Beispiel #1
// Purpose:
float CPlayerCar::CalculateMotorRpm( void )
	//Get Ground contact for rear wheels
	bool bGroundContact = m_pPhysVehicle->HasGroundContact(2) || m_pPhysVehicle->HasGroundContact(3);
	bGroundContact = true;

	if( !bGroundContact )
		//motor accelerates by 4000 rpm per second if no ground contact
		float desiredRpm = m_engineRpm + gpGlobals->frametime * 4000.0f;
		return min( desiredRpm, m_info.motorMaxRpm );

	//Wheels have ground contact.

	//Get the linear forward velocity of the car
	Vector3f vForward;
	AngleToVector( GetAngle(), vForward );
	float fForwardVel = VectorDot(GetVelocity(), -vForward);

	float fWheelRpm = fForwardVel / (2.0f*PI*m_info.wheelRadius) * 60.0f;
	float fAxleAndGearTranslation = m_info.axleRatio * m_info.gearRatios[m_engineGear-1];
	float fMotorRpm = fWheelRpm * fAxleAndGearTranslation;

	return fMotorRpm;
// Purpose: 
void CEntityTypeSunLight::Render( void )

	if( IsSelected() )
		Vector3f dir;
		AngleToVector(GetAbsAngles(), dir);
		draw_line(GetAbsCenter(), GetAbsCenter()+dir*10.0f);
// Purpose: 
void CEntityTypeSunLight::OnParamChanged( const std::string &key, const std::string &oldval, const std::string &newval )

	if("angles") == 0 )
		Vector3f dir;
		AngleToVector(GetAbsAngles(), dir);
		char vec[128];
		sprintf_s( vec, "%.3f %.3f %.3f", dir.x, dir.y, dir.z );
		m_keyvals["direction"] = string(vec);
Beispiel #4
int CCamera::CheckCameraPos( vec3_t pos , float dist , vec3_t angles )
	vec3_t forward , end;
	trace_t trace;
	vec3_t mins , maxs;

	AngleToVector( angles , forward );

	VectorScale( forward , forward , dist );
	VectorAdd( end , pos , forward );

	mins[0] = -10.0f;  mins[1] = -10.0f;  mins[2] = -10.0f;
	maxs[0] =  10.0f;  maxs[1] =  10.0f;  maxs[2] =  10.0f;
	trace = m_world->Trace( pos , mins , maxs , end , MASK_PLAYERSOLID );

	if( trace.fraction == 1.0f )
		VectorCopy( m_position , end );
		return true;
	if( trace.fraction < 0.2f || trace.fraction * dist < 30.0f )
		VectorScale( forward , forward , 1.0f );
		VectorAdd( m_position , pos , forward );
		return false;
	else if( trace.fraction < 0.5f )
		VectorScale( forward , forward , trace.fraction * 0.8f );
		VectorAdd( m_position , pos , forward );
		return true;
		VectorScale( forward , forward , trace.fraction * 0.9f );
		VectorAdd( m_position , pos , forward );
		return true;
// Purpose: 
void CEntityTypeSunLight::UpdateLightParams( void )
	Vector4f color = StrUtils::GetVector4( GetValue("color") );
	color.x /= 255.0f;
	color.y /= 255.0f;
	color.z /= 255.0f;
	Vector4f specularColor = StrUtils::GetVector4( GetValue("specularColor") );
	specularColor.x /= 255.0f;
	specularColor.y /= 255.0f;
	specularColor.z /= 255.0f;
	Vector3f ambient1 = StrUtils::GetVector3( GetValue("ambientMin") ) / 255.0f;
	Vector3f ambient2 = StrUtils::GetVector3( GetValue("ambientMax") ) / 255.0f;

	Vector3f dir;
	AngleToVector(GetAbsAngles(), dir);

	CSunLight *light = GetRenderInterfaces()->GetRendererInterf()->GetLightList()->GetSunLight(m_lightIndex);
int		CWndWorld::ControlFlying( DWORD dwMessage, CPoint point )
	static	float	fTurnAngle	= 0.0f;
	static BOOL	s_bTraceKeyed = 0, s_bSelectKeyed = 0, s_bTurbo2 = 0;
//	static	BOOL	s_bFastTurn;
	int		nMsg = 0;
//	BOOL	bFlyKey;
 	BOOL	bUp, bDown, bLeft, bRight;
	BOOL	bTurbo;
//	BOOL	bFastTurn = FALSE;
	BYTE nFrame		= MAX_CORR_SIZE_150;
	CMover* pMover = CMover::GetActiveMover();

	bUp	  = g_bKeyTable[g_Neuz.Key.chUp];
	bDown = g_bKeyTable['S'];

	// 좌/우 회전
	bLeft  = g_bKeyTable[g_Neuz.Key.chLeft];
	bRight = g_bKeyTable['D'];
	// 급선회.
//	bFastTurn = g_bKeyTable[ VK_SHIFT ];
//	CMover* pMoverTarget = (CMover*)g_WorldMng.Get()->GetObjFocus() ;

	// 가속 상태면 전진 명령 계속 보냄
	bool fMoved	= false;
	bool fBehavior	= false;
	if( pMover->m_pActMover->IsStateFlag( OBJSTAF_ACC ) ) {
		if( pMover->SendActMsg( OBJMSG_FORWARD ) == 1 ) {
			fMoved	= true;
	else {
		if( pMover->SendActMsg( OBJMSG_STAND ) == 1 ) {
			fMoved	= true;
	bAcc	= g_bKeyTable[VK_SPACE];
	if( bAcc && !s_bAccKeyed ) 		// 키 누른순간에만 토글시킴.
		if( pMover->m_pActMover->IsStateFlag( OBJSTAF_ACC ) ) 		// 가속중이었다면 
			pMover->SendActMsg( OBJMSG_ACC_STOP );		// 가속 멈춤
			if( pMover->m_pActMover->IsActTurn() )
				fMoved	= true;
			// 가속중이 아니었다면 가속 시킴.
			if( pMover->SendActMsg( OBJMSG_ACC_START ) == 0 )		
				g_WndMng.PutString( prj.GetText( TID_GAME_AIRFUELEMPTY ) );
				if( pMover->SendActMsg( OBJMSG_FORWARD ) == 1 ) 
					fMoved	= true;
	s_bAccKeyed = bAcc;

	bTurbo = g_bKeyTable[g_Neuz.Key.chWalk];
	if( bTurbo && !s_bTurbo2 )		// 토글 방식.
		if( pMover->m_pActMover->IsStateFlag( OBJSTAF_TURBO ) )
			if( pMover->SendActMsg( OBJMSG_MODE_TURBO_OFF ) == 1 )
				fMoved = true;
		} else
			if( pMover->SendActMsg( OBJMSG_MODE_TURBO_ON ) == 1 )
				fMoved = true;
	s_bTurbo2 = bTurbo;
	if( pMover->m_pActMover->IsFly() )
		if( g_bKeyTable[g_Neuz.Key.chTrace] && !s_bTraceKeyed )
			CCtrl* pFocusObj = (CCtrl*)(pMover->GetWorld()->GetObjFocus());
			if( pFocusObj && pFocusObj->GetType() == OT_MOVER )
				CMover* pFocusMover = (CMover*)pFocusObj;
				if( pMover->m_dwFlag & MVRF_TRACKING )	// 이미 실행중이면 해제.
					pMover->m_dwFlag &= (~MVRF_TRACKING);		// 추적모드해제.
					pMover->m_idTracking = NULL_ID;
				} else
					// 비행중 추적모드.
					pMover->m_dwFlag |= MVRF_TRACKING;		// 추적모드.
					pMover->m_idTracking = pFocusMover->GetId();
			} else
			{	// 타겟이 없을때 Z키를 누르면 자동추적이 풀린다.
				pMover->m_dwFlag &= (~MVRF_TRACKING);		// 추적모드해제.
				pMover->m_idTracking = NULL_ID;
		s_bTraceKeyed = g_bKeyTable[g_Neuz.Key.chTrace];

		// 타겟선택 키
		if( g_bKeyTable[VK_TAB] && !s_bSelectKeyed )
			if( m_aFlyTarget.GetSize() > 0 )		// 선택된 타겟있을때.
				if( m_nSelect >= m_aFlyTarget.GetSize() )
					m_nSelect = 0;
				OBJID idSelect = m_aFlyTarget.GetAt( m_nSelect++ );
				CMover *pSelectMover = prj.GetMover( idSelect );
				if( IsValidObj(pSelectMover) )
					CWorld *pWorld = pMover->GetWorld();
					if( pWorld )
						pWorld->SetObjFocus( pSelectMover );			// 이놈을 타겟으로 설정함.
						pMover->m_idTracking = pSelectMover->GetId();	// 탭으로 타겟을 바꾸면 자동추적타겟도 그놈으로 바뀐다.
		s_bSelectKeyed = g_bKeyTable[VK_TAB];

	if( /*m_bFlyMove &&*/ m_bLButtonDown || g_bKeyTable[VK_INSERT] )	// 192 = `
		CObj *pObj = pMover->GetWorld()->GetObjFocus();		// 타겟잡힌놈이 있을때만 휘두를수 있다.
		if( pObj && pObj->GetType() == OT_MOVER )
			if( pMover->IsAttackAble( pObj ) )	// 공격 가능한지 검사.
				OBJID	idTarget = ((CMover *)pObj)->GetId();
				ItemProp *pWeapon = pMover->GetActiveHandItemProp();
				if( pWeapon )

					if( pWeapon->dwItemKind3 == IK3_WAND )
						D3DXVECTOR3 vFront, vTarget;
						AngleToVector( &vFront, g_pPlayer->GetAngle(), -g_pPlayer->GetAngleX(), 1.0f );
						vTarget = pObj->GetPos() - g_pPlayer->GetPos();
						D3DXVec3Normalize( &vTarget, &vTarget );		// 타겟쪽으로의 벡터의 유닛벡터.
						FLOAT fDot = D3DXVec3Dot( &vFront, &vTarget );
						if( fDot >= cosf(D3DXToRadian(60.0f)) )	// 타겟이 내가 보는 방향의 +-30도 안에 있으면 발사할수 있다.
							if( pMover->IsRangeObj( pObj, 64.0f ) )		// 사정거리에 들어오면 발사.
								pMover->DoAttackMagic( pObj, 0 );
						pMover->SendActMsg( OBJMSG_ATK1, idTarget );

//	fTurnAngle	= 0.6f;
	ItemProp* pItemProp = prj.GetItemProp( g_pPlayer->GetRideItemIdx() );
	if( pItemProp )
		fTurnAngle = pItemProp->fFlightLRAngle;
		Error( "ControlFlying : 빗자루정보 읽기 실패 %d", g_pPlayer->GetRideItemIdx() );
		fTurnAngle = 0.6f;

	if( bUp ) {
		if( g_WorldMng.Get()->GetFullHeight( pMover->GetPos() ) < pMover->GetPos().y ) {
			if( pMover->SendActMsg( OBJMSG_LOOKDOWN ) == 1 ) {
				fMoved	= true;
	else if( bDown ) {
		if( pMover->SendActMsg( OBJMSG_LOOKUP ) == 1 ) {
			fMoved	= true;
	else {
		if( pMover->SendActMsg( OBJMSG_STOP_LOOK ) == 1 ) {
			fMoved	= true;

	if( bLeft ) {
		m_fRollAng -= 1.0f;
		if( m_fRollAng < -45.0f )	
			m_fRollAng = -45.0f;
		if( pMover->SendActMsg( OBJMSG_LTURN, (int)( fTurnAngle * 100.0f ) ) == 1 ) {
			fMoved	= true;
	else if( bRight ) {
		m_fRollAng += 1.0f;
		if( m_fRollAng > 45.0f )	
			m_fRollAng = 45.0f;
		if( pMover->SendActMsg( OBJMSG_RTURN, (int)( fTurnAngle * 100.0f ) ) == 1 ) {
			fMoved	= true;
	else {
		if( m_fRollAng < 0 )
			m_fRollAng += 2.0f;
			if( m_fRollAng > 0 )	m_fRollAng = 0;
		} else
		if( m_fRollAng > 0 )
			m_fRollAng -= 2.0f;
			if( m_fRollAng < 0 )	m_fRollAng = 0;
		if( pMover->SendActMsg( OBJMSG_STOP_TURN ) == 1 ) {
			fMoved	= true;
//			fBehavior	= true;

	// 오른쪽 버튼 드래그는 빗자루 움직임
	if( dwMessage == WM_MOUSEMOVE /*&& m_bRButtonDown*/ )
		float fAng = pMover->GetAngle();
		float fAdd = (point.x - m_ptMouseOld.x) / 2.0f;
		fAng -= fAdd;
		pMover->SetAngle( fAng );
		float fAngX = pMover->GetAngleX();
		float fAddX = (point.y - m_ptMouseOld.y) / 4.0f;
		fAngX += fAddX;
		if( fAddX > 0 && fAngX > 45.0f )
			fAngX = 45.0f;
		if( fAddX < 0 && fAngX < -45.0f )
			fAngX = -45.0f;
		pMover->SetAngleX( fAngX );

		if( fAdd || fAddX )
			g_DPlay.PostPlayerAngle( TRUE );

	BOOL bTempKey;
	if( bTempKey = g_bKeyTable[ '8' ] )
		if( !m_bTemp3ed )
			pMover->SendActMsg( OBJMSG_TEMP2 );
			//			__bTestLOD ^= 1;
	m_bTemp3ed	= bTempKey;

	if( fMoved )
		g_DPlay.SendPlayerMoved2( nFrame );
	if( fBehavior )
	return nMsg;
void CActionMover::ProcessFlyParticle( float fLenSq )
	CMover *pMover = m_pMover;

	// 운영자 투명모드때는 파티클 안나옴.
	if( (pMover->IsMode( TRANSPARENT_MODE ) ) == 0 )
		ItemProp* pRideProp = prj.GetItemProp( m_pMover->m_dwRideItemIdx );		// 현재 타고있는 탈것의 프로퍼티.
		// 비행 파티클 처리.
		if( fLenSq > 0.01f )
			if( (pMover->IsActiveMover() && g_Neuz.m_camera.m_fZoom > 2.0f) || pMover->IsActiveMover() == FALSE )		// 일정속도 이상이 되면 꼬리에 파티클이 나오기 시작.
				int nType = 0;
				if( pRideProp && pRideProp->dwID == II_RID_RID_BOR_RIDINGCLOUD )
					nType = 1;
				CreateFlyParticle( pMover, pMover->GetAngleX(), nType );
		if( fLenSq > 0.001f  )
			if( (pMover->IsActiveMover() && g_Neuz.m_camera.m_fZoom > 1.0f) || pMover->IsActiveMover() == FALSE )
				if( pRideProp && pRideProp->dwItemKind3 == IK3_BOARD )		// 보드만 꼬리가 나온다.
					if( m_pTail )
						if( pRideProp->dwID == II_RID_RID_BOR_RIDINGCLOUD ) // 근두운일때
							if( m_pTail->GetType() != 2 )	// 생성되었던 꼬리고 근두운용이 아니면
								m_pTail->ChangeTexture( D3DDEVICE, "etc_Tail2.bmp", 2 );
						} else
							if( m_pTail->GetType() != 1 )	// 생성되었던 꼬리고 일반보드용이 아니면 
								m_pTail->ChangeTexture( D3DDEVICE, "etc_Tail1.bmp", 1 );	// 일반보드용으로 텍스쳐 교체.

					if( m_pTail == NULL )	// 아직 할당 안됐으면 할당하고.
						if( pRideProp->dwID == II_RID_RID_BOR_RIDINGCLOUD ) // 근두운...
							m_pTail = (CTailEffectBelt*)g_TailEffectMng.AddEffect( g_Neuz.m_pd3dDevice, "etc_Tail2.bmp", 2 );
							m_pTail = (CTailEffectBelt*)g_TailEffectMng.AddEffect( g_Neuz.m_pd3dDevice, "etc_Tail1.bmp", 1 );
					D3DXVECTOR3	vPos1, vPos2;
					D3DXVECTOR3	vLocal;
					FLOAT		fAngXZ = pMover->GetAngle();
					FLOAT		fAngH  = pMover->GetAngleX();
					AngleToVectorXZ( &vLocal, fAngXZ, -1.0f );

					fAngXZ -= 90.0f;
					if( fAngXZ < 0 )
						fAngXZ += 360.0f;
					AngleToVector( &vPos1, fAngXZ, -fAngH, 0.5f );
					vPos1 += pMover->GetPos();

					vPos1 += vLocal;
					fAngXZ = pMover->GetAngle();
					fAngH  = pMover->GetAngleX();
					AngleToVectorXZ( &vLocal, fAngXZ, -1.0f );

					fAngXZ += 90.0f;
					if( fAngXZ > 360.0f )
						fAngXZ -= 360.0f;
					AngleToVector( &vPos2, fAngXZ, -fAngH, 0.5f );
					vPos2 += pMover->GetPos();
					vPos2 += vLocal;
					if( m_pTail )
						m_pTail->CreateTail( vPos1, vPos2 );
	} // 투명모드가 아닐때
Vector3 RandomMover::VectorChange(void)
    return AngleToVector(RandomAngle(), Random::Number(mMoveSpeed / 16, mMoveSpeed));