Beispiel #1
    Name        : binkOpen
    Description : wrapper for opening a Bink video file
    Inputs      : filename - name of the Bink video file to open
    Outputs     :
    Return      : TRUE or FALSE
static bool binkOpen(char* filename)
    char  fullname[1024];
    char  cdname[1024];
    char* dir;

    // get CD path

    dir = getenv("HW_Data");
    if (dir == NULL)
		// set default path
        strcpy(fullname, filename);
		// set HW_Data path
        strcpy(fullname, dir);
        strcat(fullname, "\\");
        strcat(fullname, filename);


	// try default path or HW_Data path
    bnk = BinkOpen(fullname, BINKNOTHREADEDIO);
    if (!bnk)
		// try filename alone
		bnk = BinkOpen(filename, BINKNOTHREADEDIO);
		if (!bnk)
			// try CD path
			bnk = BinkOpen(cdname, BINKNOTHREADEDIO);
			if (!bnk)
				return FALSE;

//	BinkSetSoundOnOff(bnk, 0);

    binkFrameRate = (real32)bnk->FrameRate / (real32)bnk->FrameRateDiv;

    return TRUE;
void PlayBinkInstant(char *pszName,int iStop,int iLoop)
		iBinkTextureID = g_pSurface->CreateNewTextureID();
	if(pCvar_DrawBink->value <1)
		LogToFile("[Bink]³¢ÊÔ²¥·Å%s µ«ÊDZ»Cvar×èÖ¹",pszName);

		// Clear Mem
			pBinkMem = NULL;
		hBink = BinkOpen(pszName,135266304);
			LogToFile("[Bink]¼ÓÔØBIKÎļþʧ°Ü£º %s",pszName);
		fStartTime = 0;
		iFrame = 1;
		iPlaying = 1;
		iBinkLoop = iLoop;
		iBinkStop = iStop;
			iBinkIsScope = 1;
			iFrame = 60; // skip some frames
		else iBinkIsScope = 0;
		// Alloc Memory
		int iPixelSize = 4 * hBink->Width * hBink->Height;
		pBinkMem = (BYTE *)malloc(iPixelSize);
		else LogToFile("[Bink]ÉêÇëÄÚ´æ¿Õ¼äʧ°Ü!");
		if(iStop) iPlaying = 0;
		ITextureVideo::ITextureVideo(ITextureManager *manager, IString filename)
		: ITexture(manager,filename)
		#if USE_BINK
			BinkSoundUseDirectSound( 0 );

			Bink = BinkOpen( filename, 0 );

			if (Bink)
				int width=2;
				int height=2;
				while (width<Bink->Width) width*=2;
				while (height<Bink->Height) height*=2;
				printf("Video loaded\n");
				printf("Video loading error\n");
BINKFLIC *BinkOpenFlic( const CHAR8 *cFilename )

	// Get an available flic slot from the list
	if( !( pBink = BinkGetFreeFlic() ) )
		ErrorMsg("BINK ERROR: Out of flic slots, cannot open another");
#ifndef USE_VFS
	// Attempt opening the filename
	if(!(pBink->hFileHandle = FileOpen( const_cast<CHAR8*>(cFilename), FILE_OPEN_EXISTING | FILE_ACCESS_READ, FALSE ) ) )
		ErrorMsg("BINK ERROR: Can't open the BINK file");

	//Get the real file handle for the file man handle for the smacker file
	HANDLE hFile = GetRealFileHandleFromFileManFileHandle( pBink->hFileHandle );
	vfs::Path introname(cFilename);
	vfs::Path dir,filename;
	vfs::Path tempfile = vfs::Path(L"Temp") + filename;
				return NULL;
			vfs::COpenReadFile rfile(introname);
			vfs::size_t size = rfile->getSize();
			std::vector<vfs::Byte> data(size);

			vfs::COpenWriteFile wfile(tempfile,true);
		catch(std::exception& ex)
			SGP_RETHROW(_BS(L"Intro file \"") << filename << L"\" could not be extracted" << _BS::wget, ex);

#ifndef USE_VFS
	if( !( pBink->BinkHandle = BinkOpen((CHAR8 *)hFile, BINKFILEHANDLE ) ) ) //| SMACKTRACKS 
	vfs::Path tempfilename;
		vfs::COpenWriteFile wfile(tempfile);
			return NULL;
	catch(std::exception& ex)
		SGP_RETHROW(L"Temporary intro file could not be read", ex);
	if( !( pBink->BinkHandle = BinkOpen(tempfilename.to_string().c_str(), BINKNOTHREADEDIO /*BINKFILEHANDLE*/ ) ) ) //| SMACKTRACKS 
		ErrorMsg("BINK ERROR: Bink won't open the BINK file");

	// Make sure we have a video surface

	pBink->cFilename = cFilename;

	pBink->lpDDS = lpBinkVideoPlayback2;

	pBink->hWindow = hBinkDisplayWindow;

	// Bink flic is now open and ready to go
	pBink->uiFlags |= BINK_FLIC_OPEN;

	return( pBink );
Beispiel #5
int PASCAL WinMain( HINSTANCE instance,
                    HINSTANCE previous_instance,
                    LPSTR cmd_line,
                    int cmd_show )
  // Win32 locals.

  HWND window = 0;
  MSG msg;

  // Miles locals

  HDIGDRIVER digital=0;

  // Try to create our window.

  window = Build_window_handle( instance,
                                previous_instance );
  if ( !window )
    MessageBox( 0,
                "Error creating window.",
                MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP );
    return( 1 );

  // Open the Miles Sound System.


  #ifdef BINK51
  digital = AIL_open_digital_driver( 44100, 16, MSS_MC_51_DISCRETE, 0 );
  digital = AIL_open_digital_driver( 44100, 16, 2, 0 );
  if ( !digital )
    MessageBox( 0,
                AIL_last_error( ),
                "Error opening Miles",
                MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP );
    return( 2 );

  // Tell Bink to use the Miles Sound System (must be before BinkOpen)!

  BinkSoundUseMiles( digital );

  // Try to open the Bink file.

  #ifdef BINK51
    // Tell Bink to play all of the 5.1 tracks

    S32 volumes[ 6 ];
    U32 TrackIDsToPlay[ 4 ] = { 0, 1, 2, 3 };
    BinkSetSoundTrack( 4, TrackIDsToPlay );
    // Try to open the Bink file.
    Bink = BinkOpen( cmd_line, BINKSNDTRACK );
    // Now route the sound tracks to the correct speaker
    volumes[ 0 ] = 32768;  volumes[ 1 ] = 32768; volumes[ 2 ] = 0;  volumes[ 3 ] = 0; volumes[ 4 ] = 0;  volumes[ 5 ] = 0;
    BinkSetMixBinVolumes( Bink, 0, 0, volumes, 6 );
    volumes[ 0 ] = 0;  volumes[ 1 ] = 0; 

    volumes[ 2 ] = 32768;
    BinkSetMixBinVolumes( Bink, 1, 0, volumes, 6 );
    volumes[ 2 ] = 0;  

    volumes[ 3 ] = 32768;
    BinkSetMixBinVolumes( Bink, 2, 0, volumes, 6 );
    volumes[ 3 ] = 0;  

    volumes[ 4 ] = 32768; volumes[ 5 ] = 32768;
    BinkSetMixBinVolumes( Bink, 3, 0, volumes, 6 );

    Bink = BinkOpen( cmd_line, 0 );


  if ( !Bink )
    MessageBox( 0,
                BinkGetError( ),
                "Bink Error",
                MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP );

    DestroyWindow( window );
    return( 3 );

  // Try to open the Bink buffer.

  Bink_buffer = BinkBufferOpen( window, Bink->Width, Bink->Height, 0 );
  if ( !Bink_buffer )
    MessageBox( 0,
                BinkBufferGetError( ),
                "Bink Error",
                MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP );

    DestroyWindow( window );
    BinkClose( Bink );

    return( 4 );

  // Size the window such that its client area exactly fits our Bink movie.

  SetWindowPos( window, 0,
                0, 0,
                SWP_NOMOVE );

  // Now display the window and start the message loop.

  ShowWindow( window, cmd_show );

  for ( ; ; )
    // Are there any messages to handle?

    if ( PeekMessage( &msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ) )
      // Yup, handle them.

      if ( msg.message == WM_QUIT )

      TranslateMessage( &msg );
      DispatchMessage( &msg );
      // Is it time for a new Bink frame?

      if ( !BinkWait( Bink ) )
        // Yup, draw the next frame.

        Show_next_frame( Bink,
                         window );
        // Nope, give the rest of the system a chance to run (1 ms).

        Sleep( 1 );


  // Close the Bink file.

  if ( Bink )
    BinkClose( Bink );
    Bink = 0;

  // Close the Bink buffer.

  if ( Bink_buffer )
    BinkBufferClose( Bink_buffer );
    Bink_buffer = 0;

  // Close Miles.

  if ( digital )
    AIL_close_digital_driver( digital );
    digital = 0;

  AIL_shutdown( );

  // And exit.

  return( 0 );
Beispiel #6
int PASCAL WinMain( HINSTANCE instance,
                    HINSTANCE previous_instance,
                    LPSTR cmd_line,
                    int cmd_show )
  // Win32 locals.

  HWND window = 0;
  MSG msg;

  // Miles locals

  HDIGDRIVER digital=0;

  // Try to create our window.

  window = Build_window_handle( instance,
                                previous_instance );
  if ( !window )
    MessageBox( 0,
                "Error creating window.",
                MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP );
    return( 1 );

  // Open the Miles Sound System.


  digital = AIL_open_digital_driver( 44100, 16, 2, 0 );
  if ( !digital )
    MessageBox( 0,
                AIL_last_error( ),
                "Error opening Miles",
                MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP );
    return( 2 );

  // Tell Bink to use the Miles Sound System (must be before BinkOpen)!

  BinkSoundUseMiles( digital );

  // Try to open the Bink file.

  Bink = BinkOpen( cmd_line, 0 );
  if ( !Bink )
    MessageBox( 0,
                BinkGetError( ),
                "Bink Error",
                MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP );

    DestroyWindow( window );
    return( 3 );

  // Try to open the Bink buffer.

  Bink_buffer = BinkBufferOpen( window, Bink->Width, Bink->Height, 0 );
  if ( !Bink_buffer )
    MessageBox( 0,
                BinkBufferGetError( ),
                "Bink Error",
                MB_OK | MB_ICONSTOP );

    DestroyWindow( window );
    BinkClose( Bink );

    return( 4 );

  // Size the window such that its client area exactly fits our Bink movie.

  SetWindowPos( window, 0,
                0, 0,
                SWP_NOMOVE );

  // Now display the window and start the message loop.

  ShowWindow( window, cmd_show );

  for ( ; ; )
    // Are there any messages to handle?

    if ( PeekMessage( &msg, 0, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ) )
      // Yup, handle them.

      if ( msg.message == WM_QUIT )

      TranslateMessage( &msg );
      DispatchMessage( &msg );
      // Is it time for a new Bink frame?

      if ( !BinkWait( Bink ) )
        // Yup, draw the next frame.

        Show_next_frame( Bink,
                         window );
        // Nope, give the rest of the system a chance to run (500 MICROseconds).

        Good_sleep_us( 500 );


  // Close the Bink file.

  if ( Bink )
    BinkClose( Bink );
    Bink = 0;

  // Close the Bink buffer.

  if ( Bink_buffer )
    BinkBufferClose( Bink_buffer );
    Bink_buffer = 0;

  // Close Miles.

  if ( digital )
    AIL_close_digital_driver( digital );
    digital = 0;

  AIL_shutdown( );

  // And exit.

  return( 0 );