Beispiel #1
void W_BUTTON::clicked(W_CONTEXT *, WIDGET_KEY key)
	dirty = true;

	/* Can't click a button if it is disabled or locked down */
	if ((state & (WBUT_DISABLE | WBUT_LOCK)) == 0)
		// Check this is the correct key
		if ((!(style & WBUT_NOPRIMARY) && key == WKEY_PRIMARY) ||
		    ((style & WBUT_SECONDARY) && key == WKEY_SECONDARY))
			if (AudioCallback)
			state &= ~WBUT_FLASH;	// Stop it flashing
			state |= WBUT_DOWN;

	/* Kill the tip if there is one */
	if (!pTip.empty())
Beispiel #2
/* Respond to a mouse click */
void W_EDITBOX::clicked(W_CONTEXT *psContext, WIDGET_KEY)
	if (state & WEDBS_DISABLE)  // disabled button.

	// Set cursor position to the click location.
	setCursorPosPixels(psContext->mx - x);

	// Cursor should be visible instantly.
	blinkOffset = wzGetTicks();

	if ((state & WEDBS_MASK) == WEDBS_FIXED)
		if (AudioCallback)

		/* Set up the widget state */
		state = (state & ~WEDBS_MASK) | WEDBS_INSERT;

		/* Calculate how much of the string can appear in the box */

		/* Clear the input buffer */

		/* Tell the form that the edit box has focus */
		screenSetFocus(psContext->psScreen, this);
Beispiel #3
/* Insert a character into a text buffer */
bool W_EDITBOX::insertChar(QChar ch)
	if (ch == QChar('\0'))
		return false;

	ASSERT(insPos <= aText.length(), "Invalid insertion point");
	if (aText.length() >= maxStringSize)
		if (AudioCallback)
		return false;		// string too big, just return
	/* Move the end of the string up by one (including terminating \0) */
	/* Insert the character */
	aText.insert(insPos, ch);

	/* Update the insertion point */

	return true;
Beispiel #4
/* Respond to a mouse moving over a button */
void W_BUTTON::highlight(W_CONTEXT *psContext)
	if ((state & WBUT_HIGHLIGHT) == 0)
		state |= WBUT_HIGHLIGHT;
		dirty = true;
	if (AudioCallback)
	/* If there is a tip string start the tool tip */
	if (!pTip.empty())
		tipStart(this, pTip, screenPointer->TipFontID, x() + psContext->xOffset, y() + psContext->yOffset, width(), height());
u32 AudioPluginOSX::AudioThread(void * arg)
	AudioPluginOSX * plugin = static_cast<AudioPluginOSX *>(arg);

	AudioStreamBasicDescription format;

	format.mSampleRate       = kOutputFrequency;
	format.mFormatID         = kAudioFormatLinearPCM;
	format.mFormatFlags      = kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsSignedInteger | kAudioFormatFlagIsPacked;
	format.mBitsPerChannel   = 8 * sizeof(s16);
	format.mChannelsPerFrame = kNumChannels;
	format.mBytesPerFrame    = sizeof(s16) * kNumChannels;
	format.mFramesPerPacket  = 1;
	format.mBytesPerPacket   = format.mBytesPerFrame * format.mFramesPerPacket;
	format.mReserved         = 0;

	AudioQueueRef			queue;
	AudioQueueBufferRef		buffers[kNumBuffers];
	AudioQueueNewOutput(&format, &AudioCallback, plugin, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopCommonModes, 0, &queue);

	for (u32 i = 0; i < kNumBuffers; ++i)
		AudioQueueAllocateBuffer(queue, kAudioQueueBufferLength, &buffers[i]);

		buffers[i]->mAudioDataByteSize = kAudioQueueBufferLength;

		AudioCallback(plugin, queue, buffers[i]);

	AudioQueueStart(queue, NULL);


	AudioQueueStop(queue, false);
	AudioQueueDispose(queue, false);

	for (u32 i = 0; i < kNumBuffers; ++i)
		AudioQueueFreeBuffer(queue, buffers[i]);
		buffers[i] = NULL;

	return 0;