Beispiel #1
FMatrix FCanvas::CalcBaseTransform2D(uint32 ViewSizeX, uint32 ViewSizeY)
	return AdjustProjectionMatrixForRHI(
		FTranslationMatrix(FVector(-GPixelCenterOffset,-GPixelCenterOffset,0)) *
			FPlane(	1.0f / (ViewSizeX / 2.0f),	0.0,										0.0f,	0.0f	),
			FPlane(	0.0f,						-1.0f / (ViewSizeY / 2.0f),					0.0f,	0.0f	),
			FPlane(	0.0f,						0.0f,										1.0f,	0.0f	),
			FPlane(	-1.0f,						1.0f,										0.0f,	1.0f	)
Beispiel #2
FMatrix FCanvas::CalcProjectionMatrix(uint32 ViewSizeX, uint32 ViewSizeY, float fFOV, float NearPlane)
	// convert FOV to randians
	float FOVRad = fFOV * (float)PI / 360.0f;
	// project based on the FOV and near plane given
	return AdjustProjectionMatrixForRHI(
static FMatrix CreateProjectionMatrix( uint32 Width, uint32 Height )
	float PixelOffset = GPixelCenterOffset;

	// Create ortho projection matrix
	const float Left = PixelOffset;
	const float Right = Left+Width;
	const float Top = PixelOffset;
	const float Bottom = Top+Height;
	const float ZNear = -100.0f;
	const float ZFar = 100.0f;
	return AdjustProjectionMatrixForRHI(
			FPlane(2.0f/(Right-Left),			0,							0,					0 ),
			FPlane(0,							2.0f/(Top-Bottom),			0,					0 ),
			FPlane(0,							0,							1/(ZNear-ZFar),		0 ),
			FPlane((Left+Right)/(Left-Right),	(Top+Bottom)/(Bottom-Top),	ZNear/(ZNear-ZFar), 1 )
Beispiel #4
FSceneView::FSceneView(const FSceneViewInitOptions& InitOptions)
	: Family(InitOptions.ViewFamily)
	, State(InitOptions.SceneViewStateInterface)
	, ViewActor(InitOptions.ViewActor)
	, Drawer(InitOptions.ViewElementDrawer)
	, ViewRect(InitOptions.GetConstrainedViewRect())
	, UnscaledViewRect(InitOptions.GetConstrainedViewRect())
	, UnconstrainedViewRect(InitOptions.GetViewRect())
	, MaxShadowCascades(10)
	, WorldToMetersScale(InitOptions.WorldToMetersScale)
	, ProjectionMatrixUnadjustedForRHI(InitOptions.ProjectionMatrix)
	, BackgroundColor(InitOptions.BackgroundColor)
	, OverlayColor(InitOptions.OverlayColor)
	, ColorScale(InitOptions.ColorScale)
	, StereoPass(InitOptions.StereoPass)
	, DiffuseOverrideParameter(FVector4(0,0,0,1))
	, SpecularOverrideParameter(FVector4(0,0,0,1))
	, NormalOverrideParameter(FVector4(0,0,0,1))
	, RoughnessOverrideParameter(FVector2D(0,1))
	, HiddenPrimitives(InitOptions.HiddenPrimitives)
	, LODDistanceFactor(InitOptions.LODDistanceFactor)
	, bCameraCut(InitOptions.bInCameraCut)
	, bOriginOffsetThisFrame(InitOptions.bOriginOffsetThisFrame)
	, CursorPos(InitOptions.CursorPos)
	, bIsGameView(false)
	, bForceShowMaterials(false)
	, bIsViewInfo(false)
	, bIsSceneCapture(false)
	, bIsReflectionCapture(false)
	, bIsLocked(false)
	, bStaticSceneOnly(false)
	, OverrideLODViewOrigin(InitOptions.OverrideLODViewOrigin)
	, bAllowTranslucentPrimitivesInHitProxy( true )
	, bHasSelectedComponents( false )
	, FeatureLevel(InitOptions.ViewFamily ? InitOptions.ViewFamily->GetFeatureLevel() : GMaxRHIFeatureLevel)
	check(UnscaledViewRect.Min.X >= 0);
	check(UnscaledViewRect.Min.Y >= 0);
	check(UnscaledViewRect.Width() > 0);
	check(UnscaledViewRect.Height() > 0);

	ViewMatrices.ViewMatrix = InitOptions.ViewMatrix;

	// Adjust the projection matrix for the current RHI.
	ViewMatrices.ProjMatrix = AdjustProjectionMatrixForRHI(ProjectionMatrixUnadjustedForRHI);

	// Compute the view projection matrix and its inverse.
	ViewProjectionMatrix = ViewMatrices.GetViewProjMatrix();

	// For precision reasons the view matrix inverse is calculated independently.
	InvViewMatrix = ViewMatrices.ViewMatrix.Inverse();
	InvViewProjectionMatrix = ViewMatrices.GetInvProjMatrix() * InvViewMatrix;

	bool ApplyPreViewTranslation = true;

	// Calculate the view origin from the view/projection matrices.
		ViewMatrices.ViewOrigin = InvViewMatrix.GetOrigin();
	else if (InitOptions.bUseFauxOrthoViewPos)
		float DistanceToViewOrigin = WORLD_MAX;
		ViewMatrices.ViewOrigin = FVector4(InvViewMatrix.TransformVector(FVector(0,0,-1)).GetSafeNormal()*DistanceToViewOrigin,1) + InvViewMatrix.GetOrigin();
		ViewMatrices.ViewOrigin = FVector4(InvViewMatrix.TransformVector(FVector(0,0,-1)).GetSafeNormal(),0);
		// to avoid issues with view dependent effect (e.g. Frensel)
		ApplyPreViewTranslation = false;

	// Translate world-space so its origin is at ViewOrigin for improved precision.
	// Note that this isn't exactly right for orthogonal projections (See the above special case), but we still use ViewOrigin
	// in that case so the same value may be used in shaders for both the world-space translation and the camera's world position.
		ViewMatrices.PreViewTranslation = -FVector(ViewMatrices.ViewOrigin);

			// console variable override
			static const auto CVar = IConsoleManager::Get().FindTConsoleVariableDataInt(TEXT("r.PreViewTranslation")); 
			int32 Value = CVar->GetValueOnGameThread();

			static FVector PreViewTranslationBackup;

				PreViewTranslationBackup = ViewMatrices.PreViewTranslation;
				ViewMatrices.PreViewTranslation = PreViewTranslationBackup;

	/** The view transform, starting from world-space points translated by -ViewOrigin. */
	FMatrix TranslatedViewMatrix = FTranslationMatrix(-ViewMatrices.PreViewTranslation) * ViewMatrices.ViewMatrix;
	// Compute a transform from view origin centered world-space to clip space.
	ViewMatrices.TranslatedViewProjectionMatrix = TranslatedViewMatrix * ViewMatrices.ProjMatrix;
	ViewMatrices.InvTranslatedViewProjectionMatrix = ViewMatrices.TranslatedViewProjectionMatrix.Inverse();

	// Compute screen scale factors.
	// Stereo renders at half horizontal resolution, but compute shadow resolution based on full resolution.
	const bool bStereo = StereoPass != eSSP_FULL;
	const float ScreenXScale = bStereo ? 2.0f : 1.0f;
	ViewMatrices.ProjectionScale.X = ScreenXScale * FMath::Abs(ViewMatrices.ProjMatrix.M[0][0]);
	ViewMatrices.ProjectionScale.Y = FMath::Abs(ViewMatrices.ProjMatrix.M[1][1]);
	ViewMatrices.ScreenScale = FMath::Max(
		ViewRect.Size().X * 0.5f * ViewMatrices.ProjectionScale.X,
		ViewRect.Size().Y * 0.5f * ViewMatrices.ProjectionScale.Y
	ShadowViewMatrices = ViewMatrices;

		// console variable override
		int32 Value = CVarShadowFreezeCamera.GetValueOnAnyThread();

		static FViewMatrices Backup = ShadowViewMatrices;

			ShadowViewMatrices = Backup;
			Backup = ShadowViewMatrices;

	if (InitOptions.OverrideFarClippingPlaneDistance > 0.0f)
		const FPlane FarPlane(ViewMatrices.ViewOrigin + GetViewDirection() * InitOptions.OverrideFarClippingPlaneDistance, GetViewDirection());
		// Derive the view frustum from the view projection matrix, overriding the far plane
		// Derive the view frustum from the view projection matrix.

	// Derive the view's near clipping distance and plane.
	// The GetFrustumFarPlane() is the near plane because of reverse Z projection.
	bHasNearClippingPlane = ViewProjectionMatrix.GetFrustumFarPlane(NearClippingPlane);
	if(ViewMatrices.ProjMatrix.M[2][3] > DELTA)
		// Infinite projection with reversed Z.
		NearClippingDistance = ViewMatrices.ProjMatrix.M[3][2];
		// Ortho projection with reversed Z.
		NearClippingDistance = (1.0f - ViewMatrices.ProjMatrix.M[3][2]) / ViewMatrices.ProjMatrix.M[2][2];

	// Determine whether the view should reverse the cull mode due to a negative determinant.  Only do this for a valid scene
	bReverseCulling = (Family && Family->Scene) ? FMath::IsNegativeFloat(ViewMatrices.ViewMatrix.Determinant()) : false;

	// OpenGL Gamma space output in GLSL flips Y when rendering directly to the back buffer (so not needed on PC, as we never render directly into the back buffer)
	auto ShaderPlatform = GShaderPlatformForFeatureLevel[FeatureLevel];
	static bool bPlatformRequiresReverseCulling = (IsOpenGLPlatform(ShaderPlatform) && !IsPCPlatform(ShaderPlatform));
	static auto* MobileHDRCvar = IConsoleManager::Get().FindTConsoleVariableDataInt(TEXT("r.MobileHDR"));
	bReverseCulling = (bPlatformRequiresReverseCulling && MobileHDRCvar->GetValueOnAnyThread() == 0) ? !bReverseCulling : bReverseCulling;

	// Setup transformation constants to be used by the graphics hardware to transform device normalized depth samples
	// into world oriented z.
	InvDeviceZToWorldZTransform = CreateInvDeviceZToWorldZTransform(ProjectionMatrixUnadjustedForRHI);

	static TConsoleVariableData<int32>* SortPolicyCvar = IConsoleManager::Get().FindTConsoleVariableDataInt(TEXT("r.TranslucentSortPolicy"));
	TranslucentSortPolicy = static_cast<ETranslucentSortPolicy::Type>(SortPolicyCvar->GetValueOnAnyThread());

	TranslucentSortAxis = GetDefault<URendererSettings>()->TranslucentSortAxis;

	// As the world is only accessable from the game thread, bIsGameView should be explicitly
	// set on any other thread.
		bIsGameView = (Family && Family->Scene && Family->Scene->GetWorld() ) ? Family->Scene->GetWorld()->IsGameWorld() : false;

	EditorViewBitflag = InitOptions.EditorViewBitflag;

	SelectionOutlineColor = GEngine->GetSelectionOutlineColor();