Beispiel #1
KernelBitmap *CDRBitmap::ConvertBitmap4(RIFFFile *RIFF, DWORD *Reference, CDRFilter *C)
	// check various things
	ERROR3IF(RIFF->GetObjChunkType() != cdrT_bmp, "ConvertBitmap called for non-bitmap RIFF chunk");
	ERROR3IF(RIFF->GetObjType() != RIFFOBJECTTYPE_CHUNK, "ConvertBitmap called for a non-chunk RIFF object");

	if(RIFF->GetObjSize() < sizeof(cdrfBitmapHeader4))
		// Empty 'if' statement
		// Anyone's guess if this was intended
		// Changed to this form to remove a compiler warning
		// Markn 19/3/99

	// get some data from the RIFF file
	cdrfBitmapHeader4 Hdr;

	// get the header from offset 0
	if(!RIFF->GetChunkData((ADDR)&Hdr, sizeof(Hdr), 0))
		return 0;

	// check the header...
	if((((Hdr.SizeX * Hdr.SizeY) / Hdr.Depth) + Hdr.ImageOffset - cdrfBitmapHeaderImageOffsetCorrect)
					> (DWORD)RIFF->GetObjSize()
					|| Hdr.Depth < 1 || Hdr.Depth > 32)
TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("Header in CDR bitmap doesn't check out\n"));
		return 0;

	// store the reference
TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("Bitmap reference = %X\n"), Hdr.Reference);
	*Reference = Hdr.Reference;

	// find a plausible number of palette entries...
	INT32 NPaletteEntries = Hdr.NPaletteEntries;

	if(NPaletteEntries > (1 << Hdr.Depth))
		NPaletteEntries = (1 << Hdr.Depth);

	if(NPaletteEntries < 0)
		NPaletteEntries = 0;	

	// is it a greyscale type bitmap?
	BOOL Greyscale = FALSE;
//	if(Hdr.Depth <= 8 && Hdr.ImageType == cdrfBITMAPTYPE_GREYSCALE)
//		Greyscale = TRUE;

	// OK, create a bitmap...
	LPBYTE Image;
	ImageHeader = AllocDIB(Hdr.SizeX, Hdr.SizeY, Hdr.Depth, &Image);

	if(ImageHeader == 0)
		return 0;

	// right then, sort out that there palette if we really want to
	if(Hdr.Depth <= 8)
		{	// it's a greyscale image - create a nice palette
			UINT32 Entries = 1 << Hdr.Depth;
			UINT32 Inc = 256 / Entries;
			UINT32 Value = 0;
			UINT32 l;

			for(l = 0; l < Entries; l++)
				ImageHeader->bmiColors[l].rgbRed = Value;
				ImageHeader->bmiColors[l].rgbGreen = Value;
		 		ImageHeader->bmiColors[l].rgbBlue = Value;
				ImageHeader->bmiColors[l].rgbReserved = 0;

				Value += Inc;
		{	// it's a colour image - load it's palette from the file
			// load the palette data into the palette in the created bitmap
					sizeof(cdrfBitmapPaletteEntry4) * NPaletteEntries, sizeof(cdrfBitmapHeader4)))
				FreeDIB(ImageHeader, Image);
				return 0;

	// work out the scanline lengths (aligns to 4 bytes)
	INT32 RawScanlineLength = Hdr.SizeX * Hdr.Depth;	// in bits
	INT32 ScanlineLength = ((RawScanlineLength + 31) / 32) * 4;

	// set up offsets of current line
	INT32 SourceOffset;
		SourceOffset = cdrfBitmapGreyscaleImageStart;
		SourceOffset = sizeof(cdrfBitmapHeader) + Hdr.ImageOffset - cdrfBitmapHeaderImageOffsetCorrect;

	// grab the image data, it's in the same sort of format as a DIB file. Helpfully
//	if(!RIFF->GetChunkData((ADDR)Image, ScanlineLength * Hdr.SizeY, SourceOffset))
//	{
//		FreeDIB(ImageHeader, Image);
//		return 0;
//	}
	INT32 SizeLeftToGet = ScanlineLength * Hdr.SizeY;
	INT32 Size, Got = 0;

	while(SizeLeftToGet > 0)
			Size = SizeLeftToGet;
		if(!RIFF->GetChunkData((ADDR)Image + Got, Size, SourceOffset + Got))
			FreeDIB(ImageHeader, Image);
			return 0;
		SizeLeftToGet -= Size;
		Got += Size;


	// OK, it's all filled in. Create a KernelBitmap from it.
	// first of all, get ourself a nice OIL bitmap
	WinBitmap *WinB = new WinBitmap(ImageHeader, Image);

	if(WinB == 0)
		FreeDIB(ImageHeader, Image);
		return 0;

	// get it to cache some interesting stuff

	// and now get a KernelBitmap
	KernelBitmap *KerB = new KernelBitmap(WinB);

	if(KerB == 0)
		delete WinB;
		return 0;

	// and that's it for now, folks
	return KerB;
Beispiel #2
KernelBitmap *CDRBitmap::ConvertPattern(RIFFFile *RIFF, DWORD *Reference, CDRFilter *C)
TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("Converting pattern\n"));
	// check various things
	ERROR3IF(RIFF->GetObjChunkType() != cdrT_bmpf, "ConvertPattern called for non-pattern RIFF chunk");
	ERROR3IF(RIFF->GetObjType() != RIFFOBJECTTYPE_CHUNK, "ConvertPattern called for a non-chunk RIFF object");

	if(RIFF->GetObjSize() < sizeof(cdrfPatternBitmapHeader))
		// Empty 'if' statement
		// Anyone's guess if this was intended
		// Changed to this form to remove a compiler warning
		// Markn 19/3/99

	// get some data from the RIFF file
	cdrfPatternBitmapHeader Hdr;

	// get the header from offset 0
	if(!RIFF->GetChunkData((ADDR)&Hdr, sizeof(Hdr), 0))
		return 0;

	// check the header...
	if(((Hdr.SizeX * Hdr.SizeY) / 8) > Hdr.DataSize || Hdr.DataSize > (DWORD)RIFF->GetObjSize())
TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("Header in CDR pattern doesn't check out\n"));
		return 0;

	// store the reference
TRACEUSER( "Ben", _T("Pattern reference = %X\n"), Hdr.Reference);
	*Reference = Hdr.Reference;

	// OK, create a bitmap...
	// it's always a 1 bpp bitmap
	LPBYTE Image;
	ImageHeader = AllocDIB(Hdr.SizeX, Hdr.SizeX, 1, &Image);

	if(ImageHeader == 0)
		return 0;

	// check and then fill in the image data
	if(ImageHeader->bmiHeader.biSizeImage < (Hdr.DataSize - (sizeof(DWORD) * 3)))
		FreeDIB(ImageHeader, Image);
		return 0;

	// set some palette data
	ImageHeader->bmiColors[0].rgbBlue = 0;
	ImageHeader->bmiColors[0].rgbGreen = 0;
	ImageHeader->bmiColors[0].rgbRed = 0;
	ImageHeader->bmiColors[0].rgbReserved = 0;
	ImageHeader->bmiColors[1].rgbBlue = 0xff;
	ImageHeader->bmiColors[1].rgbGreen = 0xff;
	ImageHeader->bmiColors[1].rgbRed = 0xff;
	ImageHeader->bmiColors[1].rgbReserved = 0;

	// corel bitmaps align the scanlines to the nearest byte, not the nearest word
	// how long is a corel scanline
	INT32 SourceScanlineLength = (Hdr.SizeX + 7)	/ 8;
	// how long is the destination scanline?
	INT32 DestScanlineLength = ((Hdr.SizeX + 31) / 32) * 4;

	// sanity check
	ERROR3IF(DestScanlineLength < SourceScanlineLength, "Problem with scanline length calculations");
	// set up offsets of current line
	INT32 SourceOffset = Hdr.DataOffset + (sizeof(DWORD) * 3);
	INT32 DestOffset = ImageHeader->bmiHeader.biSizeImage - DestScanlineLength;
	// grab the image data, backwards
	INT32 Line;
	for(Line = 0; Line < (INT32)Hdr.SizeY; Line++)
		if(!RIFF->GetChunkData(((ADDR)Image) + DestOffset,
				SourceScanlineLength, SourceOffset))
			FreeDIB(ImageHeader, Image);
			return 0;

		SourceOffset += SourceScanlineLength;
		DestOffset -= DestScanlineLength;

		if((Line & 0xf) == 0)

	// OK, it's all filled in. Create a KernelBitmap from it.
	// first of all, get ourself a nice OIL bitmap
	WinBitmap *WinB = new WinBitmap(ImageHeader, Image);

	if(WinB == 0)
		FreeDIB(ImageHeader, Image);
		return 0;

	// and now get a KernelBitmap
	KernelBitmap *KerB = new KernelBitmap(WinB);

	if(KerB == 0)
		delete WinB;
		return 0;

	// and that's it for now, folks
	return KerB;
Beispiel #3
LPBITMAPINFO GRenderWinG::GetLPBits( INT32 Width, INT32 Height, INT32 Depth, LPBYTE*lplpBits)
	// get a bitmap header with no bits
	const LPBITMAPINFO bmInfo = AllocDIB( Width, Height, Depth, NULL );
	if (!bmInfo)
		return NULL;

	// tell it the sort of palette we want - we want Gavin's
	if (Depth==8)
	#if 0
		RGBQUAD *rgb = bmInfo->bmiColors;
		LPPALETTEENTRY lpPal = GetRecommendedPalette()->palPalEntry;

		size_t i ;
		for ( i=0 ; i<256 ; i++ )
			rgb->rgbRed = lpPal->peRed;
			rgb->rgbGreen = lpPal->peGreen;
			rgb->rgbBlue = lpPal->peBlue;
			rgb->rgbReserved = 0;
			rgb ++;

		GetSystemPaletteEntries (
			RenderDC->m_hDC, 0, 256, (LPPALETTEENTRY) bmInfo->bmiColors
		) ;
		RGBQUAD *rgb = bmInfo->bmiColors ;					// Swap R and B.
		size_t i ;
		for ( i=0 ; i<256 ; i++ )
			BYTE t = rgb->rgbRed ;
			rgb->rgbRed = rgb->rgbBlue ;
			rgb->rgbBlue = t ;
			rgb ++ ;

	// if WinG wants it upside-down then go for it
	if (RecommendedDIB.biHeight == -1)
		Inverted = TRUE;
		bmInfo->bmiHeader.biHeight = -bmInfo->bmiHeader.biHeight;
		Inverted = FALSE;

	// now get a lovely WinG bitmap
	WinGBitmap = pWinGCreateBitmap( OffScreenDC, bmInfo, (void FAR* FAR *)lplpBits );
	if (WinGBitmap==NULL)
		TRACE( _T("WinGCreateBitmap failed\n"));
		FreeDIB( bmInfo, NULL );
		return NULL;

	// turn it back the other way else Gavin is likely to get confused
	if (Inverted)
		bmInfo->bmiHeader.biHeight = -bmInfo->bmiHeader.biHeight;

	//TRACE( _T("WinG Alloc %lx=%lx:%lx\n"), this, bmInfo, *lplpBits);
	return bmInfo;
Beispiel #4
                           UINT32 OutputDepth, DWORD CompressionType,
                           UINT32 FinalHeight, INT32 ExportSize, UINT32 DitherType )
    TRACEUSER( "Jonathan", _T("PNG write: Start\n"));
    ERROR2IF( lpHeader==NULL , FALSE, "OutputPNG::StartFile NULL lpHeader");

    // Set up memory pointers to NULL
    if (DestBitmapInfo && DestBitmapBytes)
        FreeDIB( DestBitmapInfo, DestBitmapBytes );
        DestBitmapInfo = NULL;
        DestBitmapBytes = NULL;
//	DestBitmapInfo = NULL;
//	DestBitmapBytes = NULL;
    if (OutputPalette)
        OutputPalette = NULL;
//	OutputPalette = NULL;
    IsFirstStrip = TRUE;
    HeightWritten = 0;

    // remember input args
    BitmapInfo = *lpHeader;								// take a copy of user's header
    CurrentExportSize = ExportSize;						// size set up for the progress bar
    HeightWanted = FinalHeight;							// the actual height of the export required
    Dither = DitherType;

    // We will need to have the entire image present before writing out so that we can
    // cope with interlacing and transparency, so create that DIB
    // Set up the information header for the dib which we hold during export
    UINT32 LineWidth = DIBUtil::ScanlineSize( BitmapInfo.biWidth, OutputDepth );
    INT32 PalSize = 0;
    BOOL ok = SetUpInfoHeader(lpHeader, OutputDepth, CompressionType, LineWidth, FinalHeight, &PalSize);

    // Claim memory for the bitmap
    if (ok)
        DestBitmapInfo = AllocDIB( BitmapInfo.biWidth, FinalHeight, OutputDepth, &DestBitmapBytes );
        ok = (DestBitmapInfo != NULL) && (DestBitmapBytes != NULL);

    // Transfer across the required other bits of info
    if (ok)
        DestBitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = BitmapInfo.biXPelsPerMeter;
        DestBitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = BitmapInfo.biYPelsPerMeter;
        DestBitmapInfo->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = PalSize;

    // Point the place to put the next strip of data at the start ready for the first strip
    pNextStrip = DestBitmapBytes;

    // Take a copy of the palette
    if (ok && PalSize && Palette)
        const size_t TotalPal = sizeof(LOGPALETTE) + ( sizeof(PALETTEENTRY) * PalSize );
        OutputPalette = (LPLOGPALETTE)CCMalloc( TotalPal );
        if (OutputPalette != NULL)
            memcpy( OutputPalette, Palette, TotalPal );
            ok = FALSE;

    // Clean up if an error happened
    if (!ok)
        // Free up the DIB that we have just created
        FreeDIB( DestBitmapInfo, DestBitmapBytes );
        DestBitmapInfo = NULL;
        DestBitmapBytes = NULL;
        if (OutputPalette != NULL)
            OutputPalette = NULL;

    return ok;
Beispiel #5
HRESULT CImgBitsDIB::AllocCopyBitmap(HBITMAP hbm, BOOL fPalColors, LONG lTrans)
    HRESULT hr;

    LONG iBitCount;
            RGBQUAD rgb[256];
            WORD windex[256];
            DWORD dwbc[3];
    } header;

    HDC hdc;

    hdc = GetMemoryDC();
        return E_OUTOFMEMORY;

    memset(&header, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)+sizeof(RGBQUAD)*256);
    header.bmih.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);

    GetDIBits(hdc, hbm, 0, 0, NULL, (BITMAPINFO*)&header, fPalColors?DIB_PAL_COLORS:DIB_RGB_COLORS);

    // A second call to GetDIBits should get the color table if any, but it doesn't work on Win95, so we use
    // GetDIBColorTable instead (dbau)
    if(header.bmih.biBitCount <= 8)
        HBITMAP hbmSav;
        hbmSav = (HBITMAP)SelectObject(hdc, hbm);
        GetDIBColorTable(hdc, 0, 1<<header.bmih.biBitCount, header.rgb);
        SelectObject(hdc, hbmSav);

    iBitCount = header.bmih.biBitCount;
    if(iBitCount == 16)
        if(header.bmih.biCompression!=BI_BITFIELDS ||
            header.dwbc[0]!=MASK565_0 || header.dwbc[1]!=MASK565_1 || header.dwbc[2]!=MASK565_2)
            iBitCount = 15;

    BOOL fColorTable = (!fPalColors && iBitCount<=8);
        hr = AllocDIB(iBitCount, header.bmih.biWidth, header.bmih.biHeight, header.rgb, 1<<iBitCount, lTrans, lTrans==-1);
        hr = AllocDIB(iBitCount, header.bmih.biWidth, header.bmih.biHeight, NULL, 0, -1, TRUE);

    GetDIBits(hdc, hbm, 0, header.bmih.biHeight, GetBits(), (BITMAPINFO*)&header, fPalColors?DIB_PAL_COLORS:DIB_RGB_COLORS);


    return S_OK;