Beispiel #1
/** Fills the Iteration ASN.1 structure, for part of the BLAST XML report
 * corresponding to one query.
 * @param seqalign Seq-align list with results [in]
 * @param sum_returns Search summary data [in]
 * @param is_ooframe Was out-of-frame gapping used in this search? [in]
 * @param ungapped Was this an ungapped search? [in]
 * @param iter_num Index of this "iteration" (query). [in]
 * @param message Error or warning message [in]
 * @param query Query Bioseq [in]
 * @param mask_loc List of masking locations [in]
 * @return Populated structure.
static Iteration* 
s_XMLBuildOneQueryIteration(SeqAlign* seqalign,
                            Blast_SummaryReturn* sum_returns,
                            Boolean is_ooframe, Boolean ungapped,
                            Int4 iter_num, char* message,
                            Bioseq* query, ValNode* mask_loc)
    Iteration* iterp = IterationNew();
    iterp->iter_num = iter_num;

    if (query) {
       char buffer[1024];
       SeqIdWrite(query->id, buffer, PRINTID_FASTA_LONG, sizeof(buffer));
       iterp->query_ID = strdup(buffer);

       if(BioseqGetTitle(query) != NULL)
          iterp->query_def = strdup(BioseqGetTitle(query));
          iterp->query_def = strdup("No definition line found");

       iterp->query_len = query->length;

    if(seqalign != NULL) {
       iterp->hits =
          BXMLSeqAlignToHits(seqalign, ungapped, is_ooframe, mask_loc);

    iterp->stat = s_XMLBuildStatistics(sum_returns, ungapped);

    if (message)
        iterp->message = strdup(message);

    return iterp;
Beispiel #2
Blast_SeqIdGetDefLine(SeqId* sip, char** buffer_ptr, Boolean ncbi_gi, 
                      Boolean accession_only, Boolean search_for_id)
   char* seqid_buffer = NULL;
   Int4 gi = 0;
   Boolean numeric_id_type = FALSE;

   *buffer_ptr = NULL;

   if (sip == NULL)

   /* Check for ad hoc ID's generated by formatdb if the user does not provide 
      any. */
   if (search_for_id && (sip->choice != SEQID_GENERAL ||
       StringCmp(((Dbtag*)sip->data.ptrvalue)->db, "BL_ORD_ID")))  
      if ((!accession_only && !ncbi_gi) || sip->choice == SEQID_LOCAL) {
         seqid_buffer = (char*) malloc(BUFFER_LENGTH + 1);
         SeqIdWrite(sip, seqid_buffer, PRINTID_FASTA_LONG, BUFFER_LENGTH);
      } else if (accession_only) {
         seqid_buffer = (char*) malloc(BUFFER_LENGTH + 1);
         SeqIdWrite(SeqIdFindBestAccession(sip), seqid_buffer, 
      } else if (ncbi_gi) {
         numeric_id_type = 
            GetAccessionFromSeqId(SeqIdFindBest(sip, SEQID_GI), 
                                  &gi, &seqid_buffer);
      } else {
         numeric_id_type = 
                                  &gi, &seqid_buffer);

   if (numeric_id_type && gi > 0) {
      seqid_buffer = (char*) malloc(16);
      sprintf(seqid_buffer, "%ld", (long) gi);
   if (!seqid_buffer) {
      /* If it's still NULL make a last ditch effort to get info. */
      char* title=NULL;
      Bioseq* bsp = BioseqLockById(sip);
      if (bsp) {
         if (BioseqGetTitle(bsp) != NULL)
            title = strdup(BioseqGetTitle(bsp));
            title = strdup("No definition line found");
      if (title) /* Use first token as id. */
         seqid_buffer = StringTokMT(title, " \t\n\r", &title);  
   *buffer_ptr = seqid_buffer;

Beispiel #3
*   PrintIdDefLine
*     SeqEntryExplore callback routine that prints the seqids and definition
*       lines.
static void PrintIdDefLine (SeqEntryPtr sep, Pointer data,
                         Int4 index, Int2 indent)

  BioseqPtr     bsp;
  FILE * fp;
  Char buf[40];
  CharPtr title = NULL;

  if (IS_Bioseq (sep)) {
	*buf = '\0';
    bsp = (BioseqPtr) sep->data.ptrvalue;
    fp = (FILE *) data;
	title = BioseqGetTitle(bsp);   /* this does not deal with all cases */
	SeqIdPrint(bsp->id, buf, PRINTID_FASTA_LONG);  /* print SeqId */
	if (pmon != NULL)
		MonitorStrValue(pmon, buf);
	fprintf(fp, ">%s", buf);
	if (title != NULL)
		fprintf(fp, " %s", title);
	fprintf(fp, "\n");
Beispiel #4
static void PrintSequence (BioseqPtr bsp, SeqFeatPtr sfp,
                           FILE *fp, Boolean is_na)

  Char        buffer [255];
  Uint1       code;
  Int2        count;
  Uint1       repr;
  Uint1       residue;
  SeqPortPtr  spp;
  CharPtr     title;
  CharPtr     tmp;

  if (bsp != NULL && fp != NULL) {
    if ((Boolean) ISA_na (bsp->mol) == is_na) {
      repr = Bioseq_repr (bsp);
      if (repr == Seq_repr_raw || repr == Seq_repr_const) {
        title = BioseqGetTitle (bsp);
        tmp = StringMove (buffer, ">");
        tmp = SeqIdPrint (bsp->id, tmp, PRINTID_FASTA_LONG);
        tmp = StringMove (tmp, " ");
        StringNCpy (tmp, title, 200);
        fprintf (fp, "%s\n", buffer);
		if (pmon != NULL)
			MonitorStrValue(pmon, buffer);
        if (is_na) {
          code = Seq_code_iupacna;
        } else {
          code = Seq_code_iupacaa;
        if (sfp != NULL) {
          spp = SeqPortNewByLoc (sfp->location, code);
        } else {
          spp = SeqPortNew (bsp, 0, -1, 0, code);
        if (spp != NULL) {
          count = 0;
          while ((residue = SeqPortGetResidue (spp)) != SEQPORT_EOF) {
            if (! IS_residue (residue)) {
              buffer [count] = '\0';
              fprintf (fp, "%s\n", buffer);
              count = 0;
              switch (residue) {
                case SEQPORT_VIRT :
                  fprintf (fp, "[Gap]\n");
                case SEQPORT_EOS :
                  fprintf (fp, "[EOS]\n");
                default :
                  fprintf (fp, "[Invalid Residue]\n");
            } else {
              buffer [count] = residue;
              if (count >= CHARSPERLINE) {
                buffer [count] = '\0';
                fprintf (fp, "%s\n", buffer);
                count = 0;
          if (count != 0) {
            buffer [count] = '\0';
            fprintf (fp, "%s\n", buffer);
          SeqPortFree (spp);
Beispiel #5
Int2 Main_old (void)
	AsnIoPtr aip;
	BioseqPtr fake_bsp = NULL, fake_subject_bsp = NULL, query_bsp = NULL, 
                  subject_bsp = NULL;
        BioseqPtr bsp1, bsp2;
	BLAST_KarlinBlkPtr ka_params=NULL, ka_params_gap=NULL;
	BLAST_OptionsBlkPtr options=NULL;
	Boolean seq1_is_na, seq2_is_na;
	CharPtr params_buffer=NULL;
        DbtagPtr        dbtagptr;
	Uint1 align_type;
	Uint4 align_options;
	SeqAlignPtr  seqalign;
        SeqAnnotPtr seqannot;
	SeqEntryPtr sep = NULL, sep1 = NULL;
	CharPtr program_name, blast_outputfile;
	FILE *outfp;
	ValNodePtr  mask_loc, mask_loc_start, vnp, other_returns=NULL, error_returns=NULL;
	BLAST_MatrixPtr matrix;
        Int4Ptr PNTR txmatrix;
        int (LIBCALLBACK *handle_results)PROTO((VoidPtr search)) = NULL;
        Boolean entrez_lookup = FALSE;
        Boolean html, seqannot_output, believe_query;
        Uint1 tabular_output;
        Boolean gapped_calculation;

        entrez_lookup = (Boolean) myargs[ARG_ACCN].intvalue;
        html = (Boolean) myargs[ARG_HTML].intvalue;
        seqannot_output = (myargs[ARG_ASNOUT].strvalue != NULL);

        blast_outputfile = myargs [ARG_OUT].strvalue;

	program_name = StringSave(myargs[ARG_PROGRAM].strvalue);
	if (StringCmp(program_name, "blastn") && 
	    StringCmp(program_name, "blastp") && 
	    StringCmp(program_name, "blastx") && 
	    StringCmp(program_name, "tblastn") && 
	    StringCmp(program_name, "tblastx")) {
		ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 1, 0, "Program name must be blastn, blastp, blastx, tblastn or tblastx\n");
		return (1);
	align_type = BlastGetTypes(program_name, &seq1_is_na, &seq2_is_na);

	if ((outfp = FileOpen(blast_outputfile, "w")) == NULL)
		ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 1, 0, "blast: Unable to open output file %s\n", blast_outputfile);
		return (1);

        gapped_calculation = (Boolean) myargs[ARG_GAPPED].intvalue;
        believe_query = (seqannot_output || entrez_lookup); 

        options = BLASTOptionNewEx(program_name, gapped_calculation,
                                   (Boolean) myargs[ARG_USEMEGABLAST].intvalue);

        if (BL2SEQ_GetSequences(seq1_is_na, seq2_is_na, &query_bsp, &subject_bsp,
                                &sep, &sep1, &(options->query_lcase_mask), 
                                believe_query) == FALSE)
            ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 1, 0, "blast: Unable to get sequences");
            return (1);

        if (!entrez_lookup) {
            if (!believe_query)
                fake_bsp = BlastMakeFakeBioseq(query_bsp, NULL);
            fake_subject_bsp = BioseqNew();
            fake_subject_bsp->descr = subject_bsp->descr;
            fake_subject_bsp->repr = subject_bsp->repr;
            fake_subject_bsp->mol = subject_bsp->mol;
            fake_subject_bsp->length = subject_bsp->length;
            fake_subject_bsp->seq_data = subject_bsp->seq_data;
            fake_subject_bsp->seq_data_type = subject_bsp->seq_data_type;
            dbtagptr = DbtagNew();
            dbtagptr->db = StringSave("BL_ORD_ID");
            dbtagptr->tag = ObjectIdNew();

            if (BioseqGetTitle(subject_bsp) != NULL)
              dbtagptr->tag->str = StringSave(BioseqGetTitle(subject_bsp));
              dbtagptr->tag->str = StringSave("No definition line found");

            ValNodeAddPointer(&fake_subject_bsp->id, SEQID_GENERAL, dbtagptr);
            bsp1 = (believe_query ? query_bsp : fake_bsp);
            bsp2 = fake_subject_bsp;
        } else {
            bsp1 = query_bsp;
            bsp2 = subject_bsp;

        tabular_output = (Uint1) myargs[ARG_FORMAT].intvalue; 

    	if (myargs[ARG_SEARCHSP].floatvalue)
           options->searchsp_eff = (Nlm_FloatHi) myargs[ARG_SEARCHSP].floatvalue;

	options->filter_string = StringSave(myargs[ARG_FILTER].strvalue);
	options->expect_value  = (Nlm_FloatHi) myargs [ARG_EVALUE].floatvalue;

        if (StringICmp("blastn", program_name) == 0)
                options->penalty = myargs[ARG_MISMATCH].intvalue;
                options->reward = myargs[ARG_MATCH].intvalue;

	options->db_length = (Int8) myargs[ARG_DBSIZE].floatvalue;

	options->discontinuous = FALSE;

        if (myargs[ARG_XDROP].intvalue != 0)
               options->gap_x_dropoff = myargs[ARG_XDROP].intvalue;
        if (myargs[ARG_WORDSIZE].intvalue != 0)
               options->wordsize = (Int2) myargs[ARG_WORDSIZE].intvalue;

	if (options->is_megablast_search) {
	   options->cutoff_s2 = options->wordsize*options->reward;
	options->matrix = MemFree(options->matrix);
        BLASTOptionSetGapParams(options, myargs[ARG_MATRIX].strvalue, 0, 0); 

        if (myargs[ARG_GAPOPEN].intvalue != -1)
              options->gap_open = myargs[ARG_GAPOPEN].intvalue;
        if (myargs[ARG_GAPEXT].intvalue != -1)
               options->gap_extend = myargs[ARG_GAPEXT].intvalue;

	options->strand_option = myargs[ARG_STRAND].intvalue;

        /* Input longest intron length is in nucleotide scale; in the lower 
           level code it will be used in protein scale */
        if (myargs[ARG_INTRON].intvalue > 0) 
           options->longest_intron = myargs[ARG_INTRON].intvalue;

        if (!myargs[ARG_LOC1].strvalue && !myargs[ARG_LOC2].strvalue) {
           seqalign = BlastTwoSequencesWithCallback(bsp1, bsp2, program_name, 
              options, &other_returns, &error_returns, handle_results);
        } else {
            SeqLocPtr slp1=NULL, slp2=NULL;
            if (BL2SEQ_MakeSeqLoc(bsp1, bsp2, &slp1, &slp2, options->strand_option) == FALSE)
                return 1;
           seqalign = BlastTwoSequencesByLocWithCallback(slp1, slp2, program_name, options, &other_returns, &error_returns, handle_results, NULL);

        if (error_returns) {
           for (vnp = error_returns; vnp; vnp = vnp->next) {
        ka_params = NULL;
        ka_params_gap = NULL;
        params_buffer = NULL;
        mask_loc = NULL;
        matrix = NULL;
        txmatrix = NULL;
        for (vnp=other_returns; vnp; vnp = vnp->next) {
           switch (vnp->choice) {
           case TXKABLK_NOGAP:
              ka_params = vnp->data.ptrvalue;
           case TXKABLK_GAP:
              ka_params_gap = vnp->data.ptrvalue;
           case TXPARAMETERS:
              params_buffer = vnp->data.ptrvalue;
           case TXMATRIX:
              matrix = vnp->data.ptrvalue;
              if (matrix && !tabular_output)
                 txmatrix = BlastMatrixToTxMatrix(matrix);
           case SEQLOC_MASKING_NOTSET:
           case SEQLOC_MASKING_PLUS1:
           case SEQLOC_MASKING_PLUS2:
           case SEQLOC_MASKING_PLUS3:
           case SEQLOC_MASKING_MINUS1:
           case SEQLOC_MASKING_MINUS2:
           case SEQLOC_MASKING_MINUS3:
              ValNodeAddPointer(&mask_loc, vnp->choice, vnp->data.ptrvalue);
        if (!tabular_output || seqannot_output) {
           align_options = 0;
           align_options += TXALIGN_MATRIX_VAL;
           align_options += TXALIGN_SHOW_QS;
           align_options += TXALIGN_COMPRESS;
           align_options += TXALIGN_END_NUM;
           if (StringICmp("blastx", program_name) == 0) {
              align_options += TXALIGN_BLASTX_SPECIAL;
           if (html)
              align_options += TXALIGN_HTML;

           seqannot = SeqAnnotNew();
           seqannot->type = 2;
           AddAlignInfoToSeqAnnot(seqannot, align_type);
           seqannot->data = seqalign;
           aip = NULL;
           if (seqannot_output)
              aip = AsnIoOpen (myargs[ARG_ASNOUT].strvalue,"w");
           if (aip && seqannot) {
              SeqAnnotAsnWrite((SeqAnnotPtr) seqannot, aip, NULL);
              aip = AsnIoClose(aip);
        if (!tabular_output) {    
           AcknowledgeBlastQuery(query_bsp, 70, outfp, believe_query, html);
           ShowTextAlignFromAnnot(seqannot, 60, outfp, NULL, NULL, align_options, txmatrix, mask_loc, FormatScoreFunc);
           seqannot = SeqAnnotFree(seqannot);
           if (txmatrix)
              txmatrix = TxMatrixDestruct(txmatrix);
           if (ka_params) {
              PrintKAParameters(ka_params->Lambda, ka_params->K, ka_params->H, 70, outfp, FALSE);
           if (ka_params_gap) {
              PrintKAParameters(ka_params_gap->Lambda, ka_params_gap->K, ka_params_gap->H, 70, outfp, TRUE);
           PrintTildeSepLines(params_buffer, 70, outfp);
        } else {
           PrintTabularOutputHeader(NULL, query_bsp, NULL, 
              program_name, 0, believe_query, outfp);

           BlastPrintTabulatedResults(seqalign, query_bsp, NULL, 
              1, program_name, !gapped_calculation,
              believe_query, 0, 0, outfp, FALSE);

        matrix = BLAST_MatrixDestruct(matrix);
        mask_loc_start = mask_loc;
        while (mask_loc) {
           mask_loc = mask_loc->next;
        fake_bsp = BlastDeleteFakeBioseq(fake_bsp);

        other_returns = ValNodeFree(other_returns);
    options->query_lcase_mask = SeqLocSetFree(options->query_lcase_mask);
	options = BLASTOptionDelete(options);

        if (entrez_lookup) {
        } else {
	return 0;
Beispiel #6
Int2 Main_new(void)

        BioseqPtr query_bsp=NULL, subject_bsp=NULL;
        BioseqPtr bsp1=NULL, bsp2=NULL;
        BioseqPtr fake_bsp=NULL, fake_subject_bsp=NULL;
        BlastFormattingInfo* format_info = NULL;
        BLAST_SummaryOptions* options=NULL;
        Blast_SummaryReturn* extra_returns = Blast_SummaryReturnNew();
        Boolean believe_query= FALSE;
        Boolean seq1_is_na, seq2_is_na;  /* seq1/2 is DNA if TRUE. */
        Boolean seqannot_output;   /* SeqAlign will be output. */
        Boolean entrez_lookup;     /* QUery/subject fetched from Entrez. */
        Boolean mask_at_hash=FALSE;  /* masking only on lookup table if TRUE. */
        DbtagPtr        dbtagptr;
        EBlastProgramType program_number;
        Int2 status; /* return value */
        EAlignView align_view = eAlignViewPairwise; /* Used for formatting */
        SeqAlignPtr seqalign=NULL;
        SeqEntryPtr sep=NULL, sep1=NULL;
        SeqLocPtr slp1, slp2;   /* Used for actual search. */
        SeqLocPtr filter_loc=NULL;  /* Location of regions filtered (returned by engine) */
        SeqLocPtr lcase_mask=NULL;    /* For lower-case masking info from query FASTA. */
        SeqLoc* repeat_mask = NULL; /* Repeat mask locations */
        Uint1 strand_option = 0; /* FIXME */
        SBlastOptions* search_options = NULL; /* Needed for formatting. */
        SBlastSeqalignArray* seqalign_arr = NULL;
        strand_option = (Uint1) myargs[ARG_STRAND].intvalue;

        entrez_lookup = (Boolean) myargs[ARG_ACCN].intvalue;
        seqannot_output = (myargs[ARG_ASNOUT].strvalue != NULL);
        believe_query = (seqannot_output || entrez_lookup); 
        /* Non-zero value for -m option means tabular output. */
        if (myargs[ARG_FORMAT].intvalue != 0)
           align_view = eAlignViewTabularWithComments; 

        BlastProgram2Number(myargs[ARG_PROGRAM].strvalue, &program_number);

        seq1_is_na = (program_number == eBlastTypeBlastn ||
                  program_number == eBlastTypeBlastx ||
                  program_number == eBlastTypeRpsTblastn ||
                  program_number == eBlastTypeTblastx);

        seq2_is_na = (program_number == eBlastTypeBlastn ||
               program_number == eBlastTypeTblastn ||
               program_number == eBlastTypeTblastx);

        if (BL2SEQ_GetSequences(seq1_is_na, seq2_is_na, &query_bsp, &subject_bsp,
                                &sep, &sep1, &lcase_mask, believe_query) 
            == FALSE)
                ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 1, 0, "blast: Unable to get sequences");
                return (1);

        if (!entrez_lookup) {
            if (!believe_query)
                fake_bsp = BlastMakeFakeBioseq(query_bsp, NULL);
            fake_subject_bsp = BioseqNew();
            fake_subject_bsp->descr = subject_bsp->descr;
            fake_subject_bsp->repr = subject_bsp->repr;
            fake_subject_bsp->mol = subject_bsp->mol;
            fake_subject_bsp->length = subject_bsp->length;
            fake_subject_bsp->seq_data = subject_bsp->seq_data;
            fake_subject_bsp->seq_data_type = subject_bsp->seq_data_type;
            dbtagptr = DbtagNew();
            dbtagptr->db = StringSave("BL_ORD_ID");
            dbtagptr->tag = ObjectIdNew();

            if (BioseqGetTitle(subject_bsp) != NULL)
              dbtagptr->tag->str = StringSave(BioseqGetTitle(subject_bsp));
              dbtagptr->tag->str = StringSave("No definition line found");

            ValNodeAddPointer(&fake_subject_bsp->id, SEQID_GENERAL, dbtagptr);
            bsp1 = (believe_query ? query_bsp : fake_bsp);
            bsp2 = fake_subject_bsp;
        } else { /* Query and subject Bioseqs are already "fake". */
            bsp1 = query_bsp;
            bsp2 = subject_bsp;

        if (BL2SEQ_MakeSeqLoc(bsp1, bsp2, &slp1, &slp2, strand_option) == FALSE)
                return 1;

        if (Bl2SEQ_SummaryOptionsSet(&options, program_number) == FALSE)
                return 1;

        /* Find repeat mask, if necessary */
        if ((status = Blast_FindRepeatFilterSeqLoc(slp1, myargs[ARG_FILTER].strvalue,
                                &repeat_mask, &extra_returns->error)) != 0)
            if (extra_returns && extra_returns->error)
                   ErrSev max_sev = SBlastMessageErrPost(extra_returns->error);
                   if (max_sev >= SEV_ERROR)
                         return status;

        /* Combine repeat mask with lower case mask */
        if (repeat_mask)
            lcase_mask = ValNodeLink(&lcase_mask, repeat_mask);
        status = BLAST_TwoSeqLocSets(options, slp1, slp2, lcase_mask, &seqalign_arr, 
                                     &filter_loc, &mask_at_hash, 

        /* Free the lower case mask in SeqLoc form. */
        lcase_mask = Blast_ValNodeMaskListFree(lcase_mask);

        /* Post warning or error messages, no matter what the search status 
           was. */

        if (status != 0)
                ErrPostEx(SEV_FATAL, 1, 0, "BLAST_TwoSeqLocSets failed");
                return status;

        if (myargs[ARG_ASNOUT].strvalue && seqalign_arr) {
            AsnIoPtr asnout =
               AsnIoOpen(myargs[ARG_ASNOUT].strvalue, (char*)"w");
            GenericSeqAlignSetAsnWrite(seqalign_arr->array[0], asnout);
            asnout = AsnIoClose(asnout);

        /* Pass NULL for the database name, since there is no database. */
        BlastFormattingInfoNewBasic(align_view, options, slp1, 
                                    myargs[ARG_OUT].strvalue, &search_options,
        /* Always show gis in the output, hence pass TRUE for respective 
           argument. */
        BlastFormattingInfoSetUpOptions(format_info, 0, 1,
                                        (Boolean) myargs[ARG_HTML].intvalue,
                                        (Boolean) myargs[ARG_USEMEGABLAST].intvalue,
                                        TRUE, believe_query);

        /* If masking was at hash only, free the masking locations,
         * to prevent them from being used for formatting.
        if (SBlastOptionsGetMaskAtHash(search_options))
            filter_loc = Blast_ValNodeMaskListFree(filter_loc);

        /* Format the results */
        status = 
            BLAST_FormatResults(seqalign_arr, 1, slp1, filter_loc, format_info, 
        status = Blast_PrintOutputFooter(format_info, extra_returns);

        /* Free masking locations if they haven't been freed already. */
        filter_loc = Blast_ValNodeMaskListFree(filter_loc);

        format_info = BlastFormattingInfoFree(format_info);
        extra_returns = Blast_SummaryReturnFree(extra_returns);
        search_options = SBlastOptionsFree(search_options);

        if (entrez_lookup) {
        } else {

        options = BLAST_SummaryOptionsFree(options);
        seqalign_arr = SBlastSeqalignArrayFree(seqalign_arr);
        slp1 = SeqLocSetFree(slp1);
        slp2 = SeqLocSetFree(slp2);

        fake_bsp = BlastDeleteFakeBioseq(fake_bsp);

        return 0;

Beispiel #7
void BioseqRawToRaw(BioseqPtr bsp, Boolean idonly,
              short whichSeq, short *seqnum,
              char **seq, char **seqid, long *seqlen)
  SeqPortPtr spp;
  SeqIdPtr bestid;
  Uint1 repr, code, residue;
  CharPtr tmp, title;
  long  outlen, outmax;
  char  localid[256], *sp;

  /* !!! this may be called several times for a single sequence
    because SeqEntryExplore looks for parts and joins them...
    assume seq, seqid, seqlen may contain data (or NULL)
  if (bsp == NULL) return;
  repr = Bioseq_repr(bsp);
  if (!(repr == Seq_repr_raw || repr == Seq_repr_const)) return;

  if (!(whichSeq == *seqnum || whichSeq == 0)) return;

  bestid = SeqIdFindBest(bsp->id, (Uint1) 0);
  title = BioseqGetTitle(bsp);
  if (idonly) {
    sprintf(localid, " %d)  ", *seqnum);
    tmp= localid + strlen(localid)-1;
  else {
    strcpy(localid," ");
    tmp= localid;
  tmp = SeqIdPrint(bestid, tmp, PRINTID_FASTA_SHORT);
  tmp = StringMove(tmp, " ");
  StringNCpy(tmp, title, 200);
/* fprintf(stderr,"BioseqRawToRaw: localid='%s'\n",localid); */

          /* < seqid is fixed storage */
  /* strcpy( *seqid, localid);  */
          /* < seqid is variable sized */
  outmax= strlen(localid) + 3;
  if (*seqid==NULL) {
    *seqid= (char*) malloc(outmax);
    if (*seqid==NULL) return;
    strcpy(*seqid, localid);
  else {
    outmax += strlen(*seqid) + 2;
    *seqid= (char*) realloc( *seqid, outmax);
    if (*seqid==NULL) return;
    if (!idonly) strcat(*seqid, "; ");
    strcat(*seqid, localid);

  if (idonly) {

  if (ISA_na(bsp->mol)) code = Seq_code_iupacna;
  else code = Seq_code_iupacaa;
  spp = SeqPortNew(bsp, 0, -1, 0, code);
  SeqPortSeek(spp, 0, SEEK_SET);

  sp= *seq;
  if (sp==NULL) {  /* this is always true now !? */
    outlen= 0;
    outmax= 500;
    sp= (char*) malloc(outmax);
  else {
    outlen= strlen(sp);
    outmax= outlen + 500;
    sp= (char*) realloc( sp, outmax);
  if (sp==NULL) return;

  while ((residue = SeqPortGetResidue(spp)) != SEQPORT_EOF) {
    if (outlen>=outmax) {
      outmax= outlen + 500;
      sp= (char*) realloc(sp, outmax);
      if (sp==NULL) return;
    sp[outlen++] = residue;
  sp= (char*) realloc(sp, outlen+1);
  if (sp!=NULL) sp[outlen]= '\0';
  *seq= sp;
  *seqlen= outlen;
Beispiel #8
static int LIBCALLBACK
MegaBlastPrintEndpoints(VoidPtr ptr)
   BlastSearchBlkPtr search = (BlastSearchBlkPtr) ptr;
   CharPtr subject_descr;
   SeqIdPtr sip, query_id;
   CharPtr query_buffer, title;
   CharPtr subject_buffer;
   Int4 query_length, q_start, q_end, q_shift=0, s_shift=0;
   Int4 subject_end;
   Int4 hsp_index;
   Boolean numeric_sip_type = FALSE;
   BLAST_HSPPtr hsp; 
   Int2 context;
   Char context_sign;
   Int4 subject_gi, score;
   FILE *fp = (FILE *) search->output;

   if (search->current_hitlist == NULL || search->current_hitlist->hspcnt <= 0) {
      search->subject_info = BLASTSubjectInfoDestruct(search->subject_info);
      return 0;

   if (search->rdfp)
      readdb_get_descriptor(search->rdfp, search->subject_id, &sip,
      sip = SeqIdSetDup(search->subject_info->sip);
   if (sip->choice != SEQID_GENERAL ||
       StringCmp(((DbtagPtr)sip->data.ptrvalue)->db, "BL_ORD_ID")) {
      if (search->pbp->mb_params->full_seqids) {
         subject_buffer = (CharPtr) Malloc(BUFFER_LENGTH + 1);
         SeqIdWrite(sip, subject_buffer, PRINTID_FASTA_LONG, BUFFER_LENGTH);
      } else
         numeric_sip_type = GetAccessionFromSeqId(SeqIdFindBest(sip, SEQID_GI), 
                                                  &subject_gi, &subject_buffer);
   } else {
      DbtagPtr db_tag = (DbtagPtr) sip->data.ptrvalue;
      if (db_tag->db && 
          (!StringCmp(db_tag->db, "THC") || 
           !StringICmp(db_tag->db, "TI")) && 
          db_tag->tag->id != 0) {
         subject_buffer = (CharPtr) Malloc(16);
         sprintf(subject_buffer, "%ld", (long) db_tag->tag->id);
      } else {
         subject_buffer = StringTokMT(subject_descr, " \t", &subject_descr);
         subject_descr = subject_buffer;

   search->current_hitlist->hspcnt_max = search->current_hitlist->hspcnt;

   /* Only for the two sequences case, get offset shift if subject 
      is a subsequence */
   if (!search->rdfp && search->query_slp->next) {
       s_shift = SeqLocStart(search->query_slp->next);
       subject_end = SeqLocStop(search->query_slp->next);
   } else {
      s_shift = 0;
      subject_end = 
         readdb_get_sequence_length(search->rdfp, search->subject_id);
   /* Get offset shift if query is a subsequence */
   q_shift = SeqLocStart(search->query_slp);

   for (hsp_index=0; hsp_index<search->current_hitlist->hspcnt; hsp_index++) {
      hsp = search->current_hitlist->hsp_array[hsp_index];
      if (hsp==NULL || (search->pbp->cutoff_e > 0 && 
      hsp->evalue > search->pbp->cutoff_e)) 
      /* Correct query context is already found in BlastGetNonSumStatsEvalue */
      context = hsp->context; 
      query_id = search->qid_array[context/2];

      if (query_id == NULL) /* Bad hsp, something wrong */
      hsp->context = context & 1;      
      query_length = search->query_context_offsets[context+1] -
         search->query_context_offsets[context] - 1;
      hsp->subject.end = hsp->subject.offset + hsp->subject.length;

      if (hsp->context) {
     hsp->query.end = query_length - hsp->query.offset;
     hsp->query.offset = 
        hsp->query.end - hsp->query.length + 1;
     context_sign = '-'; 
      } else {
     hsp->query.end = (++hsp->query.offset) + hsp->query.length - 1;
         if (hsp->query.end > query_length) {
            hsp->subject.end -= (hsp->query.end - query_length);
            hsp->query.end = query_length;
     context_sign = '+';  
      if (hsp->subject.end > subject_end) {
         hsp->query.end -= (hsp->subject.end - subject_end);
         hsp->subject.end = subject_end;
      query_buffer = NULL;
      if (query_id->choice == SEQID_LOCAL && 
          search->pbp->mb_params->full_seqids) {
         BioseqPtr query_bsp = BioseqLockById(query_id);
         title = StringSave(BioseqGetTitle(query_bsp));
         if (title)
            query_buffer = StringTokMT(title, " ", &title);
         else {
            Int4 query_gi;
            GetAccessionFromSeqId(query_bsp->id, &query_gi,
      } else {
         query_buffer = (CharPtr) Malloc(BUFFER_LENGTH + 1);
         if (!search->pbp->mb_params->full_seqids)
            SeqIdWrite(query_id, query_buffer, PRINTID_TEXTID_ACCESSION,
            SeqIdWrite(query_id, query_buffer, PRINTID_FASTA_LONG,

      if (search->pbp->gap_open==0 && search->pbp->gap_extend==0)
     score = ((hsp->subject.length + hsp->query.length)*
           search->sbp->reward / 2 - hsp->score) / 
        (search->sbp->reward - search->sbp->penalty);
     score = hsp->score;

      if (context_sign == '+') {
     q_start = hsp->query.offset;
     q_end = hsp->query.end;
      } else {
     q_start = hsp->query.end;
     q_end = hsp->query.offset;

      /* Adjust offsets if query is a subsequence, only for first query */
      if (context < 2) {
          q_start += q_shift;
          q_end += q_shift;

      hsp->subject.offset += s_shift;
      hsp->subject.end += s_shift;

      if (numeric_sip_type)
     fprintf(fp, "'%ld'=='%c%s' (%d %d %d %d) %d\n", (long) subject_gi, 
         context_sign, query_buffer, hsp->subject.offset, q_start, 
         hsp->subject.end, q_end, score);
     fprintf(fp, "'%s'=='%c%s' (%d %d %d %d) %d\n", 
         subject_buffer, context_sign, query_buffer, 
         hsp->subject.offset, q_start, 
         hsp->subject.end, q_end, score);
   if (!numeric_sip_type && subject_buffer != subject_descr)
   sip = SeqIdSetFree(sip);
   return 0;
Beispiel #9
static int LIBCALLBACK
MegaBlastPrintSegments(VoidPtr ptr)
   BlastSearchBlkPtr search = (BlastSearchBlkPtr) ptr;
   ReadDBFILEPtr rdfp = search->rdfp;
   BLAST_HSPPtr hsp; 
   Int4 i, subject_gi;
   Int2 context;
   CharPtr query_buffer, title;
   SeqIdPtr sip, query_id; 
   Int4 hsp_index, score;
   Uint1Ptr query_seq, subject_seq = NULL;
   FloatHi perc_ident;
   Char strand;
   GapXEditScriptPtr esp;
   Int4 q_start, q_end, s_start, s_end, query_length, numseg;
   Int4 q_off, num_ident, align_length, total_ident, q_shift=0, s_shift=0;
   Int4Ptr length, start;
   Uint1Ptr strands;
   CharPtr subject_descr, subject_buffer, buffer;
   Char tmp_buffer[BUFFER_LENGTH];
   Int4 buffer_size, max_buffer_size = LARGE_BUFFER_LENGTH;
   Boolean numeric_sip_type = FALSE;
   FILE *fp = (FILE *) search->output;

   if (search->current_hitlist == NULL || search->current_hitlist->hspcnt <= 0) {
      search->subject_info = BLASTSubjectInfoDestruct(search->subject_info);
      return 0;

   subject_seq = search->subject->sequence_start + 1;

   if (rdfp)
      readdb_get_descriptor(rdfp, search->subject_id, &sip, &subject_descr);
      sip = SeqIdSetDup(search->subject_info->sip);

   if (sip->choice != SEQID_GENERAL ||
       StringCmp(((DbtagPtr)sip->data.ptrvalue)->db, "BL_ORD_ID")) {
      if (search->pbp->mb_params->full_seqids) { 
         subject_buffer = (CharPtr) Malloc(BUFFER_LENGTH + 1);
         SeqIdWrite(sip, subject_buffer, PRINTID_FASTA_LONG, BUFFER_LENGTH);
      } else
         numeric_sip_type = GetAccessionFromSeqId(SeqIdFindBest(sip, SEQID_GI), 
                                                  &subject_gi, &subject_buffer);
   } else {
      subject_buffer = StringTokMT(subject_descr, " \t", &subject_descr);
      subject_descr = subject_buffer;

   buffer = (CharPtr) Malloc(LARGE_BUFFER_LENGTH);

   /* Only for the two sequences case, get offset shift if subject 
      is a subsequence */
   if (!rdfp && search->query_slp->next)
       s_shift = SeqLocStart(search->query_slp->next);
   /* Get offset shift if query is a subsequence */
   q_shift = SeqLocStart(search->query_slp);
   for (hsp_index=0; hsp_index<search->current_hitlist->hspcnt; hsp_index++) {
      hsp = search->current_hitlist->hsp_array[hsp_index];
      if (hsp==NULL || (search->pbp->cutoff_e > 0 && 
                        hsp->evalue > search->pbp->cutoff_e)) {
      context = hsp->context;
      query_id = search->qid_array[context/2];

      if (query_id == NULL) /* Bad hsp, something wrong */
      hsp->context = context & 1;

      if (search->pbp->gap_open==0 && search->pbp->gap_extend==0)
     score = ((hsp->subject.length + hsp->query.length)*
           search->sbp->reward / 2 - hsp->score) / 
        (search->sbp->reward - search->sbp->penalty);
     score = hsp->score;

      query_length = search->query_context_offsets[context+1] -
         search->query_context_offsets[context] - 1;

      q_off = hsp->query.offset;
      if (hsp->context) {
     strand = '-'; 
     hsp->query.end = query_length - hsp->query.offset;
     hsp->query.offset = 
        hsp->query.end - hsp->query.length;
      } else {
     strand = '+';  
     hsp->query.end = hsp->query.offset + hsp->query.length;

      if (strand == '+') {
     q_start = hsp->query.offset + 1;
     q_end = hsp->query.end;
      } else {
     q_start = hsp->query.end;
     q_end = hsp->query.offset + 1;
      s_start = hsp->subject.offset + 1;
      s_end = hsp->subject.offset + hsp->subject.length;

      /* Adjust offsets if query is a subsequence, only for first query */
      if (context < 2) {
          q_start += q_shift;
          q_end += q_shift;

      s_start += s_shift;
      s_end += s_shift;

      if (query_id->choice == SEQID_LOCAL && 
          search->pbp->mb_params->full_seqids) {
         BioseqPtr query_bsp = BioseqLockById(query_id);
         title = StringSave(BioseqGetTitle(query_bsp));
         if (title)
            query_buffer = StringTokMT(title, " ", &title);
         else {
            Int4 query_gi;
            GetAccessionFromSeqId(query_bsp->id, &query_gi,
      } else {
         query_buffer = (CharPtr) Malloc(BUFFER_LENGTH + 1);
         if (!search->pbp->mb_params->full_seqids)
            SeqIdWrite(query_id, query_buffer, PRINTID_TEXTID_ACCESSION,
            SeqIdWrite(query_id, query_buffer, PRINTID_FASTA_LONG,

      if (numeric_sip_type)
     sprintf(buffer, "\n#'>%ld'=='%c%s' (%d %d %d %d) %d\na {\n  s %d\n  b %d %d\n  e %d %d\n", 
          (long) subject_gi, strand, query_buffer, 
          s_start, q_start, s_end, q_end, score, score, 
          s_start, q_start, s_end, q_end);
     sprintf(buffer, "\n#'>%s'=='%c%s' (%d %d %d %d) %d\na {\n  s %d\n  b %d %d\n  e %d %d\n", 
          subject_buffer, strand, query_buffer, 
          s_start, q_start, s_end, q_end, score, score, 
          s_start, q_start, s_end, q_end);
      buffer_size = StringLen(buffer);

      query_seq = search->context[context].query->sequence;

      esp = hsp->gap_info->esp;
      for (numseg=0; esp; esp = esp->next, numseg++);

      GXECollectDataForSeqalign(hsp->gap_info, hsp->gap_info->esp, numseg,
                &start, &length, &strands, 
                &q_off, &hsp->subject.offset);

      if (start[0] < 0) {
         length[0] += start[0];
         start[1] -= start[0];
         start[0] = 0;
      if (start[2*(numseg-1)] + length[numseg-1] > query_length) 
         length[numseg-1] = query_length - start[2*(numseg-1)];
      total_ident = 0;
      align_length = 0;
      for (i=0; i<numseg; i++) {
         align_length += length[i];
     if (strand == '+') {
        q_start = start[2*i] + 1;
        q_end = q_start + length[i] - 1;
     } else {
        q_start = query_length - start[2*i];
        q_end = q_start - length[i] + 1;
     if (start[2*i] != -1 && start[2*i+1] != -1) {
        num_ident = MegaBlastGetNumIdentical(query_seq, subject_seq, 
                                                 start[2*i], start[2*i+1], 
                                                 length[i], FALSE);
            perc_ident = (FloatHi) num_ident / length[i] * 100;
            total_ident += num_ident;
        sprintf(tmp_buffer, "  l %d %d %d %d (%.0f)\n", start[2*i+1]+1, 
            q_start, start[2*i+1]+length[i],
            q_end, perc_ident);     
        if ((buffer_size += StringLen(tmp_buffer)) > max_buffer_size - 2) {
           max_buffer_size *= 2;
           buffer = (CharPtr) Realloc(buffer, max_buffer_size);
        StringCat(buffer, tmp_buffer);
      if (100*total_ident >= 
          align_length*search->pbp->mb_params->perc_identity) {
        StringCat(buffer, "}");
        fprintf(fp, "%s\n", buffer);
   } /* End loop on hsp's */
   if (!numeric_sip_type && subject_buffer != subject_descr)
   sip = SeqIdSetFree(sip);
   return 1;
Beispiel #10
/** Creates the header part of an XML report for a BLAST search.
 * @param program Program name [in]
 * @param database Database name [in]
 * @param query_loc Query Seq-loc [in]
 * @param flags Flag to indicate whether query sequence should be included in
 *              the output. [in]
 * @param search_param Search parameters [in]
static BlastOutput* 
s_CreateBlastOutputHead(const char* program, const char* database, 
                        SeqLoc* query_loc, Int4 flags, 
                        const Blast_SearchParams* search_param)
    BlastOutput* boutp;
    Char buffer[1024];
    char* program_to_use = NULL;
    if((boutp = BlastOutputNew()) == NULL)
        return FALSE;
    if (strcmp(program, "rpsblast") == 0)
        program_to_use = strdup("blastp");
    else if (strcmp(program, "rpstblastn") == 0)
        program_to_use = strdup("blastx");
        program_to_use = strdup(program);

    /* For optimization BLOSUM62 may be loaded ones */
    if (query_loc) {
       SeqId* sip = SeqLocId(query_loc);
       Bioseq* bsp;
       SeqIdWrite(sip, buffer, PRINTID_FASTA_LONG, sizeof(buffer));
       boutp->query_ID = strdup(buffer);

       bsp = BioseqLockById(sip);

       if(bsp != NULL) {
          if (BioseqGetTitle(bsp) != NULL)
             boutp->query_def = strdup(BioseqGetTitle(bsp));
             boutp->query_def = strdup("No definition line found");

       boutp->query_len = SeqLocLen(query_loc);

       if(flags & BXML_INCLUDE_QUERY) {
           boutp->query_seq = (char *) calloc(boutp->query_len+1, 1);
                            STREAM_EXPAND_GAPS | STREAM_CORRECT_INVAL,
                            boutp->query_seq, NULL);
       } else {
          boutp->query_seq = NULL;    /* Do we need sequence here??? */
    /* Program name. Use the local version of the program. No need to copy it
       since it was locally allocated. */
    boutp->program = program_to_use;

    /* Database name */
    if (database)
        boutp->db = strdup(database);

    /* Version text */
    sprintf(buffer, "%s %s [%s]", program_to_use, BlastGetVersionNumber(), 
    boutp->version = strdup(buffer);

    /* Reference */
    boutp->reference = BlastGetReference(FALSE);

    /* Filling parameters */
    boutp->param = ParametersNew();    
    boutp->param->expect = search_param->expect;
    boutp->param->gap_open = search_param->gap_open;
    boutp->param->gap_extend = search_param->gap_extension;
    if (search_param->matrix)
        boutp->param->matrix = strdup(search_param->matrix);
    boutp->param->sc_match = search_param->match;
    boutp->param->sc_mismatch = search_param->mismatch;
    boutp->param->include = search_param->ethresh;
    if (search_param->filter_string)
        boutp->param->filter = strdup(search_param->filter_string);
    return boutp;
Beispiel #11
Int2 Main(void)
	AsnIoPtr       aip;
	SeqEntryPtr    sep;
	BioseqPtr PNTR seqlist;
	Int4           seqnum, i, numseg, lens[10], j;
	Int2           ctr;
	SeqPortPtr     spp;
	Uint1          residue;
	FILE*          fp;
	CharPtr        title;
	Char           buffer[101];
	MonitorPtr     mon;

						/* check command line arguments */

	if ( ! GetArgs("SeqTest",NUMARG, myargs))
		return 1;

	mon = MonitorStrNew("SeqTest", 40);
	SetProgMon(StdProgMon, (Pointer)mon);

	** Load SeqEntry object loader and sequence alphabets

	if (! SeqEntryLoad()) {
		Message(MSG_ERROR, "SeqEntryLoad failed");
		return 1;

	** Use the file "example.prt" as the ASN I/O stream.  This file
	** can be found in the ncbi/demo.  It is in ASN.1 Print Value format.

	if ((aip = AsnIoOpen(myargs[0].strvalue, "r")) == NULL)
		return 1;

	** Write the output to "seqtest.out".

	fp = FileOpen(myargs[1].strvalue, "w");
	fprintf(fp, "Sequence summary:\n\n");

	** Read in the whole entry into the Sequence Entry Pointer, sep.
	** Close the ASN stream, which in turn closes the input file.

	sep = SeqEntryAsnRead(aip, NULL);
	aip = AsnIoClose(aip);

	mon = MonitorFree(mon);
	SetProgMon(NULL, NULL);

	** Determine how many Bioseqs are in this SeqEntry. Allocate
	** enough memory to hold a list of pointer to all of these
	** Bioseqs.  Invoke an Explore function to "visit"each Bioseq.
	** We are allowed to pass one pointer for use by the exploring
	** function, in this case, "BuildList".

	seqnum = BioseqCount(sep);
	seqlist = MemNew((size_t)(seqnum * sizeof(BioseqPtr)));
	BioseqExplore(sep, (Pointer) seqlist, BuildList);

	** For each Bioseq in the SeqEntry write out it's title
	** len, number of gaps, and number of segments. Write out
	** the length of each segment, up to 10.

	for(i = 0; i < seqnum; i++) {
		numseg = BioseqCountSegs(seqlist[i]);
		title = BioseqGetTitle(seqlist[i]);
		FilePuts((VoidPtr)title, fp);
		FilePuts("\n", fp);
		fprintf(fp, "len=%ld gaps=%ld segs=%ld\n", BioseqGetLen(seqlist[i]),
		BioseqGetGaps(seqlist[i]), numseg);
		if ((numseg > 1) && (numseg <= 10)) {
			BioseqGetSegLens (seqlist[i], lens);
			for (j = 0; j < numseg; j++)
				fprintf(fp, "  len = %ld\n", lens[j]);
		FilePuts("\n", fp);

	spp = SeqPortNew(seqlist[0], 0, -1, 0, Seq_code_iupacna);
	if (spp == NULL)
		Message(MSG_ERROR, "fail on SeqPortNew");

	fprintf(fp, "SeqPort: plus strand with SeqPortGetResidue\n\n");

	i = 0;
	while ((residue = SeqPortGetResidue(spp)) != SEQPORT_EOF) {
		if (! IS_residue(residue)) {
			buffer[i] = '\0';
			fprintf(fp, "%s\n", buffer);
			i = 0;
			switch (residue)
				case SEQPORT_VIRT:
					fprintf(fp, "[Gap]\n");
				case SEQPORT_EOS:
					fprintf(fp, "[EOS]\n");
					fprintf(fp, "[Invalid Residue]\n");

		else {
			buffer[i] = residue;
			if (i == 60) {
				buffer[i] = '\0';
				fprintf(fp, "%s\n", buffer);
				i = 0;

	if (i) {
		buffer[i] = '\0';
		fprintf(fp, "%s\n", buffer);

	fprintf(fp, "[EOF]\n");

	fprintf(fp, "\nSeqPort on minus with SeqPortRead\n\n");
	spp = SeqPortNew(seqlist[0], 0, -1, Seq_strand_minus, Seq_code_iupacna);

	if (spp == NULL)
		Message(MSG_ERROR, "fail on SeqPortNew");

	do {
		ctr = SeqPortRead(spp, (Uint1Ptr)buffer, 60);
		if (ctr > 0) {
			buffer[ctr] = '\0';
			fprintf(fp, "%s\n", buffer);
		} else {
			ctr *= -1;
			switch (ctr)
				case SEQPORT_VIRT:
					fprintf(fp, "[Gap]\n");
				case SEQPORT_EOS:
					fprintf(fp, "[EOS]\n");
				case SEQPORT_EOF:
					fprintf(fp, "[EOF]\n");
					fprintf(fp, "[Invalid Residue]\n");
	} while (ctr != SEQPORT_EOF);


	** Write out the nucleic acid sequences in this SeqEntry

	fprintf(fp, "\nNucleic Acids in FASTA format:\n\n");
	SeqEntryToFasta(sep, fp, TRUE);

	** Write out the protein sequences in this SeqEntry.

	fprintf(fp, "\nProteins in FASTA format:\n\n");
	SeqEntryToFasta(sep, fp, FALSE);

	** Close the output file and free up allocated space.


	return 0;