void ApplyShaders(std::string name, AtNode* node, std::vector<std::string> tags, ProcArgs & args)
   bool foundInPath = false;
   AtNode* appliedShader = NULL;
   for(std::map<std::string, AtNode*>::iterator it = args.shaders.begin(); it != args.shaders.end(); ++it) 

     //check both path & tag
     if(it->first.find("/") != std::string::npos)
       if(name.find(it->first) != std::string::npos)
         appliedShader = it->second;
         foundInPath = true;
     else if(matchPattern(name,it->first)) // based on wildcard expression

        AiMsgDebug("[ABC] Shader pattern '%s' matched %s",it->first.c_str(), name.c_str());
        appliedShader = it->second;
        foundInPath = true;
     else if(foundInPath == false)
       if (std::find(tags.begin(), tags.end(), it->first) != tags.end())
         AiMsgDebug("[ABC] Shader tag '%s' matched tag on %s",it->first.c_str(), name.c_str());
         appliedShader = it->second;

   if(appliedShader != NULL)
     std::string newName = std::string(AiNodeGetName(appliedShader)) + std::string("_") + name;
     AtArray* shaders = AiArrayAllocate( 1 , 1, AI_TYPE_NODE);
     AiMsgDebug("[ABC] Assigning shader  %s to %s", AiNodeGetName(appliedShader), AiNodeGetName(node));
     AiArraySetPtr(shaders, 0, appliedShader);
     AiNodeSetArray(node, "shader", shaders);
     AtArray* shaders = AiNodeGetArray(args.proceduralNode, "shader");
     if (shaders->nelements != 0)
        AiNodeSetArray(node, "shader", AiArrayCopy(shaders));
AtNode * ProcessPointsBase(
        IPoints & prim, ProcArgs & args,
        SampleTimeSet & sampleTimes,
        std::vector<AtPoint> & vidxs,
		std::vector<float> & radius,
		MatrixSampleMap * xformSamples )
    if ( !prim.valid() )
        return NULL;
    Alembic::AbcGeom::IPointsSchema  &ps = prim.getSchema();
    TimeSamplingPtr ts = ps.getTimeSampling();
	sampleTimes.insert( ts->getFloorIndex(args.frame / args.fps, ps.getNumSamples()).second );
    std::string name = args.nameprefix + prim.getFullName();
    AtNode * instanceNode = NULL;
    std::string cacheId;
    SampleTimeSet singleSampleTimes;
    singleSampleTimes.insert( ts->getFloorIndex(args.frame / args.fps, ps.getNumSamples()).second );

	ICompoundProperty arbGeomParams = ps.getArbGeomParams();
	ISampleSelector frameSelector( *singleSampleTimes.begin() );
	std::vector<std::string> tags;

	//get tags
	if ( arbGeomParams != NULL && arbGeomParams.valid() )
		if (arbGeomParams.getPropertyHeader("mtoa_constant_tags") != NULL)
			const PropertyHeader * tagsHeader = arbGeomParams.getPropertyHeader("mtoa_constant_tags");
			if (IStringGeomParam::matches( *tagsHeader ))
				IStringGeomParam param( arbGeomParams,  "mtoa_constant_tags" );
				if ( param.valid() )
					IStringGeomParam::prop_type::sample_ptr_type valueSample =
									param.getExpandedValue( frameSelector ).getVals();

					if ( param.getScope() == kConstantScope || param.getScope() == kUnknownScope)
						Json::Value jtags;
						Json::Reader reader;
						if(reader.parse(valueSample->get()[0], jtags))
							for( Json::ValueIterator itr = jtags.begin() ; itr != jtags.end() ; itr++ )

    if ( args.makeInstance )
        std::ostringstream buffer;
        AbcA::ArraySampleKey sampleKey;
        for ( SampleTimeSet::iterator I = sampleTimes.begin();
                I != sampleTimes.end(); ++I )
            ISampleSelector sampleSelector( *I );
            ps.getPositionsProperty().getKey(sampleKey, sampleSelector);
            buffer << GetRelativeSampleTime( args, (*I) ) << ":";
            buffer << ":";
        cacheId = buffer.str();
        instanceNode = AiNode( "ginstance" );
        AiNodeSetStr( instanceNode, "name", name.c_str() );

        if ( args.proceduralNode )
            AiNodeSetByte( instanceNode, "visibility",
                    AiNodeGetByte( args.proceduralNode, "visibility" ) );
            AiNodeSetByte( instanceNode, "visibility", AI_RAY_ALL );

		ApplyTransformation( instanceNode, xformSamples, args );

		NodeCache::iterator I = g_meshCache.find(cacheId);

		// parameters overrides
			ApplyOverrides(name, instanceNode, tags, args);

		// shader assignation
		if (nodeHasParameter( instanceNode, "shader" ) )
				ApplyShaders(name, instanceNode, tags, args);
				AtArray* shaders = AiNodeGetArray(args.proceduralNode, "shader");
				if (shaders->nelements != 0)
				   AiNodeSetArray(instanceNode, "shader", AiArrayCopy(shaders));

        if ( I != g_meshCache.end() )
            AiNodeSetPtr(instanceNode, "node", (*I).second );	
			return NULL;

    bool isFirstSample = true;

	float radiusPoint = 0.1f;
	if (AiNodeLookUpUserParameter(args.proceduralNode, "radiusPoint") !=NULL )
		radiusPoint = AiNodeGetFlt(args.proceduralNode, "radiusPoint");

	bool useVelocities = false;
	if ((sampleTimes.size() == 1) && (args.shutterOpen != args.shutterClose))
		// no sample, and motion blur needed, let's try to get velocities.
			useVelocities = true;

	for ( SampleTimeSet::iterator I = sampleTimes.begin();
          I != sampleTimes.end(); ++I, isFirstSample = false)
        ISampleSelector sampleSelector( *I );
        Alembic::AbcGeom::IPointsSchema::Sample sample = ps.getValue( sampleSelector );

		Alembic::Abc::P3fArraySamplePtr v3ptr = sample.getPositions();
		size_t pSize = sample.getPositions()->size(); 

		if(useVelocities && isFirstSample)
			float scaleVelocity = 1.0f;
			if (AiNodeLookUpUserParameter(args.proceduralNode, "scaleVelocity") !=NULL )
				scaleVelocity = AiNodeGetFlt(args.proceduralNode, "scaleVelocity");

			Alembic::Abc::V3fArraySamplePtr velptr = sample.getVelocities();

			float timeoffset = ((args.frame / args.fps) - ts->getFloorIndex((*I), ps.getNumSamples()).second) * args.fps;

			for ( size_t pId = 0; pId < pSize; ++pId ) 
				Alembic::Abc::V3f posAtOpen = ((*v3ptr)[pId] + (*velptr)[pId] * scaleVelocity *-timeoffset);			
				AtPoint pos1;
				pos1.x = posAtOpen.x;
				pos1.y = posAtOpen.y;
				pos1.z = posAtOpen.z;
				vidxs[pId]= pos1;

				Alembic::Abc::V3f posAtEnd = ((*v3ptr)[pId] + (*velptr)[pId]* scaleVelocity *(1.0f-timeoffset));
				AtPoint pos2;
				pos2.x = posAtEnd.x;
				pos2.y = posAtEnd.y;
				pos2.z = posAtEnd.z;
				vidxs[pId+pSize]= pos2;
			// not motion blur or correctly sampled particles
			for ( size_t pId = 0; pId < pSize; ++pId ) 
				AtPoint pos;
				pos.x = (*v3ptr)[pId].x;
				pos.y = (*v3ptr)[pId].y;
				pos.z = (*v3ptr)[pId].z;
    AtNode* pointsNode = AiNode( "points" );
    if (!pointsNode)
        AiMsgError("Failed to make points node for %s",
        return NULL;

    if ( instanceNode != NULL)
        AiNodeSetStr( pointsNode, "name", (name + ":src").c_str() );
        AiNodeSetStr( pointsNode, "name", name.c_str() );
		AiNodeSetArray(pointsNode, "points",
				AiArrayConvert( vidxs.size() / sampleTimes.size(), 
						sampleTimes.size(), AI_TYPE_POINT, (void*)(&(vidxs[0]))
		AiNodeSetArray(pointsNode, "radius",
				AiArrayConvert( vidxs.size() / sampleTimes.size(), 
						sampleTimes.size(), AI_TYPE_FLOAT, (void*)(&(radius[0]))

		if ( sampleTimes.size() > 1 )
			std::vector<float> relativeSampleTimes;
			relativeSampleTimes.reserve( sampleTimes.size() );
			for (SampleTimeSet::const_iterator I = sampleTimes.begin();
					I != sampleTimes.end(); ++I )
			   chrono_t sampleTime = GetRelativeSampleTime( args, (*I) );

			AiNodeSetArray( pointsNode, "deform_time_samples",
					AiArrayConvert(relativeSampleTimes.size(), 1,
							AI_TYPE_FLOAT, &relativeSampleTimes[0]));
		AiNodeSetArray(pointsNode, "points",
				AiArrayConvert( vidxs.size() / 2, 
						2, AI_TYPE_POINT, (void*)(&(vidxs[0]))
		AiNodeSetArray(pointsNode, "radius",
				AiArrayConvert( vidxs.size() /2 / sampleTimes.size(), 
						sampleTimes.size(), AI_TYPE_FLOAT, (void*)(&(radius[0]))
		AiNodeSetArray( pointsNode, "deform_time_samples",
					AiArray(2, 1, AI_TYPE_FLOAT, 0.f, 1.f));


   AddArbitraryGeomParams( arbGeomParams, frameSelector, pointsNode );
    if ( instanceNode == NULL )
        if ( xformSamples )
            ApplyTransformation( pointsNode, xformSamples, args );
        return pointsNode;
        AiNodeSetByte( pointsNode, "visibility", 0 );

		  AiNodeSetInt( pointsNode, "mode", 1 );
        AiNodeSetPtr(instanceNode, "node", pointsNode );
        g_meshCache[cacheId] = pointsNode;
        return pointsNode;