Beispiel #1
void __cdecl wmain(int argc, WCHAR* argv[])
    if (argc>=2 && _wcsnicmp(argv[1], L"SERVER:", wcslen(L"SERVER:"))==0)
            targetHost = argv[1]+wcslen(L"SERVER:");
    if (targetHost)
        wprintf(L"\nCurrently connected to : %s\n",targetHost);
        wprintf(L"Currently connected to <local host>\nUse 08cli.exe server:<server address> \nto connect to an alternate server\n\n");

    OPTIONS options[]={
        {L'0',L"To connect to a COM server from a MTA apartment",MTAClientCall},
        {L'1',L"To connect to a COM server from a STA apartment",STAClientCall},
        {L'x',L"To exit",NULL},

    AppInfo appInfo=AppInfo(options);

Beispiel #2
AppInfo AppInfo::fromPath(const QString &path)
    AppInfo info(Bundle::fromPath(path));

    if (!static_cast<Bundle>(info).isValid()) {
        qCWarning(l) << "bundle" << path << "is not valid";
        return AppInfo();

    QScopedPointer<QIODevice> appInfoJSON(info.openFile(AppInfo::INFO, QIODevice::Text));
    if (!appInfoJSON) {
        qCWarning(l) << "cannot find app" << path << "info json";
        return AppInfo();

    QJsonParseError parseError;
    QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(appInfoJSON->readAll(), &parseError);
    if (parseError.error != QJsonParseError::NoError) {
        qCWarning(l) << "cannot parse app" << path << "info json" << parseError.errorString();
        return AppInfo();

    const QJsonObject root = doc.object();
    info.d->uuid = QUuid(root["uuid"].toString());
    info.d->shortName = root["shortName"].toString();
    info.d->longName = root["longName"].toString();
    info.d->companyName = root["companyName"].toString();
    info.d->versionCode = root["versionCode"].toInt();
    info.d->versionLabel = root["versionLabel"].toString();

    const QJsonObject watchapp = root["watchapp"].toObject();
    info.d->watchface = watchapp["watchface"].toBool();

    info.d->jskit = info.fileExists(AppInfo::APPJS);

    if (root.contains("capabilities")) {
        const QJsonArray capabilities = root["capabilities"].toArray();
        AppInfo::Capabilities caps = 0;
        for (auto it = capabilities.constBegin(); it != capabilities.constEnd(); ++it) {
            QString cap = (*it).toString();
            if (cap == "location") caps |= AppInfo::Location;
            if (cap == "configurable") caps |= AppInfo::Configurable;
        info.d->capabilities = caps;

    if (root.contains("appKeys")) {
        const QJsonObject appkeys = root["appKeys"].toObject();
        for (auto it = appkeys.constBegin(); it != appkeys.constEnd(); ++it) {
            info.addAppKey(it.key(), it.value().toInt());

    if (root.contains("resources")) {
        const QJsonObject resources = root["resources"].toObject();
        const QJsonArray media = resources["media"].toArray();
        int index = 0;

        for (auto it = media.constBegin(); it != media.constEnd(); ++it) {
            const QJsonObject res = (*it).toObject();
            const QJsonValue menuIcon = res["menuIcon"];

            switch (menuIcon.type()) {
            case QJsonValue::Bool:
                info.d->menuIcon = menuIcon.toBool();
                info.d->menuIconResource = index;
            case QJsonValue::String:
                info.d->menuIcon = !menuIcon.toString().isEmpty();
                info.d->menuIconResource = index;


    if (info.uuid().isNull() || info.shortName().isEmpty()) {
        qCWarning(l) << "invalid or empty uuid/name in json of" << path;
        return AppInfo();

    return info;