Beispiel #1
BOOL ImpersonateAndCheckAccess(PCtxtHandle phContext, 
							   PDWORD pdwAccessGranted) {
	HANDLE hToken = NULL;
	// AccessCheck() variables
	DWORD           dwAccessDesired = MAXIMUM_ALLOWED;
	PRIVILEGE_SET   PrivilegeSet;
	DWORD           dwPrivSetSize = sizeof(PRIVILEGE_SET);
	BOOL            fAccessGranted = FALSE;
	GENERIC_MAPPING GenericMapping = { vncGenericRead, vncGenericWrite, 
									   vncGenericExecute, vncGenericAll };
	// This only does something if we want to use generic access
	// rights, like GENERIC_ALL, in our call to AccessCheck().
	MapGenericMask(&dwAccessDesired, &GenericMapping);
	// AccessCheck() requires an impersonation token.
	if ((fn._ImpersonateSecurityContext(phContext) == SEC_E_OK)
		&& OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_QUERY, TRUE, &hToken)
		&& AccessCheck(psdSD, hToken, dwAccessDesired, &GenericMapping,
		&PrivilegeSet, &dwPrivSetSize, pdwAccessGranted, &fAccessGranted)) {
		// Restrict access to relevant rights only
		fAccessGranted = AreAnyAccessesGranted(*pdwAccessGranted, ViewOnly | Interact);
	// End impersonation
	// Close handles
	if (hToken)
	return fAccessGranted;
Beispiel #2
// address: 0x401000
void _start(unsigned int param1) {
    short ax; 		// r0
    unsigned char cl; 		// r9
    __size32 eax; 		// r24
    unsigned int eax_2; 		// r24{28}
    __size32 eax_3; 		// r24{245}
    __size32 ebp; 		// r29
    unsigned int ebx; 		// r27
    int *ebx_1; 		// r27
    unsigned int ebx_2; 		// r27{31}
    unsigned int ebx_3; 		// r27{47}
    __size32 ebx_4; 		// r27{168}
    __size32 ebx_5; 		// r27{172}
    int *ebx_6; 		// r27{311}
    unsigned int ebx_7; 		// r27{238}
    __size32 ebx_8; 		// r27{305}
    int ecx; 		// r25
    __size32 *ecx_1; 		// r25
    __size32 *ecx_2; 		// r25{260}
    unsigned int ecx_3; 		// r25{160}
    unsigned int edi; 		// r31
    int edx; 		// r26
    unsigned int esi; 		// r30
    __size32 *esi_1; 		// r30
    unsigned int esi_10; 		// r30{247}
    unsigned int esi_11; 		// r30{286}
    unsigned int esi_12; 		// r30{271}
    unsigned int esi_13; 		// r30{262}
    union { unsigned int x7; __size32 * x8; } esi_14; 		// r30{313}
    unsigned int esi_2; 		// r30{12}
    unsigned int esi_3; 		// r30{57}
    unsigned int esi_4; 		// r30{69}
    unsigned int esi_5; 		// r30{101}
    unsigned int esi_6; 		// r30{128}
    __size32 *esi_7; 		// r30{218}
    union { unsigned int x7; __size32 * x8; } esi_8; 		// r30{185}
    unsigned int esi_9; 		// r30{253}
    int esp; 		// r28
    void *esp_1; 		// r28{42}
    void *esp_2; 		// r28{298}
    unsigned int local0; 		// m[esp - 36]
    unsigned int local12; 		// m[esp - 36]{350}
    unsigned int local13; 		// ebx_7{238}
    unsigned int local14; 		// esi_10{247}
    unsigned int local15; 		// param1{248}
    unsigned int local16; 		// esi_9{253}
    unsigned int local17; 		// esi_13{262}
    unsigned int local18; 		// esi_12{271}
    unsigned int local19; 		// esi_11{286}
    __size32 local20; 		// ebx_8{305}
    union { unsigned int x7; __size32 * x8; } local21; 		// esi_14{313}
    __size32 *local22; 		// esi_7{331}
    union { __size32 * x5; unsigned int x6; } local23; 		// ecx{340}

    esi_2 = 0;
    eax_2 = AddAce();
    local14 = esi_2;
    local15 = param1;
    ebx_2 = eax_2 + 22;
    eax = AreAnyAccessesGranted(); /* Warning: also results in ecx, esp_1 */
    local13 = ebx_2;
    if (eax == 0) {
        ebx_3 = eax_2 - 12;
        local13 = ebx_3;
    ebx_7 = local13;
    eax = 0;
    do {
        eax_3 = eax;
        esi_10 = local14;
        param1 = local15;
        local16 = esi_10;
        if (esi_10 == ebx_7) {
            esi_3 = 0;
            local16 = esi_3;
        esi_9 = local16;
        edi = ecx + param1 * 4 + esi_9;
        cl = *(esi_9 + 0x404000);
        ecx = ecx >> 8 & 0xffffff | (cl);
        *(char*)(eax_3 + 0x401190) = *(eax_3 + 0x401190) ^ cl;
        eax = eax_3 + 1;
        esi_4 = esi_9 + 1;
        local14 = esi_4;
        local15 = edi;
        local17 = esi_4;
    } while (eax_3 + 1 < 0x1440);
    ecx_1 = 0x402490;
    ebx_1 = 0xf0400f10;
    local0 = 0;
    edi = esi_9 + edi * 4 + 1;
    do {
        ecx_2 = ecx_1;
        esi_13 = local17;
        local12 = local0;
        eax = *(ecx_2 + 4);
        edi = (eax - 8) / 2 + edi * 8;
        edx = ecx_2 + 8;
        local19 = esi_13;
        if ((int)((eax - 8) / 2) > 0) {
            esi_5 = (eax - 8) / 2;
            local18 = esi_5;
            do {
                esi_12 = local18;
                eax = *(unsigned short*)edx;
                edi = eax & 0xf000;
                if ((eax & 0xf000) == 0x3000) {
                    eax = (eax & 0xfff) + *ecx_2;
                    *(__size32*)(eax + 0x400f10) = *(eax + 0x400f10) - 0xfbff0f0;
                esi_6 = esi_12 - 1;
                local18 = esi_6;
                local19 = esi_6;
            } while (esi_12 != 1);
        esi_11 = local19;
        eax = *(ecx_2 + 4);
        ax = (unsigned short) eax;
        ecx_1 = ecx_2 + eax;
        cl = (unsigned char) ecx_2 + eax;
        local0 = local12 + eax;
        local17 = esi_11;
        local23 = ecx_1;
    } while (local12 + eax < 228);
    esi_1 = 0x401c84;
    edi += edi;
    flags = SUBFLAGS32(*0x401c94, 0, global10);
    if (*0x401c94 != 0) {
        do {
            esp_2 = esp_1;
            esi_14 = esi_1;
            edx = *(esi_14 + 12);
            *(__size32*)(esp_2 - 4) = edx + 0x400f10;
            eax = LoadLibraryA(*(esp_2 - 4)); /* Warning: also results in ecx_3 */
            local21 = esi_14;
            local22 = esi_14;
            local22 = esi_14;
            edx = eax;
            *(union { unsigned int x3; void * x4; }*)(esp_2 + 20) = eax;
            ecx = ecx_3 * 3;
            cl = (unsigned char) ecx_3 * 3;
            if (eax != 0) {
                ebx_4 = *esi_14;
                local20 = ebx_4;
                if (ebx_4 == 0) {
                    ebx_5 = *(esi_14 + 16);
                    local20 = ebx_5;
                ebx_8 = local20;
                edi = *(esi_14 + 16);
                ebx_1 = ebx_8 + 0x400f10;
                edi += 0x400f10;
                if (*(ebx_8 + 0x400f10) != 0) {
                    ebx_6 = ebx_1;
                    esi_14 = local21;
                    esi_8 = edi + esi_14 * 4;
                    eax = *ebx_6;
                    local21 = esi_8;
                    if (eax >= 0) {
                        cl = (unsigned char) eax + 0x400f12;
                        *(__size32*)(esp_2 - 4) = eax + 0x400f12;
                        goto L7;
                    } else {
                        *(unsigned int*)(esp_2 - 4) = ((unsigned short) eax);
                    *(union { unsigned int x3; void * x4; }*)(esp_2 - 8) = edx;
                    eax = GetProcAddress(*(esp_2 - 8), *(esp_2 - 4)); /* Warning: also results in ecx */
                    *(__size32*)edi = eax;
                    ebx_1 = ebx_6 + 4;
                    eax = ebx_6 + (eax + 1) * 4;
                    ax = (unsigned short) eax;
                    edi += 4;
                    if (*(ebx_6 + 4) != 0) {
                        edx = *(esp_2 + 20);
                        goto L10;
                    esi_7 = *(esp_2 + 16);
                    local22 = esi_7;
            esp_1 = esp_2;
            esi_7 = local22;
            esi_1 = esi_7 + 20;
            tmp1 = *(esi_7 + 36);
            flags = SUBFLAGS32(*(esi_7 + 36), 0, tmp1);
            *(void **)(esp_2 + 16) = esi_7 + 20;
            local23 = ecx;
        } while (*(esi_7 + 36) != 0);
    ecx = local23;
    (*0x401960)(pc, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0x401c84, 0, 0, param1, esi, ebp, ebx, ax, cl, eax, ecx, 0x401960, ebx_1, 0x400f10, esi_1, edi, flags, ZF, CF);
    *(__size32*)(esp - 4) = 0;
    ExitProcess(*(esp - 4));