bool DBClientCursorShimArray::more() {
    bool r = false;

    if (!has_array) {
        if (cursor.rawMore()) {
            BSONObj val = cursor.rawNext();

            if (val.hasField(array_field)) {
                BSONObj arr = val[array_field].Obj();

                if (!arr.isEmpty()) {
                    iter = BSONObjIterator(arr);
                    r = true;

        has_array = true;
    else {
        r = iter.more();

    return r;
StatusWith<std::vector<LogComponentSetting>> parseLogComponentSettings(const BSONObj& settings) {
    typedef std::vector<LogComponentSetting> Result;

    std::vector<LogComponentSetting> levelsToSet;
    std::vector<BSONObjIterator> iterators;

    LogComponent parentComponent = LogComponent::kDefault;
    BSONObjIterator iter(settings);

    while (iter.moreWithEOO()) {
        BSONElement elem =;
        if (elem.eoo()) {
            if (!iterators.empty()) {
                iter = iterators.back();
                parentComponent = parentComponent.parent();
        if (elem.fieldNameStringData() == "verbosity") {
            if (!elem.isNumber()) {
                return StatusWith<Result>(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                          str::stream() << "Expected "
                                                        << parentComponent.getDottedName()
                                                        << ".verbosity to be a number, but found "
                                                        << typeName(elem.type()));
            levelsToSet.push_back((LogComponentSetting(parentComponent, elem.numberInt())));
        const StringData shortName = elem.fieldNameStringData();
        const LogComponent curr = _getComponentForShortName(shortName);

        if (curr == LogComponent::kNumLogComponents || curr.parent() != parentComponent) {
            return StatusWith<Result>(
                str::stream() << "Invalid component name " << parentComponent.getDottedName() << "."
                              << shortName);
        if (elem.isNumber()) {
            levelsToSet.push_back(LogComponentSetting(curr, elem.numberInt()));
        if (elem.type() != Object) {
            return StatusWith<Result>(ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                      str::stream() << "Invalid type " << typeName(elem.type())
                                                    << "for component "
                                                    << parentComponent.getDottedName()
                                                    << "."
                                                    << shortName);
        parentComponent = curr;
        iter = BSONObjIterator(elem.Obj());

    // Done walking settings
    return StatusWith<Result>(levelsToSet);
Beispiel #3
    void S2NearIndexCursor::seek(const BSONObj& query, const NearQuery& nearQuery,
                                 const vector<GeoQuery>& regions) {
        _indexedGeoFields = regions;
        _nearQuery = nearQuery;
        _returnedDistance = 0;
        _nearFieldIndex = 0;
        _stats = Stats();
        _returned = unordered_set<DiskLoc, DiskLoc::Hasher>();
        _results = priority_queue<Result>();

        BSONObjBuilder geoFieldsToNuke;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < _indexedGeoFields.size(); ++i) {
            geoFieldsToNuke.append(_indexedGeoFields[i].getField(), "");
        // false means we want to filter OUT geoFieldsToNuke, not filter to include only that.
        _filteredQuery = query.filterFieldsUndotted(geoFieldsToNuke.obj(), false);

        // More indexing machinery.
        BSONObjBuilder specBuilder;
        BSONObjIterator specIt(_descriptor->keyPattern());
        while (specIt.more()) {
            BSONElement e =;
            // Checked in AccessMethod already, so we know this spec has only numbers and 2dsphere
            if ( e.type() == String ) {
                specBuilder.append( e.fieldName(), 1 );
            else {
                specBuilder.append( e.fieldName(), e.numberInt() );
        _specForFRV = specBuilder.obj();

        specIt = BSONObjIterator(_descriptor->keyPattern());
        while (specIt.more()) {
            if ( == _nearQuery.field) { break; }

        _minDistance = max(0.0, _nearQuery.minDistance);
        // _outerRadius can't be greater than (pi * r) or we wrap around the opposite
        // side of the world.
        _maxDistance = min(M_PI * _params.radius, _nearQuery.maxDistance);
        uassert(16892, "$minDistance too large", _minDistance < _maxDistance);

        // Start with a conservative _radiusIncrement.
        _radiusIncrement = 5 * S2::kAvgEdge.GetValue(_params.finestIndexedLevel) * _params.radius;
        _innerRadius = _outerRadius = _minDistance;
        // We might want to adjust the sizes of our coverings if our search
        // isn't local to the start point.
        // Set up _outerRadius with proper checks (maybe maxDistance is really small?)
Beispiel #4
    S2NearCursor::S2NearCursor(const BSONObj &keyPattern, const IndexDetails *details,
                       const BSONObj &query, const NearQuery &nearQuery,
                       const vector<GeoQuery> &indexedGeoFields,
                       const S2IndexingParams &params)
        : _details(details), _nearQuery(nearQuery), _indexedGeoFields(indexedGeoFields),
          _params(params), _keyPattern(keyPattern), _nearFieldIndex(0), _returnedDistance(0) {

        BSONObjBuilder geoFieldsToNuke;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < _indexedGeoFields.size(); ++i) {
            geoFieldsToNuke.append(_indexedGeoFields[i].getField(), "");
        // false means we want to filter OUT geoFieldsToNuke, not filter to include only that.
        _filteredQuery = query.filterFieldsUndotted(geoFieldsToNuke.obj(), false);
        _matcher.reset(new CoveredIndexMatcher(_filteredQuery, keyPattern));

        // More indexing machinery.
        BSONObjBuilder specBuilder;
        BSONObjIterator specIt(_keyPattern);
        while (specIt.more()) {
            BSONElement e =;
            // Checked in AccessMethod already, so we know this spec has only numbers and 2dsphere
            if ( e.type() == String ) {
                specBuilder.append( e.fieldName(), 1 );
            else {
                specBuilder.append( e.fieldName(), e.numberInt() );
        BSONObj spec = specBuilder.obj();
        _specForFRV = IndexSpec(spec);

        specIt = BSONObjIterator(_keyPattern);
        while (specIt.more()) {
            if ( == _nearQuery.field) { break; }

        // _outerRadius can't be greater than (pi * r) or we wrap around the opposite
        // side of the world.
        _maxDistance = min(M_PI * _params.radius, _nearQuery.maxDistance);

        // Start with a conservative _radiusIncrement.
        _radiusIncrement = 5 * S2::kAvgEdge.GetValue(_params.finestIndexedLevel) * _params.radius;
        _innerRadius = _outerRadius = 0;
        // We might want to adjust the sizes of our coverings if our search
        // isn't local to the start point.
        // Set up _outerRadius with proper checks (maybe maxDistance is really small?)
BSONObj DBClientCursorShimCursorID::get_cursor() {
    BSONObj b = cursor.rawNext();

    BSONElement ele = b["cursor"];

    if (!ele.eoo()) {
        cursor.cursorId = ele["id"].Long();
        cursor.ns = ele["ns"].String();

        if (!ele["firstBatch"].eoo()) {
            iter = BSONObjIterator(ele["firstBatch"].Obj());
            in_first_batch = true;

    return b;
Beispiel #6
   INT32 aggrProjectParser::addObj( const CHAR *pAlias, const bson::BSONObj &Obj,
                                    const CHAR *pCLName, qgmOPFieldVec &selectorVec,
                                    _qgmPtrTable *pTable )
      INT32 rc = SDB_OK;
      CHAR *pFuncBuf = NULL;
#define FUNC_NAME_BUILDOBJ    "buildObj"
         UINT32 nameLen = ossStrlen( FUNC_NAME_BUILDOBJ );
         UINT32 paramLen = 0;
         UINT32 fieldNum = 0;
         UINT32 curPos = 0;
         BSONObjIterator iter( Obj );
         while ( iter.more() )
            BSONElement beField =;
            PD_CHECK( beField.isNumber(), SDB_INVALIDARG, error, PDERROR,
                     "field type must be number!" );
            if ( beField.number() == 0 )
            paramLen += ossStrlen(AGGR_CL_DEFAULT_ALIAS) + 1
                        + ossStrlen( beField.fieldName() );

         PD_CHECK( fieldNum > 0, SDB_INVALIDARG, error, PDERROR,
                  "Can't add empty obj!" );
         paramLen += ( fieldNum - 1 );
         pFuncBuf = ( CHAR * )SDB_OSS_MALLOC( nameLen + 3 + paramLen );
         PD_CHECK( pFuncBuf != NULL, SDB_OOM, error, PDERROR,
                  "malloc failed(size=%d)", ( nameLen + 3 + paramLen ));
         ossStrcpy( pFuncBuf, FUNC_NAME_BUILDOBJ );
         pFuncBuf[ nameLen ] = '(';
         curPos = nameLen + 1;

         iter = BSONObjIterator( Obj );
         while ( iter.more() )
            BSONElement beField =;
            if ( beField.number() == 0 )
            ossStrcpy( ( pFuncBuf + curPos ), AGGR_CL_DEFAULT_ALIAS );
            curPos += ossStrlen( AGGR_CL_DEFAULT_ALIAS );
            pFuncBuf[ curPos ] = '.';
            curPos += 1;
            ossStrcpy( ( pFuncBuf + curPos ), beField.fieldName() );
            curPos += ossStrlen( beField.fieldName() );
            if ( fieldNum > 1 )
               pFuncBuf[ curPos ] = ',';
               curPos += 1;
         pFuncBuf[ curPos ] = ')';
         curPos += 1;
         pFuncBuf[ curPos ] = 0;
         qgmField slValAttr;
         qgmField slValRelegation;
         rc = pTable->getOwnField( pFuncBuf, slValAttr );
         PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR,
                     "failed to get the field(%s)",
                     pFuncBuf );
         qgmDbAttr slVal( slValRelegation, slValAttr );
         qgmField slAlias;
         rc = pTable->getOwnField( pAlias, slAlias );
         PD_RC_CHECK( rc, PDERROR,
                     "failed to get the field(%s)",
                     pAlias );
         qgmOpField selector;
         selector.alias = slAlias;
         selector.value = slVal;
         selector.type = SQL_GRAMMAR::FUNC;
         selectorVec.push_back( selector );
      catch ( std::exception &e )
                  "failed to add function-field, received unexpected error:%s",
                  e.what() );
      SDB_OSS_FREE( pFuncBuf );
      return rc;
      goto done;
Beispiel #7
 BSONObjIterator BSONObjBuilder::iterator() const {
     const char * s = _b.buf() + _offset;
     const char * e = _b.buf() + _b.len();
     return BSONObjIterator( s , e );