Beispiel #1
void BK_algo(int64_t Graph[])
	if(NULL == Graph )	
		printf("graph is null\n");
		return ;
	int64_t R[LINE]={0},P[LINE] = {0},X[LINE] = {0};
	int i ;
	for(i = 0 ; i < Count ; ++ i)
		P[i] = Graph[i*SHARE + 0];
//		printf("lld:%lld\t",P[i]);
Beispiel #2
void RSA::createNewKey(char *filePrivateKey,char * filePublicKey)
    PrGlib dnthang;
    ofstream PK(filePrivateKey);
    ofstream BK(filePublicKey);
    /*Generate p and q as strong primes */
    ZZZ p=dnthang.PrG_generate_strong_prime(3072);

    ZZZ q=dnthang.PrG_generate_strong_prime(3072);
    ZZZ n=q*p;
    ZZZ phi=(p^1)*(q^1);
    ZZZ e,k;
    /*Find e such that gcd(e,phi)=1*/
        gmp_randclass rr(gmp_randinit_default);
        e =rr.get_z_bits(dnthang.PrG_get_length());
		ZZZ num = e & 1;
		if (num == 0)e = e | 1;
        mpz_gcd (k.get_mpz_t(),e.get_mpz_t(), phi.get_mpz_t());
    /*Compute d= e^-1 mod n*/
    ZZZ d;
    /*private key*/
    /*public key*/
Beispiel #3
void BK(int64_t *Graph, int64_t *R, int64_t *P, int64_t *X )
	if(0 == P[0] && 0 == X[0])
//		printf("get clique:\n");
		int j ;
		for(j=0;R[j] !=0 ; ++j)
	else if(0==P[0]) 
	int i=0;
	int64_t  P_copy[LINE]={0};
	while(P[i] != 0)
		int64_t R_1[LINE]={0}, P_1[LINE]={0}, X_1[LINE] = {0};
		int pos=Find(Graph,P[i]);
Beispiel #4
//form residual and tangent
ShellMITC9::formResidAndTangent( int tang_flag ) 
  //  six(6) nodal dof's ordered :
  //    -        - 
  //   |    u1    |   <---plate membrane
  //   |    u2    |
  //   |----------|
  //   |  w = u3  |   <---plate bending
  //   |  theta1  | 
  //   |  theta2  | 
  //   |----------|
  //   |  theta3  |   <---drill 
  //    -        -  
  // membrane strains ordered :
  //            strain(0) =   eps00     i.e.   (11)-strain
  //            strain(1) =   eps11     i.e.   (22)-strain
  //            strain(2) =   gamma01   i.e.   (12)-shear
  // curvatures and shear strains ordered  :
  //            strain(3) =     kappa00  i.e.   (11)-curvature
  //            strain(4) =     kappa11  i.e.   (22)-curvature
  //            strain(5) =   2*kappa01  i.e. 2*(12)-curvature 
  //            strain(6) =     gamma02  i.e.   (13)-shear
  //            strain(7) =     gamma12  i.e.   (23)-shear
  //  same ordering for moments/shears but no 2 
  //  Then, 
  //              epsilon00 = -z * kappa00      +    eps00_membrane
  //              epsilon11 = -z * kappa11      +    eps11_membrane
  //  gamma01 = 2*epsilon01 = -z * (2*kappa01)  +  gamma01_membrane 
  //  Shear strains gamma02, gamma12 constant through cross section

  static const int ndf = 6 ; //two membrane plus three bending plus one drill

  static const int nstress = 8 ; //three membrane, three moment, two shear

  static const int ngauss = 9 ;

  static const int numnodes = 9 ;

  int i,  j,  k, p, q ;
  int jj, kk ;
  int node ;

  int success ;
  double volume = 0.0 ;

  static double xsj ;  // determinant jacaobian matrix 

  static double dvol[ngauss] ; //volume element

  static Vector strain(nstress) ;  //strain

  static double shp[3][numnodes] ;  //shape functions at a gauss point

  static Vector residJ(ndf) ; //nodeJ residual 

  static Matrix stiffJK(ndf,ndf) ; //nodeJK stiffness 

  static Vector stress(nstress) ;  //stress resultants

  static Matrix dd(nstress,nstress) ;  //material tangent

  double epsDrill = 0.0 ;  //drilling "strain"

  double tauDrill = 0.0 ; //drilling "stress"


    static Matrix BJ(nstress,ndf) ;      // B matrix node J

    static Matrix BJtran(ndf,nstress) ;

    static Matrix BK(nstress,ndf) ;      // B matrix node k

    static Matrix BJtranD(ndf,nstress) ;

    static Matrix Bbend(3,3) ;  // bending B matrix

    static Matrix Bshear(2,3) ; // shear B matrix

    static Matrix Bmembrane(3,2) ; // membrane B matrix

    static double BdrillJ[ndf] ; //drill B matrix

    static double BdrillK[ndf] ;  

    double *drillPointer ;

    static double saveB[nstress][ndf][numnodes] ;



  //zero stiffness and residual 
  stiff.Zero( ) ;
  resid.Zero( ) ;

  //compute Jacobian and inverse at center
  double L1 = 0.0 ;
  double L2 = 0.0 ;
  //gauss loop 
  for ( i = 0; i < ngauss; i++ ) {

    //get shape functions
    shape2d( sg[i], tg[i], xl, shp, xsj ) ;

    //volume element to also be saved
    dvol[i] = wg[i] * xsj ;
	volume += dvol[i] ;

    //zero the strains
    strain.Zero( ) ;
    epsDrill = 0.0 ;

    // j-node loop to compute strain 
    for ( j = 0; j < numnodes; j++ )  {

      //compute B matrix 

      Bmembrane = computeBmembrane( j, shp ) ;

      Bbend = computeBbend( j, shp ) ;

	  Bshear = computeBshear( j, shp ) ;
      BJ = assembleB( Bmembrane, Bbend, Bshear ) ;

	  //save the B-matrix
	  for (p=0; p<nstress; p++) {
		for (q=0; q<ndf; q++ ) {
		  saveB[p][q][j] = BJ(p,q) ;
		}//end for q
	  }//end for p

      //nodal "displacements" 
      const Vector &ul = nodePointers[j]->getTrialDisp( ) ;

      //compute the strain
      //strain += (BJ*ul) ; 
      strain.addMatrixVector(1.0, BJ,ul,1.0 ) ;

      //drilling B matrix
      drillPointer = computeBdrill( j, shp ) ;
      for (p=0; p<ndf; p++ ) {
	    //BdrillJ[p] = *drillPointer++ ;
	    BdrillJ[p] = *drillPointer ; //set p-th component
	    drillPointer++ ;             //pointer arithmetic
      }//end for p

      //drilling "strain" 
      for ( p = 0; p < ndf; p++ )
	    epsDrill +=  BdrillJ[p]*ul(p) ;
	} // end for j

    //send the strain to the material 
    success = materialPointers[i]->setTrialSectionDeformation( strain ) ;

    //compute the stress
    stress = materialPointers[i]->getStressResultant( ) ;

    //drilling "stress" 
    tauDrill = Ktt * epsDrill ;

    //multiply by volume element
    stress   *= dvol[i] ;
    tauDrill *= dvol[i] ;

    if ( tang_flag == 1 ) {
      dd = materialPointers[i]->getSectionTangent( ) ;
      dd *= dvol[i] ;
    } //end if tang_flag

    //residual and tangent calculations node loops
    jj = 0 ;
    for ( j = 0; j < numnodes; j++ ) {

      //extract BJ
      for (p=0; p<nstress; p++) {
	    for (q=0; q<ndf; q++ )
	      BJ(p,q) = saveB[p][q][j]   ;
      }//end for p

      //multiply bending terms by (-1.0) for correct statement
      // of equilibrium  
      for ( p = 3; p < 6; p++ ) {
	    for ( q = 3; q < 6; q++ ) 
	      BJ(p,q) *= (-1.0) ;
      } //end for p

      //BJtran = transpose( 8, ndf, BJ ) ;
      for (p=0; p<ndf; p++) {
	    for (q=0; q<nstress; q++) 
	      BJtran(p,q) = BJ(q,p) ;
      }//end for p

      //residJ = BJtran * stress ;
      residJ.addMatrixVector(0.0, BJtran,stress,1.0 ) ;

      //drilling B matrix
      drillPointer = computeBdrill( j, shp ) ;
      for (p=0; p<ndf; p++ ) {
	    BdrillJ[p] = *drillPointer ;
	    drillPointer++ ;
      }//end for p

      //residual including drill
      for ( p = 0; p < ndf; p++ )
        resid( jj + p ) += ( residJ(p) + BdrillJ[p]*tauDrill ) ;

      if ( tang_flag == 1 ) {

        //BJtranD = BJtran * dd ;
	    BJtranD.addMatrixProduct(0.0, BJtran,dd,1.0 ) ;
	    for (p=0; p<ndf; p++) {
	      BdrillJ[p] *= ( Ktt*dvol[i] ) ;
        }//end for p

        kk = 0 ;
        for ( k = 0; k < numnodes; k++ ) {
          //extract BK
	      for (p=0; p<nstress; p++) {
	        for (q=0; q<ndf; q++ ){
	          BK(p,q) = saveB[p][q][k];
			}//end for q
		  }//end for p
    	  //drilling B matrix
	      drillPointer = computeBdrill( k, shp ) ;
	      for (p=0; p<ndf; p++ ) {
	        BdrillK[p] = *drillPointer ;
	        drillPointer++ ;
		  }//end for p
          //stiffJK = BJtranD * BK  ;
	      // +  transpose( 1,ndf,BdrillJ ) * BdrillK ; 
	      stiffJK.addMatrixProduct(0.0, BJtranD,BK,1.0 ) ;

          for ( p = 0; p < ndf; p++ )  {
	        for ( q = 0; q < ndf; q++ ) {
	           stiff( jj+p, kk+q ) += stiffJK(p,q)
		                 + ( BdrillJ[p]*BdrillK[q] ) ;
			}//end for q
		  }//end for p
          kk += ndf ;
		} // end for k loop
	  } // end if tang_flag 
      jj += ndf ;
    } // end for j loop
  } //end for i gauss loop

  return ;
Beispiel #5
//return secant matrix 
const Matrix&  ShellMITC9::getInitialStiff( ) 
  if (Ki != 0)
    return *Ki;

  static const int ndf = 6 ; //two membrane plus three bending plus one drill

  static const int nstress = 8 ; //three membrane, three moment, two shear

  static const int ngauss = 9 ; 

  static const int numnodes = 9 ;

  int i,  j,  k, p, q ;
  int jj, kk ;
  int node ;

  double volume = 0.0 ;

  static double xsj ;  // determinant jacaobian matrix 

  static double dvol[ngauss] ; //volume element

  static double shp[3][numnodes] ;  //shape functions at a gauss point

  static Matrix stiffJK(ndf,ndf) ; //nodeJK stiffness 

  static Matrix dd(nstress,nstress) ;  //material tangent

  //static Matrix J0(2,2) ;  //Jacobian at center
  //static Matrix J0inv(2,2) ; //inverse of Jacobian at center


    static Matrix BJ(nstress,ndf) ;      // B matrix node J

    static Matrix BJtran(ndf,nstress) ;

    static Matrix BK(nstress,ndf) ;      // B matrix node k

    static Matrix BJtranD(ndf,nstress) ;

    static Matrix Bbend(3,3) ;  // bending B matrix

    static Matrix Bshear(2,3) ; // shear B matrix

    static Matrix Bmembrane(3,2) ; // membrane B matrix

    static double BdrillJ[ndf] ; //drill B matrix

    static double BdrillK[ndf] ;  

    double *drillPointer ;

    static double saveB[nstress][ndf][numnodes] ;


  stiff.Zero( ) ;

  //compute Jacobian and inverse at center
  double L1 = 0.0 ;
  double L2 = 0.0 ;
  //computeJacobian( L1, L2, xl, J0, J0inv ) ; 

  //gauss loop 
  for ( i = 0; i < ngauss; i++ ) {

    //get shape functions
    shape2d( sg[i], tg[i], xl, shp, xsj ) ;

    //volume element to also be saved
    dvol[i] = wg[i] * xsj ;  

    volume += dvol[i] ;

    // j-node loop to compute strain 
    for ( j = 0; j < numnodes; j++ )  {

      //compute B matrix 

      Bmembrane = computeBmembrane( j, shp ) ;

      Bbend = computeBbend( j, shp ) ;

	  Bshear = computeBshear( j, shp ) ;

      BJ = assembleB( Bmembrane, Bbend, Bshear ) ;

      //save the B-matrix
      for (p=0; p<nstress; p++) {
	    for (q=0; q<ndf; q++ )
	    saveB[p][q][j] = BJ(p,q) ;
      }//end for p

      //drilling B matrix
      drillPointer = computeBdrill( j, shp ) ;
      for (p=0; p<ndf; p++ ) {
	    //BdrillJ[p] = *drillPointer++ ;
	    BdrillJ[p] = *drillPointer ; //set p-th component
	    drillPointer++ ;             //pointer arithmetic
	  }//end for p
    } // end for j

    dd = materialPointers[i]->getInitialTangent( ) ;
    dd *= dvol[i] ;

    //residual and tangent calculations node loops

    jj = 0 ;
    for ( j = 0; j < numnodes; j++ ) {

      //extract BJ
      for (p=0; p<nstress; p++) {
	    for (q=0; q<ndf; q++ )
	      BJ(p,q) = saveB[p][q][j]   ;
      }//end for p

      //multiply bending terms by (-1.0) for correct statement
      // of equilibrium  
      for ( p = 3; p < 6; p++ ) {
	    for ( q = 3; q < 6; q++ ) 
	      BJ(p,q) *= (-1.0) ;
      } //end for p

      //BJtran = transpose( 8, ndf, BJ ) ;
      for (p=0; p<ndf; p++) {
	    for (q=0; q<nstress; q++) 
	      BJtran(p,q) = BJ(q,p) ;
      }//end for p

      //drilling B matrix
      drillPointer = computeBdrill( j, shp ) ;
      for (p=0; p<ndf; p++ ) {
	    BdrillJ[p] = *drillPointer ;
	    drillPointer++ ;
      }//end for p

      //BJtranD = BJtran * dd ;
      BJtranD.addMatrixProduct(0.0, BJtran,dd,1.0 ) ;

      for (p=0; p<ndf; p++) 
	    BdrillJ[p] *= ( Ktt*dvol[i] ) ;

      kk = 0 ;
      for ( k = 0; k < numnodes; k++ ) {
	    //extract BK
	    for (p=0; p<nstress; p++) {
	      for (q=0; q<ndf; q++ )
	        BK(p,q) = saveB[p][q][k]   ;
		}//end for p
	    //drilling B matrix
	    drillPointer = computeBdrill( k, shp ) ;
	    for (p=0; p<ndf; p++ ) {
	      BdrillK[p] = *drillPointer ;
	      drillPointer++ ;
		}//end for p
	    //stiffJK = BJtranD * BK  ;
	    // +  transpose( 1,ndf,BdrillJ ) * BdrillK ; 
	    stiffJK.addMatrixProduct(0.0, BJtranD,BK,1.0 ) ;
	    for ( p = 0; p < ndf; p++ )  {
	      for ( q = 0; q < ndf; q++ ) {
	        stiff( jj+p, kk+q ) += stiffJK(p,q) 
	          + ( BdrillJ[p]*BdrillK[q] ) ;
		  }//end for q
		}//end for p
	    kk += ndf ;
	  } // end for k loop
      jj += ndf ;
    } // end for j loop
  } //end for i gauss loop 
  Ki = new Matrix(stiff);
  return stiff ;
Beispiel #6
// Choose an optimal number of levels between Kmin and Kmax
size_t select_levels(const std::vector<double> & x,
                     const std::vector< std::vector< size_t > > & B,
                     size_t Kmin, size_t Kmax)
    if (Kmin == Kmax) {
        return Kmin;
    const std::string method = "normal"; // "uniform" or "normal"
    size_t Kopt = Kmin;
    const size_t base = 1;  // The position of first element in x: 1 or 0.
    const size_t N = x.size() - base;
    double maxBIC;
    for(size_t K = Kmin; K <= Kmax; ++K) {
        std::vector< std::vector< size_t > > BK(B.begin(), B.begin()+K+1);

        ClusterResult result;
        // Backtrack the matrix to determine boundaries between the bins.
        backtrack(x, BK, result);

        size_t indexLeft = base;
        size_t indexRight;
        double loglikelihood = 0;
        double binLeft, binRight;
        for (size_t k = 0; k < K; ++k) { // Compute the likelihood

            size_t numPointsInBin = result.size[k+base];
            indexRight = indexLeft + numPointsInBin - 1;
            /* Use mid point inbetween two clusters as boundary
            binLeft = ( indexLeft == base ) ? 
                x[base] : (x[indexLeft-1] + x[indexLeft]) / 2;
            binRight = ( indexRight < N-1+base ) ? 
                (x[indexRight] + x[indexRight+1]) / 2 : x[N-1+base];
            if(x[indexLeft] < x[indexRight]) {
                binLeft = x[indexLeft];
                binRight = x[indexRight];
            } else if(x[indexLeft] == x[indexRight]) {
                binLeft = ( indexLeft == base ) ?
                    x[base] : (x[indexLeft-1] + x[indexLeft]) / 2;
                binRight = ( indexRight < N-1+base ) ?
                    (x[indexRight] + x[indexRight+1]) / 2 : x[N-1+base];
            } else {
                throw "ERROR: binLeft > binRight";
                // cout << "ERROR: binLeft > binRight" << endl;
            double binWidth = binRight - binLeft;
            if(method == "uniform") {
                loglikelihood += numPointsInBin * std::log(numPointsInBin / binWidth / N);
            } else if(method == "normal") {

                double mean = 0.0;
                double variance = 0.0;

                for (size_t i = indexLeft; i <= indexRight; ++i) {
                    mean += x[i];
                    variance += x[i] * x[i];
                mean /= numPointsInBin;

                if (numPointsInBin > 1) {
                    variance = (variance - numPointsInBin * mean * mean)
                        / (numPointsInBin - 1);
                } else {
                    variance = 0;
                if (variance > 0) {
                    for (size_t i = indexLeft; i <= indexRight; ++i) {
                        loglikelihood += - (x[i] - mean) * (x[i] - mean)
                            / (2.0 * variance);
                    loglikelihood += numPointsInBin
                        * (std::log(numPointsInBin / (double) N)
                           - 0.5 * std::log ( 2 * M_PI * variance));
                } else {
                    loglikelihood += numPointsInBin * std::log(1.0 / binWidth / N);
            } else {
            	throw "ERROR: Wrong likelihood method!";
                // cout << "ERROR: Wrong likelihood method" << endl;
            indexLeft = indexRight + 1;
        double BIC = 0.0;
        // Compute the Bayesian information criterion
        if (method == "uniform") {
            BIC = 2 * loglikelihood - (3 * K - 1) * std::log((double)N);  // K-1
        } else if(method == "normal") {
            BIC = 2 * loglikelihood - (3 * K - 1) * std::log((double)N);  //(K*3-1)
        // cout << ", Loglh=" << loglikelihood << ", BIC=" << BIC << endl;
        if (K == Kmin) {
            maxBIC = BIC;
            Kopt = Kmin;
        } else {
            if (BIC > maxBIC) {
                maxBIC = BIC;
                Kopt = K;
    return Kopt;