inline T asymptotic_bessel_j_large_x_2(T v, T x)
   // See A&S 9.2.19.
   // Get the phase and amplitude:
   T ampl = asymptotic_bessel_amplitude(v, x);
   T phase = asymptotic_bessel_phase_mx(v, x);
   // Calculate the sine of the phase, using
   // sine/cosine addition rules to factor in
   // the x - PI(v/2 + 1/4) term not added to the
   // phase when we calculated it.
   T cx = cos(x);
   T sx = sin(x);
   T ci = cos_pi(v / 2 + 0.25f);
   T si = sin_pi(v / 2 + 0.25f);
   T sin_phase = cos(phase) * (cx * ci + sx * si) - sin(phase) * (sx * ci - cx * si);
   return sin_phase * ampl;
Beispiel #2
inline T tgammap1m1_imp(T dz, Policy const& pol,
                 const ::boost::math::lanczos::undefined_lanczos& l)
   BOOST_MATH_STD_USING // ADL of std names
   // There should be a better solution than this, but the
   // algebra isn't easy for the general case....
   // Start by subracting 1 from tgamma:
   T result = gamma_imp(1 + dz, pol, l) - 1;
   // Test the level of cancellation error observed: we loose one bit
   // for each power of 2 the result is less than 1.  If we would get
   // more bits from our most precise lgamma rational approximation, 
   // then use that instead:
   BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_CODE((ldexp(1.0, boost::math::policies::digits<T, Policy>()) * fabs(result) < 1e34));
   if((dz > -0.5) && (dz < 2) && (ldexp(1.0, boost::math::policies::digits<T, Policy>()) * fabs(result) < 1e34))
      result = tgammap1m1_imp(dz, pol, boost::math::lanczos::lanczos24m113());
   return result;
Beispiel #3
T tgammap1m1_imp(T dz, Policy const& pol, const L& l)

   typedef typename policies::precision<T,Policy>::type precision_type;

   typedef typename mpl::if_<
         mpl::less_equal<precision_type, mpl::int_<0> >,
         mpl::greater<precision_type, mpl::int_<113> >
      typename mpl::if_<
         is_same<L, lanczos::lanczos24m113>,
      typename mpl::if_<
         mpl::less_equal<precision_type, mpl::int_<64> >,
         mpl::int_<64>, mpl::int_<113> >::type
       >::type tag_type;

   T result;
   if(dz < 0)
      if(dz < -0.5)
         // Best method is simply to subtract 1 from tgamma:
         result = boost::math::tgamma(1+dz, pol) - 1;
         // Use expm1 on lgamma:
         result = boost::math::expm1(-boost::math::log1p(dz, pol) 
            + lgamma_small_imp(dz+2, dz + 1, dz, tag_type(), pol, l));
      if(dz < 2)
         // Use expm1 on lgamma:
         result = boost::math::expm1(lgamma_small_imp(dz+1, dz, dz-1, tag_type(), pol, l), pol);
         // Best method is simply to subtract 1 from tgamma:
         result = boost::math::tgamma(1+dz, pol) - 1;

   return result;
Beispiel #4
T gamma_imp(T z, const Policy& pol, const lanczos::undefined_lanczos& l)
   static const char* function = "boost::math::tgamma<%1%>(%1%)";
   if((z <= 0) && (floor(z) == z))
      return policies::raise_pole_error<T>(function, "Evaluation of tgamma at a negative integer %1%.", z, pol);
   if(z <= -20)
      T result = gamma_imp(-z, pol, l) * sinpx(z);
      if((fabs(result) < 1) && (tools::max_value<T>() * fabs(result) < boost::math::constants::pi<T>()))
         return policies::raise_overflow_error<T>(function, "Result of tgamma is too large to represent.", pol);
      result = -boost::math::constants::pi<T>() / result;
      if(result == 0)
         return policies::raise_underflow_error<T>(function, "Result of tgamma is too small to represent.", pol);
      if((boost::math::fpclassify)(result) == (int)FP_SUBNORMAL)
         return policies::raise_denorm_error<T>(function, "Result of tgamma is denormalized.", result, pol);
      return result;
   // The upper gamma fraction is *very* slow for z < 6, actually it's very
   // slow to converge everywhere but recursing until z > 6 gets rid of the
   // worst of it's behaviour.
   T prefix = 1;
   while(z < 6)
      prefix /= z;
      z += 1;
   if((floor(z) == z) && (z < max_factorial<T>::value))
      prefix *= unchecked_factorial<T>(itrunc(z, pol) - 1);
      prefix = prefix * pow(z / boost::math::constants::e<T>(), z);
      T sum = detail::lower_gamma_series(z, z, pol) / z;
      sum += detail::upper_gamma_fraction(z, z, ::boost::math::policies::digits<T, Policy>());
      if(fabs(tools::max_value<T>() / prefix) < fabs(sum))
         return policies::raise_overflow_error<T>(function, "Result of tgamma is too large to represent.", pol);
      BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_CODE((sum * prefix));
      return sum * prefix;
   return prefix;
T ibeta_inv_ab_imp(const T& b, const T& z, const T& p, const T& q, bool swap_ab, const Policy& pol)
   BOOST_MATH_STD_USING  // for ADL of std lib math functions
   // Special cases first:
   BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_CODE("b = " << b << " z = " << z << " p = " << p << " q = " << " swap = " << swap_ab);
   if(p == 0)
      return swap_ab ? tools::min_value<T>() : tools::max_value<T>();
   if(q == 0)
      return swap_ab ? tools::max_value<T>() : tools::min_value<T>();
   // Function object, this is the functor whose root
   // we have to solve:
   beta_inv_ab_t<T, Policy> f(b, z, (p < q) ? p : q, (p < q) ? false : true, swap_ab);
   // Tolerance: full precision.
   tools::eps_tolerance<T> tol(policies::digits<T, Policy>());
   // Now figure out a starting guess for what a may be,
   // we'll start out with a value that'll put p or q
   // right bang in the middle of their range, the functions
   // are quite sensitive so we should need too many steps
   // to bracket the root from there:
   T guess = 0;
   T factor = 5;
   // Convert variables to parameters of a negative binomial distribution:
   T n = b;
   T sf = swap_ab ? z : 1-z;
   T sfc = swap_ab ? 1-z : z;
   T u = swap_ab ? p : q;
   T v = swap_ab ? q : p;
   if(u <= pow(sf, n))
      // Result is less than 1, negative binomial approximation
      // is useless....
      if((p < q) != swap_ab)
         guess = (std::min)(T(b * 2), T(1));
         guess = (std::min)(T(b / 2), T(1));
   if(n * n * n * u * sf > 0.005)
      guess = 1 + inverse_negative_binomial_cornish_fisher(n, sf, sfc, u, v, pol);

   if(guess < 10)
      // Negative binomial approximation not accurate in this area:
      if((p < q) != swap_ab)
         guess = (std::min)(T(b * 2), T(10));
         guess = (std::min)(T(b / 2), T(10));
      factor = (v < sqrt(tools::epsilon<T>())) ? 2 : (guess < 20 ? 1.2f : 1.1f);
   BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_CODE("guess = " << guess);
   // Max iterations permitted:
   boost::uintmax_t max_iter = policies::get_max_root_iterations<Policy>();
   std::pair<T, T> r = bracket_and_solve_root(f, guess, factor, swap_ab ? true : false, tol, max_iter, pol);
   if(max_iter >= policies::get_max_root_iterations<Policy>())
      return policies::raise_evaluation_error<T>("boost::math::ibeta_invab_imp<%1%>(%1%,%1%,%1%)", "Unable to locate the root within a reasonable number of iterations, closest approximation so far was %1%", r.first, pol);
   return (r.first + r.second) / 2;
Beispiel #6
void eval_sin(T& result, const T& x)
   BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(number_category<T>::value == number_kind_floating_point, "The sin function is only valid for floating point types.");
   if(&result == &x)
      T temp;
      eval_sin(temp, x);
      result = temp;

   typedef typename boost::multiprecision::detail::canonical<boost::int32_t, T>::type si_type;
   typedef typename boost::multiprecision::detail::canonical<boost::uint32_t, T>::type ui_type;
   typedef typename mpl::front<typename T::float_types>::type fp_type;

   case FP_INFINITE:
   case FP_NAN:
      if(std::numeric_limits<number<T, et_on> >::has_quiet_NaN)
         result = std::numeric_limits<number<T, et_on> >::quiet_NaN().backend();
         BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::domain_error("Result is undefined or complex and there is no NaN for this number type."));
   case FP_ZERO:
      result = ui_type(0);
   default: ;

   // Local copy of the argument
   T xx = x;

   // Analyze and prepare the phase of the argument.
   // Make a local, positive copy of the argument, xx.
   // The argument xx will be reduced to 0 <= xx <= pi/2.
   bool b_negate_sin = false;

   if(eval_get_sign(x) < 0)
      b_negate_sin = !b_negate_sin;

   T n_pi, t;
   // Remove even multiples of pi.
   if(<T>()) > 0)
      eval_divide(n_pi, xx, get_constant_pi<T>());
      eval_trunc(n_pi, n_pi);
      t = ui_type(2);
      eval_fmod(t, n_pi, t);
      const bool b_n_pi_is_even = eval_get_sign(t) == 0;
      eval_multiply(n_pi, get_constant_pi<T>());
      eval_subtract(xx, n_pi);

      BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_CODE(xx.str(0, std::ios_base::scientific));
      BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_CODE(n_pi.str(0, std::ios_base::scientific));

      // Adjust signs if the multiple of pi is not even.
         b_negate_sin = !b_negate_sin;

   // Reduce the argument to 0 <= xx <= pi/2.
   eval_ldexp(t, get_constant_pi<T>(), -1);
   if( > 0)
      eval_subtract(xx, get_constant_pi<T>(), xx);
      BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_CODE(xx.str(0, std::ios_base::scientific));

   eval_subtract(t, xx);
   const bool b_zero    = eval_get_sign(xx) == 0;
   const bool b_pi_half = eval_get_sign(t) == 0;

   // Check if the reduced argument is very close to 0 or pi/2.
   const bool    b_near_zero    = < 0;
   const bool    b_near_pi_half = < 0;;

      result = ui_type(0);
   else if(b_pi_half)
      result = ui_type(1);
   else if(b_near_zero)
      eval_multiply(t, xx, xx);
      eval_divide(t, si_type(-4));
      T t2;
      t2 = fp_type(1.5);
      hyp0F1(result, t2, t);
      BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_CODE(result.str(0, std::ios_base::scientific));
      eval_multiply(result, xx);
   else if(b_near_pi_half)
      eval_multiply(t, t);
      eval_divide(t, si_type(-4));
      T t2;
      t2 = fp_type(0.5);
      hyp0F1(result, t2, t);
      BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_CODE(result.str(0, std::ios_base::scientific));
      // Scale to a small argument for an efficient Taylor series,
      // implemented as a hypergeometric function. Use a standard
      // divide by three identity a certain number of times.
      // Here we use division by 3^9 --> (19683 = 3^9).

      static const si_type n_scale = 9;
      static const si_type n_three_pow_scale = static_cast<si_type>(19683L);

      eval_divide(xx, n_three_pow_scale);

      // Now with small arguments, we are ready for a series expansion.
      eval_multiply(t, xx, xx);
      eval_divide(t, si_type(-4));
      T t2;
      t2 = fp_type(1.5);
      hyp0F1(result, t2, t);
      BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_CODE(result.str(0, std::ios_base::scientific));
      eval_multiply(result, xx);

      // Convert back using multiple angle identity.
      for(boost::int32_t k = static_cast<boost::int32_t>(0); k < n_scale; k++)
         // Rescale the cosine value using the multiple angle identity.
         eval_multiply(t2, result, ui_type(3));
         eval_multiply(t, result, result);
         eval_multiply(t, result);
         eval_multiply(t, ui_type(4));
         eval_subtract(result, t2, t);

Beispiel #7
void eval_cos(T& result, const T& x)
   BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT_MSG(number_category<T>::value == number_kind_floating_point, "The cos function is only valid for floating point types.");
   if(&result == &x)
      T temp;
      eval_cos(temp, x);
      result = temp;

   typedef typename boost::multiprecision::detail::canonical<boost::int32_t, T>::type si_type;
   typedef typename boost::multiprecision::detail::canonical<boost::uint32_t, T>::type ui_type;
   typedef typename mpl::front<typename T::float_types>::type fp_type;

   case FP_INFINITE:
   case FP_NAN:
      if(std::numeric_limits<number<T, et_on> >::has_quiet_NaN)
         result = std::numeric_limits<number<T, et_on> >::quiet_NaN().backend();
         BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(std::domain_error("Result is undefined or complex and there is no NaN for this number type."));
   case FP_ZERO:
      result = ui_type(1);
   default: ;

   // Local copy of the argument
   T xx = x;

   // Analyze and prepare the phase of the argument.
   // Make a local, positive copy of the argument, xx.
   // The argument xx will be reduced to 0 <= xx <= pi/2.
   bool b_negate_cos = false;

   if(eval_get_sign(x) < 0)

   T n_pi, t;
   // Remove even multiples of pi.
   if(<T>()) > 0)
      eval_divide(t, xx, get_constant_pi<T>());
      eval_trunc(n_pi, t);
      BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_CODE(n_pi.str(0, std::ios_base::scientific));
      eval_multiply(t, n_pi, get_constant_pi<T>());
      BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_CODE(t.str(0, std::ios_base::scientific));
      eval_subtract(xx, t);
      BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_CODE(xx.str(0, std::ios_base::scientific));

      // Adjust signs if the multiple of pi is not even.
      t = ui_type(2);
      eval_fmod(t, n_pi, t);
      const bool b_n_pi_is_even = eval_get_sign(t) == 0;

         b_negate_cos = !b_negate_cos;

   // Reduce the argument to 0 <= xx <= pi/2.
   eval_ldexp(t, get_constant_pi<T>(), -1);
   int com =;
   if(com > 0)
      eval_subtract(xx, get_constant_pi<T>(), xx);
      b_negate_cos = !b_negate_cos;
      BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_CODE(xx.str(0, std::ios_base::scientific));

   const bool b_zero    = eval_get_sign(xx) == 0;
   const bool b_pi_half = com == 0;

   // Check if the reduced argument is very close to 0.
   const bool    b_near_zero    = < 0;

      result = si_type(1);
   else if(b_pi_half)
      result = si_type(0);
   else if(b_near_zero)
      eval_multiply(t, xx, xx);
      eval_divide(t, si_type(-4));
      n_pi = fp_type(0.5f);
      hyp0F1(result, n_pi, t);
      BOOST_MATH_INSTRUMENT_CODE(result.str(0, std::ios_base::scientific));
      eval_subtract(t, xx);
      eval_sin(result, t);