Beispiel #1
void SplitPanel::dividerDragMouseDragged(MouseEventDetails* const e)
    UInt32 AxisIndex(0);
    if(getOrientation() != SplitPanel::HORIZONTAL_ORIENTATION ) AxisIndex = 1;

    if(e->getButton() == MouseEventDetails::BUTTON1)
        Pnt2f temp = ViewportToComponent(e->getLocation(), this, e->getViewport());
        if (getDividerPosition() <= 1.0)
            if (temp[AxisIndex] >= 0) // this ensures it stays as a percentage position
                Pnt2f TopLeft, BottomRight;
                getInsideBorderBounds(TopLeft, BottomRight);
                Vec2f BorderSize(BottomRight - TopLeft);
            if (temp[AxisIndex] > 1) // this ensures it stays absolute position
Beispiel #2
/* return scaled index */
int AxisScaledIndex(Axis axis ,int value)
    float    fvalue;

    if( !axis ){
        return (NO_INDEX);
    fvalue = value;
    fvalue = fvalue / axis->scale;
    return (AxisIndex(axis ,fvalue));
void ScrollBar::ScrollFieldListener::actionPerformed(const ActionEventUnrecPtr e)
		UInt32 AxisIndex(0);
		if(_ScrollBar->getOrientation() == ScrollBar::HORIZONTAL_ORIENTATION ) AxisIndex = 0;
		else  AxisIndex = 1;

		Pnt2f ComponentMousePosition(DrawingSurfaceToComponent(_ScrollBar->getParentWindow()->getDrawingSurface()->getMousePosition(), _ScrollBar));
		//Is Mouse Major axis on the min or max side of the scroll bar
		if(ComponentMousePosition[AxisIndex] < _ScrollBar->editScrollBar()->getPosition()[AxisIndex])
			//Move the Bounded range model one block in the Min direction
		else if(ComponentMousePosition[AxisIndex] > 
			(_ScrollBar->editScrollBar()->getPosition()[AxisIndex] + _ScrollBar->editScrollBar()->getSize()[AxisIndex]))
			//Move the Bounded range model one block in the Max direction
void ScrollBar::handleScrollFieldAction(ActionEventDetails* const e)
		UInt32 AxisIndex(0);
		if(getOrientation() == ScrollBar::HORIZONTAL_ORIENTATION ) AxisIndex = 0;
		else  AxisIndex = 1;

		Pnt2f ComponentMousePosition(DrawingSurfaceToComponent(getParentWindow()->getParentDrawingSurface()->getMousePosition(), this));
		//Is Mouse Major axis on the min or max side of the scroll bar
		if(ComponentMousePosition[AxisIndex] < getScrollBar()->getPosition()[AxisIndex])
			//Move the Bounded range model one block in the Min direction
		else if(ComponentMousePosition[AxisIndex] > 
			(getScrollBar()->getPosition()[AxisIndex] + getScrollBar()->getSize()[AxisIndex]))
			//Move the Bounded range model one block in the Max direction
void FlowLayout::updateLayout(const MFUnrecComponentPtr* Components, const Component* ParentComponent) const
      totalMajorAxis will hold the width of its container, and cumMajorAxis
      will hold the width of all of the buttons. That way it will always know
      when to move to the next line. In addition, maxMinorAxis keeps track of
      the largest height so it knows how far down to move the next row. Also,
      oneInRow is used to make sure that it places at least one component in
      every row.
    UInt32 AxisIndex(0);
    if(getOrientation() != HORIZONTAL_ORIENTATION ) AxisIndex = 1;
    Vec2f gap(getHorizontalGap(), getVerticalGap());
    UInt32 numGaps(0);
      When finding the cumMinor Axis, the gap is included, because there is
      no count for how many stacks there are. When finding cumMajor, the
      gap isn't included because the total distance relies on how many
      components there are in that row/column.

    Pnt2f borderTopLeft, borderBottomRight;
    dynamic_cast<const ComponentContainer*>(ParentComponent)->getInsideInsetsBounds(borderTopLeft, borderBottomRight);
    Vec2f borderSize(borderBottomRight-borderTopLeft);
    Real64 totalMajorAxis(borderSize[AxisIndex]);
    Real32 cumMajorAxis(0);
    Real32 maxMinorAxis(0);
    Real32 cumMinorAxis(0);
    Real32 prevComponent(0);
    Real64 offsetMajorAxis(0);
    Real64 offsetMinorAxis(0);
    Real64 offsetX(borderTopLeft.x());
    Real64 offsetY(borderTopLeft.y());
    bool firstOne = true;

    for(UInt32 i=0 ; i<Components->size(); ++i)

    for(UInt32 i=0 ; i<Components->size(); ++i)
        // set the component to its preferred size

        // if there is only one so far, then it can't draw it using cumMajorAxis
        // because it hasn't been set yet
        if (firstOne) // this one might draw it
            firstOne = false;
            // if this is the last component or it is already too big for the
            // container, draw it centered on its line
            if (i == Components->size() || (*Components)[i]->getSize()[AxisIndex] >= totalMajorAxis)
                // find how far to translate to make it properly aligned
                offsetMajorAxis = getMajorAxisAlignment()*(totalMajorAxis - (*Components)[i]->getSize()[AxisIndex]);

                if (AxisIndex)
                    offsetY+= offsetMajorAxis;
                    offsetX += offsetMajorAxis;

                (*Components)[i]->setPosition(Pnt2f(offsetX, offsetY));

                // get to the next row
                if (AxisIndex)
                    offsetX += (*Components)[i]->getSize()[(AxisIndex+1)%2]+gap[(AxisIndex+1)%2];
                    offsetY += -offsetMajorAxis;
                    offsetX += -offsetMajorAxis;
                    offsetY += (*Components)[i]->getSize()[(AxisIndex+1)%2]+gap[(AxisIndex+1)%2];
                // update cumMinorAxis, other values should still be at 0
                cumMinorAxis += (*Components)[i]->getSize()[(AxisIndex+1)%2];
                if(i < Components->size()-1)
                    cumMinorAxis += gap[(AxisIndex+1)%2];
                // update prevComponent
                // next component is still just like the first one
                firstOne = true;
                // update the maxMinorAxis
                maxMinorAxis = (*Components)[i]->getSize()[(AxisIndex+1)%2];
                // update cumMajorAxis
                cumMajorAxis += (*Components)[i]->getSize()[AxisIndex];
        else if (cumMajorAxis + (*Components)[i]->getSize()[AxisIndex] + gap[AxisIndex]*(i-prevComponent) > totalMajorAxis) // this one draws up to i
            // The numGaps is one less than the number of components being drawn, but it
            // is actually translates once for each component, so it must be compensated
            // when returning to the next row.
            numGaps = i-prevComponent-1;

            // find how far to translate to make it properly aligned
            offsetMajorAxis = getMajorAxisAlignment()*(totalMajorAxis - (cumMajorAxis+numGaps*gap[AxisIndex]));

            if (AxisIndex){
                offsetY += offsetMajorAxis;
                offsetX += offsetMajorAxis;
            for (int j = prevComponent; j < i; j++)
                // find how far to translate to make this button properly aligned
                offsetMinorAxis = (maxMinorAxis-(*Components)[j]->getSize()[(AxisIndex+1)%2])*getComponentAlignment();

                // translate to make it properly aligned
                if (AxisIndex)
                    offsetX += offsetMinorAxis;
                    offsetY += offsetMinorAxis;

                (*Components)[j]->setPosition(Pnt2f(offsetX, offsetY));

                // translate to next button
                if (AxisIndex)
                    offsetY+= (*Components)[j]->getSize()[AxisIndex] + gap[AxisIndex];
                    offsetX+=(*Components)[j]->getSize()[AxisIndex] + gap[AxisIndex];
                    offsetY+= -offsetMinorAxis;
            // translate to the next row
            if (AxisIndex)
                offsetX += maxMinorAxis+gap[(AxisIndex+1)%2];
                offsetY += -(offsetMajorAxis+cumMajorAxis+(numGaps+1)*gap[AxisIndex]);
                offsetX += -(offsetMajorAxis+cumMajorAxis+(numGaps+1)*gap[AxisIndex]);
                offsetY += maxMinorAxis+gap[(AxisIndex+1)%2];

            cumMinorAxis += maxMinorAxis + gap[(AxisIndex+1)%2];
            maxMinorAxis = (*Components)[i]->getSize()[(AxisIndex+1)%2];
            prevComponent = i;
            cumMajorAxis = (*Components)[i]->getSize()[AxisIndex];
            // update the maxMinorAxis
            if ((*Components)[i]->getSize()[(AxisIndex+1)%2] > maxMinorAxis)
                maxMinorAxis = (*Components)[i]->getSize()[(AxisIndex+1)%2];
            // update cumMajorAxis
            cumMajorAxis += (*Components)[i]->getSize()[AxisIndex];
        if (i+1 == Components->size() && !firstOne) // if on the last one, draw the last buttons
            numGaps = i-prevComponent;

            // find how far to translate to make it properly aligned
            offsetMajorAxis = getMajorAxisAlignment()*(totalMajorAxis - (cumMajorAxis+numGaps*gap[AxisIndex]));

            if (AxisIndex)
                offsetY += offsetMajorAxis;
                offsetX += offsetMajorAxis;
            for (int j = prevComponent; j < i+1; j++)
                // find how far to translate to make this button properly aligned
                offsetMinorAxis = (maxMinorAxis-(*Components)[j]->getSize()[(AxisIndex+1)%2])*getComponentAlignment();

                // translate to make it properly aligned
                if (AxisIndex)
                    offsetX += offsetMinorAxis;
                    offsetY += offsetMinorAxis;
                (*Components)[j]->setPosition(Pnt2f(offsetX, offsetY));

                if (AxisIndex)
                    offsetX += -(Real64)offsetMinorAxis;
                    offsetY += (*Components)[j]->getSize()[AxisIndex] + gap[AxisIndex];
                    offsetX += (*Components)[j]->getSize()[AxisIndex] + gap[AxisIndex];
                    offsetY+= -(Real64)offsetMinorAxis;
            // translate to the next row
            if (AxisIndex)
                offsetX += maxMinorAxis+gap[(AxisIndex+1)%2];
                offsetY += -(offsetMajorAxis+cumMajorAxis+(numGaps+1)*gap[AxisIndex]);
                offsetX += -(offsetMajorAxis+cumMajorAxis+(numGaps+1)*gap[AxisIndex]);
                offsetY += maxMinorAxis+gap[(AxisIndex+1)%2];
            cumMinorAxis += maxMinorAxis;
    //Minor Axis Alignment
    Real32 displacement(borderSize[(AxisIndex+1)%2]-cumMinorAxis);
    Pnt2f offset;
    displacement *= getMinorAxisAlignment(); 
    for (UInt32 i = 0; i < Components->size(); ++i)
        offset = (*Components)[i]->getPosition();
        offset[(AxisIndex+1)%2] += displacement;

    for(UInt32 i=0 ; i<Components->size(); ++i)
void TabPanel::updateLayout(void)
    Pnt2f InsideInsetsTopLeft,InsideInsetsBottomRight;

    UInt16 AxisIndex(0);
    if (getTabPlacement() == PLACEMENT_EAST || getTabPlacement() == PLACEMENT_WEST)
    Real32 largestMinorAxis(0.0f);
    Real32 cumMajorAxis(0.0f);
    Pnt2f alignOffset(0.0f,0.0f);
    Vec2f offset(0.0f,0.0f);

    Vec2f TabBorderTopLeftWidth, TabBorderBottomRightWidth;
    calculateMaxTabBorderLengths(TabBorderTopLeftWidth[0], TabBorderBottomRightWidth[0],TabBorderTopLeftWidth[1], TabBorderBottomRightWidth[1]);

    // first layout all of the tabs
    // naturally the alignments and such is necessary
    // on the first sweep, get the maximum size and cumLength
    const Real32 TabMajorAxisSpacing(5.0f);
    Vec2f TabReqSize;
    for (UInt32 i=0; i < getMFTabs()->size(); ++i)
        TabReqSize = getTabs(i)->getRequestedSize() + Vec2f(getTabBorderInsets().x() + getTabBorderInsets().y(),
                                                            getTabBorderInsets().z() + getTabBorderInsets().w());
        cumMajorAxis += TabReqSize[AxisIndex];
        if (TabReqSize[(AxisIndex+1)%2] > largestMinorAxis)
            largestMinorAxis = TabReqSize[(AxisIndex+1)%2];
    cumMajorAxis += TabMajorAxisSpacing * 2.0f * getMFTabs()->size();
    cumMajorAxis += static_cast<Real32>(getMFTabs()->size()) * (TabBorderTopLeftWidth[AxisIndex] + TabBorderBottomRightWidth[AxisIndex]);
    largestMinorAxis += (TabBorderTopLeftWidth[(AxisIndex+1)%2] + TabBorderBottomRightWidth[(AxisIndex+1)%2]);

    // set up the alignment and offset
    Vec2f TabSize;
    TabSize[AxisIndex] = cumMajorAxis;
    TabSize[(AxisIndex+1)%2] = largestMinorAxis;
    Vec2f Alignment;
    Alignment[(AxisIndex+1)%2] = getTabAlignment();
        case PLACEMENT_SOUTH:
        case PLACEMENT_EAST:
            Alignment[AxisIndex] = 1.0;
        case PLACEMENT_NORTH:
        case PLACEMENT_WEST:
            Alignment[AxisIndex] = 0.0;
    alignOffset = calculateAlignment(InsideInsetsTopLeft, (InsideInsetsBottomRight-InsideInsetsTopLeft),TabSize,Alignment.x(),Alignment.y());
    offset = Vec2f(InsideInsetsTopLeft);
    offset[(AxisIndex+1)%2] += TabBorderTopLeftWidth[(AxisIndex+1)%2];

    // set sizes and positions of all tabs
    Vec2f Size;
    Pnt2f Pos;
    for (UInt32 i=0; i < getMFTabs()->size(); ++i)
        offset[AxisIndex] += TabBorderTopLeftWidth[AxisIndex];
        Size = getTabs(i)->getRequestedSize() + Vec2f(getTabBorderInsets().x() + getTabBorderInsets().y(),
                                                      getTabBorderInsets().z() + getTabBorderInsets().w());
        if(getTabs(i)->getSize() != Size)
        Pos = alignOffset + offset;
        if(getTabs(i)->getPosition() != Pos)
        offset[AxisIndex] += getTabs(i)->getSize()[AxisIndex] + TabBorderBottomRightWidth[AxisIndex];

    if((getSelectedIndex()+1) > getMFTabContents()->size())
    if(getMFTabContents()->size() > 0 && getSelectedIndex() != -1)
        Vec2f ContentBorderTopLeftWidth, ContentBorderBottomRightWidth;
        calculateContentBorderLengths(getContentBorder(), ContentBorderTopLeftWidth[0], ContentBorderBottomRightWidth[0],ContentBorderTopLeftWidth[1], ContentBorderBottomRightWidth[1]);
        // now set size and position of the active tab's contents
        offset = Vec2f(InsideInsetsTopLeft);
        if (getTabPlacement() == PLACEMENT_NORTH || getTabPlacement() == PLACEMENT_WEST)
            offset[(AxisIndex+1)%2] += largestMinorAxis;
        Size = InsideInsetsBottomRight-InsideInsetsTopLeft-(ContentBorderTopLeftWidth + ContentBorderBottomRightWidth);
        Size[(AxisIndex+1)%2] -= TabSize[(AxisIndex+1)%2];
        if(getTabContents(getSelectedIndex())->getSize() != Size)
        Pos = Pnt2f(0.0f,0.0f) + offset + ContentBorderTopLeftWidth;
        if(getTabContents(getSelectedIndex())->getPosition() != Pos)
Beispiel #7
void SplitPanel::updateLayout(void)
    Pnt2f TopLeft, BottomRight;
    getInsideBorderBounds(TopLeft, BottomRight);
    Vec2f BorderSize(BottomRight - TopLeft);

    UInt32 AxisIndex(0);
    if(getOrientation() != SplitPanel::HORIZONTAL_ORIENTATION ) AxisIndex = 1;

    Vec2f minSize(0,0);
    Vec2f maxSize(0,0);
    Vec2f divSize(0,0);
    Pnt2f minPos(0,0);
    Pnt2f maxPos(0,0);
    Pnt2f divPos(0,0);

    if (getDividerPosition() < 0.0)
    if (getMinDividerPosition() < 0.0)
    if (getMaxDividerPosition() < 0.0)

    UInt32 dividerPosition(getDividerPosition());
    if (getDividerPosition() <= 1.0)
        dividerPosition = BorderSize[AxisIndex] * getDividerPosition();

    // check the divider's min and max
    if (getMinDividerPosition() <= 1.0)
        if (dividerPosition < getMinDividerPosition() * BorderSize[AxisIndex])
            dividerPosition = getMinDividerPosition() * BorderSize[AxisIndex];
        if (dividerPosition < getMinDividerPosition())
            dividerPosition = getMinDividerPosition();
    if (getMaxDividerPosition() <= 1.0)
        if (dividerPosition > getMaxDividerPosition() * BorderSize[AxisIndex])
            dividerPosition = getMaxDividerPosition() * BorderSize[AxisIndex];
        if (dividerPosition > getMaxDividerPosition())
            dividerPosition = getMaxDividerPosition();

    // set the minimum component's size
    minSize[AxisIndex] = dividerPosition - getDividerSize()/2;

    // check its min and max
    if (getMinComponent() != NULL)
        if (minSize[AxisIndex] < getMinComponent()->getMinSize()[AxisIndex])
            dividerPosition -= getMinComponent()->getMinSize()[AxisIndex] - minSize[AxisIndex];
            minSize[AxisIndex] = getMinComponent()->getMinSize()[AxisIndex];
        if (minSize[AxisIndex] > getMinComponent()->getMaxSize()[AxisIndex])
            dividerPosition += minSize[AxisIndex] - getMinComponent()->getMaxSize()[AxisIndex];
            minSize[AxisIndex] = getMinComponent()->getMaxSize()[AxisIndex];

    // set the maximum component's size
    maxSize[AxisIndex] = BorderSize[AxisIndex] - minSize[AxisIndex] - getDividerSize();

    // check its min and max
    if (getMaxComponent() != NULL)
        if (maxSize[AxisIndex] < getMaxComponent()->getMinSize()[AxisIndex])
            dividerPosition -= getMaxComponent()->getMinSize()[AxisIndex] - maxSize[AxisIndex];
            minSize[AxisIndex] -= getMaxComponent()->getMinSize()[AxisIndex] - maxSize[AxisIndex];
            maxSize[AxisIndex] = getMaxComponent()->getMinSize()[AxisIndex];
        if (maxSize[AxisIndex] > getMaxComponent()->getMaxSize()[AxisIndex])
            dividerPosition += maxSize[AxisIndex] - getMaxComponent()->getMaxSize()[AxisIndex];
            minSize[AxisIndex] += maxSize[AxisIndex] - getMaxComponent()->getMaxSize()[AxisIndex];
            maxSize[AxisIndex] = getMaxComponent()->getMaxSize()[AxisIndex];

    // set the minor axis' size and max's position
    minSize[(AxisIndex+1)%2] = maxSize[(AxisIndex+1)%2] = BorderSize[(AxisIndex+1)%2];
    maxPos[AxisIndex] = minSize[AxisIndex] + getDividerSize();

    // set the divider's size and position
    divSize[AxisIndex] = getDividerSize();
    divSize[(AxisIndex+1)%2] = BorderSize[(AxisIndex+1)%2];
    divPos[AxisIndex] = dividerPosition - getDividerSize()/2;

    // set the components to the right size and positions
    if (getMinComponent() != NULL)
        if(getMinComponent()->getSize() != minSize)
        if(getMinComponent()->getPosition() != minPos)
    if (getMaxComponent() != NULL)
        if(getMaxComponent()->getSize() != maxSize)
        if(getMaxComponent()->getPosition() != maxPos)
    if (getDividerDrawObject() != NULL)
        if(getDividerDrawObject()->getSize() != divSize)
        if(getDividerDrawObject()->getPosition() != divPos)
void BoxLayout::updateLayout(const MFUnrecComponentPtr* Components, const Component* ParentComponent) const
      totalMajorAxis will be the sum of the MajorAxis of all of the
	  components, which is compared to MajorAxis, which is MajorAxis of the parent
	  component. These two variables will be used to determine the spacing of
	  each of the objects.
	UInt32 AxisIndex(0);
	if(getOrientation() != HORIZONTAL_ORIENTATION ) AxisIndex = 1;

	Pnt2f borderTopLeft, borderBottomRight;
	dynamic_cast<const ComponentContainer*>(ParentComponent)->getInsideInsetsBounds(borderTopLeft, borderBottomRight);
	Vec2f borderSize(borderBottomRight-borderTopLeft);
	Real32 MajorAxis(borderSize[AxisIndex]);
	Real32 totalMajorAxis(0);
	Real32 largestMinorAxis(0);
	Real32 spacing(0);
	Vec2f size;
	Vec2f offset(0,0);

	  This first sweep through the components sets each component to its
	  preferred size, gets a sum of all the MajorAxes, and finds the
	  largest height.
	for(UInt32 i=0 ; i<Components->size() ; ++i)
	{	// set the component to its preferred size
		// get sum of all components
		totalMajorAxis += (*Components)[i]->getPreferredSize()[AxisIndex];
		if ((*Components)[i]->getPreferredSize()[(AxisIndex+1)%2] > largestMinorAxis)
			largestMinorAxis = (*Components)[i]->getPreferredSize()[(AxisIndex+1)%2];
	if(MajorAxis > totalMajorAxis)
		spacing = (MajorAxis-totalMajorAxis)/(Components->size()+1);
		// in the case where there isn't equal spacing between each button,
		// translate more the first time to center the components
		if(spacing < getMajorAxisMinimumGap())
			spacing = getMajorAxisMinimumGap();
		if(spacing > getMajorAxisMaximumGap())
			spacing = getMajorAxisMaximumGap();
		borderTopLeft[AxisIndex] += (MajorAxis - (spacing*(Components->size()+1)+totalMajorAxis))*getMajorAxisAlignment() + spacing;
		spacing = getMajorAxisMinimumGap();

	if(getOrientation() == HORIZONTAL_ORIENTATION)
		borderTopLeft = calculateAlignment(borderTopLeft, borderSize, Vec2f(0.0f,largestMinorAxis), getMinorAxisAlignment(), 0.0f);
		borderTopLeft = calculateAlignment(borderTopLeft, borderSize, Vec2f(largestMinorAxis,0.0f), 0.0f, getMinorAxisAlignment());

	  This second sweep through the components sets each component to the
	  matching highest height, then positions each component equally spaced apart
	for(UInt32 i=0; i<Components->size(); ++i)
		// for each individual button, keep track of the offsetMinorAxis in height
		// for use in keeping them vertically centered
		offset[(AxisIndex+1)%2] = 0;
		// change the component's height only if necessary
		if (largestMinorAxis > (*Components)[i]->getPreferredSize()[(AxisIndex+1)%2])
			if (largestMinorAxis <= (*Components)[i]->getMaxSize()[(AxisIndex+1)%2])
			{	// for when the max height is larger than the largestMinorAxis
				size[AxisIndex] = (*Components)[i]->getPreferredSize()[AxisIndex];
				size[(AxisIndex+1)%2] = largestMinorAxis;
			{	// in this case, max out the button to its max height
				size[AxisIndex] = (*Components)[i]->getPreferredSize()[AxisIndex];
				size[(AxisIndex+1)%2] = (*Components)[i]->getMaxSize()[(AxisIndex+1)%2];

				// find how far to set offset to make this button properly aligned
				if(getOrientation() == HORIZONTAL_ORIENTATION)
					offset = Vec2f(calculateAlignment(Pnt2f(0,0), Vec2f(0.0f, largestMinorAxis), Vec2f(0.0f,(*Components)[i]->getMaxSize().y()), getComponentAlignment(), 0.0f));
					offset = Vec2f(calculateAlignment(Pnt2f(0,0), Vec2f(largestMinorAxis,0.0f), Vec2f((*Components)[i]->getMaxSize().x(),0.0f), 0.0f, getComponentAlignment()));
			size = (*Components)[i]->getPreferredSize();
			(*Components)[i]->setPosition(borderTopLeft + offset);

		// now set offset for the next button
		offset[AxisIndex] += spacing + (*Components)[i]->getPreferredSize()[AxisIndex];