Beispiel #1
void print_chains(const int *adjacency,
                  const int *adjacency_length,
                  const int *is_basal,
                  const int *node_count,
                  const int *max_queue,
                  int *status)
  /* WARNING: Nested returns */
  /* Enumerates every unique trophic path in a directed graph. Output is
     written to chains.
     In params:
     adjacency:   a matrix of node_count rows. First column is the number of
                  consumers of that row. Subsequent columns are ids of
adjacency_length: the number of ints in adjacency
      is_basal:   an array of length node_count. 1 for nodes that have no
                  resources, 0 otherwise. Chains start only with nodes which
                  have a 1 in is_basal.
    node_count:   the number of nodes in the network.
         ncols:   the number of columns in chains.
         nrows:   the number of rows in chains.
     max_queue:   the maximum alowabe size of the queue used to compute chains.
                  0 indicates no limit.
     Out params:
        status: -1 - unexpected error.
                 0 - normal exit.
                 1 - problem with one of the parameters.
  /* Quick and dirty parameter checks */
  if(0==adjacency || 0==adjacency_length || *adjacency_length<1 ||
     0==is_basal || 0==node_count || 0==max_queue || *max_queue<0 ||
      *status = 1;
    /* WARNING: Nested return */
  *status = -1;    // Default to an error status code
    std::vector<IntVector> adj = Adjacency(adjacency, *node_count);
    IntVector basal(is_basal, is_basal + *node_count);
    TrophicChains<PrintChainsVisitor> worker(adj, basal, *max_queue);
    PrintChainsVisitor visitor;
    // Normal exit
    *status = 0;
  catch(const std::exception &e)
    REprintf("Unexpected error in print_chains[%s]\n", e.what());
    REprintf("Unexpected error in print_chains\n");
Beispiel #2
AdjacencyLsa::wireDecode(const ndn::Block& wire)
  m_hasAdjacencies = false;

  m_wire = wire;

  if (m_wire.type() != ndn::tlv::nlsr::AdjacencyLsa) {
    std::stringstream error;
    error << "Expected AdjacencyLsa Block, but Block is of a different type: #"
          << m_wire.type();
    throw Error(error.str());


  ndn::Block::element_const_iterator val = m_wire.elements_begin();

  if (val != m_wire.elements_end() && val->type() == ndn::tlv::nlsr::LsaInfo) {
  else {
    throw Error("Missing required LsaInfo field");

  for (; val != m_wire.elements_end(); ++val) {
    if (val->type() == ndn::tlv::nlsr::Adjacency) {
      m_hasAdjacencies = true;
    else {
      std::stringstream error;
      error << "Expected Adjacency Block, but Block is of a different type: #"
            << m_wire.type();
      throw Error(error.str());
Beispiel #3
void trophic_chains_stats(const int *adjacency,
                          const int *adjacency_length,
                          const int *is_basal,
                          const int *node_count,
                          const int *n_chains,
                          const int *longest,
                          const int *max_queue,
                          int *node_pos_counts,
                          int *chain_lengths,
                          int *status)
  /* WARNING: Nested returns */
  /* Enumerates every unique trophic path in a directed graph. Outputs are the
     mean, minimum and maximum position of each node in every chain.
     In params:
     adjacency:   a matrix of node_count rows. First column is the number of
                  consumers of that row. Subsequent columns are ids of
adjacency_length: the number of ints in adjacency
      is_basal:   an array of length node_count. 1 for nodes that have no
                  resources, 0 otherwise. Chains start only with nodes which
                  have a 1 in is_basal.
    node_count:   the number of nodes in the network.
      n_chains:   the number of chains.
       longest:   the number of nodes in the longest chain.
     max_queue:   the maximum alowabe size of the queue used to compute chains.
                  0 indicates no limit.
    Out params:
node_pos_counts:  an array of n_chains * longest integers. Will contain
                  counts of the number of times each node appears at a given
                  position in the chain.
  chain_lengths:  an array of n_chains integers. Will contain the length of
                  each chain.
        status: -1 - unexpected error.
                 0 - normal exit.
                 1 - problem with one of the parameters.
  /* Quick and dirty parameter checks */
  if(0==adjacency || 0==adjacency_length || *adjacency_length<1 ||
     0==is_basal || 0==node_count || *node_count<1 ||
     0==n_chains || *n_chains<1 || 0==longest || *longest<1 ||
     0==max_queue || *max_queue<0 ||
     0==node_pos_counts || 0==chain_lengths || 0==status)
      *status = 1;
    /* WARNING: Nested return */
  *status = -1;    // Default to an error status code
    std::vector<IntVector> adj = Adjacency(adjacency, *node_count);
    IntVector basal(is_basal, is_basal + *node_count);
    TrophicChains<ChainStatsVisitor> worker(adj, basal, *max_queue);
    ChainStatsVisitor visitor(*node_count, *longest);
    if(sizeof(IntVector::value_type)!=sizeof(*chain_lengths) ||
      throw CheddarException("Unexpected type size");
    else if(visitor.chain_lengths_.size()!=IntVector::size_type(*n_chains))
      throw CheddarException("Unexpected number of chains");
    else if(visitor.counts_.size()!=IntVector::size_type(*node_count))
      throw CheddarException("Unexpected number of nodes");
      std::memcpy(chain_lengths, &visitor.chain_lengths_[0], sizeof(int) * *n_chains);
      for(ChainStatsVisitor::CountVector::size_type node=0;
          node<visitor.counts_.size(); ++node)
        ChainStatsVisitor::CountVector::const_reference v = visitor.counts_[node];
          throw CheddarException("Unexpected number of node position counts");
          std::memcpy(node_pos_counts + node * *longest, &v[0],
                 sizeof(int) * *longest);
    // Normal exit
    *status = 0;
  catch(const std::exception &e)
    REprintf("Unexpected error in trophic_chains_stats [%s]\n", e.what());
    REprintf("Unexpected error in trophic_chains_stats\n");