void TransformUnit::SubmitSpline(void* control_points, void* indices, int count_u, int count_v, int type_u, int type_v, GEPatchPrimType prim_type, u32 vertex_type) {
	VertexDecoder vdecoder;
	VertexDecoderOptions options;
	memset(&options, 0, sizeof(options));
	options.expandAllUVtoFloat = false;
	vdecoder.SetVertexType(vertex_type, options);
	const DecVtxFormat& vtxfmt = vdecoder.GetDecVtxFmt();

	static u8 buf[65536 * 48]; // yolo
	u16 index_lower_bound = 0;
	u16 index_upper_bound = count_u * count_v - 1;
	bool indices_16bit = (vertex_type & GE_VTYPE_IDX_MASK) == GE_VTYPE_IDX_16BIT;
	u8* indices8 = (u8*)indices;
	u16* indices16 = (u16*)indices;
	if (indices)
		GetIndexBounds(indices, count_u*count_v, vertex_type, &index_lower_bound, &index_upper_bound);
	vdecoder.DecodeVerts(buf, control_points, index_lower_bound, index_upper_bound);

	VertexReader vreader(buf, vtxfmt, vertex_type);

	int num_patches_u = count_u - 3;
	int num_patches_v = count_v - 3;

	if (patchBufferSize_ < num_patches_u * num_patches_v) {
		if (patchBuffer_) {
		patchBuffer_ = (SplinePatch *)AllocateAlignedMemory(num_patches_u * num_patches_v, 16);
		patchBufferSize_ = num_patches_u * num_patches_v;
	SplinePatch *patches = patchBuffer_;

	for (int patch_u = 0; patch_u < num_patches_u; ++patch_u) {
		for (int patch_v = 0; patch_v < num_patches_v; ++patch_v) {
			SplinePatch& patch = patches[patch_u + patch_v * num_patches_u];

			for (int point = 0; point < 16; ++point) {
				int idx = (patch_u + point%4) + (patch_v + point/4) * count_u;
				if (indices)
					vreader.Goto(indices_16bit ? indices16[idx] : indices8[idx]);

				patch.points[point] = ReadVertex(vreader);
			patch.type = (type_u | (type_v<<2));
			if (patch_u != 0) patch.type &= ~START_OPEN_U;
			if (patch_v != 0) patch.type &= ~START_OPEN_V;
			if (patch_u != num_patches_u-1) patch.type &= ~END_OPEN_U;
			if (patch_v != num_patches_v-1) patch.type &= ~END_OPEN_V;

	for (int patch_idx = 0; patch_idx < num_patches_u*num_patches_v; ++patch_idx) {
		SplinePatch& patch = patches[patch_idx];

		// TODO: Should do actual patch subdivision instead of just drawing the control points!
		const int tile_min_u = (patch.type & START_OPEN_U) ? 0 : 1;
		const int tile_min_v = (patch.type & START_OPEN_V) ? 0 : 1;
		const int tile_max_u = (patch.type & END_OPEN_U) ? 3 : 2;
		const int tile_max_v = (patch.type & END_OPEN_V) ? 3 : 2;
		for (int tile_u = tile_min_u; tile_u < tile_max_u; ++tile_u) {
			for (int tile_v = tile_min_v; tile_v < tile_max_v; ++tile_v) {
				int point_index = tile_u + tile_v*4;

				VertexData v0 = patch.points[point_index];
				VertexData v1 = patch.points[point_index+1];
				VertexData v2 = patch.points[point_index+4];
				VertexData v3 = patch.points[point_index+5];

				// TODO: Backface culling etc
				Clipper::ProcessTriangle(v0, v1, v2);
				Clipper::ProcessTriangle(v2, v1, v0);
				Clipper::ProcessTriangle(v2, v1, v3);
				Clipper::ProcessTriangle(v3, v1, v2);

Beispiel #2
	PrecomputedCurves(int count) {
		horiz1 = (T *)AllocateAlignedMemory(count * 4 * sizeof(T), 16);
		horiz2 = horiz1 + count * 1;
		horiz3 = horiz1 + count * 2;
		horiz4 = horiz1 + count * 3;