Beispiel #1
static ucl_bool ptr_check(void)
    ucl_bool r = 1;
    int i;
    char _wrkmem[10 * sizeof(ucl_byte *) + sizeof(ucl_align_t)];
    ucl_byte *wrkmem;
    ucl_bytepp dict;
    unsigned char x[4 * sizeof(ucl_align_t)];
    long d;
    ucl_align_t a;

    for (i = 0; i < (int) sizeof(x); i++)
        x[i] = UCL_BYTE(i);

    wrkmem = (ucl_byte *) UCL_PTR_ALIGN_UP(_wrkmem,sizeof(ucl_align_t));

    /* Expect a compiler warning on architectures that
     * do not allow unaligned access. */
    dict = (ucl_bytepp) wrkmem;

    d = (long) ((const ucl_bytep) dict - (const ucl_bytep) _wrkmem);
    r &= __ucl_assert(d >= 0);
    r &= __ucl_assert(d < (long) sizeof(ucl_align_t));

    r &= __ucl_assert(a.a_ushort == USHRT_MAX);
    r &= __ucl_assert(a.a_uint == UINT_MAX);
    r &= __ucl_assert(a.a_ulong == ULONG_MAX);
    r &= __ucl_assert(a.a_ucl_uint == UCL_UINT_MAX);

    /* sanity check of the memory model */
    if (r == 1)
        for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            r &= __ucl_assert((const ucl_voidp) (&dict[i]) == (const ucl_voidp) (&wrkmem[i * sizeof(ucl_byte *)]));

    /* check BZERO8_PTR and that NULL == 0 */
    r &= __ucl_assert(a.a_charp == NULL);
    r &= __ucl_assert(a.a_ucl_bytep == NULL);
    r &= __ucl_assert(NULL == 0);
    if (r == 1)
        for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            dict[i] = wrkmem;
        r &= __ucl_assert(dict[0] == wrkmem);
        for (i = 1; i < 9; i++)
            r &= __ucl_assert(dict[i] == NULL);
        r &= __ucl_assert(dict[9] == wrkmem);

    /* check that the pointer constructs work as expected */
    if (r == 1)
        unsigned k = 1;
        const unsigned n = (unsigned) sizeof(ucl_uint32);
        ucl_byte *p0;
        ucl_byte *p1;

        k += __ucl_align_gap(&x[k],n);
        p0 = (ucl_bytep) &x[k];
#if defined(PTR_LINEAR)
        r &= __ucl_assert((PTR_LINEAR(p0) & (n-1)) == 0);
        r &= __ucl_assert(n == 4);
        r &= __ucl_assert(PTR_ALIGNED_4(p0));

        r &= __ucl_assert(k >= 1);
        p1 = (ucl_bytep) &x[1];
        r &= __ucl_assert(PTR_GE(p0,p1));

        r &= __ucl_assert(k < 1+n);
        p1 = (ucl_bytep) &x[1+n];
        r &= __ucl_assert(PTR_LT(p0,p1));

        /* now check that aligned memory access doesn't core dump */
        if (r == 1)
            /* Expect 2 compiler warnings on architectures that
             * do not allow unaligned access. */
            ucl_uint32 v0 = * (ucl_uint32 *) &x[k];
            ucl_uint32 v1 = * (ucl_uint32 *) &x[k+n];

            r &= __ucl_assert(v0 > 0);
            r &= __ucl_assert(v1 > 0);

    return r;
Beispiel #2
static int
do_compress    ( const lzo_bytep in , lzo_uint  in_len,
                       lzo_bytep out, lzo_uintp out_len,
                       lzo_voidp wrkmem )
    const lzo_bytep ip;
    lzo_xint dv;
    lzo_bytep op;
    const lzo_bytep m_pos;
    const lzo_bytep const ip_end = in+in_len - DVAL_LEN - MIN_MATCH_LONG;
    const lzo_bytep const in_end = in+in_len - DVAL_LEN;
    const lzo_bytep ii;
    lzo_dict_p const dict = (lzo_dict_p) wrkmem;

#if !defined(NDEBUG)
    const lzo_bytep m_pos_sav;

    op = out;
    ip = in;
    ii = ip;                /* point to start of literal run */
    if (in_len <= MIN_MATCH_LONG + DVAL_LEN + 1)
        goto the_end;

    /* init dictionary */


    do {
        LZO_DEFINE_UNINITIALIZED_VAR(lzo_uint, m_off, 0);
        lzo_uint dindex;

        if (LZO_CHECK_MPOS(m_pos,m_off,in,ip,MAX_OFFSET))
            goto literal;
        if (m_pos[0] == ip[0] && m_pos[1] == ip[1] && m_pos[2] == ip[2])
            goto match;
        if (LZO_CHECK_MPOS(m_pos,m_off,in,ip,MAX_OFFSET))
            goto literal;
        if (m_pos[0] == ip[0] && m_pos[1] == ip[1] && m_pos[2] == ip[2])
            goto match;
        goto literal;

        if (++ip >= ip_end)

#if !defined(NDEBUG) && (LZO_DICT_USE_PTR)
        m_pos_sav = m_pos;
        m_pos += 3;
    /* we have found a match (of at least length 3) */
#if !defined(NDEBUG) && !(LZO_DICT_USE_PTR)
            assert((m_pos_sav = ip - m_off) == (m_pos - 3));
            /* 1) store the current literal run */
            if (pd(ip,ii) > 0)
                lzo_uint t = pd(ip,ii);
#if 1
                /* OPTIMIZED: inline the copying of a short run */
                if (t < R0MIN)
                    *op++ = LZO_BYTE(t);
                    MEMCPY_DS(op, ii, t);
                    op = store_run(op,ii,t);

            /* 2a) compute match len */
            ii = ip;        /* point to start of current match */

            /* we already matched MIN_MATCH bytes,
             * m_pos also already advanced MIN_MATCH bytes */
            ip += MIN_MATCH;
            assert(m_pos < ip);

            /* try to match another MIN_MATCH_LONG - MIN_MATCH bytes
             * to see if we get a long match */

#define PS  *m_pos++ != *ip++

#if (MIN_MATCH_LONG - MIN_MATCH == 2)                   /* MBITS == 2 */
            if (PS || PS)
#elif (MIN_MATCH_LONG - MIN_MATCH == 6)                 /* MBITS == 3 */
            if (PS || PS || PS || PS || PS || PS)
#elif (MIN_MATCH_LONG - MIN_MATCH == 14)                /* MBITS == 4 */
            if (PS || PS || PS || PS || PS || PS || PS ||
                PS || PS || PS || PS || PS || PS || PS)
#elif (MIN_MATCH_LONG - MIN_MATCH == 30)                /* MBITS == 5 */
            if (PS || PS || PS || PS || PS || PS || PS || PS ||
                PS || PS || PS || PS || PS || PS || PS || PS ||
                PS || PS || PS || PS || PS || PS || PS || PS ||
                PS || PS || PS || PS || PS || PS)
#  error "MBITS not yet implemented"
                lzo_uint m_len;

            /* 2b) code a short match */
                    assert(pd(ip,m_pos) == m_off);
                --ip;   /* ran one too far, point back to non-match */
                m_len = pd(ip, ii);
                    assert(m_len >= MIN_MATCH_SHORT);
                    assert(m_len <= MAX_MATCH_SHORT);
                    assert(m_off > 0);
                    assert(m_off <= MAX_OFFSET);
                    assert(ii-m_off == m_pos_sav);
                    assert(lzo_memcmp(m_pos_sav,ii,m_len) == 0);
                /* code short match len + low offset bits */
                *op++ = LZO_BYTE(((m_len - THRESHOLD) << OBITS) |
                                 (m_off & OMASK));
                /* code high offset bits */
                *op++ = LZO_BYTE(m_off >> OBITS);

            /* 2c) Insert phrases (beginning with ii+1) into the dictionary. */

#define SI      /* nothing */
#define DI      ++ii; DVAL_NEXT(dv,ii); UPDATE_D(dict,0,dv,ii,in);
#define XI      assert(ii < ip); ii = ip; DVAL_FIRST(dv,(ip));

#if (CLEVEL == 9) || (CLEVEL >= 7 && MBITS <= 4) || (CLEVEL >= 5 && MBITS <= 3)
            /* Insert the whole match (ii+1)..(ip-1) into dictionary.  */
                do {
                } while (++ii < ip);
                assert(ii == ip);
#elif (CLEVEL >= 3)
                SI   DI DI   XI
#elif (CLEVEL >= 2)
                SI   DI      XI

            /* we've found a long match - see how far we can still go */
                const lzo_bytep end;
                lzo_uint m_len;

                assert(ip <= in_end);
                assert(ii == ip - MIN_MATCH_LONG);

                if (pd(in_end,ip) <= (MAX_MATCH_LONG - MIN_MATCH_LONG))
                    end = in_end;
                    end = ip + (MAX_MATCH_LONG - MIN_MATCH_LONG);
                    assert(end < in_end);

                while (ip < end  &&  *m_pos == *ip)
                    m_pos++, ip++;
                assert(ip <= in_end);

            /* 2b) code the long match */
                m_len = pd(ip, ii);
                    assert(m_len >= MIN_MATCH_LONG);
                    assert(m_len <= MAX_MATCH_LONG);
                    assert(m_off > 0);
                    assert(m_off <= MAX_OFFSET);
                    assert(ii-m_off == m_pos_sav);
                    assert(lzo_memcmp(m_pos_sav,ii,m_len) == 0);
                    assert(pd(ip,m_pos) == m_off);
                /* code long match flag + low offset bits */
                *op++ = LZO_BYTE(((MSIZE - 1) << OBITS) | (m_off & OMASK));
                /* code high offset bits */
                *op++ = LZO_BYTE(m_off >> OBITS);
                /* code match len */
                *op++ = LZO_BYTE(m_len - MIN_MATCH_LONG);

            /* 2c) Insert phrases (beginning with ii+1) into the dictionary. */
#if (CLEVEL == 9)
            /* Insert the whole match (ii+1)..(ip-1) into dictionary.  */
            /* This is not recommended because it is slow. */
                do {
                } while (++ii < ip);
                assert(ii == ip);
#elif (CLEVEL >= 8)
                SI   DI DI DI DI DI DI DI DI   XI
#elif (CLEVEL >= 7)
                SI   DI DI DI DI DI DI DI      XI
#elif (CLEVEL >= 6)
                SI   DI DI DI DI DI DI         XI
#elif (CLEVEL >= 5)
                SI   DI DI DI DI               XI
#elif (CLEVEL >= 4)
                SI   DI DI DI                  XI
#elif (CLEVEL >= 3)
                SI   DI DI                     XI
#elif (CLEVEL >= 2)
                SI   DI                        XI

            /* ii now points to the start of next literal run */
            assert(ii == ip);