_declspec(dllexport) int __cdecl ODBG_Plugininit(int ollydbgversion,HWND hw,ulong *features) 
  Addtolist(0,-1,"started successfully");
  return 0;
Beispiel #2
void module_error(int err)
	switch (err)
			Flash("Failed to obtain debuggee's ImageBase");
			Addtolist(0, 1, "Failed to obtain debuggee's ImageBase");

			Flash("You are not viewing any module");

			Flash("Failed to create file mapping");
			Addtolist(0, 1, "Failed to create file mapping");

			Flash("Failed to obtain file handle");
			Addtolist(0, 1, "Failed to obtain file handle");

Beispiel #3
 * Called when Ollydbg loads this plugin and requests information.
 * @param ollydbgversion
 *   The version of this instance of Ollydbg.
 * @param pluginname
 *   String buffer that should hold the plugin name on return.
 * @param pluginversion
 *   String buffer that should hold the plugin version on return.
 * @return
 *   The supported plugin version, should always be PLUGIN_VERSION.
 *   0 to report an error and abort loading the plugin.
int ODBG2_Pluginquery(int ollydbgversion, wchar_t pluginname[SHORTNAME], wchar_t pluginversion[SHORTNAME])
	// Check whether OllyDbg has compatible version. This plugin uses only the
	// most basic functions, so this check is done pro forma, just to remind of
	// this option.
	if(ollydbgversion < MINOLLYDBGVERSION)
		MessageBox(hwollymain, L"Incompatible Ollydbg Version !", PLUGIN_NAME, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TOPMOST);
		return 0;

	// Report plugin in the log window.
	Addtolist(0, 0, L"  http://odbgscript.sf.net");


	mru.add(L"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\RE\\Olly 2\\Plugins\\Test1.txt");
	mru.add(L"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\RE\\Olly 2\\Plugins\\Test2.txt");
	mru.add(L"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\RE\\Olly 2\\Plugins\\Test3.txt");

	ollylang = new OllyLang();


	if(0 != Createsorteddata(&ollylang->wndLog.sorted, // Descriptor of sorted data
	                         sizeof(t_wndlog_data),    // Size of single data item
	                         20,                       // Initial number of allocated items
	                         wndlog_sort_function,     // Sorting function
	                         wndlog_dest_function,     // Data destructor
	                         0))                       // Simple data, no special options
		return -1;


//2	if (Createsorteddata(&(ollylang->wndProg.sorted), sizeof(t_wndprog_data),50,
//2		wndprog_sort_function,wndprog_dest_function, 0) != 0)	return -1;

//2	HINSTANCE hinst = (HINSTANCE)GetModuleHandleW(PLUGIN_NAME L".dll");

//2	if (Registerpluginclass(wndprogclass,NULL,hinst,wndprog_winproc)<0) {
//2		return -1;
//2	}
//2	if (Registerpluginclass(wndlogclass,NULL,hinst,wndlog_winproc)<0) {
//2		return -1;
//2	}
//2 if (Plugingetvalue(VAL_RESTOREWINDOWPOS)!=0 && Pluginreadintfromini(hinst, L"Restore Script Log",0)!=0)
//		initLogWindow();

//2 if (Plugingetvalue(VAL_RESTOREWINDOWPOS)!=0 && Pluginreadintfromini(hinst, L"Restore Script window",0)!=0)
//		initProgTable();

	// Report name and version to OllyDbg.
	wcscpy(pluginname, PLUGIN_NAME);
	swprintf(pluginversion, SHORTNAME, L"%d.%d.%d", VERSIONHI, VERSIONLO, VERSIONST);

Beispiel #4
ulong CCmdLog::setidle(ulong id)
	LPLOGGER logger; ulong flag; if (id <= 0) return 0;

	logger = reinterpret_cast<LPLOGGER>(
		Findsorteddata(&m_Table.sorted, id, 0)
	if (logger == nullptr) {
		Addtolist (
			reinterpret_cast<ulong>(GetRetAddr()), DRAW_HILITE, 
			text("Can't find the logger %d"), id
	} else {
		flag = logger->flag; 
		logger->flag = LOGGER_FLAG_IDLE;
		Addtolist (
			reinterpret_cast<ulong>(GetRetAddr()), DRAW_HILITE, 
			text("Set idle for %d"), id

	return flag;
Beispiel #5
BOOL OllyPython_Init(void)
    char initfile[MAX_PATH];
    char tmp[MAX_PATH+16];
    BOOL result = 1;

    if (initialized == 1)
        return TRUE;

    Addtolist(0, 0, "OllyPython");

    result &= CheckFile("init.py");
    result &= CheckFile("ollyapi.py");
    result &= CheckFile("ollyutils.py");

    if (!result)
        Addtolist(0, -1, "  Could not locate Python scripts");
        return FALSE;


    if (!Py_IsInitialized())
        Addtolist(0, -1, "  Could not initialize Python");
        return FALSE;


    GetModuleFileName(hinst, initfile, MAX_PATH);
    strncat(initfile, "\\python", 7);

    snprintf(tmp, MAX_PATH+16, "OLLYPYTHON_PATH=\"%s\"", initfile);

    strncat(initfile, "\\init.py", 8);

    if (!ExecFile(initfile))
        Addtolist(0, -1, "  Could not run init.py");
        return FALSE;

    PyEval_SetTrace(tracefunc, NULL);

    initialized = 1;

    return TRUE;
Beispiel #6
void CDllMain::PluginReset(void)
	Addtolist(					// .................
		reinterpret_cast<ulong>(GetRetAddr()), DRAW_HILITE, 
		text("Enter Reset function 'CDllMain::PluginReset'")
	Addtolist(					// .................
		reinterpret_cast<ulong>(GetRetAddr()), DRAW_HILITE, 
		text("Leave Reset function 'CDllMain::PluginReset'")
Beispiel #7
int _export cdecl ODBG_Plugininit(int ollydbgversion, HWND hw, ULONG *features)
	g_Config = config_parse(config_locate(path));
	g_hInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL);
	g_hwndOlly = hw;
	g_SessionStarted = FALSE;
	g_Autoloaded = FALSE;
	Addtolist(0, 0, "mapimp plugin v0.9");
	Addtolist(0, -1, "  tPORt, 2009-2010");
	return 0;
Beispiel #8
void CDllMain::PluginDestroy(void)
	Addtolist(					// .................
		reinterpret_cast<ulong>(GetRetAddr()), DRAW_HILITE, 
		text("Enter Destroy Function 'CDllMain::PluginDestroy'")
	// Destory command bar .
	Addtolist(					// .................
		reinterpret_cast<ulong>(GetRetAddr()), DRAW_HILITE, 
		text("Leave Destroy Function 'CDllMain::PluginDestroy'")
Beispiel #9
extc int _export cdecl ODBG_Plugininit(int ollydbgversion, HWND hw, ulong *features)
	// Check that version of OllyDbg is correct.
	if (ollydbgversion < PLUGIN_VERSION)
		return -1;
	// Keep handle of main OllyDbg window. This handle is necessary, for
	// example, to display a message box.
	hwmain = hw;

	Addtolist(0, 0, "Malicious code extraction plugin v1.0");
	Addtolist(0, -1, "  Copyright (C) 2009 Tadas Vilkeliskis");
	Addtolist(0, -1, "  Stevens Institute of Technology");

	return 0;
Beispiel #10
ulong CCmdLog::clear(void)
	m_Table.offset = m_Table.sorted.selected = m_Table.xshift = 0;


	ulong begin = -1, count = 0, end; LPLOGGER plog; m_nNextId = 0;
	for (int pos = 0; pos < m_Table.sorted.n; ++pos) {
		plog = reinterpret_cast<LPLOGGER> (
			Getsortedbyindex(&m_Table.sorted, pos)
		);	// logger->addr = pos;
		if (plog->flag & LOGGER_FLAG_IDLE) {
			m_Table.custommode -= plog->rows; ++ count;
		if (begin == -1) {
			if (plog->flag & LOGGER_FLAG_IDLE) {
				begin = plog->addr;
		} else {
			if (plog->flag & LOGGER_FLAG_BUSY) {
				end = plog->addr; pos -= count + 1;
				Addtolist(1,1,text("begin: %x, end: %x"),begin,end);
				Deletesorteddatarange(&m_Table.sorted, begin, end);
				if (!m_nNextId) m_nNextId = begin; begin = -1;
	} if (begin != -1) {
		if (!m_nNextId) m_nNextId = begin; end = plog->addr + 1;
		Deletesorteddatarange(&m_Table.sorted, begin, end);


	Updatetable(&m_Table, false); return count;
Beispiel #11
extc int _export cdecl ODBG_Plugininit(int ollydbgversion,HWND hw,ulong *features) {
    return -1;
  return 0;
Beispiel #12
extc int ODBG_Pluginshortcut(int origin,int ctrl,int alt,int shift,int key,void *item) {

	switch (origin) {
	case PM_MAIN:
		if (key==VK_PAUSE) {
			//will pause when running on give focus to script window
			script_state = ollylang->script_state;
		//	SetForegroundWindow(ollylang->wndProg.hw);
		//	SetFocus(ollylang->wndProg.hw);
		break; //This function is usually called twice
	case PM_DISASM:

PM_MAIN	item is always NULL	Main window
PM_DUMP	(t_dump *)	Any Dump window
PM_MODULES	(t_module *)	Modules window
PM_MEMORY	(t_memory *)	Memory window
PM_THREADS	(t_thread *)	Threads window
PM_BREAKPOINTS	(t_bpoint *)	Breakpoints window
PM_REFERENCES	(t_ref *)	References window
PM_RTRACE	(int *)	Run trace window
PM_WATCHES	(1-based index)	Watches window
PM_WINDOWS	(t_window *)	Windows window
PM_DISASM	(t_dump *)	CPU Disassembler
PM_CPUDUMP	(t_dump *)	CPU Dump
PM_CPUSTACK	(t_dump *)	CPU Stack
PM_CPUREGS	(t_reg *)	CPU Registers
	case PM_DUMP:
		if (key==VK_F5) {
			//Used to retrieve t_dump after OPENDUMP
			t_dump * pd;
			pd=(t_dump *)item;
			if (pd && pd->table.hw != 0) {
				ollylang->dumpWindows[pd->table.hw] = pd;
			return 1;
			//if (key==VK_F8 && shift==0 && ctrl==0) {
#ifdef _DEBUG
			char* data = new char[256];
			sprintf(data,"ODBG_Pluginshortcut %d %d",origin,key);
			Addtolist(0, -1, data );
			delete[] data;
			return 0;
	return 0;

Beispiel #13
extc _export cdecl int ODBG_Plugininit(int ollydbgversion,HWND hw,ulong *features)
	if( ollydbgversion < PLUGIN_VERSION )
		return -1;
	odghwnd = hw;
	Addtolist(0,0,"OllyGAL ver 0.1 powered by fenchang2047");
	hHeap = GetProcessHeap();
	return 0;
Beispiel #14
// OllyDbg calls this obligatory function once during startup. Place all
// one-time initializations here. If all resources are successfully allocated,
// function must return 0. On error, it must free partially allocated resources
// and return -1, in this case plugin will be removed. Parameter ollydbgversion
// is the version of OllyDbg, use it to assure that it is compatible with your
// plugin; hw is the handle of main OllyDbg window, keep it if necessary.
// Parameter features is reserved for future extentions, do not use it.
extc int _export cdecl ODBG_Plugininit(int ollydbgversion, HWND hw, ulong *features)
	// This plugin uses all the newest features, check that version of OllyDbg is
	// correct. I will try to keep backward compatibility at least to v1.99.
	if (ollydbgversion < PLUGIN_VERSION)
		return -1;
	// Keep handle of main OllyDbg window. This handle is necessary, for example,
	// to display message box.
	hwmain = hw;
	// Initialize bookmark data. Data consists of elements of type t_bookmark,
	// we reserve space for 10 elements. If necessary, table will allocate more
	// space, but in our case maximal number of bookmarks is 10. Elements do not
	// allocate memory or other resources, so destructor is not necessary.
	if (Createsorteddata(&(bookmark.data), "Bookmarks",
	                     sizeof(t_bookmark), 10, (SORTFUNC *)Bookmarksortfunc, NULL) != 0)
		return -1;                         // Unable to allocate bookmark data
	// Register window class for MDI window that will display plugins. Please
	// note that formally this class belongs to instance of main OllyDbg program,
	// not a plugin DLL. String bookmarkwinclass gets unique name of new class.
	// Keep it to create window and unregister on shutdown.
	if (Registerpluginclass(bookmarkwinclass, NULL, hinst, Bookmarkwinproc) < 0)
		// Failure! Destroy sorted data and exit.
		return -1;
	// Plugin successfully initialized. Now is the best time to report this fact
	// to the log window. To conform OllyDbg look and feel, please use two lines.
	// The first, in black, should describe plugin, the second, gray and indented
	// by two characters, bears copyright notice.
	Addtolist(0, 0, "Bookmarks sample plugin v1.10 (plugin demo)");
	Addtolist(0, -1, "  Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Oleh Yuschuk & Piérrot !");
	// OllyDbg saves positions of plugin windows with attribute TABLE_SAVEPOS to
	// the .ini file but does not automatically restore them. Let us add this
	// functionality here. I keep information whether window was open when
	// OllyDbg terminated also in ollydbg.ini. This information is saved in
	// ODBG_Pluginclose. To conform to OllyDbg norms, window is restored only
	// if corresponding option is enabled.
	if (Plugingetvalue(VAL_RESTOREWINDOWPOS) != 0 &&
	        Pluginreadintfromini(hinst, "Restore bookmarks window", 0) != 0)
	return 0;
Beispiel #15
bool  CCmdLog::initcon()
	// Create notification event ..
	if (m_hNotify == nullptr) {
		if ( (m_hNotify = CreateEvent(nullptr, true, false, nullptr)
		) == nullptr) {
			Addtolist(		// .................
				reinterpret_cast<ulong>(GetRetAddr()), DRAW_HILITE, 
				text("Fail to create notification event .")
			); m_hNotify = nullptr; return false;

	// Create name pipe to capture the output of tools .
	if (m_hPipeRd == nullptr && m_hPipeWr == nullptr) {
		sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES);
		sa.bInheritHandle = true; sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = nullptr; 
		if (!CreatePipe(&m_hPipeRd, &m_hPipeWr, &sa, 0)) {
			m_hPipeRd = m_hPipeWr = nullptr; 
			Addtolist(		// .................
				reinterpret_cast<ulong>(GetRetAddr()), DRAW_HILITE, 
				text("Fail to create pipe to redirect output")
			); return false;
		SetHandleInformation(m_hPipeRd, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0);

	// Create a thread to capture output ..
	if (m_hPipeCb == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && m_dPipeCb == 0) {
		if ( (m_hPipeCb = CreateThread (
			nullptr, 0, CCmdLog::PipeProc, this, 0, &m_dPipeCb
			m_hPipeCb = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; m_dPipeCb = 0;
			Addtolist(		// .................
				reinterpret_cast<ulong>(GetRetAddr()), DRAW_HILITE, 
				text("Fail to create thread 'CCmdLog::PipeProc'")
			); return false;

	return true;
Beispiel #16
int __declspec(dllexport) __cdecl ODBG_Plugininit (int OllyDbgVer, HWND hWnd, ulong *pFeatures)
    if (OllyDbgVer < PLUGIN_VERSION) {
		Addtolist(0, 0,  "OllySnake not compitable with the current olly version ");
		return -1;

    g_hMainOllyWnd = hWnd;

    Addtolist(0, 0,  "  OllyEye  Plug-in compiled on " __DATE__);
    Addtolist(0, -1, "  Copyright (c) 2008 Jospeh Moti (www.websense.com) & Kobi Pariente ");

    return 0;
Beispiel #17
extc void _export cdecl ODBG_Pluginaction(int origin,int action,void *item) {
  switch(origin) {
	case PM_CPUDUMP:{
    pdump=(t_dump *)item;
		if(pdump->sel0==0 || pdump->sel1==0 ||pdump->sel1-pdump->sel0==0) break;
    Addtolist(0,-1,"in PM_CPUDUMP sel0:%08X",pdump->sel0);
Beispiel #18
bool CCmdLog::create()
	if (m_Table.hw != nullptr) return true;
	if ( Createtablewindow(
		&m_Table, 0, m_Table.bar.nbar, NULL, TEXT("ICO_L"), LOGNAME
	) == nullptr ) {
		Addtolist(		// .................
			reinterpret_cast<ulong>(GetRetAddr()), DRAW_HILITE, 
			text("Fail to create logger window .")
		);	return false;
	} else return true;
Beispiel #19
// OllyDbg calls this obligatory function once during startup. I place all
// one-time initializations here. Parameter features is reserved for future
// extentions, do not use it.
extc int _export cdecl ODBG_Plugininit(int ollydbgversion, HWND hw, ulong *features) 

	if(ollydbgversion < PLUGIN_VERSION) {
		MessageBox(hwndOllyDbg(), "Incompatible Ollydbg Version !", "ODbgScript", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TOPMOST);
		return -1;

	// Report plugin in the log window.
	Addtolist(0, 0, "ODbgScript v%i.%i.%i",VERSIONHI,VERSIONLO,VERSIONST);
	Addtolist(0, -1,"  http://odbgscript.sf.net");
	ollylang = new OllyLang();

	if (Createsorteddata(&ollylang->wndProg.data,"ODbgScript Data", 
		sizeof(t_wndprog_data),50, (SORTFUNC *)wndprog_sort_function,NULL)!=0)
			return -1; 

	if (Createsorteddata(&ollylang->wndLog.data,"ODbgScript Log", 
	sizeof(t_wndlog_data),20, (SORTFUNC *)wndlog_sort_function,NULL)!=0)
		return -1;

	hinst = hinstModule();

	if (Registerpluginclass(wndprogclass,NULL,hinst,wndprog_winproc)<0) {
		return -1;
	if (Registerpluginclass(wndlogclass,NULL,hinst,wndlog_winproc)<0) {
		return -1;
	if (Plugingetvalue(VAL_RESTOREWINDOWPOS)!=0 && Pluginreadintfromini(hinst,"Restore Script Log",0)!=0)

	if (Plugingetvalue(VAL_RESTOREWINDOWPOS)!=0 && Pluginreadintfromini(hinst,"Restore Script window",0)!=0)

	return 0;
Beispiel #20
bool CCmdLog::InitLog()
	// Create sorted data ..
	if (Issortedinit(&(m_Table.sorted)) == 0) {
		if ( Createsorteddata (
			&(m_Table.sorted),				// Descriptor of sorted data
			sizeof(LOGGER),					// Size of single data item
			10,									// Initial number of allocated items
			(SORTFUNC *)CCmdLog::SortProc,	// Sorting function
			(DESTFUNC *)CCmdLog::DestProc,	// Data destructor
		) != 0 ) {
			Addtolist(		// .................
				reinterpret_cast<ulong>(GetRetAddr()), DRAW_HILITE, 
				text("Fail to create logger sorted data .")
			); return false;
		} else InitializeCriticalSection(&m_csShare);

	// Initialize pipe logging system ..
	if (initcon() == 0) {
		Addtolist(		// We don't care if it success ...
			reinterpret_cast<ulong>(GetRetAddr()), DRAW_NORMAL, 
			text("Fail to initialize pipe connect")
		); return false;

	// Create the logger window ..
	if ( Create() == false ) {
		Addtolist(		// We don't care if it success ...
			reinterpret_cast<ulong>(GetRetAddr()), DRAW_NORMAL, 
			text("Fail to create the logger window")

	// All done ....
	return true;
Beispiel #21
DWORD WINAPI execute_python_script(LPVOID param)
    wchar_t *path = (wchar_t*)param;
    Addtolist(0, WHITE, NAME_PLUGIN L" Trying to execute the script located here: '%s'..", path);

    std::wstring pathW(path);
    std::string pathA(widechar_to_multibytes(pathW));

    PyObject* PyFileObject = PyFile_FromString((char*)pathA.c_str(), "r");
    if(PyFileObject == NULL)
        Addtolist(0, RED, NAME_PLUGIN L" Your file doesn't exist.");
        goto clean;

    PyRun_SimpleFile(PyFile_AsFile(PyFileObject), (char*)pathA.c_str());

    Addtolist(0, WHITE, NAME_PLUGIN L" Execution is done!");

    return 1;
Beispiel #22
extc int  _export cdecl ODBG_Plugininit(int ollydbgversion, HWND hw, ulong* features)
	if (ollydbgversion < PLUGIN_VERSION)
		return -1;

	hwMain = hw;

	Labeless& ll = Labeless::instance();
	ll.setPort(WORD(Pluginreadintfromini(ll.hInstance(), "port", ll.port())));
	char buff[MAX_PATH] = {};
	Pluginreadstringfromini(ll.hInstance(), "filer_ip", buff, "");

	if (!Labeless::instance().init())
		log_r("labeless::init() failed.");
		return -1;
	Addtolist(0, 0, "Labeless");
	Addtolist(0, -1, "  Written by Aliaksandr Trafimchuk");

	return 0;
Beispiel #23
// OllyDbg calls this obligatory function once during startup. Place all
// one-time initializations here. If all resources are successfully allocated,
// function must return 0. On error, it must free partially allocated resources
// and return -1, in this case plugin will be removed. 
extc int _export cdecl ODBG_Plugininit( int ollydbgversion,HWND hw,ulong *features) {

	// This plugin uses all the newest features, check that version of OllyDbg is
	// correct. I will try to keep backward compatibility at least to v1.99.
	if (ollydbgversion<PLUGIN_VERSION)
		return -1;

	// Keep handle of main OllyDbg window. This handle is necessary, for example,
	// to display message box.

	coninfo = new CON_INFO; //initialize connection info struct
	strcpy(coninfo->server_addr, "");
	strcpy(coninfo->portString, "5041");
	strcpy(coninfo->username, "user");

	coninfo->project[0] = NULL;

	Addtolist(0,0,""PLUGIN_NAME" plugin v"VERSION" initialized. Compiled on " __DATE__ "");
	Addtolist(0,-1,"  Copyright (C) 2005 Andrew Hintz, http://guh.nu");

	return 0;
Beispiel #24
int CPython::ExecFunc(const std::vector<std::wstring> &argv, std::wstring &err, HANDLE hfile)
	std::vector<std::wstring>::const_iterator itr, eitr; 
	itr = argv.cbegin(); eitr = argv.cend(); err = *itr; 
	if (argv.size() <= 0) {
		err = text("No python command function found"); return 1;
	for (++itr; itr != eitr; ++itr) { 
		err.append(*itr); err.push_back(text(',')); 
	if (err.back() == text(',')) err.pop_back(); 
	Addtolist(1,1,text("Execute Function: %s"),err.c_str());

	int id = 0; FILE *pfile = nullptr; DWORD count = 0;
	PyObject *poldout, *polderr, *pnewout, *pnewerr; 
	if (DuplicateHandle (
		GetCurrentProcess(), hfile, GetCurrentProcess(), &hfile, 
	)) {
		id = open_osfhandle((intptr_t)hfile, _O_WRONLY); 
		pfile = fdopen(id,"w"); setvbuf(pfile,nullptr,_IONBF,1024);
		poldout = PySys_GetObject("stdout");
		polderr = PySys_GetObject("stderr");
		pnewout = PyFile_FromFile(pfile, "logger", "w", nullptr);
		pnewerr = PyFile_FromFile(pfile, "logger", "w", nullptr);
		PySys_SetObject("stdout", pnewout);
		PySys_SetObject("stderr", pnewerr);
	} else poldout = polderr = pnewout = pnewerr = nullptr;

	std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar>> cvt; 
	std::string str = cvt.to_bytes(err); 
	std::size_t pos = str.find(text('.')); 
	if (pos != std::string::npos) { 
		std::string mod = str.substr(0, pos); 
		PyObject* dest = PyImport_ImportModule(mod.c_str()); 
		PyObject* main = PyImport_AddModule("__main__"); 
		PyObject_SetAttrString(main, mod.c_str(), dest); 
	str.insert(0, "print ");
	int irslt = PyRun_SimpleString(str.c_str());
	if (irslt != 0) err = text("Internal error that PyRun_SimpleString fail"); 
	else err = text("Execute python function successfully .."); 

	if (pnewout != nullptr) PySys_SetObject("stdout", poldout);
	if (pnewerr != nullptr) PySys_SetObject("stderr", polderr);
	if (pfile != nullptr) fclose(pfile); return irslt;
Beispiel #25
bool CCmdLog::Create()
	::wcscpy_s(m_Table.name, SHORTNAME, LOGNAME);	// name .
	m_Table.subtype			= 0;	// not figure out yet ..
	m_Table.bottomspace		= m_Table.minwidth = 0;
	m_Table.tabfunc			= CCmdLog::TableProc;
	m_Table.drawfunc			= CCmdLog::DrawProc;
	//m_Table.updatefunc		= CCmdLog::UpdateProc;
	//m_Table.tableselfunc		= CCmdLog::TabSelProc;
	m_Table.menu				= m_pMenu + 0;
	m_Table.custommode		= 0;
	m_Table.customdata		= this;
	// Now, initialize the t_bar ..
	m_Table.bar.nbar			= 5;
	m_Table.bar.visible		= 1;
	m_Table.bar.name[0]		= TEXT("No");
	m_Table.bar.expl[0]		= TEXT("The logging item");
	m_Table.bar.mode[0]		= BAR_SORT;
	m_Table.bar.defdx[0]		= 5 * 1;
	m_Table.bar.name[1]		= TEXT("Time");
	m_Table.bar.expl[1]		= TEXT("The logging time");
	m_Table.bar.mode[1]		= BAR_SORT;
	m_Table.bar.defdx[1]		= 5 * 3;
	m_Table.bar.name[2]		= TEXT("Type");
	m_Table.bar.expl[2]		= TEXT("The logging type");
	m_Table.bar.mode[2]		= BAR_SORT;
	m_Table.bar.defdx[2]		= 5 * 2;
	m_Table.bar.name[3]		= TEXT("Code");
	m_Table.bar.expl[3]		= TEXT("The replied error code");
	m_Table.bar.mode[3]		= BAR_SORT;
	m_Table.bar.defdx[3]		= 5 * 1;
	m_Table.bar.name[4]		= TEXT("Echo");
	m_Table.bar.expl[4]		= TEXT("The replied message");
	m_Table.bar.mode[4]		= BAR_BUTTON;
	m_Table.bar.defdx[4]		= 5 * 50;

	if ( Createtablewindow(
		&m_Table, 0, m_Table.bar.nbar, NULL, TEXT("ICO_L"), LOGNAME
	) == nullptr ) {
		Addtolist(		// .................
			reinterpret_cast<ulong>(GetRetAddr()), DRAW_HILITE, 
			text("Fail to create logger window .")
		);	return false;
	} else return true;
Beispiel #26
int tracefunc(PyObject *obj, PyFrameObject *frame, int what, PyObject *arg)
	PyObject *str;

	/* Catch line change events. */
	/* Print the filename and line number */	
	if (what == PyTrace_LINE)
		str = PyObject_Str(frame->f_code->co_filename);
		if (str)
			Addtolist(0, -1, "PROFILING: %s:%d", PyString_AsString(str), frame->f_lineno);
	return 0;
Beispiel #27
    This routine is required by the OllyDBG plugin engine! 
extc int __cdecl ODBG2_Pluginquery(int ollydbgversion, ulong *features, wchar_t pluginname[SHORTNAME], wchar_t pluginversion[SHORTNAME])
    // Yeah, the plugin interface in the v1/v2 are different
    if(ollydbgversion < 201)
        return 0;

    // Set plugin name and version
    wcscpy_s(pluginname, SHORTNAME, L"python-loader");
    wcscpy_s(pluginversion, SHORTNAME, L"v0.1");

    // Initialize the python environment, prepare the hooks

    Addtolist(0x31337, RED, NAME_PLUGIN L" Plugin fully initialized.");

    return PLUGIN_VERSION;
Beispiel #28
int handle_menu(t_table* pTable, wchar_t* pName, ulong index, int nMode)
    if(nMode == MENU_VERIFY)
        return MENU_NORMAL;
    else if(nMode == MENU_EXECUTE)
            case MENU_LOAD_SCRIPT_IDX:

            case MENU_ABOUT_IDX:
                    L"python loader",
                    L"About python-loader",
                    MB_OK| MB_ICONINFORMATION


            case MENU_CMDLINE_IDX:
                if(CreateCommandLineWindow(hwollymain, g_hinst) == FALSE)
                    Addtolist(0x31337, RED, NAME_PLUGIN L" The command-line window can't be created.");



        return MENU_NOREDRAW;
        return MENU_ABSENT;
Beispiel #29
int ODBG2_Plugininit(void) 
	if(Createsorteddata(&handletable.sorted, sizeof(HANDLE_DATA), 1, NULL , NULL, SDM_NOSIZE) != 0) 
		Addtolist(0, DRAW_HILITE, L"[%s]: Unable to created sorted table data.", PLUGIN_NAME);
		return -1;


	handletable.mode = TABLE_SAVEPOS | TABLE_AUTOUPD;        
    handletable.bar.visible = 1; 

    handletable.bar.name[0] = L"Handle";
	handletable.bar.expl[0] = L"";
    handletable.bar.mode[0] = BAR_FLAT;
    handletable.bar.defdx[0] = 24;

    handletable.bar.name[1] = L"Type";
	handletable.bar.expl[1] = L"";
    handletable.bar.mode[1] = BAR_FLAT;
    handletable.bar.defdx[1] = 30;

    handletable.bar.name[2] = L"Name";
	handletable.bar.expl[2] = L"";
    handletable.bar.mode[2] = BAR_FLAT;
    handletable.bar.defdx[2] = 256;
	handletable.bar.nbar = 3;
	handletable.tabfunc = (TABFUNC*)handletable_proc;
    handletable.custommode = 0;
    handletable.customdata = NULL;
    handletable.updatefunc = NULL;
    handletable.drawfunc = (DRAWFUNC *)handletable_draw;
    handletable.tableselfunc = NULL;
    handletable.menu = (t_menu*)handlesmenu;

	return 0;
Beispiel #30
DWORD WINAPI CCmdLog::PipeProc(LPVOID lpParam)
	std::string str; std::wstring wstr;
	DWORD count = 0; char buffer[TEXTLEN*2] = {0};
	PIPEMSG msge = {-1, 0, nullptr, -1}; PPIPEMSG pmsg;
	CCmdLog *pthis = reinterpret_cast<CCmdLog*>(lpParam);
	std::wstring_convert<std::codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar>> cvt;

	Addtolist (
		reinterpret_cast<ulong>(GetRetAddr()), DRAW_HILITE, 
		text("Enter thread 'CCmdLog::PipeProc'") 

	for (size_t pos = std::string::npos; ;) {
		// Sleep(10000); continue;
		bool brslt = ReadFile (	// ....
			m_hPipeRd, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &count, nullptr 
		) == TRUE; 
		if (brslt == false || count == 0) break; 
		str.append(buffer,count); if (count>=sizeof(buffer)) continue;
		// Search it each time means it's a terrible synchronization 
		// design, but it seems that anonymous pipe is not suitable 
		// to do this...
		if (str.length() >= sizeof(msge)) {	
			// Usually, the read/write operation is not too frequent, 
			// and the size of output data is less than TEXTLEN*2, 
			// the beginning of buffer is actually the pipe message .
			// This checking can make it faster ..
			char *pbuffer = const_cast<char*>(str.c_str());
			pmsg = reinterpret_cast<PPIPEMSG>(pbuffer);
			if (pmsg->start != msge.start || pmsg->end != msge.end) {
				pos = str.find(	// Try to find a pipe message.
					reinterpret_cast<char*>(&msge.start), 1, sizeof(msge.start)
				if (pos == std::string::npos) pmsg = nullptr;
				else {
					pmsg = reinterpret_cast<PPIPEMSG>(pbuffer+pos);
					if (pmsg->end != msge.end) pmsg = nullptr;
			} else pos = 0;
			// We're requested to exit the loop ..
			if (pmsg != nullptr && (pmsg->id==0 || pmsg->id==-1)) {
				Addtolist (
					reinterpret_cast<ulong>(GetRetAddr()), DRAW_HILITE, 
					text("Request to exit the pipe thread ..")
				);	SetEvent(pmsg->event); break;
			// Handle the input message ...
			if (pos == 0 && pmsg != nullptr) {
				wstr = cvt.from_bytes(str.substr(sizeof(msge)));
				msge.id = pmsg->id;		// Update the new id ..
				if (wstr.length()) pthis->msg(msge.id, wstr);
			} else if (pos != std::string::npos && pmsg != nullptr) {
				wstr = cvt.from_bytes(str.substr(0,pos));
				if (wstr.length()) pthis->msg(msge.id, wstr);
				msge.id = pmsg->id;		// Update the new id ..
				wstr = cvt.from_bytes(str.substr(pos+sizeof(msge)));
				if (wstr.length()) pthis->msg(msge.id, wstr);
			} else { 
				wstr = cvt.from_bytes(str); pthis->msg(msge.id,wstr); 
			// We're requested to set the notification event .
			if (pos != std::string::npos && pmsg) {
				Addtolist (
					reinterpret_cast<ulong>(GetRetAddr()), DRAW_HILITE, 
					text("Request to set the notification event ..")
				);	SetEvent(pmsg->event);
		// Pipe message can't be less then sizeof(msge) ..
		} else { 
			wstr = cvt.from_bytes(str); pthis->msg(msge.id,wstr,true); 
		// Clear the string buffer ..

		reinterpret_cast<ulong>(GetRetAddr()), DRAW_HILITE, 
		text("Leave thread 'CCmdLog::PipeProc'")

	return 0;