Beispiel #1
/// Set SimpleString equal to a single character.
void SimpleString::operator=(char c)
   char* old_S = S; n = 1;
   S = new char [2]; if (!S) Throw(Bad_alloc());
   S[0] = c; S[1] = 0;
   delete [] old_S;
Beispiel #2
/// Construct SimpleString equal to a C character string.
SimpleString::SimpleString(const char* c)
   const char* s2 = c;
   n = 0; while (*s2++ != 0) ++n;
   S = new char [n+1]; if (!S) Throw(Bad_alloc());
   char* s1 = S; s2 = c; unsigned int i = n+1;
   while (i--) *s1++ = *s2++;
Beispiel #3
/// Set SimpleString equal to a SimpleString.
void SimpleString::operator=(const SimpleString& s)
   char* old_S = S; n = s.n;
   S = new char [n+1]; if (!S) Throw(Bad_alloc());
   char* s1 = S; const char* s2 = s.S; unsigned int i = n+1;
   while (i--) *s1++ = *s2++;
   delete [] old_S;
Beispiel #4
/// Append character to SimpleString.
void SimpleString::operator+=(char c)
   char* old_S = S; unsigned int old_n = n; ++n;
   S = new char [n+1]; if (!S) Throw(Bad_alloc());
   char* s1 = S; const char* s2 = old_S; unsigned int i = old_n;
   while (i--) *s1++ = *s2++;
   *s1++ = c; *s1 = 0;
   delete [] old_S;
Beispiel #5
/// Set SimpleString equal to a C character string.
void SimpleString::operator=(const char* c)
   const char* s2 = c;
   n = 0; while (*s2++ != 0) ++n;
   char* old_S = S;
   S = new char [n+1]; if (!S) Throw(Bad_alloc());
   char* s1 = S; s2 = c; unsigned int i = n+1;
   while (i--) *s1++ = *s2++;
   delete [] old_S;
Beispiel #6
/// Append C character string to SimpleString.
void SimpleString::operator+=(const char* c)
   char* old_S = S; unsigned int old_n = n;
   const char* s2 = c;
   int n2 = 0; while (*s2++ != 0) ++n2; n += n2;
   S = new char [n+1]; if (!S) Throw(Bad_alloc());
   char* s1 = S; s2 = old_S; unsigned int i = old_n;
   while (i--) *s1++ = *s2++;
   s2 = c; i = n2+1;
   while (i--) *s1++ = *s2++;
   delete [] old_S;
Beispiel #7
/// Construct SimpleString equal to i copies of a character, c.
SimpleString::SimpleString(unsigned int i, char c) : n(i)
   S = new char [n+1]; if (!S) Throw(Bad_alloc());
   char* s1 = S;
   while (i--) *s1++ = c; *s1 = 0;
Beispiel #8
/// Construct SimpleString equal to a SimpleString.
SimpleString::SimpleString(const SimpleString& s) : n(s.n)
   S = new char [n+1]; if (!S) Throw(Bad_alloc());
   char* s1 = S; const char* s2 = s.S; unsigned int i = n+1;
   while (i--) *s1++ = *s2++;
Beispiel #9
/// Construct an empty SimpleString.
SimpleString::SimpleString() : n(0)
   S = new char [1]; if (!S) Throw(Bad_alloc());
   *S = 0;
void MatrixErrorNoSpace(const void* v) { if (!v) Throw(Bad_alloc()); }