int main(int argc, char **argv) { int w, h, fontsize; VGint x, cx, cy, cw, ch, midy, speed; char *message = "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party"; char done[3]; init(&w, &h); speed = 15; midy = (VGfloat) h / 2; fontsize = w / 50; cx = 0.0; ch = fontsize * 2; cw = w; cy = midy - (ch / 2); // scroll the text, only in the clipping rectangle for (x = 0; x < cw+speed; x += speed) { Start(w, h); Background(255, 255, 255); Fill(0,0,0,.2); Rect(cx, cy, cw, ch); ClipRect(cx, cy, cw, ch); Translate(x, cy + (fontsize / 2)); Fill(0, 0, 0, 1); Text(0, 0, message, SansTypeface, fontsize); ClipEnd(); End(); } fgets(done, 2, stdin); // press [Return] when done finish(); exit(0); }
double FitFunction::operator()(const double* x, const double* par) { const double hist_val = par[0] * histogram_.GetBinContent(histogram_.FindBin(x[0])); const double bg = Background(x[0], par[1], par[2], par[3]); const double func_val = par[4] * bg; return hist_val + func_val; }
void Animation::Draw(int x, int y, int angle, bool more, SDL_Renderer* render) { if(m_animation_type=="background") { Background(x, y, angle, more,render); } else if(m_animation_type=="loop") { LOOP(x, y, angle, more, render); } else if(m_animation_type=="linear") { Linear(x, y, angle, more, render); } else if(m_animation_type=="repeat middle") { Repeat_middle(x, y, angle, more, render); } else if(m_animation_type=="return from end") { Return_end(x, y, angle, more, render); } else if(m_animation_type=="random") { Random(x, y, angle, more, render); } else if(m_animation_type=="hpbarbody") { HP_Bar_body(x, y, angle, more, render); } else if(m_animation_type=="draw image") { Draw_Image(x, y, angle, more, render); } }
void Update () { ForegroundFLD->Int (OrigREC,Foreground ()); BackgroundFLD->Int (OrigREC,Background ()); StyleFLD->Int (OrigREC,Style ()); OrigREC->Name (Name ()); }
DBInt IsChanged() { if (Foreground() != ForegroundFLD->Int(OrigREC)) return (true); if (Background() != BackgroundFLD->Int(OrigREC)) return (true); if (Style() != StyleFLD->Int(OrigREC)) return (true); if (strcmp(Name(), OrigREC->Name()) != 0) return (true); return (false); }
int drawScreen() { int width, height; char s[3]; init(&width, &height); // Graphics initialization width = height; Start(width, height); // Start the picture Background(255, 255, 255); // Black background Fill(44, 77, 232, 1); //Circle(x,y,r) Circle(width/2, height/2, height/10); // Circle in middle //Rect(x1,y1,x2,y2) Fill(44, 77, 232, 1); Rect(0,0,width,height/50); // Bottom Boarder Rect(0,height-height/50,width,height); // Top Boarder Rect(0,0,width/50,height); // Left Boarder Rect(width-width/50,0,width,height); // Right Boarder drawLine(width, height); End(); // End the picture fgets(s, 2, stdin); // look at the pic, end with [RETURN] finish(); // Graphics cleanup exit(0); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // AknsDrawUtils::Background() // (commented in the header). // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // EXPORT_C TBool AknsDrawUtils::Background( MAknsSkinInstance* aInstance, MAknsControlContext* aContext, const CCoeControl* aControl, CWindowGc& aGc, const TRect& aRect ) { return Background( aInstance, aContext, aControl, aGc, aRect, KAknsDrawParamDefault ); }
///////////////////////// OpenGL //////////////////////////////////// void DataLoad::renderScence(void) { glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT || GL_DEPTH_TEST); glViewport(0, 0, 800, 800); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glOrtho(-1.f, 1.f, -1.f, 1.f, -1.f, 1.f); //gluPerspective(45, 1, 0.01, 1000); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); // 버텍스 버퍼 사용 //glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); //glVertexPointer() //glDrawArrays(); //glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); Background(); // DrawQuad(); DrawGraph(); DrawData(); glutSwapBuffers(); }
// fontrange shows a range of fonts void fontrange(int w, int h) { int *s, sizes[] = { 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 21, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 96, 0 }; VGfloat x, y = h / 2, spacing = 50, s2 = spacing / 2, len, lx; char num[4]; Start(w, h); Background(255, 255, 255); // compute the length so we can center for (len = 0, s = sizes; *s; s++) { len += *s + spacing; } len -= spacing; lx = (w / 2) - (len / 2); // center point // for each size, display a character and label for (x = lx, s = sizes; *s; s++) { Fill(128, 0, 0, 1); TextMid(x, y, "a", *s); Fill(128, 128, 128, 1); snprintf(num, 3, "%d", *s); TextMid(x, y - spacing, num, 16); x += *s + spacing; } // draw a line below the characters, a curve above x -= spacing; Stroke(150, 150, 150, 0.5); StrokeWidth(2); Line(lx, y - s2, x, y - s2); Fill(255, 255, 255, 1); Qbezier(lx, y + s2, x, y + s2, x, y + (spacing * 3)); End(); }
RichTextCtrl::RichTextCtrl() { SetZoom(Zoom(1, 1)); Transparent(); Background(Null); SetFrame(NullFrame()); AutoHideSb(); }
void displayLogo(void) { Start(width, height); // Start the picture Background(0, 0, 0); // Black background Image((width / 2)-(logo_w / 2), (3 * height / 5) - (logo_h / 2), logo_w, logo_h, logo_path); End(); }
void HScroller::Redraw(IntCoord x1, IntCoord y1, IntCoord x2, IntCoord y2) { IntCoord left; int width; Background(x1, y1, x2, y2); GetBarInfo(shown, left, width); Bar(left, width); Outline(left, width); }
void Console::ResetAttributes() { SetBold(false); SetBlink(false); SetReverseVideo(false); Background(BLACK); Foreground(WHITE); }
void VScroller::Redraw(IntCoord x1, IntCoord y1, IntCoord x2, IntCoord y2) { IntCoord bot; int height; Background(x1, y1, x2, y2); GetBarInfo(shown, bot, height); Bar(bot, height); Outline(bot, height); }
// gradient demos linear and radial gradients void gradient(int width, int height) { VGfloat x1, y1, x2, y2, cx, cy, fx, fy, r; VGfloat w = (VGfloat)width; VGfloat h = (VGfloat)height; VGfloat dotcolor[4] = {0, 0, 0, 0.3}; VGfloat stops[] = { 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 }; x1 = w/8; x2 = (w*3)/8; y1 = h/3; y2 = (h*2)/3; cx = (w*3)/4; cy = (h/2); r = (x2-x1); fx = cx + (r/4); fy = cy + (r/4); Start(w, h); Background(128, 128, 128); FillLinearGradient(x1, y1, x2, y2, stops, 3); Rect(x1, y1, x2-x1, y2-y1); FillRadialGradient(cx, cy, fx, fy, r, stops, 3); Circle(cx, cy, r); RGBA(.5, 0, 0, 0.3, dotcolor); setfill(dotcolor); Circle(x1, y1, 10); Circle(x2, y2, 10); Circle(cx, cy, 10); Circle(cx+r/2, cy, 10); Circle(fx, fy, 10); RGB(0,0,0,dotcolor); setfill(dotcolor); TextMid(x1, y1-20, "(x1, y1)", 18); TextMid(x2, y2+10, "(x2, y2)", 18); TextMid(cx, cy, "(cx, cy)", 18); TextMid(fx, fy, "(fx, fy)", 18); TextEnd(cx+(r/2)+20, cy, "r", 18); TextMid(x1+((x2-x1)/2), h/6, "Linear Gradient", 36); TextMid(cx, h/6, "Radial Gradient", 36); End(); }
void displayLogoConnecting(void) { Start(width, height); // Start the picture Background(0, 0, 0); // Black background Image((width / 2)-(logo_w / 2), (3 * height / 5) - (logo_h / 2), logo_w, logo_h, logo_path); Fill(255, 255, 255, 1); // White text TextMid(width / 2, 3* height / 20, "Connecting..", SansTypeface, width / 30); // Greetings End(); }
// raspi draws the raspberry pi, scaled to the screen dimensions void raspi(int w, int h, char *s) { VGfloat midx = w / 2, midy = h / 2; int rw = midx, rh = (rw * 2) / 3, fontsize = w * 0.03; Start(w, h); Background(255, 255, 255); makepi(midx - (rw / 2), midy - (rh / 2), rw, rh); Fill(128, 0, 0, 1); TextMid(midx, midy - (rh / 2) - (fontsize * 2), s, fontsize); End(); }
void HScroller::Update() { IntCoord oldleft, oldright, newleft, newright; int oldwidth, newwidth; Perspective* p; if (canvas == nil) { return; } p = view; GetBarInfo(shown, oldleft, oldwidth); GetBarInfo(p, newleft, newwidth); if (oldleft != newleft || oldwidth != newwidth) { oldright = oldleft+oldwidth-1; newright = newleft+newwidth-1; if (oldright >= newleft && newright >= oldleft) { if (oldright > newright) { Background(newright+1, inset, oldright, ymax-inset); Border(newright); } else if (oldright < newright) { Bar(oldright, newright-oldright); Sides(oldright, newright); Border(newright); } if (oldleft > newleft) { Bar(newleft+1, oldleft-newleft); Sides(newleft, oldleft); Border(newleft); } else if (oldleft < newleft) { Background(oldleft, inset, newleft-1, ymax-inset); Border(newleft); } } else { Background(oldleft, inset, oldright, ymax-inset); Bar(newleft, newwidth); Outline(newleft, newwidth); } } *shown = *p; }
void VScroller::Update() { IntCoord oldbottom, oldtop, newbottom, newtop; int oldheight, newheight; Perspective* p; if (canvas == nil) { return; } p = view; GetBarInfo(shown, oldbottom, oldheight); GetBarInfo(p, newbottom, newheight); if (oldbottom != newbottom || oldheight != newheight) { oldtop = oldbottom+oldheight-1; newtop = newbottom+newheight-1; if (oldtop >= newbottom && newtop >= oldbottom) { if (oldtop > newtop) { Background(inset, newtop+1, xmax-inset, oldtop); Border(newtop); } else if (oldtop < newtop) { Bar(oldtop, newtop-oldtop); Sides(oldtop, newtop); Border(newtop); } if (oldbottom > newbottom) { Bar(newbottom+1, oldbottom-newbottom); Sides(newbottom, oldbottom); Border(newbottom); } else if (oldbottom < newbottom) { Background(inset, oldbottom, xmax-inset, newbottom-1); Border(newbottom); } } else { Background(inset, oldbottom, xmax-inset, oldtop); Bar(newbottom, newheight); Outline(newbottom, newheight); } } *shown = *p; }
QVariant editorModel::data(const QModelIndex &index, int role) const { if ((role == Qt::DisplayRole) || (role == Qt::EditRole)) { return getDataValue(index.row(),index.column()); //dataList[index.row()].fields[index.column()].value; } if (role == Qt::BackgroundRole) { //if (!dataList[index.row()].fields[index.column()].modified) if (!isDataModified(index.row(),index.column())) { QBrush Background(QColor(255,255,255)); Background.setStyle(Qt::SolidPattern); return Background; } else { QBrush Background(QColor(255,0,0)); Background.setStyle(Qt::SolidPattern); return Background; } } if (role == Qt::ForegroundRole) { //if (dataList[index.row()].fields[index.column()].ignore) if (isDataIgnored(index.row(),index.column())) { QBrush FontColor(QColor(191,184,181)); return FontColor; } } return QVariant(); }
AboutDlg() { Size isz = MakeLogo(*this, ctrl); int cx = min( * 2, GetWorkArea().GetWidth()); SetRect(0, 0, cx,; about.SetQTF(GetTopic("ide/app/About$en-us"), Zoom(DPI(120), 1024)); about.SetZoom(Zoom(1, 1)); about.RightPos(0, cx - - DPI(1)).VSizePos(); about.HMargins(Zx(4)); about.SetFrame(NullFrame()); about.NoLazy(); Background(PaintRect(ColorDisplay(), SColorPaper())); Add(about); // separator.Color(Gray()); // Add(separator.RightPos(cx -, DPI(1)).VSizePos()); Title("About TheIDE"); }
void imagetest(int w, int h) { int imgw = 422, imgh = 238; VGfloat cx = (w / 2) - (imgw / 2), cy = (h / 2) - (imgh / 2); VGfloat ulx = 0, uly = h - imgh; VGfloat urx = w - imgw, ury = uly; VGfloat llx = 0, lly = 0; VGfloat lrx = urx, lry = lly; Start(w, h); Background(0, 0, 0); Image(cx, cy, imgw, imgh, "desert1.jpg"); Image(ulx, uly, imgw, imgh, "desert2.jpg"); Image(urx, ury, imgw, imgh, "desert3.jpg"); Image(llx, lly, imgw, imgh, "desert4.jpg"); Image(lrx, lry, imgw, imgh, "desert5.jpg"); End(); }
// rotext draws text, rotated around the center of the screen, progressively faded void rotext(int w, int h, int n, char *s) { VGfloat fade = (100.0 / (VGfloat) n) / 100.0; VGfloat deg = 360.0 / n; VGfloat x = w / 2, y = h / 2; VGfloat alpha = 1.0; // start solid int i, size = w / 8; Start(w, h); Background(0, 0, 0); Translate(x, y); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { Fill(255, 255, 255, alpha); Text(0, 0, s, size); alpha -= fade; // fade size += n; // enlarge Rotate(deg); } End(); }
// sunearth shows the relative sizes of the sun and the earth void sunearth(int w, int h) { VGfloat sun, earth, x, y; int i; rseed(); Start(w, h); Background(0, 0, 0); Fill(255, 255, 255, 1); for (i = 0; i < w / 4; i++) { x = randf(w); y = randf(h); Circle(x, y, 2); } earth = (VGfloat) w *0.010; sun = earth * 109; Fill(0, 0, 255, 1); Circle(w / 3, h - (h / 10), earth); Fill(255, 255, 224, 1); Circle(w, 0, sun); End(); }
void imagetable(int w, int h) { int imgw = 422, imgh = 238; char *itable[] = { "desert0.jpg", "desert1.jpg", "desert2.jpg", "desert3.jpg", "desert4.jpg", "desert5.jpg", "desert6.jpg", "desert7.jpg", NULL }; VGfloat left = 50.0; VGfloat bot = h - imgh - 50.0; VGfloat gutter = 50.0; VGfloat x = left; VGfloat y = bot; int i; Start(w, h); Background(0, 0, 0); for (i = 0; itable[i] != NULL; i++) { Image(x, y, imgw, imgh, itable[i]); Fill(255, 255, 255, 0.3); Rect(x, y, imgw, 32); Fill(0, 0, 0, 1); TextMid(x + (imgw / 2), y + 10, itable[i], 16); x += imgw + gutter; if (x > w) { x = left; y -= imgh + gutter; } } y = h * 0.1; Fill(128, 128, 128, 1); TextMid(w / 2, 100, "Joshua Tree National Park", 48); End(); }
int main() { int width, height, cursorx, cursory, cbsize; init(&width, &height); // Graphics initialization cursorx = width / 2; cursory = height / 2; cbsize = (CUR_SIZ * 2) + 1; VGImage CursorBuffer = vgCreateImage(VG_sABGR_8888, cbsize, cbsize, VG_IMAGE_QUALITY_BETTER); if (mouseinit(width, height) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to initialize the mouse\n"); exit(1); } Start(width, height); // Start the picture Background(0, 0, 0); // Black background Fill(44, 77, 232, 1); // Big blue marble Circle(width / 2, 0, width); // The "world" Fill(255, 255, 255, 1); // White text TextMid(width / 2, height / 2, "hello, world", SerifTypeface, width / 10); // Greetings End(); // update picture // MAIN LOOP while (left_count < 2) { // Loop until the left mouse button pressed & released // if the mouse moved... if (mouse.x != cursorx || mouse.y != cursory) { restoreCursor(CursorBuffer); cursorx = mouse.x; cursory = mouse.y; saveCursor(CursorBuffer, cursorx, cursory, width, height, CUR_SIZ); circleCursor(cursorx, cursory, width, height, CUR_SIZ); End(); // update picture } } restoreCursor(CursorBuffer); // not strictly necessary as display will be closed vgDestroyImage(CursorBuffer); // tidy up memory finish(); // Graphics cleanup exit(0); }
int main() { int width, height; char s[3]; char hello1[] = {'H','e','j',',',' ','v', 0xc3, 0xa4,'r' , 'l','d' ,'e','n',0}; char hello2[] = {'H','e','l','l',0xc3,0xb3,' ', 'V', 'i', 'l', 0xc3,0xa1,'g',0}; char hello3[] = {'A','h','o','j',' ','s','v',0xc4,0x95,'t','e',0}; init(&width, &height); // Graphics initialization Start(width, height); // Start the picture Background(0, 0, 0); // Black background Fill(44, 77, 232, 1); // Big blue marble Circle(width / 2, 0, width); // The "world" Fill(255, 255, 255, 1); // White text TextMid(width / 2, (height * 0.7), "hello, world", SerifTypeface, width / 15); // Greetings TextMid(width / 2, (height * 0.5), hello1 , SerifTypeface, width / 15); TextMid(width / 2, (height * 0.3), hello2 , SerifTypeface, width / 15); TextMid(width / 2, (height * 0.1), hello3 , SerifTypeface, width / 15); End(); // End the picture fgets(s, 2, stdin); // look at the pic, end with [RETURN] finish(); // Graphics cleanup exit(0); }
void main() { int i; G(); Intro(); Background(); DrawBoard(); Marble(320,220,0); board[3][3]=0; Init(); setcolor(0); for(i=0;i<=220;i++) { rectangle(0+i,0+i,640-i,480-i); delay(10); } for(i=0;i<=220;i++) { rectangle(100+i,100,540-i,380); delay(8); } closegraph(); getch(); }
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// Entry point of application /// /// \return Application exit code /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// int main() { // Defines PI const float PI = 3.14159f; // Create the window of the application sf::RenderWindow App(sf::VideoMode(800, 600, 32), "SFML Pong"); // Load the sounds used in the game sf::SoundBuffer BallSoundBuffer; if (!BallSoundBuffer.LoadFromFile("datas/pong/ball.wav")) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } sf::Sound BallSound(BallSoundBuffer); // Load the images used in the game sf::Image BackgroundImage, LeftPaddleImage, RightPaddleImage, BallImage; if (!BackgroundImage.LoadFromFile("datas/pong/background.jpg") || !LeftPaddleImage.LoadFromFile("datas/pong/paddle_left.png") || !RightPaddleImage.LoadFromFile("datas/pong/paddle_right.png") || !BallImage.LoadFromFile("datas/pong/ball.png")) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Load the text font sf::Font Cheeseburger; if (!Cheeseburger.LoadFromFile("datas/post-fx/cheeseburger.ttf")) return EXIT_FAILURE; // Initialize the end text sf::String End; End.SetFont(Cheeseburger); End.SetSize(60.f); End.Move(150.f, 200.f); End.SetColor(sf::Color(50, 50, 250)); // Create the sprites of the background, the paddles and the ball sf::Sprite Background(BackgroundImage); sf::Sprite LeftPaddle(LeftPaddleImage); sf::Sprite RightPaddle(RightPaddleImage); sf::Sprite Ball(BallImage); LeftPaddle.Move(10, (App.GetView().GetRect().GetHeight() - LeftPaddle.GetSize().y) / 2); RightPaddle.Move(App.GetView().GetRect().GetWidth() - RightPaddle.GetSize().x - 10, (App.GetView().GetRect().GetHeight() - RightPaddle.GetSize().y) / 2); Ball.Move((App.GetView().GetRect().GetWidth() - Ball.GetSize().x) / 2, (App.GetView().GetRect().GetHeight() - Ball.GetSize().y) / 2); // Define the paddles properties sf::Clock AITimer; const float AITime = 0.1f; float LeftPaddleSpeed = 400.f; float RightPaddleSpeed = 400.f; // Define the ball properties float BallSpeed = 400.f; float BallAngle; do { // Make sure the ball initial angle is not too much vertical BallAngle = sf::Randomizer::Random(0.f, 2 * PI); } while (std::abs(std::cos(BallAngle)) < 0.7f); bool IsPlaying = true; while (App.IsOpened()) { // Handle events sf::Event Event; while (App.GetEvent(Event)) { // Window closed or escape key pressed : exit if ((Event.Type == sf::Event::Closed) || ((Event.Type == sf::Event::KeyPressed) && (Event.Key.Code == sf::Key::Escape))) { App.Close(); break; } } if (IsPlaying) { // Move the player's paddle if (App.GetInput().IsKeyDown(sf::Key::Up) && (LeftPaddle.GetPosition().y > 5.f)) LeftPaddle.Move(0.f, -LeftPaddleSpeed * App.GetFrameTime()); if (App.GetInput().IsKeyDown(sf::Key::Down) && (LeftPaddle.GetPosition().y < App.GetView().GetRect().GetHeight() - LeftPaddle.GetSize().y - 5.f)) LeftPaddle.Move(0.f, LeftPaddleSpeed * App.GetFrameTime()); // Move the computer's paddle if (((RightPaddleSpeed < 0.f) && (RightPaddle.GetPosition().y > 5.f)) || ((RightPaddleSpeed > 0.f) && (RightPaddle.GetPosition().y < App.GetView().GetRect().GetHeight() - RightPaddle.GetSize().y - 5.f))) { RightPaddle.Move(0.f, RightPaddleSpeed * App.GetFrameTime()); } // Update the computer's paddle direction according to the ball position if (AITimer.GetElapsedTime() > AITime) { AITimer.Reset(); if ((RightPaddleSpeed < 0) && (Ball.GetPosition().y + Ball.GetSize().y > RightPaddle.GetPosition().y + RightPaddle.GetSize().y)) RightPaddleSpeed = -RightPaddleSpeed; if ((RightPaddleSpeed > 0) && (Ball.GetPosition().y < RightPaddle.GetPosition().y)) RightPaddleSpeed = -RightPaddleSpeed; } // Move the ball float Factor = BallSpeed * App.GetFrameTime(); Ball.Move(std::cos(BallAngle) * Factor, std::sin(BallAngle) * Factor); // Check collisions between the ball and the screen if (Ball.GetPosition().x < 0.f) { IsPlaying = false; End.SetText("You lost !\n(press escape to exit)"); } if (Ball.GetPosition().x + Ball.GetSize().x > App.GetView().GetRect().GetWidth()) { IsPlaying = false; End.SetText("You won !\n(press escape to exit)"); } if (Ball.GetPosition().y < 0.f) { BallSound.Play(); BallAngle = -BallAngle; Ball.SetY(0.1f); } if (Ball.GetPosition().y + Ball.GetSize().y > App.GetView().GetRect().GetHeight()) { BallSound.Play(); BallAngle = -BallAngle; Ball.SetY(App.GetView().GetRect().GetHeight() - Ball.GetSize().y - 0.1f); } // Check the collisions between the ball and the paddles // Left Paddle if (Ball.GetPosition().x < LeftPaddle.GetPosition().x + LeftPaddle.GetSize().x && Ball.GetPosition().x > LeftPaddle.GetPosition().x + (LeftPaddle.GetSize().x / 2.0f) && Ball.GetPosition().y + Ball.GetSize().y >= LeftPaddle.GetPosition().y && Ball.GetPosition().y <= LeftPaddle.GetPosition().y + LeftPaddle.GetSize().y) { BallSound.Play(); BallAngle = PI - BallAngle; Ball.SetX(LeftPaddle.GetPosition().x + LeftPaddle.GetSize().x + 0.1f); } // Right Paddle if (Ball.GetPosition().x + Ball.GetSize().x > RightPaddle.GetPosition().x && Ball.GetPosition().x + Ball.GetSize().x < RightPaddle.GetPosition().x + (RightPaddle.GetSize().x / 2.0f) && Ball.GetPosition().y + Ball.GetSize().y >= RightPaddle.GetPosition().y && Ball.GetPosition().y <= RightPaddle.GetPosition().y + RightPaddle.GetSize().y) { BallSound.Play(); BallAngle = PI - BallAngle; Ball.SetX(RightPaddle.GetPosition().x - Ball.GetSize().x - 0.1f); } } // Clear the window App.Clear(); // Draw the background, paddles and ball sprites App.Draw(Background); App.Draw(LeftPaddle); App.Draw(RightPaddle); App.Draw(Ball); // If the game is over, display the end message if (!IsPlaying) App.Draw(End); // Display things on screen App.Display(); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
void HCI_Wait_For_Response(void) { Background(); return; }