Beispiel #1
void LoadObjectInfos( IBaseFileSystem *pFileSystem )
	const char *pFilename = "scripts/objects.txt";

	// Make sure this stuff hasn't already been loaded.
	Assert( !AreObjectInfosLoaded() );

	KeyValues *pValues = new KeyValues( "Object descriptions" );
	if ( !pValues->LoadFromFile( pFileSystem, pFilename, "GAME" ) )
		Error( "Can't open %s for object info.", pFilename );

	// Now read each class's information in.
	for ( int iObj=0; iObj < ARRAYSIZE( g_ObjectInfos ); iObj++ )
		CObjectInfo *pInfo = &g_ObjectInfos[iObj];
		KeyValues *pSub = pValues->FindKey( pInfo->m_pObjectName );
		if ( !pSub )
			Error( "Missing section '%s' from %s.", pInfo->m_pObjectName, pFilename );

		// Read all the info in.
		if ( (pInfo->m_flBuildTime = pSub->GetFloat( "BuildTime", -999 )) == -999 ||
			(pInfo->m_nMaxObjects = pSub->GetInt( "MaxObjects", -999 )) == -999 ||
			(pInfo->m_Cost = pSub->GetInt( "Cost", -999 )) == -999 ||
			(pInfo->m_CostMultiplierPerInstance = pSub->GetFloat( "CostMultiplier", -999 )) == -999 ||
			(pInfo->m_UpgradeCost = pSub->GetInt( "UpgradeCost", -999 )) == -999 ||
			(pInfo->m_MaxUpgradeLevel = pSub->GetInt( "MaxUpgradeLevel", -999 )) == -999 ||
			(pInfo->m_SelectionSlot = pSub->GetInt( "SelectionSlot", -999 )) == -999 ||
			(pInfo->m_SelectionPosition = pSub->GetInt( "SelectionPosition", -999 )) == -999 )
			Error( "Missing data for object '%s' in %s.", pInfo->m_pObjectName, pFilename );

		pInfo->m_pClassName = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "ClassName", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_pStatusName = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "StatusName", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_pBuilderWeaponName = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "BuilderWeaponName", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_pBuilderPlacementString = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "BuilderPlacementString", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_bSolidToPlayerMovement = pSub->GetInt( "SolidToPlayerMovement", 0 ) ? true : false;
		pInfo->m_pIconActive = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "IconActive", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_pIconInactive = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "IconInactive", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_pViewModel = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "Viewmodel", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_pPlayerModel = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "Playermodel", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_iDisplayPriority = pSub->GetInt( "DisplayPriority", 0 );
		pInfo->m_pHudStatusIcon = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "HudStatusIcon", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_bVisibleInWeaponSelection = ( pSub->GetInt( "VisibleInWeaponSelection", 1 ) > 0 );
		pInfo->m_pExplodeSound = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "ExplodeSound", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_pExplosionParticleEffect = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "ExplodeEffect", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_bAutoSwitchTo = ( pSub->GetInt( "autoswitchto", 0 ) > 0 );

		pInfo->m_iMetalToDropInGibs = pSub->GetInt( "MetalToDropInGibs", 0 );

Beispiel #2
const CObjectInfo* GetObjectInfo( int iObject )
	Assert( iObject >= 0 && iObject < OBJ_LAST );
	Assert( AreObjectInfosLoaded() );
	return &g_ObjectInfos[iObject];
Beispiel #3
void LoadObjectInfos( IBaseFileSystem *pFileSystem )
	const char *pFilename = "scripts/objects.txt";

	// Make sure this stuff hasn't already been loaded.
	Assert( !AreObjectInfosLoaded() );

	KeyValues *pValues = new KeyValues( "Object descriptions" );
	if ( !pValues->LoadFromFile( pFileSystem, pFilename, "GAME" ) )
		Error( "Can't open %s for object info.", pFilename );

	// Now read each class's information in.
	for ( int iObj=0; iObj < ARRAYSIZE( g_ObjectInfos ); iObj++ )
		CObjectInfo *pInfo = &g_ObjectInfos[iObj];
		KeyValues *pSub = pValues->FindKey( pInfo->m_pObjectName );
		if ( !pSub )
			Error( "Missing section '%s' from %s.", pInfo->m_pObjectName, pFilename );

		// Read all the info in.
		if ( (pInfo->m_flBuildTime = pSub->GetFloat( "BuildTime", -999 )) == -999 ||
			(pInfo->m_nMaxObjects = pSub->GetInt( "MaxObjects", -999 )) == -999 ||
			(pInfo->m_Cost = pSub->GetInt( "Cost", -999 )) == -999 ||
			(pInfo->m_CostMultiplierPerInstance = pSub->GetFloat( "CostMultiplier", -999 )) == -999 ||
			(pInfo->m_UpgradeCost = pSub->GetInt( "UpgradeCost", -999 )) == -999 ||
			(pInfo->m_flUpgradeDuration = pSub->GetFloat( "UpgradeDuration", -999)) == -999 ||
			(pInfo->m_MaxUpgradeLevel = pSub->GetInt( "MaxUpgradeLevel", -999 )) == -999 ||
			(pInfo->m_SelectionSlot = pSub->GetInt( "SelectionSlot", -999 )) == -999 ||
			(pInfo->m_BuildCount = pSub->GetInt( "BuildCount", -999 )) == -999 ||
			(pInfo->m_SelectionPosition = pSub->GetInt( "SelectionPosition", -999 )) == -999 )
			Error( "Missing data for object '%s' in %s.", pInfo->m_pObjectName, pFilename );

		pInfo->m_pClassName = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "ClassName", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_pStatusName = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "StatusName", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_pBuilderWeaponName = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "BuilderWeaponName", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_pBuilderPlacementString = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "BuilderPlacementString", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_bSolidToPlayerMovement = pSub->GetInt( "SolidToPlayerMovement", 0 ) ? true : false;
		pInfo->m_pIconActive = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "IconActive", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_pIconInactive = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "IconInactive", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_pIconMenu = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "IconMenu", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_bUseItemInfo = pSub->GetInt( "UseItemInfo", 0 ) ? true : false;
		pInfo->m_pViewModel = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "Viewmodel", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_pPlayerModel = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "Playermodel", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_iDisplayPriority = pSub->GetInt( "DisplayPriority", 0 );
		pInfo->m_pHudStatusIcon = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "HudStatusIcon", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_bVisibleInWeaponSelection = ( pSub->GetInt( "VisibleInWeaponSelection", 1 ) > 0 );
		pInfo->m_pExplodeSound = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "ExplodeSound", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_pUpgradeSound = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "UpgradeSound", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_pExplosionParticleEffect = ReadAndAllocStringValue( pSub, "ExplodeEffect", pFilename );
		pInfo->m_bAutoSwitchTo = ( pSub->GetInt( "autoswitchto", 0 ) > 0 );

		pInfo->m_iMetalToDropInGibs = pSub->GetInt( "MetalToDropInGibs", 0 );
		pInfo->m_bRequiresOwnBuilder = pSub->GetBool( "RequiresOwnBuilder", 0 );
		// PistonMiner: Added Object Mode key
		KeyValues *pAltModes = pSub->FindKey("AltModes");
		if (pAltModes)
			for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) // load at most 4 object modes
				char altModeBuffer[256]; // Max size of 0x100
				V_snprintf(altModeBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(altModeBuffer), "AltMode%d", i);
				KeyValues *pCurAltMode = pAltModes->FindKey(altModeBuffer);
				if (!pCurAltMode)

				// Save logic here
				pInfo->m_AltModes.AddToTail(ReadAndAllocStringValue( pCurAltMode, "StatusName", pFilename ));
				pInfo->m_AltModes.AddToTail(ReadAndAllocStringValue( pCurAltMode, "ModeName", pFilename ));
				pInfo->m_AltModes.AddToTail(ReadAndAllocStringValue( pCurAltMode, "IconMenu", pFilename ));
