Beispiel #1
static ssize_t socket_read_ssl(struct bus *b, listener *l, int pfd_i, connection_info *ci) {
    BUS_ASSERT(b, b->udata, ci->ssl);
    ssize_t accum = 0;
    while (ci->to_read_size > 0) {
        // ssize_t pending = SSL_pending(ci->ssl);
        ssize_t size = (ssize_t)syscall_SSL_read(ci->ssl, l->read_buf, ci->to_read_size);

        if (size == -1) {
            int reason = syscall_SSL_get_error(ci->ssl, size);
            switch (reason) {
            case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ:
                BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 3, LOG_LISTENER, b->udata, 64,
                                 "SSL_read fd %d: WANT_READ", ci->fd);
                return accum;

            case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE:
                BUS_ASSERT(b, b->udata, false);

            case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL:
                if (errno == 0) {
                    print_SSL_error(b, ci, 1, "SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL errno 0");
                    BUS_ASSERT(b, b->udata, false);
                } else if (Util_IsResumableIOError(errno)) {
                    errno = 0;
                } else {
                    BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 3, LOG_LISTENER, b->udata, 64,
                                     "SSL_read fd %d: errno %d", ci->fd, errno);
                    print_SSL_error(b, ci, 1, "SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL");
                    set_error_for_socket(l, pfd_i, ci->fd, RX_ERROR_READ_FAILURE);
                    return -1;
            case SSL_ERROR_ZERO_RETURN:
                BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 3, LOG_LISTENER, b->udata, 64,
                                 "SSL_read fd %d: ZERO_RETURN (HUP)", ci->fd);
                set_error_for_socket(l, pfd_i, ci->fd, RX_ERROR_POLLHUP);
                return -1;

                print_SSL_error(b, ci, 1, "SSL_ERROR UNKNOWN");
                set_error_for_socket(l, pfd_i, ci->fd, RX_ERROR_READ_FAILURE);
                BUS_ASSERT(b, b->udata, false);
        } else if (size > 0) {
            sink_socket_read(b, l, ci, size);
            accum += size;
            if ((size_t)accum == ci->to_read_size) {
        } else {
    return accum;
Beispiel #2
static void process_unpacked_message(listener *l,
                                     connection_info *ci, bus_unpack_cb_res_t result) {
    struct bus *b = l->bus;

    /* NOTE: message may be an unsolicited status message */

    if (result.ok) {
        int64_t seq_id = result.u.success.seq_id;
        void *opaque_msg = result.u.success.msg;

        rx_info_t *info = ListenerHelper_FindInfoBySequenceID(l, ci->fd, seq_id);

        if (info) {
            switch (info->state) {
            case RIS_HOLD:
                /* Just save result, to match up later. */
                BUS_ASSERT(b, b->udata, !info->u.hold.has_result);
                info->u.hold.has_result = true;
                info->u.hold.result = result;
            case RIS_EXPECT:
                BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 3, LOG_LISTENER, b->udata, 128,
                                 "marking info %d, seq_id:%lld ready for delivery",
                                 info->id, (long long)result.u.success.seq_id);
                info->u.expect.error = RX_ERROR_READY_FOR_DELIVERY;
                BUS_ASSERT(b, b->udata, !info->u.hold.has_result);
                info->u.expect.has_result = true;
                info->u.expect.result = result;
                ListenerTask_AttemptDelivery(l, info);
            case RIS_INACTIVE:
                BUS_ASSERT(b, b->udata, false);
        } else {
            /* We received a response that we weren't expecting. */
            if (seq_id != BUS_NO_SEQ_ID) {
                BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 2 - 2, LOG_LISTENER, b->udata, 128,
                                 "Couldn't find info for fd:%d, seq_id:%lld, msg %p",
                                 ci->fd, (long long)seq_id, opaque_msg);
            if (b->unexpected_msg_cb) {
                b->unexpected_msg_cb(opaque_msg, seq_id, b->udata, ci->udata);
    } else {
        uintptr_t e_id = result.u.error.opaque_error_id;
        BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 1, LOG_LISTENER, b->udata, 128,
                         "Got opaque_error_id of %lu (0x%08lx)",
                         e_id, e_id);

        /* Timeouts will clean up after it; give user code a chance to
         * clean up after it here, though technically speaking they
         * could in the unpack_cb above. */
        b->error_cb(result, ci->udata);
Beispiel #3
static ssize_t socket_read_plain(struct bus *b, listener *l, int pfd_i, connection_info *ci) {
    ssize_t accum = 0;
    while (ci->to_read_size > 0) {
        ssize_t size = syscall_read(ci->fd, l->read_buf, ci->to_read_size);
        if (size == -1) {
            BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 6, LOG_LISTENER, b->udata, 64,
                             "read: size %zd, errno %d", size, errno);
            if (errno == EAGAIN) {
                errno = 0;
                return accum;
            } else if (Util_IsResumableIOError(errno)) {
                errno = 0;
            } else {
                BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 3, LOG_LISTENER, b->udata, 64,
                                 "read: socket error reading, %d", errno);
                set_error_for_socket(l, pfd_i, ci->fd, RX_ERROR_READ_FAILURE);
                errno = 0;
                return -1;

        if (size > 0) {
            BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 5, LOG_LISTENER, b->udata, 64,
                             "read: %zd", size);
            sink_socket_read(b, l, ci, size);
            accum += size;
        } else {
            return accum;
    return accum;
Beispiel #4
static ssize_t write_plain(struct bus *b, boxed_msg *box) {
    int fd = box->fd;
    uint8_t *msg = box->out_msg;
    size_t msg_size = box->out_msg_size;
    size_t sent_size = box->out_sent_size;
    size_t rem = msg_size - sent_size;
    BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 10, LOG_SENDER, b->udata, 64,
        "write %p to %d, %zd bytes",
        (void*)&msg[sent_size], fd, rem);

    /* Attempt a single write. ('for' is due to continue-based retry.) */
    for (;;) {
        ssize_t wrsz = syscall_write(fd, &msg[sent_size], rem);
        if (wrsz == -1) {
            if (Util_IsResumableIOError(errno)) {
                errno = 0;
            } else {
                /* will notify about closed socket upstream */
                BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 1, LOG_SENDER, b->udata, 64,
                    "write: socket error writing, %s", strerror(errno));
                errno = 0;
                return -1;
        } else if (wrsz > 0) {
            BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 5, LOG_SENDER, b->udata, 64,
                "sent: %zd", wrsz);
            return wrsz;
        } else {
            return 0;
Beispiel #5
/* Notify the listener that the client has finished sending a message, and
 * transfer all details for handling the response to it. Blocking. */
static bool enqueue_EXPECT_message_to_listener(bus *b, boxed_msg *box) {
    /* Notify listener that it should expect a response to a
     * successfully sent message. */
    BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 3, LOG_SENDER, b->udata, 128,
        "telling listener to EXPECT sent response, with box %p, seq_id %lld",
        (void *)box, (long long)box->out_seq_id);
    if (box->result.status == BUS_SEND_UNDEFINED) {
        box->result.status = BUS_SEND_REQUEST_COMPLETE;

    struct listener *l = Bus_GetListenerForSocket(b, box->fd);

    for (int retries = 0; retries < SEND_NOTIFY_LISTENER_RETRIES; retries++) {
        #ifndef TEST
        uint16_t backpressure = 0;
        /* If this succeeds, then this thread cannot touch the box anymore. */
        if (Listener_ExpectResponse(l, box, &backpressure)) {
            Bus_BackpressureDelay(b, backpressure,
            return true;
        } else {
            BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 5, LOG_SENDER, b->udata, 64,
                "enqueue_request_sent: failed delivery %d", retries);
            syscall_poll(NULL, 0, SEND_NOTIFY_LISTENER_RETRY_DELAY);

    /* Timeout, will be treated as a TX error */
    return false;
Beispiel #6
SendHelper_HandleWrite_res SendHelper_HandleWrite(bus *b, boxed_msg *box) {
    SSL *ssl = box->ssl;
    ssize_t wrsz = 0;

    /* Attempt a single write to the socket. */
    if (ssl == BUS_NO_SSL) {
        wrsz = write_plain(b, box);
    } else {
        wrsz = write_ssl(b, box, ssl);
    BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 5, LOG_SENDER, b->udata, 64,
        "wrote %zd", wrsz);

    if (wrsz == -1) {
        Send_HandleFailure(b, box, BUS_SEND_TX_FAILURE);
        return SHHW_ERROR;
    } else if (wrsz == 0) {
        /* If the OS set POLLOUT but we can't actually write, then
         * just go back to the poll() loop with no progress.
         * If we busywait on this, something is deeply wrong. */
        BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 1, LOG_SENDER, b->udata, 128,
            "suspicious: wrote %zd bytes to <fd:%d, seq_id%lld>",
            wrsz, box->fd, (long long)box->out_seq_id);
    } else {
        /* Update amount written so far */
        box->out_sent_size += wrsz;

    size_t msg_size = box->out_msg_size;
    size_t sent_size = box->out_sent_size;
    size_t rem = msg_size - sent_size;

    BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 5, LOG_SENDER, b->udata, 64,
        "wrote %zd, rem is %zd", wrsz, rem);

    if (rem == 0) {             /* check if whole message is written */
        #ifndef TEST
        struct timeval done;
        if (Util_Timestamp(&done, true)) {
            box->tv_send_done = done;
        } else {
            Send_HandleFailure(b, box, BUS_SEND_TIMESTAMP_ERROR);
            return SHHW_ERROR;

        if (enqueue_EXPECT_message_to_listener(b, box)) {
            return SHHW_DONE;
        } else {
            Send_HandleFailure(b, box, BUS_SEND_TX_TIMEOUT_NOTIFYING_LISTENER);
            return SHHW_ERROR;
    } else {
        return SHHW_OK;
Beispiel #7
static bool sink_socket_read(struct bus *b,
                             listener *l, connection_info *ci, ssize_t size) {
    BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 3, LOG_LISTENER, b->udata, 64,
                     "read %zd bytes, calling sink CB", size);

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        if (i > 0 && (i & 15) == 0) {
        printf("%02x ", l->read_buf[i]);

    bus_sink_cb_res_t sres = b->sink_cb(l->read_buf, size, ci->udata);
    if (sres.full_msg_buffer) {
        BUS_LOG(b, 3, LOG_LISTENER, "calling unpack CB", b->udata);
        bus_unpack_cb_res_t ures = b->unpack_cb(sres.full_msg_buffer, ci->udata);
        BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 3, LOG_LISTENER, b->udata, 64,
                         "process_unpacked_message: ok? %d, seq_id:%lld",
                         ures.ok, (long long)ures.u.success.seq_id);
        process_unpacked_message(l, ci, ures);

    ci->to_read_size = sres.next_read;

    BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 3, LOG_LISTENER, b->udata, 64,
                     "expecting next read to have %zd bytes", ci->to_read_size);

    /* Grow read buffer if necessary. */
    if (ci->to_read_size > l->read_buf_size) {
        if (!ListenerTask_GrowReadBuf(l, ci->to_read_size)) {
            BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 3, LOG_MEMORY, b->udata, 128,
                             "Read buffer realloc failure for %p (%zd to %zd)",
                             l->read_buf, l->read_buf_size, ci->to_read_size);
            BUS_ASSERT(b, b->udata, false);
    return true;
Beispiel #8
static void print_SSL_error(struct bus *b, connection_info *ci, int lvl, const char *prefix) {
    unsigned long errval = ERR_get_error();
    char ebuf[256];
    BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, lvl, LOG_LISTENER, b->udata, 64,
                     "%s -- ERROR on fd %d -- %s",
                     prefix, ci->fd, ERR_error_string(errval, ebuf));
Beispiel #9
static void set_error_for_socket(listener *l, int id, int fd, rx_error_t err) {
    l->error_occured = true;

    /* Mark all pending messages on this socket as being failed due to error. */
    struct bus *b = l->bus;
    BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 3, LOG_LISTENER, b->udata, 64,
                     "set_error_for_socket %d, err %d", fd, err);

    for (int i = 0; i <= l->rx_info_max_used; i++) {
        rx_info_t *info = &l->rx_info[i];
        switch (info->state) {
        case RIS_INACTIVE:
        case RIS_HOLD:
            /* We should set an error on the info, but let the timeout
             * or a pending EXPECT message handle the error. That way,
             * it can be handled via the status callback whenever
             * possible. */
            info->u.hold.error = err;
        case RIS_EXPECT:
            struct boxed_msg *box = info->;
            if (box && box->fd == fd) {
                info->u.expect.error = err;
            BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 0, LOG_LISTENER, b->udata, 64,
                             "match fail %d on line %d", info->state, __LINE__);
            BUS_ASSERT(b, b->udata, false);

    connection_info *newly_inactive_ci = l->fd_info[id];
    newly_inactive_ci->error = err;
Beispiel #10
static bool do_blocking_connection(struct bus *b, SSL *ssl, int fd) {
        "SSL_Connect handshake for socket %d", fd);

    struct pollfd fds[1];
    fds[0].fd = fd;
    fds[0].events = POLLOUT;
    bool connected = false;
    size_t elapsed = 0;

    while (!connected) {
        int pres = syscall_poll(fds, 1, TIMEOUT_MSEC);
        BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 5, LOG_SOCKET_REGISTERED, b->udata, 128,
            "SSL_Connect handshake for socket %d, poll res %d", fd, pres);

        if (pres < 0) {
            if (Util_IsResumableIOError(errno)) {
                errno = 0;
            } else {
                /*  */
        } else if (pres > 0) {
            if (fds[0].revents & (POLLOUT | POLLIN)) {
                int connect_res = SSL_connect(ssl);
                BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 5, LOG_SOCKET_REGISTERED, b->udata, 128,
                    "socket %d: connect_res %d", fd, connect_res);

                if (connect_res == 1) {
                    BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 5, LOG_SOCKET_REGISTERED, b->udata, 128,
                        "socket %d: successfully connected", fd);
                    connected = true;
                } else if (connect_res < 0) {
                    int reason = SSL_get_error(ssl, connect_res);

                    switch (reason) {
                    case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE:
                        BUS_LOG(b, 4, LOG_SOCKET_REGISTERED, "WANT_WRITE", b->udata);
                        fds[0].events = POLLOUT;
                    case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ:
                        BUS_LOG(b, 4, LOG_SOCKET_REGISTERED, "WANT_READ", b->udata);
                        fds[0].events = POLLIN;
                    case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL:
                        if (Util_IsResumableIOError(errno)) {
                            errno = 0;
                        } else {
                            unsigned long errval = ERR_get_error();
                            char ebuf[256];
                            BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 1, LOG_SOCKET_REGISTERED, b->udata, 128,
                                "socket %d: ERROR -- %s", fd, ERR_error_string(errval, ebuf));
                        unsigned long errval = ERR_get_error();
                        char ebuf[256];
                        BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 1, LOG_SOCKET_REGISTERED, b->udata, 128,
                            "socket %d: ERROR %d -- %s", fd, reason, ERR_error_string(errval, ebuf));

                } else {
                    BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 5, LOG_SOCKET_REGISTERED, b->udata, 128,
                        "socket %d: unknown state, setting event bask to (POLLIN | POLLOUT)",
                    fds[0].events = (POLLIN | POLLOUT);
            } else if (fds[0].revents & POLLHUP) {
                BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 1, LOG_SOCKET_REGISTERED, b->udata, 128,
                    "SSL_Connect: HUP on %d", fd);
                return false;
            } else if (fds[0].revents & POLLERR) {
                BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b,12, LOG_SOCKET_REGISTERED, b->udata, 128,
                    "SSL_Connect: ERR on %d", fd);
                return false;
        } else {
            BUS_LOG(b, 4, LOG_SOCKET_REGISTERED, "poll timeout", b->udata);
            elapsed += TIMEOUT_MSEC;
            if (elapsed > MAX_TIMEOUT) {
                BUS_LOG(b, 2, LOG_SOCKET_REGISTERED, "timed out", b->udata);
                return false;
    return connected;
Beispiel #11
void ListenerIO_AttemptRecv(listener *l, int available) {
    /*   --> failure --> set 'closed' error on socket, don't die */
    struct bus *b = l->bus;
    int read_from = 0;
    BUS_LOG(b, 3, LOG_LISTENER, "attempting receive", b->udata);

    for (int i = 0; i < l->tracked_fds; i++) {
        if (read_from == available) {
        struct pollfd *fd = &l->fds[i + INCOMING_MSG_PIPE];
        connection_info *ci = l->fd_info[i];
        BUS_ASSERT(b, b->udata, ci->fd == fd->fd);

        BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 1, LOG_LISTENER, b->udata, 64,
                         "poll: l->fds[%d]->revents: 0x%04x",  // NOCOMMIT
                         i + INCOMING_MSG_PIPE, fd->revents);

        /* If a socket is about to be shut down, we want to get a
         * complete read from it if possible, because it's likely to be
         * an UNSOLICITEDSTATUS message with a reason for the hangup.
         * Only do single reads otherwise, though, otherwise the
         * listener can end up blocking too long handling consecutive
         * reads on a busy connection and causing the incoming command
         * queue to get backed up. */
        bool is_closing = fd->events & (POLLERR | POLLNVAL | POLLHUP);

        if (fd->revents & POLLIN) {
            // Try to read what we can (possibly before hangup)
            ssize_t cur_read = 0;
            size_t to_read = ci->to_read_size;
            do {
                BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 3, LOG_LISTENER, b->udata, 64,
                                 "reading %zd bytes from socket (buf is %zd)",
                                 ci->to_read_size, l->read_buf_size);
                BUS_ASSERT(b, b->udata, l->read_buf_size >= to_read);

                switch (ci->type) {
                case BUS_SOCKET_PLAIN:
                    cur_read = socket_read_plain(b, l, i, ci);
                case BUS_SOCKET_SSL:
                    cur_read = socket_read_ssl(b, l, i, ci);
                    BUS_ASSERT(b, b->udata, false);
                // -1: socket error
                // 0: no more to read
            } while (is_closing && cur_read > 0 && ci->to_read_size > 0);

        if (fd->revents & (POLLERR | POLLNVAL)) {
            BUS_LOG(b, 2, LOG_LISTENER,
                    "pollfd: socket error (POLLERR | POLLNVAL)", b->udata);
            set_error_for_socket(l, i, ci->fd, RX_ERROR_POLLERR);
        } else if (fd->revents & POLLHUP) {
            BUS_LOG(b, 3, LOG_LISTENER, "pollfd: socket error POLLHUP",
            set_error_for_socket(l, i, ci->fd, RX_ERROR_POLLHUP);

    if (l->error_occured) {  // only conditionally do this to avoid wasting CPU
        /* This is done outside of the polling loop, to avoid erroneously repeat-polling
         * or skipping any individual file descriptors. */
        l->error_occured = false;
Beispiel #12
bool BusPoll_OnCompletion(struct bus *b, int fd) {
    /* POLL in a pipe */
    #ifndef TEST
    struct pollfd fds[1];
    fds[0].fd = fd;
    fds[0].events = POLLIN;

    for (;;) {
        BUS_LOG(b, 5, LOG_SENDING_REQUEST, "Polling on completion...tick...", b->udata);
        #ifdef TEST
        errno = poll_errno;
        BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 5, LOG_SENDING_REQUEST, b->udata, 64,
            "poll_on_completion, polling %d", fd);
        int res = syscall_poll(fds, 1, -1);
        BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 5, LOG_SENDING_REQUEST, b->udata, 64,
            "poll_on_completion for %d, res %d (errno %d)", fd, res, errno);
        if (res == -1) {
            if (Util_IsResumableIOError(errno)) {
                BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 5, LOG_SENDING_REQUEST, b->udata, 64,
                    "poll_on_completion, resumable IO error %d", errno);
                errno = 0;
            } else {
                BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 1, LOG_SENDING_REQUEST, b->udata, 64,
                    "poll_on_completion, non-resumable IO error %d", errno);
                return false;
        } else if (res == 1) {
            uint16_t msec = 0;
            #ifndef TEST
            uint8_t read_buf[sizeof(uint8_t) + sizeof(uint16_t)];

            if (fds[0].revents & (POLLERR | POLLHUP | POLLNVAL)) {
                BUS_LOG(b, 1, LOG_SENDING_REQUEST, "failed (broken alert pipe)", b->udata);
                return false;

            BUS_LOG(b, 3, LOG_SENDING_REQUEST, "Reading alert pipe...", b->udata);
            #ifdef TEST
            errno = read_errno;
            ssize_t sz = syscall_read(fd, read_buf, sizeof(read_buf));

            if (sz == sizeof(read_buf)) {
                /* Payload: little-endian uint16_t, msec of backpressure. */
                assert(read_buf[0] == LISTENER_MSG_TAG);

                msec = (read_buf[1] << 0) + (read_buf[2] << 8);
                Bus_BackpressureDelay(b, msec, LISTENER_BACKPRESSURE_SHIFT);
                BUS_LOG(b, 4, LOG_SENDING_REQUEST, "sent!", b->udata);
                return true;
            } else if (sz == -1) {
                if (Util_IsResumableIOError(errno)) {
                    BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 5, LOG_SENDING_REQUEST, b->udata, 64,
                        "poll_on_completion read, resumable IO error %d", errno);
                    errno = 0;
                } else {
                    BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 2, LOG_SENDING_REQUEST, b->udata, 64,
                        "poll_on_completion read, non-resumable IO error %d", errno);
                    errno = 0;
                    return false;
            } else {
                BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 1, LOG_SENDING_REQUEST, b->udata, 64,
                    "poll_on_completion bad read size %zd", sz);
                return false;
        } else {
            /* This should never happen, but I have seen it occur on OSX.
             * If we log it, reset errno, and continue, it does not appear
             * to fall into busywaiting by always returning 0. */
            BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 1, LOG_SENDING_REQUEST, b->udata, 64,
                "poll_on_completion, blocking forever returned %d, errno %d", res, errno);
            errno = 0;
Beispiel #13
static ssize_t write_ssl(struct bus *b, boxed_msg *box, SSL *ssl) {
    uint8_t *msg = box->out_msg;
    size_t msg_size = box->out_msg_size;
    ssize_t rem = msg_size - box->out_sent_size;
    int fd = box->fd;
    ssize_t written = 0;
    assert(rem >= 0);

    while (rem > 0) {
        ssize_t wrsz = syscall_SSL_write(ssl, &msg[box->out_sent_size], rem);
        BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 5, LOG_SENDER, b->udata, 64,
            "SSL_write: socket %d, write %zd => wrsz %zd",
            fd, rem, wrsz);
        if (wrsz > 0) {
            written += wrsz;
            return written;
        } else if (wrsz < 0) {
            int reason = syscall_SSL_get_error(ssl, wrsz);
            switch (reason) {
            case SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE:
                /* We need to write more, but currently cannot write.
                 * Log and go back to the poll() loop. */
                BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 3, LOG_SENDER, b->udata, 64,
                    "SSL_write: socket %d: WANT_WRITE", fd);
                return 0;
            case SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ:
                BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 0, LOG_SENDER, b->udata, 64,
                    "SSL_write: socket %d: WANT_READ", fd);
                assert(false);  // shouldn't get this; we're writing.
            case SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL:
                if (Util_IsResumableIOError(errno)) {
                    errno = 0;
                    /* don't break; we want to retry on EINTR etc. until
                     * we get WANT_WRITE, otherwise poll(2) may not retry
                     * the socket for too long */
                } else {
                    /* will notify about socket error upstream */
                    BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 1, LOG_SENDER, b->udata, 64,
                        "SSL_write on fd %d: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL -- %s",
                        fd, strerror(errno));
                    errno = 0;                    
                    return -1;
            case SSL_ERROR_SSL:
                BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 1, LOG_SENDER, b->udata, 64,
                    "SSL_write: socket %d: error SSL (wrsz %zd)",
                    box->fd, wrsz);

                /* Log error messages from OpenSSL */
                for (;;) {
                    unsigned long e = ERR_get_error();
                    if (e == 0) { break; }  // no more errors
                    BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 1, LOG_SENDER, b->udata, 128,
                        "SSL_write error: %s",
                        ERR_error_string(e, NULL));
                return -1;                
                BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 1, LOG_SENDER, b->udata, 64,
                    "SSL_write on socket %d: match fail: error %d", box->fd, reason);
                return -1;
        } else {
            /* SSL_write should give SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE when unable
             * to write further. */
    BUS_LOG_SNPRINTF(b, 3, LOG_SENDER, b->udata, 64,
        "SSL_write: leaving loop, %zd bytes written", written);
    return written;