Beispiel #1
void BKE_object_handle_data_update(EvaluationContext *eval_ctx,
                                   Scene *scene,
                                   Object *ob)
	ID *data_id = (ID *)ob->data;
	AnimData *adt = BKE_animdata_from_id(data_id);
	Key *key;
	float ctime = BKE_scene_frame_get(scene);

	if (G.debug & G_DEBUG_DEPSGRAPH)
		printf("recalcdata %s\n", ob-> + 2);

	/* TODO(sergey): Only used by legacy depsgraph. */
	if (adt) {
		/* evaluate drivers - datalevel */
		/* XXX: for mesh types, should we push this to derivedmesh instead? */
		BKE_animsys_evaluate_animdata(scene, data_id, adt, ctime, ADT_RECALC_DRIVERS);

	/* TODO(sergey): Only used by legacy depsgraph. */
	key = BKE_key_from_object(ob);
	if (key && key->block.first) {
		if (!(ob->shapeflag & OB_SHAPE_LOCK))
			BKE_animsys_evaluate_animdata(scene, &key->id, key->adt, ctime, ADT_RECALC_DRIVERS);

	/* includes all keys and modifiers */
	switch (ob->type) {
		case OB_MESH:
			BMEditMesh *em = (ob == scene->obedit) ? BKE_editmesh_from_object(ob) : NULL;
			uint64_t data_mask = scene->customdata_mask | CD_MASK_BAREMESH;
			/* make sure Freestyle edge/face marks appear in DM for render (see T40315) */
			if (eval_ctx->mode != DAG_EVAL_VIEWPORT) {
			if (em) {
				makeDerivedMesh(scene, ob, em,  data_mask, false); /* was CD_MASK_BAREMESH */
			else {
				makeDerivedMesh(scene, ob, NULL, data_mask, false);
			if (ob->id.lib && ob->proxy_from) {
				if (BKE_pose_copy_result(ob->pose, ob->proxy_from->pose) == false) {
					printf("Proxy copy error, lib Object: %s proxy Object: %s\n",
					       ob-> + 2, ob->proxy_from-> + 2);
			else {
				BKE_pose_where_is(scene, ob);

		case OB_MBALL:
			BKE_displist_make_mball(eval_ctx, scene, ob);

		case OB_CURVE:
		case OB_SURF:
		case OB_FONT:
			BKE_displist_make_curveTypes(scene, ob, 0);

		case OB_LATTICE:
			BKE_lattice_modifiers_calc(scene, ob);

		case OB_EMPTY:
			if (ob->empty_drawtype == OB_EMPTY_IMAGE && ob->data)
				if (BKE_image_is_animated(ob->data))
					BKE_image_user_check_frame_calc(ob->iuser, (int)ctime, 0);

	/* related materials */
	/* XXX: without depsgraph tagging, this will always need to be run, which will be slow!
	 * However, not doing anything (or trying to hack around this lack) is not an option
	 * anymore, especially due to Cycles [#31834]
	if (ob->totcol) {
		int a;
		if (ob->totcol != 0) {
			for (a = 1; a <= ob->totcol; a++) {
				Material *ma = give_current_material(ob, a);
				if (ma) {
					/* recursively update drivers for this material */
					material_drivers_update(scene, ma, ctime);
	else if (ob->type == OB_LAMP)
		lamp_drivers_update(scene, ob->data, ctime);

	/* particles */
	if (ob != scene->obedit && ob->particlesystem.first) {
		ParticleSystem *tpsys, *psys;
		DerivedMesh *dm;
		ob->transflag &= ~OB_DUPLIPARTS;
		psys = ob->particlesystem.first;
		while (psys) {
			/* ensure this update always happens even if psys is disabled */
			if (psys->recalc & PSYS_RECALC_TYPE) {
				psys_changed_type(ob, psys);

			if (psys_check_enabled(ob, psys)) {
				/* check use of dupli objects here */
				if (psys->part && (psys->part->draw_as == PART_DRAW_REND || eval_ctx->mode == DAG_EVAL_RENDER) &&
				    ((psys->part->ren_as == PART_DRAW_OB && psys->part->dup_ob) ||
				     (psys->part->ren_as == PART_DRAW_GR && psys->part->dup_group)))
					ob->transflag |= OB_DUPLIPARTS;

				particle_system_update(scene, ob, psys);
				psys = psys->next;
			else if (psys->flag & PSYS_DELETE) {
				tpsys = psys->next;
				BLI_remlink(&ob->particlesystem, psys);
				psys_free(ob, psys);
				psys = tpsys;
				psys = psys->next;

		if (eval_ctx->mode == DAG_EVAL_RENDER && ob->transflag & OB_DUPLIPARTS) {
			/* this is to make sure we get render level duplis in groups:
			 * the derivedmesh must be created before init_render_mesh,
			 * since object_duplilist does dupliparticles before that */
			dm = mesh_create_derived_render(scene, ob, data_mask);

			for (psys = ob->particlesystem.first; psys; psys = psys->next)
				psys_get_modifier(ob, psys)->flag &= ~eParticleSystemFlag_psys_updated;

	/* quick cache removed */
Beispiel #2
void uiTemplateImage(uiLayout *layout, bContext *C, PointerRNA *ptr, const char *propname, PointerRNA *userptr, int compact)
#define MAX_INFO_LEN  128

	PropertyRNA *prop;
	PointerRNA imaptr;
	RNAUpdateCb *cb;
	Image *ima;
	ImageUser *iuser;
	Scene *scene = CTX_data_scene(C);
	uiLayout *row, *split, *col;
	uiBlock *block;
	char str[MAX_INFO_LEN];

	void *lock;

	if (!ptr->data)

	prop = RNA_struct_find_property(ptr, propname);
	if (!prop) {
		printf("%s: property not found: %s.%s\n",
		       __func__, RNA_struct_identifier(ptr->type), propname);

	if (RNA_property_type(prop) != PROP_POINTER) {
		printf("%s: expected pointer property for %s.%s\n",
		       __func__, RNA_struct_identifier(ptr->type), propname);

	block = uiLayoutGetBlock(layout);

	imaptr = RNA_property_pointer_get(ptr, prop);
	ima =;
	iuser = userptr->data;

	BKE_image_user_check_frame_calc(iuser, (int)scene->r.cfra, 0);

	cb = MEM_callocN(sizeof(RNAUpdateCb), "RNAUpdateCb");
	cb->ptr = *ptr;
	cb->prop = prop;
	cb->iuser = iuser;

	uiLayoutSetContextPointer(layout, "edit_image", &imaptr);
	uiLayoutSetContextPointer(layout, "edit_image_user", userptr);

	if (!compact)
		uiTemplateID(layout, C, ptr, propname, "IMAGE_OT_new", "IMAGE_OT_open", NULL);

	if (ima) {
		uiBlockSetNFunc(block, rna_update_cb, MEM_dupallocN(cb), NULL);

		if (ima->source == IMA_SRC_VIEWER) {
			ImBuf *ibuf = BKE_image_acquire_ibuf(ima, iuser, &lock);
			image_info(scene, iuser, ima, ibuf, str, MAX_INFO_LEN);
			BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, lock);

			uiItemL(layout, ima-> + 2, ICON_NONE);
			uiItemL(layout, str, ICON_NONE);

			if (ima->type == IMA_TYPE_COMPOSITE) {
				// XXX not working yet
#if 0
				iuser = ntree_get_active_iuser(scene->nodetree);
				if (iuser) {
					uiDefIconTextBut(block, BUT, B_SIMA_RECORD, ICON_REC, "Record", 10, 120, 100, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "");
					uiDefIconTextBut(block, BUT, B_SIMA_PLAY, ICON_PLAY, "Play",    110, 120, 100, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "");
					but = uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_NOP, "Free Cache", 210, 120, 100, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "");
					uiButSetFunc(but, image_freecache_cb, ima, NULL);
					if (iuser->frames)
						BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "(%d) Frames:", iuser->framenr);
					else strcpy(str, "Frames:");
					uiDefButI(block, NUM, imagechanged, str,        10, 90, 150, 20, &iuser->frames, 0.0, MAXFRAMEF, 0, 0, "Number of images of a movie to use");
					uiDefButI(block, NUM, imagechanged, "StartFr:", 160, 90, 150, 20, &iuser->sfra, 1.0, MAXFRAMEF, 0, 0, "Global starting frame of the movie");
			else if (ima->type == IMA_TYPE_R_RESULT) {
				/* browse layer/passes */
				RenderResult *rr;

				/* use BKE_image_acquire_renderresult  so we get the correct slot in the menu */
				rr = BKE_image_acquire_renderresult(scene, ima);
				uiblock_layer_pass_arrow_buttons(layout, rr, iuser, &ima->render_slot);
				BKE_image_release_renderresult(scene, ima);
		else {
			uiItemR(layout, &imaptr, "source", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);

			if (ima->source != IMA_SRC_GENERATED) {
				row = uiLayoutRow(layout, TRUE);
				if (ima->packedfile)
					uiItemO(row, "", ICON_PACKAGE, "image.unpack");
					uiItemO(row, "", ICON_UGLYPACKAGE, "image.pack");
				row = uiLayoutRow(row, TRUE);
				uiLayoutSetEnabled(row, ima->packedfile == NULL);
				uiItemR(row, &imaptr, "filepath", 0, "", ICON_NONE);
				uiItemO(row, "", ICON_FILE_REFRESH, "image.reload");

			// XXX what was this for?
#if 0
			/* check for re-render, only buttons */
			if (imagechanged == B_IMAGECHANGED) {
				if (iuser->flag & IMA_ANIM_REFRESHED) {
					iuser->flag &= ~IMA_ANIM_REFRESHED;
					WM_event_add_notifier(C, NC_IMAGE, ima);

			/* multilayer? */
			if (ima->type == IMA_TYPE_MULTILAYER && ima->rr) {
				uiblock_layer_pass_arrow_buttons(layout, ima->rr, iuser, NULL);
			else if (ima->source != IMA_SRC_GENERATED) {
				if (compact == 0) {
					ImBuf *ibuf = BKE_image_acquire_ibuf(ima, iuser, &lock);
					image_info(scene, iuser, ima, ibuf, str, MAX_INFO_LEN);
					BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, lock);
					uiItemL(layout, str, ICON_NONE);

			col = uiLayoutColumn(layout, FALSE);
			uiTemplateColorspaceSettings(col, &imaptr, "colorspace_settings");
			uiItemR(col, &imaptr, "use_view_as_render", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);

			if (ima->source != IMA_SRC_GENERATED) {
				if (compact == 0) { /* background image view doesnt need these */
					ImBuf *ibuf = BKE_image_acquire_ibuf(ima, iuser, NULL);
					int has_alpha = TRUE;

					if (ibuf) {
						int imtype = BKE_ftype_to_imtype(ibuf->ftype);
						char valid_channels = BKE_imtype_valid_channels(imtype);

						has_alpha = valid_channels & IMA_CHAN_FLAG_ALPHA;

						BKE_image_release_ibuf(ima, ibuf, NULL);

					if (has_alpha) {
						col = uiLayoutColumn(layout, FALSE);
						uiItemR(col, &imaptr, "use_alpha", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);
						uiItemR(col, &imaptr, "alpha_mode", 0, "Alpha", ICON_NONE);


					split = uiLayoutSplit(layout, 0.0f, FALSE);

					col = uiLayoutColumn(split, FALSE);
					/* XXX Why only display fields_per_frame only for video image types?
					 *     And why allow fields for non-video image types at all??? */
					if (ELEM(ima->source, IMA_SRC_MOVIE, IMA_SRC_SEQUENCE)) {
						uiLayout *subsplit = uiLayoutSplit(col, 0.0f, FALSE);
						uiLayout *subcol = uiLayoutColumn(subsplit, FALSE);
						uiItemR(subcol, &imaptr, "use_fields", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);
						subcol = uiLayoutColumn(subsplit, FALSE);
						uiLayoutSetActive(subcol, RNA_boolean_get(&imaptr, "use_fields"));
						uiItemR(subcol, userptr, "fields_per_frame", 0, IFACE_("Fields"), ICON_NONE);
						uiItemR(col, &imaptr, "use_fields", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);
					row = uiLayoutRow(col, FALSE);
					uiLayoutSetActive(row, RNA_boolean_get(&imaptr, "use_fields"));
					uiItemR(row, &imaptr, "field_order", UI_ITEM_R_EXPAND, NULL, ICON_NONE);

			if (ELEM(ima->source, IMA_SRC_MOVIE, IMA_SRC_SEQUENCE)) {

				split = uiLayoutSplit(layout, 0.0f, FALSE);

				col = uiLayoutColumn(split, FALSE);

				BLI_snprintf(str, sizeof(str), IFACE_("(%d) Frames"), iuser->framenr);
				uiItemR(col, userptr, "frame_duration", 0, str, ICON_NONE);
				uiItemR(col, userptr, "frame_start", 0, IFACE_("Start"), ICON_NONE);
				uiItemR(col, userptr, "frame_offset", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);

				col = uiLayoutColumn(split, FALSE);
				uiItemO(col, NULL, ICON_NONE, "IMAGE_OT_match_movie_length");
				uiItemR(col, userptr, "use_auto_refresh", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);
				uiItemR(col, userptr, "use_cyclic", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);
			else if (ima->source == IMA_SRC_GENERATED) {
				split = uiLayoutSplit(layout, 0.0f, FALSE);

				col = uiLayoutColumn(split, TRUE);
				uiItemR(col, &imaptr, "generated_width", 0, "X", ICON_NONE);
				uiItemR(col, &imaptr, "generated_height", 0, "Y", ICON_NONE);
				uiItemR(col, &imaptr, "use_generated_float", 0, NULL, ICON_NONE);

				uiItemR(split, &imaptr, "generated_type", UI_ITEM_R_EXPAND, NULL, ICON_NONE);


		uiBlockSetNFunc(block, NULL, NULL, NULL);


Beispiel #3
static void image_update_frame(struct Image *UNUSED(ima), struct ImageUser *iuser, void *customdata)
	int cfra = *(int *)customdata;

	BKE_image_user_check_frame_calc(iuser, cfra, 0);