static void
test_date_time (void)
   int64_t out;

   bson_t *bcon = BCON_NEW ("foo", BCON_DATE_TIME (10000));


   BSON_ASSERT (out == 10000);

   bson_destroy (bcon);
Beispiel #2
static void
bulk5_success (mongoc_collection_t *collection)
   mongoc_bulk_operation_t *bulk;
   bson_error_t error;
   bson_t *doc;
   bson_t reply;
   char *str;
   bool ret;

   bulk = mongoc_collection_create_bulk_operation (collection, true, NULL);

   /* Allow this document to bypass document validation.
    * NOTE: When authentication is enabled, the authenticated user must have
    * either the "dbadmin" or "restore" roles to bypass document validation */
   mongoc_bulk_operation_set_bypass_document_validation (bulk, true);

   /* Two inserts */
   doc = BCON_NEW ("_id", BCON_INT32 (31));
   mongoc_bulk_operation_insert (bulk, doc);
   bson_destroy (doc);

   doc = BCON_NEW ("_id", BCON_INT32 (32));
   mongoc_bulk_operation_insert (bulk, doc);
   bson_destroy (doc);

   ret = mongoc_bulk_operation_execute (bulk, &reply, &error);

   str = bson_as_json (&reply, NULL);
   printf ("%s\n", str);
   bson_free (str);

   if (!ret) {
      printf ("Error: %s\n", error.message);

   bson_destroy (&reply);
   mongoc_bulk_operation_destroy (bulk);
static void
test_bool (void)
   bool b;

   bson_t *bcon = BCON_NEW ("foo", BCON_BOOL (true));

   BSON_ASSERT (BCON_EXTRACT (bcon, "foo", BCONE_BOOL (b)));

   BSON_ASSERT (b == true);

   bson_destroy (bcon);
static void
test_code (void)
   const char *val;

   bson_t *bcon = BCON_NEW ("foo", BCON_CODE ("var a = {};"));

   BSON_ASSERT (BCON_EXTRACT (bcon, "foo", BCONE_CODE (val)));

   BSON_ASSERT (strcmp (val, "var a = {};") == 0);

   bson_destroy (bcon);
Beispiel #5
static void
test_int64 (void)
   int64_t i64;

   bson_t *bcon = BCON_NEW ("foo", BCON_INT64 (10));

   assert (BCON_EXTRACT (bcon, "foo", BCONE_INT64 (i64)));

   assert (i64 == 10);

   bson_destroy (bcon);
static void
test_double (void)
   double val;

   bson_t *bcon = BCON_NEW ("foo", BCON_DOUBLE (1.1));

   BSON_ASSERT (BCON_EXTRACT (bcon, "foo", BCONE_DOUBLE (val)));

   BSON_ASSERT (val == 1.1);

   bson_destroy (bcon);
Beispiel #7
static void
test_utf8 (void)
   const char *val;

   bson_t *bcon = BCON_NEW ("hello", "world");

   assert (BCON_EXTRACT (bcon, "hello", BCONE_UTF8 (val)));

   assert (strcmp (val, "world") == 0);

   bson_destroy (bcon);
Beispiel #8
static void
test_int32 (void)
   int32_t i32;

   bson_t *bcon = BCON_NEW ("foo", BCON_INT32 (10));

   assert (BCON_EXTRACT (bcon, "foo", BCONE_INT32 (i32)));

   assert (i32 == 10);

   bson_destroy (bcon);
Beispiel #9
static void
bulk6 (mongoc_collection_t *collection)
   mongoc_write_concern_t *wc;
   mongoc_bulk_operation_t *bulk;
   bson_error_t error;
   bson_t *doc;
   bson_t *selector;
   bson_t reply;
   char *str;
   bool ret;

   wc = mongoc_write_concern_new ();
   mongoc_write_concern_set_w (wc, 0);

   bulk = mongoc_collection_create_bulk_operation (collection, true, wc);

   doc = BCON_NEW ("_id", BCON_INT32 (10));
   mongoc_bulk_operation_insert (bulk, doc);
   bson_destroy (doc);

   selector = BCON_NEW ("_id", BCON_INT32 (11));
   mongoc_bulk_operation_remove_one (bulk, selector);
   bson_destroy (selector);

   ret = mongoc_bulk_operation_execute (bulk, &reply, &error);

   str = bson_as_json (&reply, NULL);
   printf ("%s\n", str);
   bson_free (str);

   if (!ret) {
      printf ("Error: %s\n", error.message);

   bson_destroy (&reply);
   mongoc_bulk_operation_destroy (bulk);
   mongoc_write_concern_destroy (wc);
Beispiel #10
static void
test_symbol (void)
   const char *val;

   bson_t *bcon = BCON_NEW ("foo", BCON_SYMBOL ("symbol"));

   BSON_ASSERT (BCON_EXTRACT (bcon, "foo", BCONE_SYMBOL (val)));

   BSON_ASSERT (strcmp (val, "symbol") == 0);

   bson_destroy (bcon);
Beispiel #11
static void
test_bool (void)
   bson_bool_t b;

   bson_t *bcon = BCON_NEW ("foo", BCON_BOOL (TRUE));

   assert (BCON_EXTRACT (bcon, "foo", BCONE_BOOL (b)));

   assert (b == TRUE);

   bson_destroy (bcon);
static void
test_invalid_write_concern (void)
   mongoc_write_command_t command;
   mongoc_write_result_t result;
   mongoc_collection_t *collection;
   mongoc_client_t *client;
   mongoc_write_concern_t *write_concern;
   bson_t **docs;
   bson_t reply = BSON_INITIALIZER;
   bson_error_t error;
   bool r;

   client = test_framework_client_new (NULL);

   collection = get_test_collection(client, "test_invalid_write_concern");

   write_concern = mongoc_write_concern_new();
   mongoc_write_concern_set_w(write_concern, 0);
   mongoc_write_concern_set_journal(write_concern, true);

   docs = bson_malloc(sizeof(bson_t*));
   docs[0] = BCON_NEW("_id", BCON_INT32(0));

   _mongoc_write_command_init_insert(&command, (const bson_t * const *)docs, 1, true, true);
   _mongoc_write_result_init (&result);

   _mongoc_write_command_execute (&command, client, 0, collection->db,
                                  collection->collection, write_concern, 0,

   r = _mongoc_write_result_complete (&result, &reply, &error);

   assert(error.domain = MONGOC_ERROR_COMMAND);
   assert(error.code = MONGOC_ERROR_COMMAND_INVALID_ARG);

   _mongoc_write_command_destroy (&command);
   _mongoc_write_result_destroy (&result);


Beispiel #13
static void
print_pipeline (mongoc_collection_t *collection)
   mongoc_cursor_t *cursor;
   bson_error_t error;
   const bson_t *doc;
   bson_t *pipeline;
   char *str;

   pipeline = BCON_NEW ("pipeline",
                        BCON_INT32 (10000000),

   cursor = mongoc_collection_aggregate (
      collection, MONGOC_QUERY_NONE, pipeline, NULL, NULL);

   while (mongoc_cursor_next (cursor, &doc)) {
      str = bson_as_canonical_extended_json (doc, NULL);
      printf ("%s\n", str);
      bson_free (str);

   if (mongoc_cursor_error (cursor, &error)) {
      fprintf (stderr, "Cursor Failure: %s\n", error.message);

   mongoc_cursor_destroy (cursor);
   bson_destroy (pipeline);
Beispiel #14
static void
topology_closed (const mongoc_apm_topology_closed_t *event)
   context_t *ctx;
   bson_oid_t topology_id;

   ctx = (context_t *) mongoc_apm_topology_closed_get_context (event);
   mongoc_apm_topology_closed_get_topology_id (event, &topology_id);
   ASSERT (bson_oid_equal (&topology_id, &ctx->topology_id));
   context_append (
      BCON_NEW (
         "topology_closed_event", "{", "topologyId", BCON_UTF8 ("42"), "}"));
static void
test_mongoc_matcher_eq_int64 (void)
   bson_t *spec;
   bson_t *doc;
   bson_error_t error;
   mongoc_matcher_t *matcher;
   bool r;

   spec = BCON_NEW ("hello", BCON_INT64 (1234));
   matcher = mongoc_matcher_new (spec, &error);
   BSON_ASSERT (matcher);
   r = mongoc_matcher_match (matcher, spec);
   bson_destroy (spec);
   mongoc_matcher_destroy (matcher);

   spec = BCON_NEW ("hello", BCON_INT64 (1234));
   doc = BCON_NEW ("hello", BCON_INT64 (1234));
   matcher = mongoc_matcher_new (spec, &error);
   BSON_ASSERT (matcher);
   r = mongoc_matcher_match (matcher, doc);
   bson_destroy (spec);
   bson_destroy (doc);
   mongoc_matcher_destroy (matcher);

   spec = BCON_NEW ("hello", BCON_INT64 (1234));
   doc = BCON_NEW ("hello", BCON_INT32 (4321));
   matcher = mongoc_matcher_new (spec, &error);
   BSON_ASSERT (matcher);
   r = mongoc_matcher_match (matcher, doc);
   BSON_ASSERT (!r);
   bson_destroy (spec);
   bson_destroy (doc);
   mongoc_matcher_destroy (matcher);
static void
test_mongoc_matcher_eq_utf8 (void)
   bson_t *doc;
   bson_t *spec;
   bson_error_t error;
   mongoc_matcher_t *matcher;
   bool r;

   spec = BCON_NEW("hello", "world");
   matcher = mongoc_matcher_new (spec, &error);
   BSON_ASSERT (matcher);
   r = mongoc_matcher_match (matcher, spec);
   bson_destroy (spec);
   mongoc_matcher_destroy (matcher);

   spec = BCON_NEW ("hello", "world");
   doc = BCON_NEW ("hello", BCON_NULL);
   matcher = mongoc_matcher_new (spec, &error);
   BSON_ASSERT (matcher);
   r = mongoc_matcher_match (matcher, doc);
   BSON_ASSERT (!r);
   bson_destroy (spec);
   bson_destroy (doc);
   mongoc_matcher_destroy (matcher);

   spec = BCON_NEW ("hello", "world");
   doc = BCON_NEW ("hello", BCON_UNDEFINED);
   matcher = mongoc_matcher_new (spec, &error);
   BSON_ASSERT (matcher);
   r = mongoc_matcher_match (matcher, doc);
   BSON_ASSERT (!r);
   bson_destroy (spec);
   bson_destroy (doc);
   mongoc_matcher_destroy (matcher);
Beispiel #17
static void
server_heartbeat_failed (const mongoc_apm_server_heartbeat_failed_t *event)
   context_t *ctx;
   const mongoc_host_list_t *host;

   ctx = (context_t *) mongoc_apm_server_heartbeat_failed_get_context (event);
   host = mongoc_apm_server_heartbeat_failed_get_host (event);
   context_append (ctx,
                   BCON_NEW ("heartbeat_failed_event",
                             BCON_UTF8 (host->host_and_port),
Beispiel #18
main (int argc, const char **argv)
   bson_t *b;
   char *j;

   b = BCON_NEW ("hello", BCON_UTF8 ("bson!"));
   j = bson_as_canonical_extended_json (b, NULL);
   printf ("%s\n", j);

   bson_free (j);
   bson_destroy (b);

   return 0;
Beispiel #19
static void
test_inline_array (void)
   int32_t a, b;

   bson_t *bcon = BCON_NEW ("foo", "[", BCON_INT32 (1), BCON_INT32 (2), "]");

   assert (
      BCON_EXTRACT (bcon, "foo", "[", BCONE_INT32 (a), BCONE_INT32 (b), "]"));

   assert (a == 1);
   assert (b == 2);

   bson_destroy (bcon);
Beispiel #20
static void
test_regex (void)
   const char *regex;
   const char *flags;

   bson_t *bcon = BCON_NEW ("foo", BCON_REGEX ("^foo|bar$", "i"));

   assert (BCON_EXTRACT (bcon, "foo", BCONE_REGEX (regex, flags)));

   assert (strcmp (regex, "^foo|bar$") == 0);
   assert (strcmp (flags, "i") == 0);

   bson_destroy (bcon);
Beispiel #21
static void
test_timestamp (void)
   int32_t timestamp;
   int32_t increment;

   bson_t *bcon = BCON_NEW ("foo", BCON_TIMESTAMP (100, 1000));

   assert (BCON_EXTRACT (bcon, "foo", BCONE_TIMESTAMP (timestamp, increment)));

   assert (timestamp == 100);
   assert (increment == 1000);

   bson_destroy (bcon);
Beispiel #22
static void
bulk5_fail (mongoc_collection_t *collection)
   mongoc_bulk_operation_t *bulk;
   bson_error_t error;
   bson_t *doc;
   bson_t reply;
   char *str;
   bool ret;

   bulk = mongoc_collection_create_bulk_operation (collection, true, NULL);

   /* Two inserts */
   doc = BCON_NEW ("_id", BCON_INT32 (31));
   mongoc_bulk_operation_insert (bulk, doc);
   bson_destroy (doc);

   doc = BCON_NEW ("_id", BCON_INT32 (32));
   mongoc_bulk_operation_insert (bulk, doc);
   bson_destroy (doc);

   /* The above documents do not comply to the schema validation rules
    * we created previously, so this will result in an error */
   ret = mongoc_bulk_operation_execute (bulk, &reply, &error);

   str = bson_as_json (&reply, NULL);
   printf ("%s\n", str);
   bson_free (str);

   if (!ret) {
      printf ("Error: %s\n", error.message);

   bson_destroy (&reply);
   mongoc_bulk_operation_destroy (bulk);
Beispiel #23
static void
topology_opening (const mongoc_apm_topology_opening_t *event)
   context_t *ctx;
   bson_oid_t zeroes;

   /* new event's topology id is NOT all zeroes */
   bson_oid_init_from_string (&zeroes, "000000000000000000000000");
   ASSERT (!bson_oid_equal (&event->topology_id, &zeroes));

   ctx = (context_t *) mongoc_apm_topology_opening_get_context (event);
   mongoc_apm_topology_opening_get_topology_id (event, &ctx->topology_id);
   context_append (ctx, BCON_NEW ("topology_opening_event", "{",
                                  "topologyId", BCON_UTF8 ("42"),
Beispiel #24
static void
test_inline_doc (void)
   int32_t a, b;

   bson_t *bcon =
      BCON_NEW ("foo", "{", "b", BCON_INT32 (2), "a", BCON_INT32 (1), "}");

      bcon, "foo", "{", "a", BCONE_INT32 (a), "b", BCONE_INT32 (b), "}"));

   BSON_ASSERT (a == 1);
   BSON_ASSERT (b == 2);

   bson_destroy (bcon);
Beispiel #25
SEXP R_mongo_collection_create_index(SEXP ptr_col, SEXP ptr_bson) {
  mongoc_collection_t *col = r2col(ptr_col);
  bson_t *keys = r2bson(ptr_bson);
  const char * collection_name = mongoc_collection_get_name(col);
  char * index_name = mongoc_collection_keys_to_index_string (keys);
  bson_error_t err;

  bson_t * command = BCON_NEW ("createIndexes", BCON_UTF8 (collection_name), "indexes",
    "[", "{", "key", BCON_DOCUMENT (keys), "name", BCON_UTF8 (index_name), "}", "]");

  if(!mongoc_collection_write_command_with_opts(col, command, NULL, NULL, &err))

  return Rf_ScalarLogical(1);
Beispiel #26
static void
test_bcon_new (void)
   bson_t expected;
   bson_t * bcon;

   bson_init (&expected);

   bson_append_utf8 (&expected, "hello", -1, "world", -1);
   bcon = BCON_NEW("hello", "world");

   bson_eq_bson (bcon, &expected);

   bson_destroy (bcon);
   bson_destroy (&expected);
Beispiel #27
static void
test_oid (void)
   bson_oid_t oid;
   const bson_oid_t *ooid;

   bson_oid_init (&oid, NULL);

   bson_t *bcon = BCON_NEW ("foo", BCON_OID (&oid));

   assert (BCON_EXTRACT (bcon, "foo", BCONE_OID (ooid)));

   assert (bson_oid_equal (&oid, ooid));

   bson_destroy (bcon);
void fam_flags(mongoc_collection_t *collection)
   mongoc_find_and_modify_opts_t *opts;
   bson_t reply;
   bson_error_t error;
   bson_t query = BSON_INITIALIZER;
   bson_t *update;
   bool success;

   /* Find Zlatan Ibrahimovic, the striker */
   BSON_APPEND_UTF8 (&query, "firstname", "Zlatan");
   BSON_APPEND_UTF8 (&query, "lastname", "Ibrahimovic");
   BSON_APPEND_UTF8 (&query, "profession", "Football player");
   BSON_APPEND_INT32 (&query, "age", 34);
   BSON_APPEND_INT32 (&query, "goals", (16+35+23+57+16+14+28+84)+(1+6+62));

   /* Add his football position */
   update = BCON_NEW ("$set", "{",
      "position", BCON_UTF8 ("striker"),

   opts = mongoc_find_and_modify_opts_new ();

   mongoc_find_and_modify_opts_set_update (opts, update);

   /* Create the document if it didn't exist, and return the updated document */
   mongoc_find_and_modify_opts_set_flags (opts, MONGOC_FIND_AND_MODIFY_UPSERT|MONGOC_FIND_AND_MODIFY_RETURN_NEW);

   success = mongoc_collection_find_and_modify_with_opts (collection, &query, opts, &reply, &error);

   if (success) {
      char *str;

      str = bson_as_json (&reply, NULL);
      printf ("%s\n", str);
      bson_free (str);
   } else {
      fprintf(stderr, "Got error: \"%s\" on line %d\n", error.message, __LINE__);

   bson_destroy (&reply);
   bson_destroy (update);
   bson_destroy (&query);
   mongoc_find_and_modify_opts_destroy (opts);
Beispiel #29
static void
test_decimal128 (void)
   bson_decimal128_t val;
   bson_decimal128_t dec;
   bson_t *bcon;

   bson_decimal128_from_string("12", &dec);
   bcon = BCON_NEW ("foo", BCON_DECIMAL128 (&dec));

   assert (BCON_EXTRACT (bcon, "foo", BCONE_DECIMAL128 (val)));

   assert (val.low == 0xCULL);
   assert (val.high == 0x3040000000000000ULL);

   bson_destroy (bcon);
static void
test_mongoc_matcher_in_basic (void)
   mongoc_matcher_t *matcher;
   bson_error_t error;
   bool r;
   bson_t *spec;
   bson_t doc = BSON_INITIALIZER;

   spec = BCON_NEW ("key", "{",
                       "$in", "[",
                          BCON_INT32 (1),
                          BCON_INT32 (2),
                          BCON_INT32 (3),

   matcher = mongoc_matcher_new (spec, &error);
   r = mongoc_matcher_match (matcher, &doc);
   ASSERT (!r);

   bson_reinit (&doc);
   bson_append_int32 (&doc, "key", 3, 1);
   r = mongoc_matcher_match (matcher, &doc);
   ASSERT (r);

   bson_reinit (&doc);
   bson_append_int32 (&doc, "key", 3, 2);
   r = mongoc_matcher_match (matcher, &doc);
   ASSERT (r);

   bson_reinit (&doc);
   bson_append_int32 (&doc, "key", 3, 3);
   r = mongoc_matcher_match (matcher, &doc);
   ASSERT (r);

   bson_reinit (&doc);
   bson_append_int32 (&doc, "key", 3, 4);
   r = mongoc_matcher_match (matcher, &doc);
   ASSERT (!r);

   bson_destroy (&doc);
   bson_destroy (spec);
   mongoc_matcher_destroy (matcher);