void UAnimSingleNodeInstance::UpdateBlendspaceSamples(FVector InBlendInput)
	if (UBlendSpaceBase* BlendSpace = Cast<UBlendSpaceBase>(CurrentAsset))
		float CurrentTime = 0.f;
		BlendSpaceAdvanceImmediate(BlendSpace, InBlendInput, BlendSampleData, BlendFilter, false, 1.f, 0.f, CurrentTime);
void UAnimSingleNodeInstance::NativeUpdateAnimation(float DeltaTimeX)
	float NewDeltaTime = DeltaTimeX;
	if (bReverse)
		NewDeltaTime = -NewDeltaTime;

	UAnimSequence* PreviewBasePose = NULL;

	if (!bPlaying)
		// if not playing, make DeltaTime to be 0.f;
		// we still have to tick when NewDeltaTime == 0.f for retrieving curve datas
		// -i.e. Morph Target Curves
		// if we need an optimization, we can just grab curve separate, but for now this is better for consistency
		NewDeltaTime = 0.f;

	if(CurrentAsset != NULL)
		if (UBlendSpaceBase* BlendSpace = Cast<UBlendSpaceBase>(CurrentAsset))
			BlendSpaceAdvanceImmediate(BlendSpace, BlendSpaceInput, BlendSampleData, BlendFilter, bLooping, PlayRate, NewDeltaTime, CurrentTime);
			PreviewBasePose = BlendSpace->PreviewBasePose;
		else if (UAnimSequence* Sequence = Cast<UAnimSequence>(CurrentAsset))
			SequenceAdvanceImmediate(Sequence, bLooping, PlayRate, NewDeltaTime, CurrentTime);

			// if it's not looping, just set play to be false when reached to end
			if (!bLooping)
				if ((bReverse && CurrentTime <= 0.f) || (!bReverse && CurrentTime >= Sequence->SequenceLength))
		else if(UAnimComposite* Composite = Cast<UAnimComposite>(CurrentAsset))
			SequenceAdvanceImmediate(Composite, bLooping, PlayRate, NewDeltaTime, CurrentTime);

			// if it's not looping, just set play to be false when reached to end
			if (!bLooping)
				if ((bReverse && CurrentTime <= 0.f) || (!bReverse && CurrentTime >= Composite->SequenceLength))
		else if (UAnimMontage * Montage = Cast<UAnimMontage>(CurrentAsset))
			// Full weight , if you don't have slot track, you won't be able to see animation playing
			if ( Montage->SlotAnimTracks.Num() > 0 )
				UpdateSlotNodeWeight(Montage->SlotAnimTracks[0].SlotName, 1.f);		
			// get the montage position
			// @todo anim: temporarily just choose first slot and show the location
			FAnimMontageInstance * ActiveMontageInstance = GetActiveMontageInstance();
			if (ActiveMontageInstance)
				CurrentTime = ActiveMontageInstance->Position;
			else if (bPlaying)
			PreviewBasePose = Montage->PreviewBasePose;
	else if(CurrentVertexAnim != NULL)
		float MoveDelta = NewDeltaTime * PlayRate;
		FAnimationRuntime::AdvanceTime(bLooping, MoveDelta, CurrentTime, CurrentVertexAnim->GetAnimLength());

		float MoveDelta = NewDeltaTime * PlayRate;
		const bool bIsPreviewPoseLooping = true;

		FAnimationRuntime::AdvanceTime(bIsPreviewPoseLooping, MoveDelta, PreviewPoseCurrentTime, PreviewBasePose->SequenceLength);