Beispiel #1
static void mesh_ensure_tessellation_customdata(Mesh *me)
	if (UNLIKELY((me->totface != 0) && (me->totpoly == 0))) {
		/* Pass, otherwise this function  clears 'mface' before
		 * versioning 'mface -> mpoly' code kicks in [#30583]
		 * Callers could also check but safer to do here - campbell */
	else {
		const int tottex_original = CustomData_number_of_layers(&me->pdata, CD_MTEXPOLY);
		const int totcol_original = CustomData_number_of_layers(&me->ldata, CD_MLOOPCOL);

		const int tottex_tessface = CustomData_number_of_layers(&me->fdata, CD_MTFACE);
		const int totcol_tessface = CustomData_number_of_layers(&me->fdata, CD_MCOL);

		if (tottex_tessface != tottex_original ||
		    totcol_tessface != totcol_original)

			CustomData_from_bmeshpoly(&me->fdata, &me->pdata, &me->ldata, me->totface);

			/* TODO - add some --debug-mesh option */
			if (G.debug & G_DEBUG) {
				/* note: this warning may be un-called for if we are initializing the mesh for the
				 * first time from bmesh, rather then giving a warning about this we could be smarter
				 * and check if there was any data to begin with, for now just print the warning with
				 * some info to help troubleshoot whats going on - campbell */
				printf("%s: warning! Tessellation uvs or vcol data got out of sync, "
				       "had to reset!\n    CD_MTFACE: %d != CD_MTEXPOLY: %d || CD_MCOL: %d != CD_MLOOPCOL: %d\n",
				       __func__, tottex_tessface, tottex_original, totcol_tessface, totcol_original);
static void rna_Mesh_flip_normals(Mesh *mesh)
	BKE_mesh_polygons_flip(mesh->mpoly, mesh->mloop, &mesh->ldata, mesh->totpoly);

	DAG_id_tag_update(&mesh->id, 0);
void MeshImporter::bmeshConversion()
	for (std::map<COLLADAFW::UniqueId, Mesh *>::iterator m = uid_mesh_map.begin();
	     m != uid_mesh_map.end(); ++m)
		if ((*m).second) {
			Mesh *me = (*m).second;
			//BKE_mesh_validate(me, 1);