Beispiel #1
static u_long  body_StreamMessage (int v, u_char *b)
  u_char   *b_org = b;
   u_int    nx,n2,n6;

   n2 = outBit_Sx_NL   (v,"objectInfo_length: ",	b,   0,  16);
   b += 2;
   nx = BIOP_DSM_Stream_Info_T (v, b);
   // $$$ Warning: Standards documents may describe wrong length calculation!
   	print_databytes  (v,"ObjectInfo_byte:",	 	b+nx, n2-nx);
   b += n2;

   nx = do_ServiceContentList (v, b);
   b += nx;

        outBit_Sx_NL   (v,"messageBody_length: ",	b,   0,   32);
   n6 = outBit_Sx_NL   (v,"tap_count: ",		b,  32,    8);
   b += 5;
   indent (+1);
   for (; n6 > 0; n6--) {
	int  ny;

	ny =  BIOP_TAP (v, "", b);
	b += ny;
   indent (-1);

   return (u_long)  (b - b_org);
Beispiel #2
int BIOP_ModuleInfo (int v, u_char *b, u_int len_org)
   int   	len = len_org;
   int 		n1, i;

   	// -- due to some misbehavior of some service providers
   	// -- we do a simple plausi check for tap_counts_min_bytes > len
	i = getBits (b, 0, 96, 8);	// tap_counts
	i = i * 7;

	if (i > len_org) {	// this is no ModuleInfo
		print_databytes (v,"Data Bytes (non-standard):", b, len_org);
		return len_org;

	out_nl (v, "BIOP::ModuleInfo:");

	indent (+1);
	outBit_S2Tx_NL (v,"ModuleTimeOut: ",	b,  0, 32, "(ms)");
	outBit_S2Tx_NL (v,"BlockTimeOut: ",	b, 32, 32, "(ms)");
	outBit_S2Tx_NL (v,"MinBlockTime: ",	b, 64, 32, "(ms)");
	n1 = outBit_Sx_NL (v,"taps_count: ",	b, 96,  8);

	b += 13,
	len -= 13;

	indent (+1);
	while (n1-- > 0) {
		int n2;

		n2 = BIOP_TAP (v, "DSM", b);
		b += n2;
		len -= n2;

	indent (-1);
	out_NL (v);

	n1 = outBit_Sx_NL (v,"userInfoLength: ",	b,   0,  8);
	// print_databytes (v,"UserInfoData:", b, n1); 

	dsmcc_CarouselDescriptor_Loop ("userInfo", b+1, n1);
	b   += 1+n1;
	len -= 1+n1;

	indent (-1);

	return len_org;
Beispiel #3
static u_long  body_StreamEventMessage (int v, u_char *b)
  u_char   *b_org = b;
   u_int    nx,ny,n2,n8,n4;

   n2 = outBit_Sx_NL   (v,"objectInfo_length: ",	b,   0,  16);
   b += 2;
   nx = BIOP_DSM_Stream_Info_T (v, b);
   ny = BIOP_DSM_Event_EventList_T (v, b+nx);
   	print_databytes  (v,"ObjectInfo_byte:",	 	b+nx, n2-nx-ny);
   b += n2;

   nx = do_ServiceContentList (v, b);
   b += nx;

        outBit_Sx_NL   (v,"messageBody_length: ",	b,   0,   32);
   n8 = outBit_Sx_NL   (v,"tap_count: ",		b,  32,    8);
   b += 5;
   indent (+1);
   for (; n8 > 0; n8--) {
	int  nz;

	nz =  BIOP_TAP (v, "", b);
	b += nz;
   indent (-1);

   n4 = outBit_Sx_NL   (v,"eventIds_count: ",		b,   0,    8);
   b += 1;
   indent (+1);
   for (; n4 > 0; n4--) {
   	outBit_Sx_NL   (v,"eventId: ",			b,   0,   16);
	b += 2;
   indent (-1);

   return (u_long)  (b - b_org);