Beispiel #1
 * @brief Create a massive polygon for the specified plane. This will be used
 * as the basis for all clipping operations against the plane. Double precision
 * is used to produce very accurate results; this is an improvement over the
 * Quake II tools.
winding_t *WindingForPlane(const vec3_t normal, const vec_t dist) {
	dvec3_t org, vnormal, vright, vup;
	int32_t i;

	// find the major axis
	vec_t max = -BOGUS_RANGE;
	int32_t x = -1;
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		const vec_t v = fabs(normal[i]);
		if (v > max) {
			x = i;
			max = v;
	if (x == -1) {
		Com_Error(ERROR_FATAL, "No axis found\n");

	switch (x) {
		case 0:
		case 1:
			VectorSet(vright, -normal[1], normal[0], 0.0);
		case 2:
			VectorSet(vright, 0.0, -normal[2], normal[1]);
			Com_Error(ERROR_FATAL, "Bad axis\n");

	VectorScale(vright, MAX_WORLD_COORD * 8.0, vright);

	VectorCopy(normal, vnormal);

	// CrossProduct(vnormal, vright, vup);
	vup[0] = vnormal[1] * vright[2] - vnormal[2] * vright[1];
	vup[1] = vnormal[2] * vright[0] - vnormal[0] * vright[2];
	vup[2] = vnormal[0] * vright[1] - vnormal[1] * vright[0];

	VectorScale(vnormal, dist, org);

	// project a really big	axis aligned box onto the plane
	winding_t *w = AllocWinding(4);

	VectorSubtract(org, vright, w->points[0]);
	VectorAdd(w->points[0], vup, w->points[0]);

	VectorAdd(org, vright, w->points[1]);
	VectorAdd(w->points[1], vup, w->points[1]);

	VectorAdd(org, vright, w->points[2]);
	VectorSubtract(w->points[2], vup, w->points[2]);

	VectorSubtract(org, vright, w->points[3]);
	VectorSubtract(w->points[3], vup, w->points[3]);

	w->num_points = 4;

	return w;
Beispiel #2
winding_t *WindingFromDrawSurf( mapDrawSurface_t *ds ){
	winding_t   *w;
	int i;

	// we use the first point of the surface, maybe something more clever would be useful
	// (actually send the whole draw surface would be cool?)
	if ( ds->numVerts >= MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING ) {
		int max = ds->numVerts;
		vec3_t p[256];

		if ( max > 256 ) {
			max = 256;

		for ( i = 0 ; i < max ; i++ ) {
			VectorCopy( ds->verts[i].xyz, p[i] );

		xml_Winding( "WindingFromDrawSurf failed: MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING exceeded", p, max, qtrue );

	w = AllocWinding( ds->numVerts );
	w->numpoints = ds->numVerts;
	for ( i = 0 ; i < ds->numVerts ; i++ ) {
		VectorCopy( ds->verts[i].xyz, w->p[i] );
	return w;
Beispiel #3
void DWinding::RemoveColinearPoints()

	int nump = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < numpoints; i++)
		int j = (i+1)%numpoints;
		int k = (i+numpoints-1)%numpoints;

		vec3_t	v1, v2;
		VectorSubtract (p[j], p[i], v1);
		VectorSubtract (p[i], p[k], v2);
		VectorNormalize(v1, v1);
		VectorNormalize(v2, v2);

		if (DotProduct(v1, v2) < 0.999)
			VectorCopy (p[i], p2[nump]);

	if (nump == numpoints)

	memcpy (p, p2, nump*sizeof(vec3_t));
Beispiel #4
// adds the given point to a winding at the given spot
// (for instance when spot is zero then the point is added at position zero)
// the original winding is NOT freed
// Parameter:				-
// Returns:					the new winding with the added point
// Changes Globals:		-
winding_t *AddWindingPoint( winding_t *w, vec3_t point, int spot ) {
	int i, j;
	winding_t *neww;

	if ( spot > w->numpoints ) {
		Error( "AddWindingPoint: num > w->numpoints" );
	} //end if
	if ( spot < 0 ) {
		Error( "AddWindingPoint: num < 0" );
	} //end if
	neww = AllocWinding( w->numpoints + 1 );
	neww->numpoints = w->numpoints + 1;
	for ( i = 0, j = 0; i < neww->numpoints; i++ )
		if ( i == spot ) {
			VectorCopy( point, neww->p[i] );
		} //end if
			VectorCopy( w->p[j], neww->p[i] );
		} //end else
	} //end for
	return neww;
} //end of the function AddWindingPoint
Beispiel #5
winding_t	*WindingFromFace (dface_t *f)
	int			i;
	int			se;
	dvertex_t	*dv;
	int			v;
	winding_t	*w;

	w = AllocWinding (f->numedges);
	w->numpoints = f->numedges;

	for (i=0 ; i<f->numedges ; i++)
		se = dsurfedges[f->firstedge + i];
		if (se < 0)
			v = dedges[-se].v[1];
			v = dedges[se].v[0];

		dv = &dvertexes[v];
		VectorCopy (dv->point, w->p[i]);

	RemoveColinearPoints (w);

	return w;
Beispiel #6
static void ProjectDecalOntoTriangles( decalProjector_t *dp, mapDrawSurface_t *ds )
	int			i;
	vec4_t		plane;
	float		d;
	winding_t	*w;
	/* triangle surfaces without shaders don't get marks by default */
	if( ds->type == SURFACE_TRIANGLES && ds->shaderInfo->shaderText == NULL )
	/* backface check */
	if( ds->planar )
		VectorCopy( mapplanes[ ds->planeNum ].normal, plane );
		plane[ 3 ] = mapplanes[ ds->planeNum ].dist + DotProduct( plane, entityOrigin );
		d = DotProduct( dp->planes[ 0 ], plane );
		if( d < -0.0001f )
	/* iterate through triangles */
	for( i = 0; i < ds->numIndexes; i += 3 )
		/* generate decal */
		w = AllocWinding( 3 );
		w->numpoints = 3;
		VectorCopy( ds->verts[ ds->indexes[ i ] ].xyz, w->p[ 0 ] );
		VectorCopy( ds->verts[ ds->indexes[ i + 1 ] ].xyz, w->p[ 1 ] );
		VectorCopy( ds->verts[ ds->indexes[ i + 2 ] ].xyz, w->p[ 2 ] );
		ProjectDecalOntoWinding( dp, ds, w );
Beispiel #7
 * @brief
winding_t *WindingForFace(const bsp_face_t *f) {
	int32_t i;
	bsp_vertex_t *dv;
	int32_t v;
	winding_t *w;

	w = AllocWinding(f->num_edges);
	w->num_points = f->num_edges;

	for (i = 0; i < f->num_edges; i++) {
		const int32_t se = bsp_file.face_edges[f->first_edge + i];
		if (se < 0) {
			v = bsp_file.edges[-se].v[1];
		} else {
			v = bsp_file.edges[se].v[0];

		dv = &bsp_file.vertexes[v];
		VectorCopy(dv->point, w->points[i]);


	return w;
Beispiel #8
winding_t *CopyWinding(winding_t * w) {
	intptr_t        size;
	winding_t      *c;

	c = AllocWinding(w->numpoints);
	size = (intptr_t) ((winding_t *)0)->p[w->numpoints];
	Com_Memcpy(c, w, size);
	return c;
Beispiel #9
 * @brief
winding_t *CopyWinding(const winding_t *w) {
	size_t size;
	winding_t *c;

	c = AllocWinding(w->num_points);
	size = (size_t) ((winding_t *) 0)->points[w->num_points];
	memcpy(c, w, size);
	return c;
Beispiel #10
winding_t *BaseWindingForPlane(vec3_t normal, vec_t dist) {
	int i, x = -1;
	vec_t max = -MAX_MAP_BOUNDS, v;
	vec3_t org, vright, vup;
	winding_t *w;

	// find the major axis
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		v = Q_fabs(normal[i]);

		if (v > max) {
			x = i;
			max = v;

	if (x == -1) {
		Com_Error(ERR_DROP, "BaseWindingForPlane: no axis found");

	VectorCopy(vec3_origin, vup);

	switch (x) {
		case 0:
		case 1:
			vup[2] = 1;
		case 2:
			vup[0] = 1;

	v = DotProduct(vup, normal);

	VectorMA(vup, -v, normal, vup);
	vec3_norm2(vup, vup);
	VectorScale(normal, dist, org);
	vec3_cross(vup, normal, vright);
	VectorScale(vup, MAX_MAP_BOUNDS, vup);
	VectorScale(vright, MAX_MAP_BOUNDS, vright);
	// project a really big axis aligned box onto the plane
	w = AllocWinding(4);

	VectorSubtract(org, vright, w->p[0]);
	VectorAdd(w->p[0], vup, w->p[0]);
	VectorAdd(org, vright, w->p[1]);
	VectorAdd(w->p[1], vup, w->p[1]);
	VectorAdd(org, vright, w->p[2]);
	VectorSubtract(w->p[2], vup, w->p[2]);
	VectorSubtract(org, vright, w->p[3]);
	VectorSubtract(w->p[3], vup, w->p[3]);

	w->numpoints = 4;

	return w;
Beispiel #11
winding_t *CopyWinding (winding_t *w)
	int			size;
	winding_t	*c;

	c = AllocWinding (w->numpoints);
	size = sizeof(*w) + sizeof(*w->p) * w->numpoints;
	memcpy (c, w, size);
	return c;
Beispiel #12
winding_t	*CopyWinding (winding_t *w)
    int			size;
    winding_t	*c;

    c = AllocWinding (w->numpoints);
    size = sizeof(vec3_t) * w->numpoints + sizeof(int);
    Com_Memcpy (c, w, size);
    return c;
Beispiel #13
winding_t	*CopyWinding (winding_t *w)
	int			size;
	winding_t	*c;

	c = AllocWinding (w->numpoints);
	size = (int)((size_t)((winding_t *)0)->p[w->numpoints]);
	memcpy (c, w, size);
	return c;
Beispiel #14
winding_t	*CopyWinding (winding_t *w)
	unsigned long	size;
	winding_t	*c;

	c = AllocWinding (w->numpoints);
	size = (long)((winding_t *)0)->p[w->numpoints];
	Com_Memcpy (c, w, size);
	return c;
Beispiel #15
winding_t *CopyWinding (winding_t *w)
	int			size;
	winding_t	*c;

	c = AllocWinding (w->numpoints);
	c->numpoints = w->numpoints;
	size = w->numpoints*sizeof(w->p[0]);
	memcpy (c->p, w->p, size);
	return c;
Beispiel #16
winding_t *CopyWinding (winding_t *w)
	int			size;
	winding_t	*c;

	c = AllocWinding (w->numpoints);
	// Compute size the same way than in AllocWinding
	size = sizeof(vec_t)*3*w->numpoints + sizeof(int);
	memcpy (c, w, size);
	return c;
Beispiel #17
winding_t *ReverseWinding(winding_t * w) {
	int             i;
	winding_t      *c;

	c = AllocWinding(w->numpoints);
	for(i = 0; i < w->numpoints; i++) {
		VectorCopy(w->p[w->numpoints - 1 - i], c->p[i]);
	c->numpoints = w->numpoints;
	return c;
Beispiel #18
winding_t	*CopyWinding (winding_t *w)
	size_t			size;
	winding_t	*c;

	if (!w) Error("CopyWinding: winding is NULL");

	c = AllocWinding (w->numpoints);
	size = (size_t)((winding_t *)NULL)->p[w->numpoints];
	memcpy (c, w, size);
	return c;
Beispiel #19
winding_t   *CopyWinding( winding_t *w ){
	size_t size;
	winding_t   *c;

	if ( !w ) {
		Error( "CopyWinding: winding is NULL" );

	c = AllocWinding( w->numpoints );
	size = sizeof( *w ) + sizeof( *w->p ) * w->numpoints;
	memcpy( c, w, size );
	return c;
Beispiel #20
Datei: fog.c Projekt: otty/cake3
winding_t      *WindingFromDrawSurf(drawSurface_t * ds)
	winding_t      *w;
	int             i;

	w = AllocWinding(ds->numVerts);
	w->numpoints = ds->numVerts;
	for(i = 0; i < ds->numVerts; i++)
		VectorCopy(ds->verts[i].xyz, w->p[i]);
	return w;
Beispiel #21
winding_t	*CopyWinding (winding_t *w)
	int			size;
	winding_t	*c;
	c = AllocWinding(w->numpoints);
	c->next = 0;
	c->numpoints = w->numpoints;
	c->parent = w->parent;
	c->children[0] = w->children[0];
	c->children[1] = w->children[1];
	memcpy (c->p, w->p, w->numpoints*sizeof(vertex_t));
	return c;
Beispiel #22
winding_t   *CopyWinding( winding_t *w ) {
	int size;
	winding_t   *c;

	c = AllocWinding( w->numpoints );
	size = (int)( (winding_t *)0 )->p[w->numpoints];

#if defined RTCW_SP
	Com_Memcpy( c, w, size );
	memcpy( c, w, size );
#endif // RTCW_XX

	return c;
Beispiel #23
winding_t	*CopyWindingAccuToRegular(winding_accu_t *w)
	int		i;
	winding_t	*c;

	if (!w) Error("CopyWindingAccuToRegular: winding is NULL");

	c = AllocWinding(w->numpoints);
	c->numpoints = w->numpoints;
	for (i = 0; i < c->numpoints; i++)
		VectorCopyAccuToRegular(w->p[i], c->p[i]);
	return c;
winding_t *ReverseWinding( winding_t *w )
	int		i;
	winding_t *neww;

	if( w->numpoints > MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING )
		Error( "ReverseWinding: %i points", w->numpoints );

	neww = AllocWinding( w->numpoints );
	neww->numpoints = w->numpoints;
	for( i = 0; i < w->numpoints; i++ )		// add points backwards
		VectorCopy( w->points[w->numpoints - 1 - i], neww->points[i] );

	CheckWinding( neww );

	return neww;
Beispiel #25
static winding_t* WindingFromFace (const dBspSurface_t* f)
	int i, v;
	winding_t* w;

	w = AllocWinding(f->numedges);
	w->numpoints = f->numedges;

	for (i = 0; i < f->numedges; i++) {
		const int se = curTile->surfedges[f->firstedge + i];
		if (se < 0)
			v = curTile->edges[-se].v[1];
			v = curTile->edges[se].v[0];

		dBspVertex_t* dv = &curTile->vertexes[v];
		VectorCopy(dv->point, w->p[i]);


	return w;
Beispiel #26
winding_t *BaseWinding()
	winding_t	*w;

// project a really big	axis aligned box onto the plane
	w = AllocWinding (4);

	w->p[0].x = -(8000<<16);
	w->p[0].y = (8000<<16);
	w->p[1].x = (8000<<16);
	w->p[1].y = (8000<<16);
	w->p[2].x = (8000<<16);
	w->p[2].y = -(8000<<16);
	w->p[3].x = -(8000<<16);
	w->p[3].y = -(8000<<16);

	w->numpoints = 4;
	return w;
// Purpose: 
// Input  : *pPatch - 
//			*pPoints - 
//			&vecNormal - 
//			flArea - 
bool CVRADDispColl::InitPatch( int iPatch, int iParentPatch, int iChild, Vector *pPoints, int *pIndices, float &flArea )
	// Get the current patch.
	CPatch *pPatch = &g_Patches[iPatch];
	if ( !pPatch )
		return false;

	// Clear the patch data.
	memset( pPatch, 0, sizeof( CPatch ) );

	// Setup the parent if we are not the parent.
	CPatch *pParentPatch = NULL;
	if ( iParentPatch != g_Patches.InvalidIndex() )
		// Get the parent patch.
		pParentPatch = &g_Patches[iParentPatch];
		if ( !pParentPatch )
			return false;

	// Attach the face to the correct lists.
	if ( !pParentPatch )
		// This is a parent.
		pPatch->ndxNext = g_FacePatches.Element( GetParentIndex() );
		g_FacePatches[GetParentIndex()] = iPatch;
		pPatch->faceNumber = GetParentIndex();
		pPatch->ndxNext = g_Patches.InvalidIndex();
		pPatch->faceNumber = pParentPatch->faceNumber;

		// Attach to the parent patch.
		if ( iChild == 0 )
			pParentPatch->child1 = iPatch;
			pParentPatch->child2 = iPatch;

	// Initialize parent and children indices.
	pPatch->child1 = g_Patches.InvalidIndex();
	pPatch->child2 = g_Patches.InvalidIndex();
	pPatch->ndxNextClusterChild = g_Patches.InvalidIndex();
	pPatch->ndxNextParent = g_Patches.InvalidIndex();
	pPatch->parent = iParentPatch;

	// Get triangle edges.
	Vector vecEdges[3];
	vecEdges[0] = pPoints[1] - pPoints[0];
	vecEdges[1] = pPoints[2] - pPoints[0];
	vecEdges[2] = pPoints[2] - pPoints[1];

	// Find the longest edge.
//	float flEdgeLength = 0.0f;
//	for ( int iEdge = 0; iEdge < 3; ++iEdge )
//	{
//		if ( flEdgeLength < vecEdges[iEdge].Length() )
//		{
//			flEdgeLength = vecEdges[iEdge].Length();
//		}
//	}

	// Calculate the triangle normal and area.
	Vector vecNormal = vecEdges[1].Cross( vecEdges[0] );
	flArea = VectorNormalize( vecNormal );
	flArea *= 0.5f;

	// Initialize the patch scale.
	pPatch->scale[0] = pPatch->scale[1] = 1.0f;

	// Set the patch chop - minchop (that is what the minimum area is based on).
	pPatch->chop = dispchop;

	// Displacements are not sky!
	pPatch->sky = false;

	// Copy the winding.
	Vector vecCenter( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
	pPatch->winding = AllocWinding( 3 );
	pPatch->winding->numpoints = 3;
	for ( int iPoint = 0; iPoint < 3; ++iPoint )
		VectorCopy( pPoints[iPoint], pPatch->winding->p[iPoint] );
		VectorAdd( pPoints[iPoint], vecCenter, vecCenter );

		pPatch->indices[iPoint] = static_cast<short>( pIndices[iPoint] );

	// Set the origin and normal.
	VectorScale( vecCenter, ( 1.0f / 3.0f ), vecCenter );
	VectorCopy( vecCenter, pPatch->origin );
	VectorCopy( vecNormal, pPatch->normal );

	// Create the plane.
	pPatch->plane = new dplane_t;
	if ( !pPatch->plane )
		return false;

	VectorCopy( vecNormal, pPatch->plane->normal );
	pPatch->plane->dist = vecNormal.Dot( pPoints[0] );
	pPatch->plane->type = PlaneTypeForNormal( pPatch->plane->normal );
	pPatch->planeDist = pPatch->plane->dist;

	// Set the area.
	pPatch->area = flArea;

	// Calculate the mins/maxs.
	Vector vecMin( FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX );
	Vector vecMax( FLT_MIN, FLT_MIN, FLT_MIN );
	for ( int iPoint = 0; iPoint < 3; ++iPoint )
		for ( int iAxis = 0; iAxis < 3; ++iAxis )
			vecMin[iAxis] = MIN( vecMin[iAxis], pPoints[iPoint][iAxis] );
			vecMax[iAxis] = MAX( vecMax[iAxis], pPoints[iPoint][iAxis] );

	VectorCopy( vecMin, pPatch->mins );
	VectorCopy( vecMax, pPatch->maxs );

	if ( !pParentPatch )
		VectorCopy( vecMin, pPatch->face_mins );
		VectorCopy( vecMax, pPatch->face_maxs );
		VectorCopy( pParentPatch->face_mins, pPatch->face_mins );
		VectorCopy( pParentPatch->face_maxs, pPatch->face_maxs );

	// Check for bumpmap.
	dface_t *pFace = dfaces + pPatch->faceNumber;
	texinfo_t *pTexInfo = &texinfo[pFace->texinfo];
	pPatch->needsBumpmap = pTexInfo->flags & SURF_BUMPLIGHT ? true : false;

	// Misc...
	pPatch->m_IterationKey = 0;

	// Get the base light for the face.
	if ( !pParentPatch )
		BaseLightForFace( &g_pFaces[pPatch->faceNumber], pPatch->baselight, &pPatch->basearea, pPatch->reflectivity );
		VectorCopy( pParentPatch->baselight, pPatch->baselight );
		pPatch->basearea = pParentPatch->basearea;
		pPatch->reflectivity = pParentPatch->reflectivity;

	return true;
// Purpose: 
// Input  : iPatch - 
//			iParentPatch - 
//			iChild - 
//			*pPoints - 
//			*pIndices - 
//			&flArea - 
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CVRADDispColl::InitParentPatch( int iPatch, Vector *pPoints, float &flArea )
	// Get the current patch.
	CPatch *pPatch = &g_Patches[iPatch];
	if ( !pPatch )
		return false;

	// Clear the patch data.
	memset( pPatch, 0, sizeof( CPatch ) );

	// This is a parent.
	pPatch->ndxNext = g_FacePatches.Element( GetParentIndex() );
	g_FacePatches[GetParentIndex()] = iPatch;
	pPatch->faceNumber = GetParentIndex();

	// Initialize parent and children indices.
	pPatch->child1 = g_Patches.InvalidIndex();
	pPatch->child2 = g_Patches.InvalidIndex();
	pPatch->parent = g_Patches.InvalidIndex();
	pPatch->ndxNextClusterChild = g_Patches.InvalidIndex();
	pPatch->ndxNextParent = g_Patches.InvalidIndex();

	Vector vecEdges[2];
	vecEdges[0] = pPoints[1] - pPoints[0];
	vecEdges[1] = pPoints[3] - pPoints[0];

	// Calculate the triangle normal and area.
	Vector vecNormal = vecEdges[1].Cross( vecEdges[0] );
	flArea = VectorNormalize( vecNormal );

	// Initialize the patch scale.
	pPatch->scale[0] = pPatch->scale[1] = 1.0f;

	// Set the patch chop - minchop (that is what the minimum area is based on).
	pPatch->chop = dispchop;

	// Displacements are not sky!
	pPatch->sky = false;

	// Copy the winding.
	Vector vecCenter( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
	pPatch->winding = AllocWinding( 4 );
	pPatch->winding->numpoints = 4;
	for ( int iPoint = 0; iPoint < 4; ++iPoint )
		VectorCopy( pPoints[iPoint], pPatch->winding->p[iPoint] );
		VectorAdd( pPoints[iPoint], vecCenter, vecCenter );

	// Set the origin and normal.
	VectorScale( vecCenter, ( 1.0f / 4.0f ), vecCenter );
	VectorCopy( vecCenter, pPatch->origin );
	VectorCopy( vecNormal, pPatch->normal );

	// Create the plane.
	pPatch->plane = new dplane_t;
	if ( !pPatch->plane )
		return false;

	VectorCopy( vecNormal, pPatch->plane->normal );
	pPatch->plane->dist = vecNormal.Dot( pPoints[0] );
	pPatch->plane->type = PlaneTypeForNormal( pPatch->plane->normal );
	pPatch->planeDist = pPatch->plane->dist;

	// Set the area.
	pPatch->area = flArea;

	// Calculate the mins/maxs.
	Vector vecMin( FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX );
	Vector vecMax( FLT_MIN, FLT_MIN, FLT_MIN );
	for ( int iPoint = 0; iPoint < 4; ++iPoint )
		for ( int iAxis = 0; iAxis < 3; ++iAxis )
			vecMin[iAxis] = MIN( vecMin[iAxis], pPoints[iPoint][iAxis] );
			vecMax[iAxis] = MAX( vecMax[iAxis], pPoints[iPoint][iAxis] );

	VectorCopy( vecMin, pPatch->mins );
	VectorCopy( vecMax, pPatch->maxs );
	VectorCopy( vecMin, pPatch->face_mins );
	VectorCopy( vecMax, pPatch->face_maxs );

	// Check for bumpmap.
	dface_t *pFace = dfaces + pPatch->faceNumber;
	texinfo_t *pTexInfo = &texinfo[pFace->texinfo];
	pPatch->needsBumpmap = pTexInfo->flags & SURF_BUMPLIGHT ? true : false;

	// Misc...
	pPatch->m_IterationKey = 0;

	// Calculate the base light, area, and reflectivity.
	BaseLightForFace( &g_pFaces[pPatch->faceNumber], pPatch->baselight, &pPatch->basearea, pPatch->reflectivity );

	return true;
Beispiel #29
 * @brief If two polygons share a common edge and the edges that meet at the
 * common points are both inside the other polygons, merge them
 * @return nullptr if the faces couldn't be merged, or the new winding.
 * @note The originals will NOT be freed.
static winding_t* TryMergeWinding (winding_t* f1, winding_t* f2, const vec3_t planenormal)
	vec_t* p1, *p2, *back;
	winding_t* newf;
	int i, j, k, l;
	vec3_t normal, delta;
	vec_t dot;
	bool keep1, keep2;

	p1 = p2 = nullptr;
	j = 0;

	/* find a common edge */
	for (i = 0; i < f1->numpoints; i++) {
		p1 = f1->p[i];
		p2 = f1->p[(i + 1) % f1->numpoints];
		for (j = 0; j < f2->numpoints; j++) {
			const vec_t* p3 = f2->p[j];
			const vec_t* p4 = f2->p[(j + 1) % f2->numpoints];
			for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
				if (fabs(p1[k] - p4[k]) > EQUAL_EPSILON)
				if (fabs(p2[k] - p3[k]) > EQUAL_EPSILON)
			if (k == 3)
		if (j < f2->numpoints)

	/* no matching edges */
	if (i == f1->numpoints)
		return nullptr;

	/* check slope of connected lines */
	/* if the slopes are colinear, the point can be removed */
	back = f1->p[(i + f1->numpoints - 1) % f1->numpoints];
	VectorSubtract(p1, back, delta);
	CrossProduct(planenormal, delta, normal);

	back = f2->p[(j + 2) % f2->numpoints];
	VectorSubtract(back, p1, delta);
	dot = DotProduct(delta, normal);
	/* not a convex polygon */
		return nullptr;
	keep1 = (bool)(dot < -CONTINUOUS_EPSILON);

	back = f1->p[(i + 2) % f1->numpoints];
	VectorSubtract(back, p2, delta);
	CrossProduct(planenormal, delta, normal);

	back = f2->p[(j + f2->numpoints - 1) % f2->numpoints];
	VectorSubtract(back, p2, delta);
	dot = DotProduct(delta, normal);
	/* not a convex polygon */
		return nullptr;
	keep2 = (bool)(dot < -CONTINUOUS_EPSILON);

	/* build the new polygon */
	newf = AllocWinding(f1->numpoints + f2->numpoints);

	/* copy first polygon */
	for (k = (i + 1) % f1->numpoints; k != i; k = (k + 1) % f1->numpoints) {
		if (k == (i + 1) % f1->numpoints && !keep2)

		VectorCopy(f1->p[k], newf->p[newf->numpoints]);

	/* copy second polygon */
	for (l = (j + 1) % f2->numpoints; l != j; l = (l + 1) % f2->numpoints) {
		if (l == (j + 1) % f2->numpoints && !keep1)
		VectorCopy(f2->p[l], newf->p[newf->numpoints]);

	return newf;
Beispiel #30
void AddWindingToConvexHull(winding_t * w, winding_t ** hull, vec3_t normal) {
	int             i, j, k, numHullPoints, numNew;
	float          *p, *copy, d;
	vec3_t          dir;
	vec3_t          hullPoints[MAX_HULL_POINTS], newHullPoints[MAX_HULL_POINTS], hullDirs[MAX_HULL_POINTS];
	bool        hullSide[MAX_HULL_POINTS], outside;

	if(!*hull) {
		*hull = CopyWinding(w);

	numHullPoints = (*hull)->numpoints;
	Com_Memcpy(hullPoints, (*hull)->p, numHullPoints * sizeof(vec3_t));

	for(i = 0; i < w->numpoints; i++) {
		p = w->p[i];

		// calculate hull side vectors
		for(j = 0; j < numHullPoints; j++) {
			k = (j + 1) % numHullPoints;

			VectorSubtract(hullPoints[k], hullPoints[j], dir);
			VectorNormalize2(dir, dir);
			CrossProduct(normal, dir, hullDirs[j]);

		outside = false;
		for(j = 0; j < numHullPoints; j++) {
			VectorSubtract(p, hullPoints[j], dir);
			d = DotProduct(dir, hullDirs[j]);
			if(d >= ON_EPSILON) {
				outside = true;
			if(d >= -ON_EPSILON) {
				hullSide[j] = true;
			} else {
				hullSide[j] = false;

		// if the point is effectively inside, do nothing
		if(!outside) {

		// find the back side to front side transition
		for(j = 0; j < numHullPoints; j++) {
			if(!hullSide[j % numHullPoints] && hullSide[(j + 1) % numHullPoints]) {
		if(j == numHullPoints) {

		// insert the point here
		VectorCopy(p, newHullPoints[0]);
		numNew = 1;

		// copy over all points that aren't double fronts
		j = (j + 1) % numHullPoints;
		for(k = 0; k < numHullPoints; k++) {
			if(hullSide[(j + k) % numHullPoints] && hullSide[(j + k + 1) % numHullPoints]) {
			copy = hullPoints[(j + k + 1) % numHullPoints];
			VectorCopy(copy, newHullPoints[numNew]);

		numHullPoints = numNew;
		Com_Memcpy(hullPoints, newHullPoints, numHullPoints * sizeof(vec3_t));

	w = AllocWinding(numHullPoints);
	w->numpoints = numHullPoints;
	*hull = w;
	Com_Memcpy(w->p, hullPoints, numHullPoints * sizeof(vec3_t));