Beispiel #1
BS3_DECL(uint16_t) Bs3SlabFree(PBS3SLABCTL pSlabCtl, uint32_t uFlatChunkPtr, uint16_t cChunks)
    uint16_t cFreed = 0;
    BS3_ASSERT(cChunks > 0);
    if (cChunks > 0)
        uint16_t iChunk = (uint16_t)((uFlatChunkPtr - BS3_XPTR_GET_FLAT(uint8_t, pSlabCtl->pbStart)) >> pSlabCtl->cChunkShift);
        BS3_ASSERT(iChunk < pSlabCtl->cChunks);
        BS3_ASSERT(iChunk + cChunks <= pSlabCtl->cChunks);

            if (ASMBitTestAndClear(&pSlabCtl->bmAllocated, iChunk))
        } while (--cChunks > 0);

        pSlabCtl->cFreeChunks += cFreed;
BS3_DECL(int) Bs3PagingInitRootForLM(void)
    X86PML4 BS3_FAR *pPml4;

    BS3_ASSERT(BS3_DATA_NM(g_PhysPagingRootLM) == UINT32_MAX);

     * The default is an identity mapping of the first 4GB repeated for the
     * whole 48-bit virtual address space.  So, we need one level more than PAE.
    pPml4 = (X86PML4 BS3_FAR *)Bs3MemAlloc(BS3MEMKIND_TILED, _4K);
    if (pPml4)
        X86PDPT BS3_FAR *pPdPtr = (X86PDPT BS3_FAR *)Bs3MemAlloc(BS3MEMKIND_TILED, _4K);
        BS3_ASSERT((uintptr_t)pPdPtr != (uintptr_t)pPml4);
        if (pPdPtr)
            X86PDPAE BS3_FAR *paPgDirs = (X86PDPAE BS3_FAR *)Bs3MemAlloc(BS3MEMKIND_TILED, _4K * 4U);
            BS3_ASSERT((uintptr_t)paPgDirs != (uintptr_t)pPml4);
            if (paPgDirs)
                unsigned i;
                BS3_XPTR_AUTO(X86PML4,  XPtrPml4);
                BS3_XPTR_AUTO(X86PDPT,  XPtrPdPtr);
                BS3_XPTR_AUTO(X86PDPAE, XPtrPgDirs);

                /* Set up the 2048 2MB pages first. */
                for (i = 0; i < RT_ELEMENTS(paPgDirs->a) * 4U; i++)
                    paPgDirs->a[i].u = ((uint32_t)i << X86_PD_PAE_SHIFT)
                                     | X86_PDE4M_P | X86_PDE4M_RW | X86_PDE4M_US | X86_PDE4M_PS | X86_PDE4M_A | X86_PDE4M_D;

                /* Set up the page directory pointer table next (4GB replicated, remember). */
                BS3_XPTR_SET(X86PDPAE, XPtrPgDirs, paPgDirs);
                pPdPtr->a[0].u = BS3_XPTR_GET_FLAT(X86PDPAE, XPtrPgDirs)
                               | X86_PDPE_P | X86_PDPE_RW | X86_PDPE_US | X86_PDPE_A;
                pPdPtr->a[1].u = pPdPtr->a[0].u + _4K;
                pPdPtr->a[2].u = pPdPtr->a[1].u + _4K;
                pPdPtr->a[3].u = pPdPtr->a[2].u + _4K;

                for (i = 4; i < RT_ELEMENTS(pPdPtr->a); i += 4)
                    pPdPtr->a[i + 0].u = pPdPtr->a[0].u;
                    pPdPtr->a[i + 1].u = pPdPtr->a[1].u;
                    pPdPtr->a[i + 2].u = pPdPtr->a[2].u;
                    pPdPtr->a[i + 3].u = pPdPtr->a[3].u;

                /* Set up the page map level 4 (all entries are the same). */
                BS3_XPTR_SET(X86PDPT, XPtrPdPtr, pPdPtr);
                pPml4->a[0].u = BS3_XPTR_GET_FLAT(X86PDPT, XPtrPdPtr)
                              | X86_PML4E_P | X86_PML4E_RW | X86_PML4E_US | X86_PML4E_A;
                for (i = 1; i < RT_ELEMENTS(pPml4->a); i++)
                    pPml4->a[i].u = pPml4->a[0].u;

                /* Set the global root pointer and we're done. */
                BS3_XPTR_SET(X86PML4, XPtrPml4, pPml4);
                BS3_DATA_NM(g_PhysPagingRootLM) = BS3_XPTR_GET_FLAT(X86PML4, XPtrPml4);
                return VINF_SUCCESS;
            Bs3MemFree(pPdPtr, _4K);
        Bs3MemFree(pPml4, _4K);

    return VERR_NO_MEMORY;
 * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the
 * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind.
 * The contents of this file may alternatively be used under the terms
 * of the Common Development and Distribution License Version 1.0
 * (CDDL) only, as it comes in the "COPYING.CDDL" file of the
 * VirtualBox OSE distribution, in which case the provisions of the
 * CDDL are applicable instead of those of the GPL.
 * You may elect to license modified versions of this file under the
 * terms and conditions of either the GPL or the CDDL or both.

#include "bs3kit-template-header.h"

#undef Bs3SlabListAdd
BS3_CMN_DEF(void, Bs3SlabListAdd,(PBS3SLABHEAD pHead, PBS3SLABCTL pSlabCtl))
    BS3_ASSERT(pHead->cbChunk == pSlabCtl->cbChunk);

    BS3_XPTR_SET(BS3SLABCTL, pHead->pFirst, pSlabCtl);

    pHead->cSlabs      += 1;
    pHead->cChunks     += pSlabCtl->cChunks;
    pHead->cFreeChunks += pSlabCtl->cFreeChunks;