Beispiel #1
void RigidBody::setWorldTransform(const btTransform& worldTrans)
    Quaternion newWorldRotation = ToQuaternion(worldTrans.getRotation());
    Vector3 newWorldPosition = ToVector3(worldTrans.getOrigin()) - newWorldRotation * centerOfMass_;
    RigidBody* parentRigidBody = 0;

    // It is possible that the RigidBody component has been kept alive via a shared pointer,
    // while its scene node has already been destroyed
    if (node_)
        // If the rigid body is parented to another rigid body, can not set the transform immediately.
        // In that case store it to PhysicsWorld for delayed assignment
        Node* parent = node_->GetParent();
        if (parent != GetScene() && parent)
            parentRigidBody = parent->GetComponent<RigidBody>();

        if (!parentRigidBody)
            ApplyWorldTransform(newWorldPosition, newWorldRotation);
            DelayedWorldTransform delayed;
            delayed.rigidBody_ = this;
            delayed.parentRigidBody_ = parentRigidBody;
            delayed.worldPosition_ = newWorldPosition;
            delayed.worldRotation_ = newWorldRotation;

Beispiel #2
void RigidBody2D::ApplyWorldTransform()
    if (!body_ || !node_)

    // If the rigid body is parented to another rigid body, can not set the transform immediately.
    // In that case store it to PhysicsWorld2D for delayed assignment
    RigidBody2D* parentRigidBody = 0;
    Node* parent = node_->GetParent();
    if (parent != GetScene() && parent)
        parentRigidBody = parent->GetComponent<RigidBody2D>();

    // If body is not parented and is static or sleeping, no need to update
    if (!parentRigidBody && (!body_->IsActive() || body_->GetType() == b2_staticBody || !body_->IsAwake()))

    const b2Transform& transform = body_->GetTransform();
    Vector3 newWorldPosition = node_->GetWorldPosition();
    newWorldPosition.x_ = transform.p.x;
    newWorldPosition.y_ = transform.p.y;
    Quaternion newWorldRotation(transform.q.GetAngle() * M_RADTODEG, Vector3::FORWARD);

    if (parentRigidBody)
        DelayedWorldTransform2D delayed;
        delayed.rigidBody_ = this;
        delayed.parentRigidBody_ = parentRigidBody;
        delayed.worldPosition_ = newWorldPosition;
        delayed.worldRotation_ = newWorldRotation;
        ApplyWorldTransform(newWorldPosition, newWorldRotation);