Beispiel #1
* This function is the driver for the adaptive refinement mode of ParMETIS
void Adaptive_Partition(CtrlType *ctrl, GraphType *graph, WorkSpaceType *wspace)
  int i;
  int tewgt, tvsize;
  floattype gtewgt, gtvsize;
  floattype ubavg, lbavg, lbvec[MAXNCON];

  /* Set up important data structures */
  SetUp(ctrl, graph, wspace);

  ubavg   = savg(graph->ncon, ctrl->ubvec);
  tewgt   = idxsum(graph->nedges, graph->adjwgt);
  tvsize  = idxsum(graph->nvtxs, graph->vsize);
  gtewgt  = (floattype) GlobalSESum(ctrl, tewgt) + 1.0;  /* The +1 were added to remove any FPE */
  gtvsize = (floattype) GlobalSESum(ctrl, tvsize) + 1.0;
  ctrl->redist_factor = ctrl->redist_base * ((gtewgt/gtvsize)/ ctrl->edge_size_ratio);

  IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, DBG_PROGRESS, rprintf(ctrl, "[%6d %8d %5d %5d][%d]\n", 
        graph->gnvtxs, GlobalSESum(ctrl, graph->nedges), GlobalSEMin(ctrl, graph->nvtxs), GlobalSEMax(ctrl, graph->nvtxs), ctrl->CoarsenTo));

  if (graph->gnvtxs < 1.3*ctrl->CoarsenTo ||
     (graph->finer != NULL && graph->gnvtxs > graph->finer->gnvtxs*COARSEN_FRACTION)) {

    /* Balance the partition on the coarsest graph */
    graph->where = idxsmalloc(graph->nvtxs+graph->nrecv, -1, "graph->where");
    idxcopy(graph->nvtxs, graph->home, graph->where);

    Moc_ComputeParallelBalance(ctrl, graph, graph->where, lbvec);
    lbavg = savg(graph->ncon, lbvec);

    if (lbavg > ubavg + 0.035 && ctrl->partType != REFINE_PARTITION)
      Balance_Partition(ctrl, graph, wspace);

    if (ctrl->dbglvl&DBG_PROGRESS) {
      Moc_ComputeParallelBalance(ctrl, graph, graph->where, lbvec);
      rprintf(ctrl, "nvtxs: %10d, balance: ", graph->gnvtxs);
      for (i=0; i<graph->ncon; i++) 
        rprintf(ctrl, "%.3f ", lbvec[i]);
      rprintf(ctrl, "\n");

    /* check if no coarsening took place */
    if (graph->finer == NULL) {
      Moc_ComputePartitionParams(ctrl, graph, wspace);
      Moc_KWayBalance(ctrl, graph, wspace, graph->ncon);
      Moc_KWayAdaptiveRefine(ctrl, graph, wspace, NGR_PASSES);
  else {
    /* Coarsen it and partition it */
    switch (ctrl->ps_relation) {
      case COUPLED:
        Mc_LocalMatch_HEM(ctrl, graph, wspace);
      case DISCOUPLED:
        Moc_GlobalMatch_Balance(ctrl, graph, wspace);

    Adaptive_Partition(ctrl, graph->coarser, wspace);

    /* project partition and refine */
    Moc_ProjectPartition(ctrl, graph, wspace);
    Moc_ComputePartitionParams(ctrl, graph, wspace);

    if (graph->ncon > 1 && graph->level < 4) {
      Moc_ComputeParallelBalance(ctrl, graph, graph->where, lbvec);
      lbavg = savg(graph->ncon, lbvec);

      if (lbavg > ubavg + 0.025) {
        Moc_KWayBalance(ctrl, graph, wspace, graph->ncon);

    Moc_KWayAdaptiveRefine(ctrl, graph, wspace, NGR_PASSES);

    if (ctrl->dbglvl&DBG_PROGRESS) {
      Moc_ComputeParallelBalance(ctrl, graph, graph->where, lbvec);
      rprintf(ctrl, "nvtxs: %10d, cut: %8d, balance: ", graph->gnvtxs, graph->mincut);
      for (i=0; i<graph->ncon; i++) 
        rprintf(ctrl, "%.3f ", lbvec[i]);
      rprintf(ctrl, "\n");
Beispiel #2
void Adaptive_Partition(ctrl_t *ctrl, graph_t *graph)
  idx_t i;
  idx_t tewgt, tvsize;
  real_t gtewgt, gtvsize;
  real_t ubavg, lbavg, *lbvec;


  lbvec = rwspacemalloc(ctrl, graph->ncon);

  /* Set up important data structures */
  CommSetup(ctrl, graph);

  ubavg   = ravg(graph->ncon, ctrl->ubvec);
  tewgt   = isum(graph->nedges, graph->adjwgt, 1);
  tvsize  = isum(graph->nvtxs, graph->vsize, 1);
  gtewgt  = (real_t) GlobalSESum(ctrl, tewgt) + 1.0/graph->gnvtxs;  /* The +1/graph->gnvtxs were added to remove any FPE */
  gtvsize = (real_t) GlobalSESum(ctrl, tvsize) + 1.0/graph->gnvtxs;
  ctrl->redist_factor = ctrl->redist_base * ((gtewgt/gtvsize)/ ctrl->edge_size_ratio);

  IFSET(ctrl->dbglvl, DBG_PROGRESS, rprintf(ctrl, "[%6"PRIDX" %8"PRIDX" %5"PRIDX" %5"PRIDX"][%"PRIDX"]\n", 
        graph->gnvtxs, GlobalSESum(ctrl, graph->nedges), GlobalSEMin(ctrl, graph->nvtxs), GlobalSEMax(ctrl, graph->nvtxs), ctrl->CoarsenTo));

  if (graph->gnvtxs < 1.3*ctrl->CoarsenTo ||
     (graph->finer != NULL && graph->gnvtxs > graph->finer->gnvtxs*COARSEN_FRACTION)) {

    AllocateRefinementWorkSpace(ctrl, 2*graph->nedges);

    /* Balance the partition on the coarsest graph */
    graph->where = ismalloc(graph->nvtxs+graph->nrecv, -1, "graph->where");
    icopy(graph->nvtxs, graph->home, graph->where);

    ComputeParallelBalance(ctrl, graph, graph->where, lbvec);
    lbavg = ravg(graph->ncon, lbvec);

    if (lbavg > ubavg + 0.035 && ctrl->partType != REFINE_PARTITION)
      Balance_Partition(ctrl, graph);

    if (ctrl->dbglvl&DBG_PROGRESS) {
      ComputePartitionParams(ctrl, graph);
      ComputeParallelBalance(ctrl, graph, graph->where, lbvec);
      rprintf(ctrl, "nvtxs: %10"PRIDX", cut: %8"PRIDX", balance: ", 
          graph->gnvtxs, graph->mincut);
      for (i=0; i<graph->ncon; i++) 
        rprintf(ctrl, "%.3"PRREAL" ", lbvec[i]);
      rprintf(ctrl, "\n");

      /* free memory allocated by ComputePartitionParams */
      gk_free((void **)&graph->ckrinfo, &graph->lnpwgts, &graph->gnpwgts, LTERM);

    /* check if no coarsening took place */
    if (graph->finer == NULL) {
      ComputePartitionParams(ctrl, graph);
      KWayBalance(ctrl, graph, graph->ncon);
      KWayAdaptiveRefine(ctrl, graph, NGR_PASSES);
  else {
    /* Coarsen it and partition it */
    switch (ctrl->ps_relation) {
        Match_Local(ctrl, graph);
        Match_Global(ctrl, graph);

    Adaptive_Partition(ctrl, graph->coarser);

    /* project partition and refine */
    ProjectPartition(ctrl, graph);
    ComputePartitionParams(ctrl, graph);

    if (graph->ncon > 1 && graph->level < 4) {
      ComputeParallelBalance(ctrl, graph, graph->where, lbvec);
      lbavg = ravg(graph->ncon, lbvec);

      if (lbavg > ubavg + 0.025) {
        KWayBalance(ctrl, graph, graph->ncon);

    KWayAdaptiveRefine(ctrl, graph, NGR_PASSES);

    if (ctrl->dbglvl&DBG_PROGRESS) {
      ComputeParallelBalance(ctrl, graph, graph->where, lbvec);
      rprintf(ctrl, "nvtxs: %10"PRIDX", cut: %8"PRIDX", balance: ", 
          graph->gnvtxs, graph->mincut);
      for (i=0; i<graph->ncon; i++) 
        rprintf(ctrl, "%.3"PRREAL" ", lbvec[i]);
      rprintf(ctrl, "\n");
