LuaConsole::LuaConsole(UserInterface *ui, Container* parent) : BasicDialog(parent, ButtonFlags::ROLL_UPDOWN | ButtonFlags::CLOSE) , m_ui(ui) { setTitleText("Lua-Console"); setButtonText(""); CellStrip *panel = new CellStrip(this, Orientation::VERTICAL, 2); setContent(panel); Anchors inputAnchors(Anchor(AnchorType::RIGID, 2)); m_inputBox = new LuaInputBox(this, panel); m_inputBox->setCell(0); m_inputBox->setAnchors(inputAnchors); m_inputBox->setText(""); m_inputBox->setAlignment(Alignment::FLUSH_LEFT); m_inputBox->setTextPos(Vec2i(3, 3)); m_inputBox->InputEntered.connect(this, &LuaConsole::onLineEntered); int h = int(m_inputBox->getFont()->getMetrics()->getHeight()) * 2; panel->setSizeHint(0, SizeHint(-1, h)); Anchors outputAnchors(Anchor(AnchorType::RIGID, 0)); m_outputBox = new CodeBox(panel); m_outputBox->setCell(1); m_outputBox->setAnchors(outputAnchors); m_outputBox->setText(""); m_outputBox->setAlignment(Alignment::NONE); }
void MichaelDeque::stabilize_back(Anchor &a) { Node *pLeft, *pRight; unsigned int const idxLeft = index( a.idxLeft ) ; unsigned int const idxRight = index( a.idxRight ) ; pLeft = (Node *) idxLeft; pRight = (Node *) idxRight; if ( m_Anchor.load( std::memory_order::memory_order_acquire ) != a ) return ; unsigned int idxPrev = index(pRight->m_Links.load(std::memory_order::memory_order_relaxed).idxLeft); Node *pPrev = (Node *) idxPrev; if ( m_Anchor.load( std::memory_order::memory_order_acquire ) != a ) return ; Anchor prevLinks = pPrev->m_Links.load(std::memory_order::memory_order_acquire); if (index(prevLinks.idxRight) != idxRight) { if (m_Anchor.load(std::memory_order::memory_order_acquire) != a) return; if (!pPrev->m_Links.compare_exchange_strong(prevLinks, Anchor(prevLinks.idxLeft, idxRight), std::memory_order::memory_order_release, std::memory_order::memory_order_relaxed)) return; } m_Anchor.compare_exchange_weak(a, Anchor(idxLeft, idxRight), std::memory_order::memory_order_release, std::memory_order::memory_order_relaxed); }
bool Init() override { m_commonGUIStyle = g_commonGUIStyle; m_canvas = Utility::MakeRef(new Canvas()); // Load textures for song select m_style = SongSelectStyle::Get(g_application); // Split between statistics and selection wheel (in percentage) const float screenSplit = 0.4f; // Statistics window m_statisticsWindow = Ref<SongStatistics>(new SongStatistics(m_style)); Canvas::Slot* statisticsSlot = m_canvas->Add(m_statisticsWindow.As<GUIElementBase>()); statisticsSlot->anchor = Anchor(0, 0, screenSplit, 1.0f); statisticsSlot->SetZOrder(2); // Background Panel* background = new Panel(); background->imageFillMode = FillMode::Fill; background->texture = g_application->LoadTexture("bg.png"); background->color = Color(0.5f); Canvas::Slot* bgSlot = m_canvas->Add(background->MakeShared()); bgSlot->anchor = Anchors::Full; bgSlot->SetZOrder(-2); LayoutBox* box = new LayoutBox(); Canvas::Slot* boxSlot = m_canvas->Add(box->MakeShared()); boxSlot->anchor = Anchor(screenSplit, 0, 1.0f, 1.0f); box->layoutDirection = LayoutBox::Vertical; { m_searchField = Ref<TextInputField>(new TextInputField(m_commonGUIStyle)); LayoutBox::Slot* searchFieldSlot = box->Add(m_searchField.As<GUIElementBase>()); searchFieldSlot->fillX = true; m_searchField->OnTextUpdated.Add(this, &SongSelect_Impl::OnSearchTermChanged); m_selectionWheel = Ref<SelectionWheel>(new SelectionWheel(m_style)); LayoutBox::Slot* selectionSlot = box->Add(m_selectionWheel.As<GUIElementBase>()); selectionSlot->fillY = true; m_selectionWheel->OnMapSelected.Add(this, &SongSelect_Impl::OnMapSelected); m_selectionWheel->OnDifficultySelected.Add(this, &SongSelect_Impl::OnDifficultySelected); } // Select interface sound m_selectSound = g_audio->CreateSample("audio/menu_click.wav"); // Setup the map database m_mapDatabase.AddSearchPath(g_gameConfig.GetString(GameConfigKeys::SongFolder)); m_mapDatabase.OnMapsAdded.Add(m_selectionWheel.GetData(), &SelectionWheel::OnMapsAdded); m_mapDatabase.OnMapsUpdated.Add(m_selectionWheel.GetData(), &SelectionWheel::OnMapsUpdated); m_mapDatabase.OnMapsRemoved.Add(m_selectionWheel.GetData(), &SelectionWheel::OnMapsRemoved); m_mapDatabase.OnMapsCleared.Add(m_selectionWheel.GetData(), &SelectionWheel::OnMapsCleared); m_mapDatabase.StartSearching(); m_selectionWheel->SelectRandom(); return true; }
HudGsPlay::HudGsPlay(Monolith* _game) : Hud(_game, nullptr) { m_velocityLabel = &CreateScreenElement<TextRender>(PixelOffset(80, -20), Anchor(MidMid, this)); m_targetVelocityLabel = &CreateScreenElement<TextRender>(PixelOffset(80, 20), Anchor(MidMid, this)); // m_velocityLabel = &CreateLabel(Vec2(0.25f, -0.1f), ""); // m_targetVelocityLabel = &CreateLabel(Vec2(0.25f, 0.f), ""); m_mainMessageBox = &CreateMessageBox(Vec2(-0.2f, 0.8f), Vec2(0.4f, 0.2f)); }
void GoBlock::CheckConsistency() const { SG_ASSERT(Stones().SubsetOf(m_bd.All(Color()))); SgPoint anchor = Anchor(); SG_ASSERT(m_bd.Anchor(anchor) == Anchor()); SgPointSet stones; for (GoBoard::StoneIterator it(m_bd, anchor); it; ++it) stones.Include(*it); SG_ASSERT(Stones() == stones); }
Anchor Anchor::Get(Type type) { switch(type) { case TopLeft: return Anchor(0.0,0.0); case TopRight: return Anchor(1.0,0.0); case BottomLeft: return Anchor(0.0,1.0); case BottomRight: return Anchor(1.0,1.0); case TopCenter: return Anchor(0.5,0.0); case BottomCenter: return Anchor(0.5,1.0); case LeftCenter: return Anchor(0.0,0.5); case RightCenter: return Anchor(1.0,0.5); case Center: default: return Anchor(0.5,0.5); } }
UnitTest::UnitTest( const char* name, const char* group ) { m_Name = name; m_Group = group; m_Done = false; m_Next = Anchor( this ); }
bool SLine::readProperties(const QDomElement& e) { if (Element::readProperties(e)) return true; const QString& tag(e.tagName()); const QString& val(e.text()); int i = val.toInt(); if (tag == "tick2") // obsolete __setTick2(score()->fileDivision(i)); else if (tag == "tick") // obsolete __setTick1(score()->fileDivision(i)); else if (tag == "Segment") { LineSegment* ls = createLineSegment(); ls->read(e); add(ls); } else if (tag == "track") setTrack(i); else if (tag == "length") setLen(val.toDouble()); else if (tag == "diagonal") setDiagonal(i); else if (tag == "anchor") setAnchor(Anchor(i)); else return false; return true; }
bool SLine::readProperties(XmlReader& e) { const QStringRef& tag(; if (tag == "tick2") // obsolete __setTick2(score()->fileDivision(e.readInt())); else if (tag == "tick") // obsolete __setTick1(score()->fileDivision(e.readInt())); else if (tag == "Segment") { LineSegment* ls = createLineSegment(); ls->read(e); add(ls); } else if (tag == "length") setLen(e.readDouble()); else if (tag == "diagonal") setDiagonal(e.readInt()); else if (tag == "anchor") setAnchor(Anchor(e.readInt())); else if (Element::readProperties(e)) ; else return false; return true; }
void EmitFromEvents::EmitProps(const std::string& tag, anchor_t anchor) { if(!tag.empty() && tag != "?") m_emitter << VerbatimTag(tag); if(anchor) m_emitter << Anchor(ToString(anchor)); }
MenuStateGraphicInfo::MenuStateGraphicInfo(Program &program, MainMenu *mainMenu) : MenuState(program, mainMenu) { Lang &lang= Lang::getInstance(); Renderer &renderer = Renderer::getInstance(); string glInfo = renderer.getGlInfo(); string glExt = renderer.getGlMoreInfo(); string glExt2 = renderer.getGlMoreInfo2(); WidgetConfig &cfg = g_widgetConfig; int itemHeight = cfg.getDefaultItemHeight(); CellStrip *rootStrip = new CellStrip((Container*)&program, Orientation::VERTICAL, 2); rootStrip->setSizeHint(0, SizeHint()); rootStrip->setSizeHint(1, SizeHint(-1, itemHeight * 3)); Vec2i pad(15, 25); rootStrip->setPos(pad); rootStrip->setSize(Vec2i(g_config.getDisplayWidth() - pad.w * 2, g_config.getDisplayHeight() - pad.h * 2)); Anchors centreAnchors; centreAnchors.setCentre(true, true); Anchors fillAnchors(Anchor(AnchorType::RIGID, 0)); CellStrip *mainStrip = new CellStrip(rootStrip, Orientation::HORIZONTAL, 3); mainStrip->setCell(0); mainStrip->setAnchors(fillAnchors); Widgets::StaticText* l_text = new Widgets::StaticText(mainStrip); l_text->setCell(0); l_text->setAnchors(fillAnchors); l_text->setText(glInfo); ScrollText* l_stext = new ScrollText(mainStrip); l_stext->setCell(1); l_stext->setAnchors(fillAnchors); l_stext->setText(glExt); l_stext = new ScrollText(mainStrip); l_stext->setCell(2); l_stext->setAnchors(fillAnchors); l_stext->setText(glExt2); // buttons panel CellStrip *btnPanel = new CellStrip(rootStrip, Orientation::HORIZONTAL, 3); btnPanel->setCell(1); btnPanel->setAnchors(fillAnchors); // create buttons Vec2i sz(itemHeight * 7, itemHeight); Button* l_button = new Button(btnPanel, Vec2i(0), sz); l_button->setCell(0); l_button->setAnchors(centreAnchors); l_button->setText(lang.get("Return")); l_button->Clicked.connect(this, &MenuStateGraphicInfo::onButtonClick); program.setFade(0.f); }
Wt::WWidget *Navigation::anchor() { Wt::WTemplate *result = new TopicTemplate("navigation-anchor"); result->bindWidget("Anchor", Anchor()); result->bindWidget("AnchorImage", AnchorImage()); return result; }
MenuStateOptions::MenuStateOptions(Program &program, MainMenu *mainMenu) : MenuState(program, mainMenu) , m_transitionTarget(Transition::INVALID) { Lang &lang= Lang::getInstance(); Config &config= Config::getInstance(); const Metrics &metrics = Metrics::getInstance(); int s = g_widgetConfig.getDefaultItemHeight(); CellStrip *rootStrip = new CellStrip((Container*)&program, Orientation::VERTICAL, 2); Vec2i pad(15, 25); rootStrip->setPos(pad); rootStrip->setSize(Vec2i(g_config.getDisplayWidth() - pad.w * 2, g_config.getDisplayHeight() - pad.h * 2)); // Option panel rootStrip->setSizeHint(0, SizeHint()); // need to keep Options instance alive to use callbacks m_options = new Options(rootStrip, this); m_options->setCell(0); m_options->setPos(pad); m_options->setSize(Vec2i(g_config.getDisplayWidth() - pad.w * 2, g_config.getDisplayHeight())); //m_options->setSizeHint(0, SizeHint(-1, s)); //m_options->setSizeHint(1, SizeHint(-1, 1000)); Anchors anchors(Anchor(AnchorType::RIGID, 0)); // Buttons panel rootStrip->setSizeHint(1, SizeHint(-1, s * 3)); CellStrip *btnPanel = new CellStrip(rootStrip, Orientation::HORIZONTAL, 3); btnPanel->setCell(1); btnPanel->setAnchors(anchors); anchors.setCentre(true, true); Vec2i sz(s * 7, s); // create buttons m_returnButton = new Button(btnPanel, Vec2i(0), sz); m_returnButton->setCell(0); m_returnButton->setAnchors(anchors); m_returnButton->setText(lang.get("Return")); m_returnButton->Clicked.connect(this, &MenuStateOptions::onButtonClick); m_autoConfigButton = new Button(btnPanel, Vec2i(0), sz); m_autoConfigButton->setCell(1); m_autoConfigButton->setAnchors(anchors); m_autoConfigButton->setText(lang.get("AutoConfig")); m_autoConfigButton->Clicked.connect(this, &MenuStateOptions::onButtonClick); m_openGlInfoButton = new Button(btnPanel, Vec2i(0), sz); m_openGlInfoButton->setCell(2); m_openGlInfoButton->setAnchors(anchors); m_openGlInfoButton->setText(lang.get("GraphicInfo")); m_openGlInfoButton->Clicked.connect(this, &MenuStateOptions::onButtonClick); program.setFade(0.f); }
bool GoBlock::AllEmptyAreLiberties(const SgPointSet& area) const { const SgPoint anchor = Anchor(); for (SgSetIterator it(area); it; ++it) if ( m_bd.IsEmpty(*it) && ! m_bd.IsLibertyOfBlock(*it, anchor) ) return false; return true; }
PlayerSlotWidget::PlayerSlotWidget(Container* parent) : CellStrip(parent, Orientation::HORIZONTAL, Origin::CENTRE, 5) , m_freeSlot(false) { setWidgetStyle(WidgetType::STATIC_WIDGET); Anchors anchors(Anchor(AnchorType::RIGID, 3), Anchor(AnchorType::RIGID, 0)); //Anchors anchors(Anchor(AnchorType::RIGID, 0)); int hints[] = { 18, 33, 33, 8, 8 }; setPercentageHints(hints); m_label = new StaticText(this); m_label->setCell(0); m_label->setText("Player #"); m_label->setAnchors(anchors); m_controlList = new DropList(this); m_controlList->setCell(1); m_controlList->setAnchors(anchors); foreach_enum (ControlType, ct) { m_controlList->addItem(g_lang.get(ControlTypeNames[ct])); }
int MichaelDeque::pop_front() { Anchor a; while (true) { a = m_Anchor.load(std::memory_order::memory_order_acquire); if (c_nEmptyIndex == a.idxLeft) { return -1; } if (a.idxRight == a.idxLeft) { if (m_Anchor.compare_exchange_weak(a, Anchor(c_nEmptyIndex, c_nEmptyIndex), std::memory_order::memory_order_release, std::memory_order::memory_order_relaxed)) break; } else if (Stable == status(a)) { unsigned int idxLeft = index(a.idxLeft), idxRight = index(a.idxRight); Node *pLeft, *pRight; pLeft = (Node*) idxLeft; pRight = (Node*) idxRight; if (m_Anchor.load(std::memory_order::memory_order_acquire) != a) { continue; } unsigned int nPrev = pLeft->m_Links.load(std::memory_order::memory_order_acquire).idxRight; if (m_Anchor.compare_exchange_weak(a, Anchor(nPrev, a.idxRight), std::memory_order::memory_order_release, std::memory_order::memory_order_relaxed)) //return pRight->data; break; } else { stabilize(a); } } if (a.idxLeft != c_nEmptyIndex){ Node *res = (Node*) index(a.idxLeft); return res->data; } return -1; }
void MichaelDeque::push_back( int& data) { Node* node = new Node(); node->data = data; while (1) { Anchor a = m_Anchor.load(std::memory_order::memory_order_acquire); if (a.idxRight == c_nEmptyIndex) { if (m_Anchor.compare_exchange_weak(a, Anchor((int) node | c_nEmptyIndex, (int) node | c_nEmptyIndex), std::memory_order::memory_order_release, std::memory_order::memory_order_relaxed)) break; } else if ( Stable == status(a)) { node->, c_nEmptyIndex), std::memory_order::memory_order_release); Anchor aNew(a.idxLeft, (int) node | c_nFlagMask); if (m_Anchor.compare_exchange_weak(a, aNew, std::memory_order::memory_order_release, std::memory_order::memory_order_relaxed)) { stabilize_back(aNew); break; } } else { stabilize(a); } } }
void ServerAnchorList::SetAnchor(const std::string& name, const BufferPtr& data) { // Overwrite the anchor with the given name OR create a new anchor with the name XStringPtr nameXString = new XString(name); ObjectElementPtr newAnchorElement = ObjectElement::Cast(GetObjectElement()->GetElement(nameXString)); if (newAnchorElement == nullptr) { newAnchorElement = GetObjectElement()->CreateObjectElement(nameXString); } m_anchors[name] = Anchor(newAnchorElement, data); }
void Track(float x, float y ) { float angle; CartesianToAngle(x, y, angle ); //RGBColor color = {65535,65535,65535}; Draw(sBackgroundColor); lastx = x; lasty = y; lastAngle = angle; Anchor(); Draw(mColor); };
FReply FCurveColorCustomization::OnCurvePreviewDoubleClick(const FGeometry& InMyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& InMouseEvent) { if (InMouseEvent.GetEffectingButton() == EKeys::LeftMouseButton) { if (RuntimeCurve->ExternalCurve) { FAssetEditorManager::Get().OpenEditorForAsset(RuntimeCurve->ExternalCurve); } else { DestroyPopOutWindow(); // Determine the position of the window so that it will spawn near the mouse, but not go off the screen. const FVector2D CursorPos = FSlateApplication::Get().GetCursorPos(); FSlateRect Anchor(CursorPos.X, CursorPos.Y, CursorPos.X, CursorPos.Y); FVector2D AdjustedSummonLocation = FSlateApplication::Get().CalculatePopupWindowPosition( Anchor, FCurveColorCustomization::DEFAULT_WINDOW_SIZE, Orient_Horizontal ); TSharedPtr<SWindow> Window = SNew(SWindow) .Title( FText::Format( LOCTEXT("WindowHeader", "{0} - Internal Color Curve Editor"), StructPropertyHandle->GetPropertyDisplayName()) ) .ClientSize( FCurveColorCustomization::DEFAULT_WINDOW_SIZE ) .ScreenPosition(AdjustedSummonLocation) .AutoCenter(EAutoCenter::None) .SupportsMaximize(false) .SupportsMinimize(false) .SizingRule( ESizingRule::FixedSize ); // init the mini curve editor widget TSharedRef<SMiniCurveEditor> MiniCurveEditor = SNew(SMiniCurveEditor) .CurveOwner(this) .OwnerObject(Owner) .ParentWindow(Window); Window->SetContent( MiniCurveEditor ); // Find the window of the parent widget FWidgetPath WidgetPath; FSlateApplication::Get().GeneratePathToWidgetChecked( CurveWidget.ToSharedRef(), WidgetPath ); Window = FSlateApplication::Get().AddWindowAsNativeChild( Window.ToSharedRef(), WidgetPath.GetWindow() ); //hold on to the window created for external use... CurveEditorWindow = Window; } } return FReply::Handled(); }
void ContourAnchors(const uint16_t * src, size_t srcStride, size_t width, size_t height, size_t step, int16_t threshold, uint8_t * dst, size_t dstStride) { memset(dst, 0, width); memset(dst + dstStride*(height - 1), 0, width); dst += dstStride; src += srcStride; for(size_t row = 1; row < height - 1; row += step) { dst[0] = 0; for(size_t col = 1; col < width - 1; ++col) dst[col] = Anchor(src + col, srcStride, threshold); dst[width - 1] = 0; dst += step*dstStride; src += step*srcStride; } }
const char* UnitTest::FindNextGroup( const char* last_group ) { const char* best = NULL; UnitTest* UnitTest = Anchor(); while( UnitTest ) { if( !UnitTest->m_Done ) { bool higher_than_last = !last_group || strcmp( UnitTest->m_Group, last_group ) > 0; bool lower_than_best = !best || strcmp( UnitTest->m_Group, best ) < 0; if( higher_than_last && lower_than_best ) { best = UnitTest->m_Group; } } UnitTest = UnitTest->m_Next; } return best; }
Emitter& operator << (Emitter& out, const Node& node) { // write anchor/alias if(node.m_anchor != "") { if(node.m_alias) out << Alias(node.m_anchor); else out << Anchor(node.m_anchor); } // TODO: write tag // write content if(node.m_pContent) node.m_pContent->Write(out); else if(!node.m_alias) out << Null; return out; }
void ScanForFunctions(CLanguageProxy& proxy) { const char *text = proxy.Text(), *max = text + proxy.Size(); if (*max != 0) return; while (text < max) { text = skip(text, '<'); text = skip_white(text); switch (toupper(*text)) { case 0: return; case 'A': if (isspace(*++text)) text = Anchor(text, proxy); else text = skip_nc(text, '>'); break; case 'H': if (*++text >= '1' && *text <= '6') { text = Heading(text, proxy); } else text = skip_nc(text, '>'); break; case 'S': if (strncasecmp(text, "SCRIPT", 6) == 0) text = JavaScript(text, proxy); break; default: text = skip_nc(text + 1, '>'); break; } } } /* ScanForFunctions */
UnitTest* UnitTest::FindNext( const char* group, const UnitTest* last_done ) { UnitTest* best = NULL; UnitTest* test = Anchor(); while( test ) { if( !test->m_Done ) { if( !group || !strcmp( group, test->m_Group ) ) { bool higher_than_last = !last_done || strcmp( test->m_Name, last_done->m_Name ) > 0; bool lower_than_best = !best || strcmp( test->m_Name, best->m_Name ) < 0; if( higher_than_last && lower_than_best ) { best = test; } } } test = test->m_Next; } return best; }
PlayerSlotLabels::PlayerSlotLabels(Container* parent) : CellStrip(parent, Orientation::HORIZONTAL, Origin::CENTRE, 5) { setWidgetStyle(WidgetType::STATIC_WIDGET); CoreData &coreData = CoreData::getInstance(); Anchors anchors(Anchor(AnchorType::RIGID, 0)); int hints[] = { 18, 33, 33, 8, 8 }; setPercentageHints(hints); StaticText *label = new StaticText(this); label->setCell(0); label->setText(g_lang.get("Player")); label->setShadow(Vec4f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f)); label->setAnchors(anchors); label = new StaticText(this); label->setCell(1); label->setText(g_lang.get("Control")); label->setShadow(Vec4f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f)); label->setAnchors(anchors); label = new StaticText(this); label->setCell(2); label->setText(g_lang.get("Faction")); label->setShadow(Vec4f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f)); label->setAnchors(anchors); label = new StaticText(this); label->setCell(3); label->setText(g_lang.get("Team")); label->setShadow(Vec4f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f)); label->setAnchors(anchors); label = new StaticText(this); label->setCell(4); label->setText(g_lang.get("Colour")); label->setShadow(Vec4f(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f)); label->setAnchors(anchors); }
void GoChain::WriteID(std::ostream& stream) const { stream << ' '<< SgBW(Color()) << " GoChain " << SgWritePoint(Anchor()); }
void HudGsPlay::BuildScriptVars() { for (auto var : m_scriptVars) { m_scriptDisplays.push_back(&CreateScreenElement<FillBar>(PixelOffset(50, 100), PixelOffset(300, 30), DefinitionPoint::BotLeft, Anchor(BotLeft, this))); } }
void SymbolBucket::addFeature(const std::vector<std::vector<Coordinate>> &lines, const Shaping &shapedText, const PositionedIcon &shapedIcon, const GlyphPositions &face) { const float minScale = 0.5f; const float glyphSize = 24.0f; const float fontScale = layout.text.size / glyphSize; const float textBoxScale = tilePixelRatio * fontScale; const float textMaxBoxScale = tilePixelRatio * layout.textMaxSize / glyphSize; const float iconBoxScale = tilePixelRatio * layout.icon.size; const float symbolSpacing = tilePixelRatio * layout.spacing; const bool avoidEdges = layout.avoidEdges && layout.placement != PlacementType::Line; const float textPadding = layout.text.padding * tilePixelRatio; const float iconPadding = layout.icon.padding * tilePixelRatio; const float textMaxAngle = layout.text.maxAngle * M_PI / 180; const bool textAlongLine = layout.text.rotationAlignment == RotationAlignmentType::Map && layout.placement == PlacementType::Line; const bool iconAlongLine = layout.icon.rotationAlignment == RotationAlignmentType::Map && layout.placement == PlacementType::Line; const bool mayOverlap = layout.text.allowOverlap || layout.icon.allowOverlap || layout.text.ignorePlacement || layout.icon.ignorePlacement; const bool isLine = layout.placement == PlacementType::Line; const float textRepeatDistance = symbolSpacing / 2; auto& clippedLines = isLine ? util::clipLines(lines, 0, 0, 4096, 4096) : lines; for (const auto& line : clippedLines) { if (line.empty()) continue; // Calculate the anchor points around which you want to place labels Anchors anchors = isLine ? getAnchors(line, symbolSpacing, textMaxAngle, shapedText.left, shapedText.right, shapedIcon.left, shapedIcon.right, glyphSize, textMaxBoxScale, overscaling) : Anchors({ Anchor(float(line[0].x), float(line[0].y), 0, minScale) }); // For each potential label, create the placement features used to check for collisions, and the quads use for rendering. for (Anchor &anchor : anchors) { if (shapedText && isLine) { if (anchorIsTooClose(shapedText.text, textRepeatDistance, anchor)) { continue; } } const bool inside = !(anchor.x < 0 || anchor.x > 4096 || anchor.y < 0 || anchor.y > 4096); if (avoidEdges && !inside) continue; // Normally symbol layers are drawn across tile boundaries. Only symbols // with their anchors within the tile boundaries are added to the buffers // to prevent symbols from being drawn twice. // // Symbols in layers with overlap are sorted in the y direction so that // symbols lower on the canvas are drawn on top of symbols near the top. // To preserve this order across tile boundaries these symbols can't // be drawn across tile boundaries. Instead they need to be included in // the buffers for both tiles and clipped to tile boundaries at draw time. // // TODO remove the `&& false` when is #1673 implemented const bool addToBuffers = (mode == MapMode::Still) || inside || (mayOverlap && false); symbolInstances.emplace_back(anchor, line, shapedText, shapedIcon, layout, addToBuffers, textBoxScale, textPadding, textAlongLine, iconBoxScale, iconPadding, iconAlongLine, face); } } }
void SelectMap(int32 newIndex) { Set<MapIndex*> visibleMaps; auto& srcCollection = m_SourceCollection(); auto it = srcCollection.find(newIndex); if(it != srcCollection.end()) { const float initialSpacing = 0.65f * m_style->frameMain->GetSize().y; const float spacing = 0.8f * m_style->frameSub->GetSize().y; const Anchor anchor = Anchor(0.0f, 0.5f, 1.0f, 0.5f); static const int32 numItems = 10; int32 istart; for(istart = 0; istart > -numItems;) { if(it == srcCollection.begin()) break; it--; istart--; } for(int32 i = istart; i <= numItems; i++) { if(it != srcCollection.end()) { visibleMaps.Add(it->second); // Add a new map slot bool newItem = m_guiElements.find(it->second) == m_guiElements.end(); Ref<SongSelectItem> item = m_GetMapGUIElement(it->second); float offset = 0; if(i != 0) { offset = initialSpacing * Math::Sign(i) + spacing * (i - Math::Sign(i)); } Canvas::Slot* slot = Add(item.As<GUIElementBase>()); int32 z = -abs(i); slot->SetZOrder(z); slot->anchor = anchor; slot->autoSizeX = true; slot->autoSizeY = true; slot->alignment = Vector2(0, 0.5f); if(newItem) { // Hard set target position slot->offset.pos = Vector2(0, offset); slot->offset.size.x = z * 50.0f; } else { // Animate towards target position item->AddAnimation(Ref<IGUIAnimation>( new GUIAnimation<Vector2>(&slot->offset.pos, Vector2(0, offset), 0.1f)), true); item->AddAnimation(Ref<IGUIAnimation>( new GUIAnimation<float>(&slot->offset.size.x, z * 50.0f, 0.1f)), true); } item->fade = 1.0f - ((float)abs(i) / (float)numItems); item->innerOffset = item->fade * 100.0f; if(i == 0) { m_OnMapSelected(it->second); } it++; } } } m_currentlySelectedId = newIndex; // Cleanup invisible elements for(auto it = m_guiElements.begin(); it != m_guiElements.end();) { if(!visibleMaps.Contains(it->first)) { Remove(it->second.As<GUIElementBase>()); it = m_guiElements.erase(it); continue; } it++; } }