Add Standard Parm Button With Label ====//
VspButton* GroupLayout::AddParmButton( const char* label )
    VspButton* button = new VspButton( m_X, m_Y, m_ButtonWidth, m_StdHeight );
    button->copy_label( label );
    button->box( FL_THIN_UP_BOX );
    button->labelfont( 1 );
    button->labelsize( 12 );
    button->labelcolor( FL_BLACK );
    m_Group->add( button );
    AddX( m_ButtonWidth );

    return button;
//==== Add Parameter Driver Group ====//
void GroupLayout::AddDriverGroupBank( DriverGroupBank & dgBank, const vector < string > &labels, double range, const char* format )
    assert( m_Group && m_Screen );

    bool oldSameLine = m_SameLineFlag;
    bool oldFitWidth = m_FitWidthFlag;

    SetSameLineFlag( true );
    SetFitWidthFlag( true );

    vector< vector< Fl_Button* > > buttons;
    buttons.resize( dgBank.GetDriverGroup()->GetNvar() );

    vector< SliderAdjRangeInput* > sliders;
    sliders.resize( dgBank.GetDriverGroup()->GetNvar() );

    for( int i = 0; i < dgBank.GetDriverGroup()->GetNvar(); i++ )
        buttons[i].resize( dgBank.GetDriverGroup()->GetNchoice() );
        for( int j = 0; j < dgBank.GetDriverGroup()->GetNchoice(); j++ )
            int roundW = 17;
            buttons[i][j] = new GroupBankRoundButton( m_X, m_Y, roundW, m_StdHeight );
            m_Group->add( buttons[i][j] );
            AddX( roundW );
        AddX( 1 );

        sliders[i] = new SliderAdjRangeInput();
        AddSlider( *sliders[i], labels[i].c_str(), range, format );


    SetSameLineFlag( oldSameLine );
    SetFitWidthFlag( oldFitWidth );

    dgBank.Init( m_Screen, buttons, sliders );
//==== Add Fl_CheckBrowser ====//
Fl_Check_Browser* GroupLayout::AddCheckBrowser( int h )
    int w = FitWidth( 0, m_DividerHeight );

    Fl_Check_Browser* check_browser = new Fl_Check_Browser( m_X, m_Y, w, h );
    check_browser->labelfont( 1 );
    check_browser->textsize( 12 );
    check_browser->when( FL_WHEN_RELEASE );
    m_Group->add( check_browser );
    AddX( w );

    AddY( m_StdHeight );

    return check_browser;
//==== Create & Init Box Divider  ====//
void GroupLayout::AddDividerBox( const string& text, int used_w )
    assert( m_Group && m_Screen );

    //==== Add Divider Box ====//
    int dw = FitWidth( used_w, m_ButtonWidth );

    Fl_Box* flbox = new Fl_Box( m_X, m_Y, dw, m_DividerHeight );
    flbox->box( FL_BORDER_BOX );
    flbox->color( ( Fl_Color )12 );
    flbox->labelfont( 1 );
    flbox->labelcolor( FL_BACKGROUND2_COLOR );
    flbox->copy_label( text.c_str() );
    m_Group->add( flbox );
    AddX( dw );

    AddY( m_DividerHeight );
//==== Create & Init Gui ParmButton  ====//
void GroupLayout::AddButton( ParmButton& pbutton, const char* label )
    assert( m_Group && m_Screen );

    //==== Add Parm Button ====//
    int bw = FitWidth( 0, m_ButtonWidth );
    VspButton* flbutton = new VspButton( m_X, m_Y, bw, m_StdHeight, label );
    flbutton->copy_label( label );
    flbutton->labelfont( 1 );
    flbutton->labelsize( 12 );
    flbutton->labelcolor( FL_DARK_BLUE );
    m_Group->add( flbutton );

    AddX( bw );
    AddY( m_StdHeight );

    pbutton.Init( m_Screen, flbutton );
//==== Create & Init Gui ToggleButton  ====//
void GroupLayout::AddButton( CheckButtonBit& cbutton, const char* label, int value )
    assert( m_Group && m_Screen );

    //==== Add Check Button ====//
    int bw = FitWidth( 0, m_ButtonWidth );
    Fl_Light_Button* flbutton = new Fl_Light_Button( m_X, m_Y, bw, m_StdHeight, label );
    flbutton->labelfont( 1 );
    flbutton->labelsize( 12 );
    flbutton->align( Fl_Align( 132 | FL_ALIGN_INSIDE ) );
    flbutton->labelcolor( FL_DARK_BLUE );
    flbutton->copy_label( label );
    m_Group->add( flbutton );
    AddX( bw );

    AddY( m_StdHeight );

    cbutton.Init( m_Screen, flbutton, value );
//==== Create & Init Text Input  ====//
void GroupLayout::AddInput( StringInput& text_input, const char* label )
    assert( m_Group && m_Screen );

    //==== Button ====//
    AddParmButton( label );

    //==== Add Text Input ====//
    int iw = FitWidth( m_ButtonWidth, m_InputWidth );
    Fl_Input* input = new Fl_Input( m_X, m_Y, iw, m_StdHeight );
    input->box( FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX );
    input->textsize( 12 );
    input->when( FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY | FL_WHEN_RELEASE );
    m_Group->add( input );
    AddX( iw );

    AddY( m_StdHeight );

    text_input.Init( m_Screen, input );
//==== Create & Init Gui CheckButton  ====//
void GroupLayout::AddButton( CheckButton& cbutton, const char* label )
    assert( m_Group && m_Screen );

    //==== Add Check Button ====//
    int bw = FitWidth( 0, m_ButtonWidth );
    Fl_Check_Button* flbutton = new Fl_Check_Button( m_X, m_Y, bw, m_StdHeight, label );
    flbutton->box( FL_DOWN_BOX );
    flbutton->down_box( FL_DOWN_BOX );
    flbutton->labelfont( 1 );
    flbutton->labelsize( 12 );
    flbutton->labelcolor( FL_DARK_BLUE );
    flbutton->copy_label( label );
    m_Group->add( flbutton );
    AddX( bw );

    AddY( m_StdHeight );

    cbutton.Init( m_Screen, flbutton );
//==== Create & Init Float Input  ====//
void GroupLayout::AddInput( Input& input, const char* label, const char* format )
    assert( m_Group && m_Screen );

    //==== Parm Button ====//
    VspButton* button = AddParmButton( label );

    //==== Add Text Input ====//
    int iw = FitWidth( m_ButtonWidth, m_InputWidth );
    Fl_Input* flinput = new Fl_Input( m_X, m_Y, iw, m_StdHeight );
    flinput->type( 1 );
    flinput->box( FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX );
    flinput->textsize( 12 );
    flinput->when( FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY | FL_WHEN_RELEASE );
    m_Group->add( flinput );
    AddX( iw );

    AddY( m_StdHeight );

    input.Init( m_Screen, flinput, format, button );
//==== Create & Init Text Output  ====//
void GroupLayout::AddOutput( StringOutput& string_output, const char* label )
    assert( m_Group && m_Screen );

    //==== Button ====//
    AddParmButton( label );

    //==== Add Text Input ====//
    int iw = FitWidth( m_ButtonWidth, m_InputWidth );
    Fl_Output* output = new Fl_Output( m_X, m_Y, iw, m_StdHeight );
    output->color( ( Fl_Color )23 );
    output->labelfont( 1 );
    output->labelsize( 12 );
    output->textfont( 1 );
    output->textsize( 12 );
    m_Group->add( output );
    AddX( iw );

    AddY( m_StdHeight );

    string_output.Init( m_Screen, output );
//==== Add Parameter Picker ====//
void GroupLayout::AddParmPicker( ParmPicker & parm_picker )

    assert( m_Group && m_Screen );

    //==== Container Button ====//
    Fl_Button* button = new Fl_Button( m_X, m_Y, m_ChoiceButtonWidth, m_StdHeight, "Container" );
    button->box( FL_THIN_UP_BOX );
    button->labelfont( 1 );
    button->labelsize( 12 );
    button->labelcolor( FL_BLACK );
    m_Group->add( button );
    AddX( m_ChoiceButtonWidth );

    //==== Container Picker ====//
    int choice_w = FitWidth( m_ChoiceButtonWidth, m_SliderWidth );
    Fl_Choice* container_choice = new Fl_Choice( m_X, m_Y, choice_w, m_StdHeight );
    container_choice->down_box( FL_BORDER_BOX );
    container_choice->textfont( 1 );
    container_choice->textsize( 12 );
    container_choice->textcolor( FL_DARK_BLUE );
    m_Group->add( container_choice );
    AddX( choice_w );

    AddY( m_StdHeight );

    //==== Group Button ====//
    button = new Fl_Button( m_X, m_Y, m_ChoiceButtonWidth, m_StdHeight, "Group" );
    button->box( FL_THIN_UP_BOX );
    button->labelfont( 1 );
    button->labelsize( 12 );
    button->labelcolor( FL_BLACK );
    m_Group->add( button );
    AddX( m_ChoiceButtonWidth );

    //==== Group Picker ====//
    choice_w = FitWidth( m_ChoiceButtonWidth, m_SliderWidth );
    Fl_Choice* group_choice = new Fl_Choice( m_X, m_Y, choice_w, m_StdHeight );
    group_choice->down_box( FL_BORDER_BOX );
    group_choice->textfont( 1 );
    group_choice->textsize( 12 );
    group_choice->textcolor( FL_DARK_BLUE );
    m_Group->add( group_choice );
    AddX( choice_w );

    AddY( m_StdHeight );

    //==== Parm Button ====//
    button = new Fl_Button( m_X, m_Y, m_ChoiceButtonWidth, m_StdHeight, "Parm" );
    button->box( FL_THIN_UP_BOX );
    button->labelfont( 1 );
    button->labelsize( 12 );
    button->labelcolor( FL_BLACK );
    m_Group->add( button );
    AddX( m_ChoiceButtonWidth );

    //==== Parm Picker ====//
    choice_w = FitWidth( m_ChoiceButtonWidth, m_SliderWidth );
    Fl_Choice* parm_choice = new Fl_Choice( m_X, m_Y, choice_w, m_StdHeight );
    parm_choice->down_box( FL_BORDER_BOX );
    parm_choice->textfont( 1 );
    parm_choice->textsize( 12 );
    parm_choice->textcolor( FL_DARK_BLUE );
    m_Group->add( parm_choice );
    AddX( choice_w );

    AddY( m_StdHeight );

    parm_picker.Init( m_Screen, container_choice, group_choice, parm_choice );

void GroupLayout::AddSkinHeader( SkinHeader & skin_header )
    assert( m_Group && m_Screen );
    int oldBW = GetButtonWidth();

    bool saveFitWidth = m_FitWidthFlag;
    bool saveSameLine = m_SameLineFlag;

    vector< VspButton* > buttons;

    // Size of Set label buttons
    int setW = 25;
    // Size of Equal label button
    int eqW = 20;

    // Width of choice
    int cw = m_ChoiceButtonWidth + m_SliderWidth;

    m_FitWidthFlag = true;

    // Gap width
    int gw = FitWidth( 2 * setW + eqW + oldBW + 2 * cw, 2 * m_ButtonWidth )/2;

    m_FitWidthFlag = false;
    m_SameLineFlag = true;

    Choice* cont_choice = new Choice();
    cont_choice->AddItem( "C0" );
    cont_choice->AddItem( "C1" );
    cont_choice->AddItem( "C2" );
    AddChoice( *cont_choice, "Enforce" );

    AddX( gw );

    //==== Left Set Button ====//
    SetButtonWidth( setW );
    buttons.push_back( AddParmButton( "Set" ) );

    AddX( oldBW );

    //==== Equal Button ====//
    SetButtonWidth( eqW );
    buttons.push_back( AddParmButton( "=" ) );

    //==== Right Set Button ====//
    SetButtonWidth( setW );
    buttons.push_back( AddParmButton( "Set" ) );


    m_FitWidthFlag = saveFitWidth;
    m_SameLineFlag = saveSameLine;

    skin_header.Init( m_Screen, cont_choice, buttons );


    SetButtonWidth( oldBW );
	/** Subtract nDistance to or from the X coordinate.*/
	void		SubtractX(VLONG nDistance)
		{ AddX(-nDistance); }
//==== Add Color Picker ====//
void GroupLayout::AddColorPicker( ColorPicker& picker )
    assert( m_Group && m_Screen );

    //==== Button ====//
    Fl_Button* colorButton = new Fl_Button( m_X, m_Y, m_ButtonWidth, m_StdHeight * 2, "Color:" );
    colorButton->box( FL_THIN_UP_BOX );
    colorButton->labelfont( 1 );
    colorButton->labelsize( 12 );
    colorButton->labelcolor( FL_BLACK );
    m_Group->add( colorButton );
    AddX( m_ButtonWidth );

    //==== Current Color Button ====//
    Fl_Button* primColorButton = new Fl_Button( m_X, m_Y, m_ButtonWidth / 2, m_StdHeight * 2 );
    primColorButton->box( FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX );
    primColorButton->color( ( Fl_Color )2 );
    m_Group->add( primColorButton );
    AddX( m_ButtonWidth / 2 + 2 );

    //==== Sliders ====//
    int ch = 2 * m_StdHeight / 3;
    int cw = m_StdHeight;

    int sw = FitWidth( m_ButtonWidth + m_ButtonWidth / 2 + 2 + 4 * cw, m_SliderWidth );
    Fl_Slider* sliders[3];
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )
        sliders[i] = new Fl_Value_Slider( m_X, m_Y + i * ch, sw, ch );
        sliders[i]->type( 5 );
        sliders[i]->color( FL_BACKGROUND2_COLOR );
        sliders[i]->selection_color( ( Fl_Color )1 );
        sliders[i]->maximum( 255 );
        sliders[i]->step( 1 );
        m_Group->add( sliders[i] );
    sliders[0]->selection_color( ( Fl_Color )1 );
    sliders[1]->selection_color( ( Fl_Color )2 );
    sliders[2]->selection_color( ( Fl_Color )4 );
    AddX( sw + 2 );

    //==== Color Buttons ====//
    vector< Fl_Button* > cvec;
    int color_index = 0;
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ )
        for ( int j = 0 ; j < 3 ; j++ )
            Fl_Button* b = new Fl_Button( m_X + i * cw, m_Y + j * ch, cw, ch );
            vec3d rgb = picker.GetIndexRGB( color_index );
            Fl_Color c = fl_rgb_color( ( int )rgb[0], ( int )rgb[1], ( int )rgb[2] );
            b->color( c );
            m_Group->add( b );
            cvec.push_back( b );
    AddX( 3 * cw );

    picker.Init( m_Screen, colorButton, primColorButton, cvec, sliders );

    AddY( m_StdHeight * 2 );
Beispiel #21
    // work as control unit in CPU
    void CPU::Decode()
        if (CPU_Status==CPU_End) return;
                //load value load the value into the AC
            case 1:
                //load addr load the value at the address into the AC
            case 2:
                //LoadInd addr
            case 3:
                //loadIdxX addr
            case 4:
                //LoadIdxY addr
            case 5:
            case 6:
                //Store addr
            case 7:
                // get a random int from 1 to 100 into AC
            case 8:
                //Put port
            case 9:
            case 10:
                //add Y
            case 11:
                //Sub X
            case 12:
                //Sub y
            case 13:
                //copy the value in the AC to X
            case 14:
                //copy the value in X to the AC
            case 15:
                //copy the value in the AC to Y
            case 16:
                //copy the value in Y to the AC
            case 17:
                //copy the value in SP to the AC
            case 18:
                // Copy From Sp
            case 19:
                //Jump addr
            case 20:
                //Jump If equal addr
            case 21:
                //Jump If not equal addr
            case 22:
                //call addr
            case 23:
            case 24:
                //inc X
            case 25:
                //Dec X
            case 26:
                //Push AC onto Stack
            case 27:
                //Pop from stack into AC
            case 28:
            case 29:
                Int(Sys_Interrupt_Start, Reg_PC, CPU_KernelMode);
            case 30:
                //End Execution
            case 50:
        if (CPU_Status==CPU_End) {
        //std::cout<<"Decode Complete: PC "<<Reg_PC<<" IR: "<<Reg_IR<<" AC: "<<Reg_AC<<" sp: "<<Reg_SP<<" x: "<<Reg_X<<" y: "<<Reg_Y<<std::endl;

//==== Add Fuselage Skin Control Group ====//
void GroupLayout::AddSkinControl( SkinControl & skin_control, const char* label, double range, const char* format )
    assert( m_Group && m_Screen );

    int sw = FitWidth( 3 * m_StdHeight + m_ButtonWidth + 2 * m_InputWidth + 4 * m_RangeButtonWidth, 2 * m_SliderWidth )/2;

    //==== Left Min Range Button ====//
    Fl_Repeat_Button* minbuttonL = new Fl_Repeat_Button( m_X, m_Y, m_RangeButtonWidth, m_StdHeight, "<" );
    minbuttonL->box( FL_THIN_UP_BOX );
    minbuttonL->labelcolor( ( Fl_Color )4 );
    m_Group->add( minbuttonL );
    AddX( m_RangeButtonWidth );

    //==== Left Slider ====//
    Fl_Slider* sliderL = new Fl_Slider( m_X, m_Y, sw, m_StdHeight );
    sliderL->type( 5 );
    sliderL->box( FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX );
    sliderL->color( FL_BACKGROUND2_COLOR );
    sliderL->selection_color( FL_SELECTION_COLOR );
    m_Group->add( sliderL );
    AddX( sw );

    //==== Left Max Range Button ====//
    Fl_Repeat_Button* maxbuttonL = new Fl_Repeat_Button( m_X, m_Y, m_RangeButtonWidth, m_StdHeight, ">" );
    maxbuttonL->box( FL_THIN_UP_BOX );
    maxbuttonL->labelcolor( ( Fl_Color )4 );
    m_Group->add( maxbuttonL );
    AddX( m_RangeButtonWidth );

    //==== Left Input ====//
    Fl_Float_Input* inputL = new Fl_Float_Input( m_X, m_Y,  m_InputWidth, m_StdHeight );
    inputL->type( 1 );
    inputL->box( FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX );
    inputL->textsize( 12 );
    inputL->when( FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY | FL_WHEN_RELEASE );
    m_Group->add( inputL );
    AddX( m_InputWidth );

    //==== Left Set Check Button ====//
    Fl_Check_Button* setButtonL = new Fl_Check_Button( m_X, m_Y, m_StdHeight, m_StdHeight );
    m_Group->add( setButtonL );
    AddX( m_StdHeight );

    //==== Parm Button ====//
    VspButton* parm_button = AddParmButton( label );

    //==== Set Equality Check Button ====//
    Fl_Check_Button* setButtonEqual = new Fl_Check_Button( m_X, m_Y, m_StdHeight, m_StdHeight );
    m_Group->add( setButtonEqual );
    AddX( m_StdHeight );

    //==== Right Set Check Button ====//
    Fl_Check_Button* setButtonR = new Fl_Check_Button( m_X, m_Y, m_StdHeight, m_StdHeight );
    m_Group->add( setButtonR );
    AddX( m_StdHeight );

    //==== Right Min Range Button ====//
    Fl_Repeat_Button* minbuttonR = new Fl_Repeat_Button( m_X, m_Y, m_RangeButtonWidth, m_StdHeight, "<" );
    minbuttonR->box( FL_THIN_UP_BOX );
    minbuttonR->labelcolor( ( Fl_Color )4 );
    m_Group->add( minbuttonR );
    AddX( m_RangeButtonWidth );

    //==== Right Slider ====//
    Fl_Slider* sliderR = new Fl_Slider( m_X, m_Y, sw, m_StdHeight );
    sliderR->type( 5 );
    sliderR->box( FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX );
    sliderR->color( FL_BACKGROUND2_COLOR );
    sliderR->selection_color( FL_SELECTION_COLOR );
    m_Group->add( sliderR );
    AddX( sw );

    //==== Right Max Range Button ====//
    Fl_Repeat_Button* maxbuttonR = new Fl_Repeat_Button( m_X, m_Y, m_RangeButtonWidth, m_StdHeight, ">" );
    maxbuttonR->box( FL_THIN_UP_BOX );
    maxbuttonR->labelcolor( ( Fl_Color )4 );
    m_Group->add( maxbuttonR );
    AddX( m_RangeButtonWidth );

    //==== Right Input ====//
    Fl_Float_Input* inputR = new Fl_Float_Input( m_X, m_Y,  m_InputWidth, m_StdHeight );
    inputR->type( 1 );
    inputR->box( FL_THIN_DOWN_BOX );
    inputR->textsize( 12 );
    inputR->when( FL_WHEN_ENTER_KEY | FL_WHEN_RELEASE );
    m_Group->add( inputR );
    AddX( m_InputWidth );

    AddY( m_StdHeight );

    skin_control.Init( m_Screen,
        range, format);