Beispiel #1
/******************** ResolveTree *************************/
TArray<int32> APOTLStructure::AllocateResources(APOTLStructure* To, TMap<FString, int32>& Resources, EAllocationType Type, int32 Sequence, bool Consume, int32 Key)
	TArray<int32> KeyIndexes;
	for (auto& Resource : Resources)
		int32 KeyIndex = AllocateResource(To, Resource.Key, Resource.Value, Type, Sequence, Consume, -1);
	return KeyIndexes;
void SoundResource::AddInternalRef()
	//if ref > 0 load sound buffer
	if(internal_ref_count > 0)
		bActiveResource = true;
		//load sound buffer
 * Do the tasks on all segments.
void PerformSharedStorageOpTasks(SharedStorageOpTasks *tasks,
                                 enum SharedStorageOp op) {
  int i, j = 0;

  if (tasks->numTasks == 0)

  SharedStorageOpStmt *stat = makeNode(SharedStorageOpStmt);

  stat->op = op;

  stat->relFileNode = palloc(sizeof(RelFileNode) * tasks->numTasks);
  stat->segmentFileNum = palloc(sizeof(int) * tasks->numTasks);
  stat->relationName = palloc(sizeof(char *) * tasks->numTasks);

  QueryContextInfo *contextdisp = CreateQueryContextInfo();

  for (i = 0, j = 0; i < tasks->numTasks; ++i) {
    SharedStorageOpTask *task = tasks->tasks + i;
    prepareDispatchedCatalogTablespace(contextdisp, task->node.spcNode);
    stat->relFileNode[j] = task->node;
    stat->segmentFileNum[j] = task->segno;
    stat->relationName[j] = task->relname;


  stat->numTasks = j;


  int gp_segments_for_planner_before = gp_segments_for_planner;

  QueryResource *resource =
      AllocateResource(QRL_INHERIT, 0, 0, tasks->numTasks, 1, NULL, 0);
  DispatchDataResult result;
  dispatch_statement_node((Node *) stat, contextdisp, resource, &result);


  gp_segments_for_planner = gp_segments_for_planner_before;
Beispiel #4
/******************** AllocateResource *************************/
int32 APOTLStructure::AllocateResource(APOTLStructure* To, FString ResourceKey, int32 Quantity, EAllocationType Type, int32 Sequence, bool Consume, int32 Key)
	if (Key >= 0)
		FST_ResourceAllocation Allocation;
		Allocation.To = To;
		Allocation.From = this;
		Allocation.ResourceKey = ResourceKey;
		Allocation.Type = Type;
		Allocation.Quantity = Quantity;
		Allocation.Sequence = Sequence;
		//~~ Remove resources from FreeResources on this, not the caller ~~//
		if (Consume)
			if (FreeResources.Contains(ResourceKey) && FreeResources[ResourceKey] >= Quantity)
				FreeResources[ResourceKey] = FreeResources[ResourceKey] - Quantity;
				if (FreeResources[ResourceKey] == 0)
				bool Bug = true;
				return -1; //~~ If FreeResources doesn't have the resource. Just for safe handling ~~//
		//~~ Add the allocation to root for keeping ~~//
		if (this->Root->AllocatedResources.Contains(Key))
			//~~ Overwrite existing allocation ~~//
			this->Root->AllocatedResources[Key] = Allocation;
			this->Root->AllocatedResources.Add(Key, Allocation);
		//~~ Call itself to allocate the resource with the right keyindex ~~//
		Key = MakeAllocationKey();
		AllocateResource(To, ResourceKey, Quantity, Type, Sequence, Consume, Key);
	return Key;
Beispiel #5
int InitializeElementRecord(
    Ttk_ElementClass *eclass,	/* Element instance to initialize */
    Ttk_Style style,		/* Style table */
    char *widgetRecord,		/* Source of widget option values */
    Tk_OptionTable optionTable,	/* Option table describing widget record */
    Tk_Window tkwin,		/* Corresponding window */
    Ttk_State state)	/* Widget or element state */
    char *elementRecord = eclass->elementRecord;
    OptionMap optionMap = GetOptionMap(eclass,optionTable);
    int nResources = eclass->nResources;
    Ttk_ResourceCache cache = style->cache;
    Ttk_ElementOptionSpec *elementOption = eclass->specPtr->options;

    int i;
    for (i=0; i<nResources; ++i, ++elementOption) {
	Tcl_Obj **dest = (Tcl_Obj **)
	    (elementRecord + elementOption->offset);
	const char *optionName = elementOption->optionName;
	Tcl_Obj *dynamicSetting = Ttk_StyleMap(style, optionName, state);
	Tcl_Obj *widgetValue = 0;
	Tcl_Obj *elementDefault = eclass->defaultValues[i];

	if (optionMap[i]) {
	    widgetValue = *(Tcl_Obj **)
		(widgetRecord + optionMap[i]->objOffset);

	if (widgetValue) {
	    *dest = widgetValue;
	} else if (dynamicSetting) {
	    *dest = dynamicSetting;
	} else {
	    Tcl_Obj *styleDefault = Ttk_StyleDefault(style, optionName);
	    *dest = styleDefault ? styleDefault : elementDefault;

	if (!AllocateResource(cache, tkwin, dest, elementOption->type)) {
	    return 0;

    return 1;
Beispiel #6
/******************** ProcessDecay *************************/
void APOTLStructure::ProcessDecay()
	// Wheat 4(+5)
	//			[0],[1],[2]
	// Wheat	+5,  4,  0

	// Wheat 4(+1) (+5-4)
	// Flour 0(+2)
	//			[0],[1],[2]
	// Wheat	+1,  4-4=0,  0
	// Flour	+2,  0,  0

	//? Production always adds to index zero, and billing always takes from last indexes. Consume from back through the array;

	//? Decay check will be mad after resource request are calculated. It is the only way that I know the amount of consumtion.

	//? Then make resource allocations based on MaxAge check

	//?? Reverse decay ??//
	//!! allocation have allready been reverse, but what about the queue? !!//
	//!! Backup/copy at start of each turn? !!//

	// ID#1 [4,0,2,0,2]
	// ID#2 [2]
	// ID#3 [0,2]

	//~~ Overwrite decay queue with a copy of the backup ~~//
	DecayQueue = DecayQueueBackup;

	FString ADASdasd;

	//~~ Move freeResources up the decay queue ~~//
	for (auto& Decay : DecayQueue)
		//FString ResourceKey = Decay.Key;
		TArray<int32>& Queue = Decay.Value;
		Queue.Insert(0, 0);
		for (int32 i = Queue.Num() - 1; i >= 0; i--)



	//~~ Add production to decay queue ~~//
	for (auto& AllocatedResource : AllocatedResources)
		FST_ResourceAllocation& Allocation = AllocatedResource.Value;
		if (Allocation.Type == EAllocationType::FactoryProduction)
			static const FString ContextString(TEXT("GENERAL"));
			FST_Resource* ResourceData = GameInstance->DATA_Resources->FindRow<FST_Resource>(*Allocation.ResourceKey, ContextString);
			if (ResourceData->MaxAge == 0)
				//int32 AllocationIndex = AllocateResource(nullptr, Allocation.ResourceKey, Allocation.Quantity, EAllocationType::Decay, -1, false, -1);
				//Allocation.Type = EAllocationType::Decay; //!! Almost right. But missing the decay information for displaying to the user (+1,-1). 
				Allocation.Type = EAllocationType::ProductionDecay;
			if (DecayQueue.Contains(Allocation.ResourceKey))
				TArray<int32>& Queue = DecayQueue[Allocation.ResourceKey];
				if (Queue.IsValidIndex(0))
					Queue[0] += Allocation.Quantity;
			else {
				TArray<int32> Queue;
				DecayQueue.Add(AllocatedResource.Value.ResourceKey, Queue);
		//~~ If bill and from root, then remove from decay que end ~~//
		else if (Allocation.Type == EAllocationType::FactoryBilling && Allocation.From == this)
			if (DecayQueue.Contains(Allocation.ResourceKey))
				TArray<int32>& Queue = DecayQueue[Allocation.ResourceKey];
				if (Queue.Num() > 0)
					Queue[Queue.Num() - 1] -= Allocation.Quantity;

	//~~ Debug print ~~//
	int32 Count = 100;
	for (auto& Decay : DecayQueue)
		FString ResourceKey = Decay.Key;
		TArray<int32>& Queue = Decay.Value;
		FString PrintString = ResourceKey + " : ";
		for (int32 i = 0; i < Queue.Num(); i++)
			int32 QueuItem = Queue[i];
			PrintString += FString::FromInt(QueuItem) + ", ";
		GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(Count, 60.0f, FColor::Yellow, PrintString);

	//~~ Make decay allocations based on maxage and decay queue ~~//
	for (auto& Decay : DecayQueue)
		FString ResourceKey = Decay.Key;
		TArray<int32>& Queue = Decay.Value;
		static const FString ContextString(TEXT("GENERAL"));
		FST_Resource* ResourceData = GameInstance->DATA_Resources->FindRow<FST_Resource>(*ResourceKey, ContextString);
		if (ResourceData && ResourceData->MaxAge != -1)
			for (int32 i = Queue.Num() - 1; i >= 0; i--)
				if (ResourceData->MaxAge == 0)
				else if (i >= ResourceData->MaxAge)
					int32 AllocationIndex = AllocateResource(nullptr, ResourceKey, Queue[i], EAllocationType::Decay, -1, true, -1);

	//~~ Debug print ~~//
	Count = 200;
	for (auto& Decay : DecayQueue)
		FString ResourceKey = Decay.Key;
		TArray<int32>& Queue = Decay.Value;
		FString PrintString = ResourceKey + " : ";
		for (int32 i = 0; i < Queue.Num(); i++)
			int32 QueuItem = Queue[i];
			PrintString += FString::FromInt(QueuItem) + ", ";
		GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(Count, 60.0f, FColor::Blue, PrintString);

	// WP 3 - Production x 2
	// Wheat 1 - Production x 1

Beispiel #7
/******************** ProcessResourceRequests *************************/
void APOTLStructure::ProcessResourceRequests()
	int32 i;
	int32 HighestSequence = -1;
	TMap<int32, TArray<FST_ResourceRequest>> SortedResourceRequests;
	//~~ Get highest sequence from all of the requests ~~//
	for (i = 0; i < ResourceRequests.Num(); i++)
		FST_ResourceRequest& ResourceRequest = ResourceRequests[i];
		if (ResourceRequest.Sequence > HighestSequence)
			HighestSequence = ResourceRequest.Sequence;
	//~~ Init SortedResourceRequests. Make empty arrays ~~//
	for (i = 0; i <= HighestSequence; i++)
		TArray<FST_ResourceRequest> List;
		SortedResourceRequests.Add(i, List);
	//~~ Add resource request to sorted tmap ~~//
	for (i = 0; i < ResourceRequests.Num(); i++)
		FST_ResourceRequest& ResourceRequest = ResourceRequests[i];
		int32 Sequence = ResourceRequest.Sequence;
		if (SortedResourceRequests.Contains(Sequence))
			GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 30.0f, FColor::Red, "ERROR: SortedResourceRequests could not recivce request with a sequence not found ");
	//~~ Allocate and process the requests ~~//
	for (i = 0; i <= HighestSequence; i++) //~~ Handle the request from sequence zero and up ~~//
		TArray<FST_ResourceRequest>& RequestList = SortedResourceRequests[i];
		for (int32 ii = 0; ii < RequestList.Num(); ii++) // Loop through sequence row list. Ex 0[{R}, {R}, {R}]
			FST_ResourceRequest& ResourceRequest = RequestList[ii];

			if (ResourceRequest.Request.Num() > 1)
				FString Sasdsa;

			if (HasResourcesAvailable(ResourceRequest.Request, true, i)) //~~ If self has the resources required. (i) is the sequence, not (ii), it is just a list index for the nested array. ~~//
				TArray<int32> AllocationIndexes;
				//~~ Requirements ~~//
				for (auto& ReqResource : ResourceRequest.Request) //~~ Loop each resource in request ~~//
					//? AllocateResource with group id for grouping multiple allocations?
					if (FreeResources.Contains(ReqResource.Key))
						int32 AvailableQuantity = FreeResources[ReqResource.Key];
						if (AvailableQuantity > ReqResource.Value)
							AvailableQuantity = ReqResource.Value;
						//int32 AllocationIndex = AllocateResource(ResourceRequest.From, ReqResource.Key, AvailableQuantity, EAllocationType::FactoryBilling, ii, true, -1);
						int32 AllocationIndex = AllocateResource(ResourceRequest.From, ReqResource.Key, AvailableQuantity, EAllocationType::FactoryBilling, i, true, -1);
						ReqResource.Value = ReqResource.Value - AvailableQuantity;
					if (ReqResource.Value > 0) //~~ If freeresources couldn't meet the requiement of the resource quantity, then make reallocations ~~//
						for (auto& AllocatedResource : AllocatedResources)
							FST_ResourceAllocation& Allocation = AllocatedResource.Value;
							if (Allocation.ResourceKey == ReqResource.Key && 
								Allocation.Sequence < ResourceRequest.Sequence && 
								Allocation.To == this && 
								Allocation.Type == EAllocationType::FactoryProduction && 
								Allocation.Quantity > 0)
								//!! BUG BEGIN
								if (ReqResource.Value < Allocation.Quantity) //~~ If request if less than allocation quantity, then split allocation ~~//
									//Allocation.Quantity = Allocation.Quantity - ReqResource.Value; //~~ Subtract resource request quantity from the allocation, and then let it be ~~//
									//int32 NewAllocationAmount = Allocation.Quantity - ReqResource.Value;
									int32 NewAllocationAmount = ReqResource.Value;
									Allocation.Quantity = Allocation.Quantity - ReqResource.Value; //~~ Subtract resource request quantity from the allocation, and then let it be ~~//
									//Split logic //~~ Make new allocation with ~~//
									//int32 AllocationIndex = Allocation.From->AllocateResource(ResourceRequest.From, ReqResource.Key, ReqResource.Value, EAllocationType::FactoryBilling, ii, false, -1);
									int32 AllocationIndex = Allocation.From->AllocateResource(ResourceRequest.From, ReqResource.Key, NewAllocationAmount, EAllocationType::FactoryBilling, Allocation.Sequence, false, -1);
									ReqResource.Value = 0;
								else if (ReqResource.Value >= Allocation.Quantity) //~~ If request is more or equal to allocation quantity, then just change allocation to target ~~//
									Allocation.To = ResourceRequest.From;
									Allocation.Type = EAllocationType::FactoryBilling; //! Maybe it needs to be a unique type, like FactoryProductionReallocation or something.
									//ReqResource.Value = ReqResource.Value - AvailableQuantity;
									//ReqResource.Value = ReqResource.Value - Allocation.Quantity;
									FString TestValue = FString::FromInt(Allocation.Quantity);
									ReqResource.Value = ReqResource.Value - Allocation.Quantity;
									// 3 ? = 4 - 4
									// ? = 4 - 2;
								//!! BUG END
 							if (ReqResource.Value == 0)
						if (ReqResource.Value > 0)
							FString Bug;
				//~~ Payoff ~~//
				for (auto& Resource : ResourceRequest.Payoff) //~~ Loop each resource in payoff ~~//
					//~~ Add resource payoff to the keeper of the factory, and then allocate it to root afterwards ~~//
					//ResourceRequest.From->AddResource(Resource.Key, Resource.Value, EResourceList::Free); //~~ Add Resources and then consume them with AllocateResource(true) ~~// //!~~ No need for adding them, and then consuming them anymore. AllocateResource can not be called with consume: false ~~//
					//int32 AllocationIndex = ResourceRequest.From->AllocateResource(this, Resource.Key, Resource.Value, EAllocationType::FactoryProduction, ii, false, -1); // Maybe ii + 1 ? I think not. Are checked if sequence is lower, not lower or equal
					int32 AllocationIndex = ResourceRequest.From->AllocateResource(this, Resource.Key, Resource.Value, EAllocationType::FactoryProduction, i, false, -1); // Maybe ii + 1 ? I think not. Are checked if sequence is lower, not lower or equal
					if (ResourceRequest.Factory)
						ResourceRequest.Factory->AllocationIndex = AllocationIndex;
				ResourceRequest.RequestMet = true;

Beispiel #8
char *ReadFileChunk (const char * const filename_s)
	/* The value that we will return */
	char *result_s = NULL;

	 * Allocate the Resource.
	 * We know that it's a file so we use the protocol for a file,
	 * PROTOCOL_FILE_S, and we do not need a title for the Resource
	 * so we send it NULL.
	Resource res_p = AllocateResource (PROTOCOL_FILE_S, filename_s, NULL);

	if (res_p)
			 * Now that we have the Resource, let the Grassroots system find
			 * the appropriate Handler.
			Handler *handler_p = GetResourceHandler (res_p, NULL);

			if (handler_p)
					/* Scroll 20 bytes into the file */
					if (SeekHandler (handler_p, 20, SEEK_SET))
							 * We are going to try and read in 16 bytes so allocate
							 * the memory needed including the extra byte for the
							 * terminating \0
							const size_t buffer_size = 16;
							char *buffer_s = (char *) AllocMemory ((buffer_size + 1) * sizeof (char));

							if (buffer_s)
									/* Read in the data */
									if (ReadFromHandler (handler_p, buffer_s, buffer_size) == buffer_size)
											/* Add the terminating \0 */
											* (buffer_s + buffer_size) = '\0';

											/* Store the value for returning */
											result_s = buffer_s;
										}		/* if (fread (buffer_s, 1, buffer_size, in_f) == buffer_size) */
											PrintErrors (STM_LEVEL_SEVERE, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to read value from %s", filename_s);

											/* We failed to read in the value so we can release the buffer memory */
											FreeMemory (buffer_s);

								}		/* if (buffer_s) */
									PrintErrors (STM_LEVEL_SEVERE, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to allocate memory for buffer when reading %s", filename_s);

						}		/* if (SeekHandler (handler_p, 20, SEEK_SET)) */
							PrintErrors (STM_LEVEL_SEVERE, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to seek in %s", filename_s);

					CloseHandler (handler_p);
				}		/* if (handler_p) */
					PrintErrors (STM_LEVEL_SEVERE, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to find a Handler for %s", filename_s);

			FreeResource (res_p);
		}		/* if (res_p) */
			PrintErrors (STM_LEVEL_SEVERE, __FILE__, __LINE__, "Failed to allocate Resource for %s", filename_s);

	return result_s;