Beispiel #1
static void drawCDKButtonText (CDKBUTTON *button)
   int boxWidth = button->boxWidth;
   int i;

   /* Draw in the message. */

   for (i = 0; i < boxWidth - 2 * BorderOf (button); i++)
      chtype c;
      int pos = button->infoPos;
      int len = button->infoLen;

      if (i >= pos && (i - pos) < len)
	 c = button->info[i - pos];
	 c = ' ';

      if (HasFocusObj (button))
	 c = A_REVERSE | CharOf (c);

      mvwaddch (button->win, BorderOf (button), i + BorderOf (button), c);
Beispiel #2
static int do_delete1 (CB_PARAMS)
   CDKFSELECT *widget = (CDKFSELECT *)clientdata;
   int size;
   char **list = getCDKFselectContents (widget, &size);
   int result = FALSE;

   if (size)
      int save = getCDKScrollCurrentTop (widget->scrollField);
      int first = getCDKFselectCurrentItem (widget);

      if (first-- > 0)
	 int n;

	 fill_undo (widget, first, list[first]);
	 for (n = first; n < size; ++n)
	    list[n] = list[n + 1];
	 setCDKFselectContents (widget, (CDK_CSTRING2)list, size - 1);
	 setCDKScrollCurrentTop (widget->scrollField, save);
	 setCDKFselectCurrentItem (widget, first);
	 drawCDKFselect (widget, BorderOf (widget));
	 result = TRUE;
   return result;
Beispiel #3
static int do_undo (CB_PARAMS)
   int result = FALSE;

   if (undoSize > 0)
      CDKFSELECT *widget = (CDKFSELECT *)clientdata;
      int size;
      int n;
      char **oldlist = getCDKFselectContents (widget, &size);
      char **newlist = (char **)malloc ((size_t) (++size + 1) * sizeof (char *));

      newlist[size] = 0;
      for (n = size - 1; n > myUndoList[undoSize].deleted; --n)
	 newlist[n] = copyChar (oldlist[n - 1]);
      newlist[n--] = copyChar (myUserList[myUndoList[undoSize].original]);
      while (n >= 0)
	 newlist[n] = copyChar (oldlist[n]);
      setCDKFselectContents (widget, (CDK_CSTRING2)newlist, size);
      setCDKScrollCurrentTop (widget->scrollField, myUndoList[undoSize].topline);
      setCDKFselectCurrentItem (widget, myUndoList[undoSize].position);
      drawCDKFselect (widget, BorderOf (widget));
      free (newlist);
      result = TRUE;
   return result;
Beispiel #4
 * This creates a marquee widget.
CDKMARQUEE *newCDKMarquee (CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen,
			   int xplace,
			   int yplace,
			   int width,
			   boolean Box,
			   boolean shadow)
   CDKMARQUEE *widget	= 0;
   int parentWidth	= getmaxx (cdkscreen->window);
   int xpos		= xplace;
   int ypos		= yplace;
   int boxHeight;
   int boxWidth;

   if ((widget = newCDKObject (CDKMARQUEE, &my_funcs)) == 0)
        return (0);

   setCDKMarqueeBox (widget, Box);

   boxWidth = setWidgetDimension (parentWidth, width, 0);
   boxHeight = (BorderOf (widget) * 2) + 1;

   /* Rejustify the x and y positions if we need to. */
   alignxy (cdkscreen->window, &xpos, &ypos, boxWidth, boxHeight);

   /* Create the widget pointer. */
   ScreenOf (widget)	= cdkscreen;
   widget->parent	= cdkscreen->window;
   widget->win		= newwin (boxHeight, boxWidth, ypos, xpos);
   widget->boxHeight	= boxHeight;
   widget->boxWidth	= boxWidth;
   widget->shadowWin	= 0;
   widget->active	= TRUE;
   widget->width	= width;
   widget->shadow	= shadow;

   /* Is the window null??? */
   if (widget->win == 0)
      destroyCDKObject (widget);
      return (0);

   /* Do we want a shadow? */
   if (shadow)
      widget->shadowWin = subwin (cdkscreen->window,
				  boxHeight, boxWidth,
				  ypos + 1, xpos + 1);

   keypad (widget->win, TRUE);

   registerCDKObject (cdkscreen, vMARQUEE, widget);

   return (widget);
Beispiel #5
static int do_reload (CB_PARAMS)
   int result = FALSE;

   if (userSize)
      CDKFSELECT *widget = (CDKFSELECT *)clientdata;
      setCDKFselectContents (widget, (CDK_CSTRING2)myUserList, userSize);
      setCDKFselectCurrentItem (widget, 0);
      drawCDKFselect (widget, BorderOf (widget));
      result = TRUE;
   return result;
Beispiel #6
 * This sets the information within the button.
void setCDKButtonMessage (CDKBUTTON *button, const char *info)
   /* Clean out the old message. */
   freeChtype (button->info);
   button->infoPos = 0;
   button->infoLen = 0;

   /* Copy in the new message. */

   button->info = char2Chtype (info, &button->infoLen, &button->infoPos);
   button->infoPos = justifyString (button->boxWidth - 2 * BorderOf (button),
				    button->infoLen, button->infoPos);

   /* Redraw the button widget. */
   eraseCDKButton (button);
   drawCDKButton (button, ObjOf (button)->box);
Beispiel #7
 * This creates the alphalist widget.
CDKALPHALIST *newCDKAlphalist (CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen,
			       int xplace,
			       int yplace,
			       int height,
			       int width,
			       char *title,
			       char *label,
			       char **list,
			       int listSize,
			       chtype fillerChar,
			       chtype highlight,
			       boolean Box,
			       boolean shadow)
   CDKALPHALIST *alphalist	= 0;
   chtype *chtypeLabel		= 0;
   int parentWidth		= getmaxx (cdkscreen->window);
   int parentHeight		= getmaxy (cdkscreen->window);
   int boxWidth			= width;
   int boxHeight		= height;
   int xpos			= xplace;
   int ypos			= yplace;
   int tempWidth		= 0;
   int tempHeight		= 0;
   int labelLen			= 0;
   int x, junk2;

   static const struct { int from; int to; } bindings[] = {

   if ((alphalist = newCDKObject (CDKALPHALIST, &my_funcs)) == 0
       || !createList (alphalist, list, listSize))
      destroyCDKObject (alphalist);
      return (0);

   setCDKAlphalistBox (alphalist, Box);

    * If the height is a negative value, the height will
    * be ROWS-height, otherwise, the height will be the
    * given height.
   boxHeight = setWidgetDimension (parentHeight, height, 0);

    * If the width is a negative value, the width will
    * be COLS-width, otherwise, the width will be the
    * given width.
   boxWidth = setWidgetDimension (parentWidth, width, 0);

   /* Translate the label char *pointer to a chtype pointer. */
   if (label != 0)
      chtypeLabel = char2Chtype (label, &labelLen, &junk2);
      freeChtype (chtypeLabel);

   /* Rejustify the x and y positions if we need to. */
   alignxy (cdkscreen->window, &xpos, &ypos, boxWidth, boxHeight);

   /* Make the file selector window. */
   alphalist->win = newwin (boxHeight, boxWidth, ypos, xpos);

   if (alphalist->win == 0)
      destroyCDKObject (alphalist);
      return (0);
   keypad (alphalist->win, TRUE);

   /* Set some variables. */
   ScreenOf (alphalist)		= cdkscreen;
   alphalist->parent		= cdkscreen->window;
   alphalist->highlight		= highlight;
   alphalist->fillerChar	= fillerChar;
   alphalist->boxHeight		= boxHeight;
   alphalist->boxWidth		= boxWidth;
   initExitType (alphalist);
   alphalist->shadow		= shadow;
   alphalist->shadowWin		= 0;

   /* Do we want a shadow? */
   if (shadow)
      alphalist->shadowWin = newwin (boxHeight, boxWidth, ypos + 1, xpos + 1);

   /* Create the entry field. */
   tempWidth = (isFullWidth (width)
		? FULL
		: boxWidth - 2 - labelLen);
   alphalist->entryField = newCDKEntry (cdkscreen,
					getbegx (alphalist->win),
					getbegy (alphalist->win),
					title, label,
					A_NORMAL, fillerChar,
					vMIXED, tempWidth, 0, 512,
					Box, FALSE);
   if (alphalist->entryField == 0)
      destroyCDKObject (alphalist);
      return (0);
   setCDKEntryLLChar (alphalist->entryField, ACS_LTEE);
   setCDKEntryLRChar (alphalist->entryField, ACS_RTEE);

   /* Set the key bindings for the entry field. */
   bindCDKObject (vENTRY, alphalist->entryField, KEY_UP, adjustAlphalistCB, alphalist);
   bindCDKObject (vENTRY, alphalist->entryField, KEY_DOWN, adjustAlphalistCB, alphalist);
   bindCDKObject (vENTRY, alphalist->entryField, KEY_NPAGE, adjustAlphalistCB, alphalist);
   bindCDKObject (vENTRY, alphalist->entryField, KEY_PPAGE, adjustAlphalistCB, alphalist);
   bindCDKObject (vENTRY, alphalist->entryField, KEY_TAB, completeWordCB, alphalist);

   /* Set up the post-process function for the entry field. */
   setCDKEntryPreProcess (alphalist->entryField, preProcessEntryField, alphalist);

    * Create the scrolling list.  It overlaps the entry field by one line if
    * we are using box-borders.
   tempHeight = getmaxy (alphalist->entryField->win) - BorderOf (alphalist);
   tempWidth = (isFullWidth (width)
		? FULL
		: boxWidth - 1);
   alphalist->scrollField = newCDKScroll (cdkscreen,
					  getbegx (alphalist->win),
					  getbegy (alphalist->entryField->win)
					  + tempHeight,
					  boxHeight - tempHeight,
					  0, list, listSize,
					  Box, FALSE);
   setCDKScrollULChar (alphalist->scrollField, ACS_LTEE);
   setCDKScrollURChar (alphalist->scrollField, ACS_RTEE);

   /* Setup the key bindings. */
   for (x = 0; x < (int) SIZEOF (bindings); ++x)
      bindCDKObject (vALPHALIST, alphalist, bindings[x].from, getcCDKBind, (void *)(long)bindings[x].to);

   registerCDKObject (cdkscreen, vALPHALIST, alphalist);

   return (alphalist);
Beispiel #8
 * This activates the widget.
int activateCDKMarquee (CDKMARQUEE *widget,
			char *mesg,
			int delay,
			int repeat,
			boolean Box)
   chtype *message;
   int mesgLength	= 0;
   int startPos		= 0;
   int firstChar	= 0;
   int lastChar		= 1;
   int repeatCount	= 0;
   int viewSize		= 0;
   int viewLimit;
   int padding;
   int x, y, junk, oldcurs;
   bool firstTime	= TRUE;

   /* Make sure the message has some content. */
   if (mesg == 0 || *mesg == '\0')
      return (-1);

   /* Keep the box info, setting BorderOf () */
   setCDKMarqueeBox (widget, Box);

   padding = (mesg[strlen (mesg) - 1] == ' ') ? 0 : 1;

   /* Translate the char * to a chtype * */
   message = char2Chtype (mesg, &mesgLength, &junk);

   /* Draw in the widget. */
   drawCDKMarquee (widget, ObjOf (widget)->box);
   viewLimit = widget->width - (2 * BorderOf (widget));

   /* Start doing the marquee thing... */
   oldcurs = curs_set (0);
   while (widget->active)
      if (firstTime)
	 firstChar = 0;
	 lastChar = 1;
	 viewSize = lastChar - firstChar;
	 startPos = widget->width - viewSize - BorderOf (widget);

	 firstTime = FALSE;

      /* Draw in the characters. */
      y = firstChar;
      for (x = startPos; x < (startPos + viewSize); x++)
	 chtype ch = (y < mesgLength) ? message[y] : ' ';
	 mvwaddch (widget->win, BorderOf (widget), x, ch);
      wrefresh (widget->win);

      /* Set my variables. */
      if (mesgLength < viewLimit)
	 if (lastChar < (mesgLength + padding))
	    startPos = widget->width - viewSize - BorderOf (widget);
	 else if (startPos > BorderOf (widget))
	    /* This means the whole string is visible. */
	    viewSize = mesgLength + padding;
	    /* We have to start chopping the viewSize */
	    startPos = BorderOf (widget);
	 if (startPos > BorderOf (widget))
	 else if (lastChar < (mesgLength + padding))
	    startPos = BorderOf (widget);
	    viewSize = viewLimit;
	    startPos = BorderOf (widget);

      /* OK, lets check if we have to start over. */
      if (viewSize <= 0 && firstChar == mesgLength + padding)
	 /* Check if we repeat a specified number, or loop indefinitely. */
	 if ((repeat > 0) && (++repeatCount >= repeat))

	 /* Time to start over.  */
	 mvwaddch (widget->win, BorderOf (widget), BorderOf (widget), ' ');
	 wrefresh (widget->win);
	 firstTime = TRUE;

      /* Now sleep */
      napms (delay * 10);
   if (oldcurs < 0)
      oldcurs = 1;
   curs_set (oldcurs);
   freeChtype (message);
   return (0);
Beispiel #9
 * This creates a button widget.
CDKBUTTON *newCDKButton (CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen,
			 int xplace,
			 int yplace,
			 const char *text,
			 tButtonCallback callback,
			 boolean Box,
			 boolean shadow)
   /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
   CDKBUTTON *button    = 0;
   int parentWidth      = getmaxx (cdkscreen->window);
   int parentHeight     = getmaxy (cdkscreen->window);
   int boxWidth         = 0;
   int boxHeight;
   int xpos             = xplace;
   int ypos             = yplace;

   if ((button = newCDKObject (CDKBUTTON, &my_funcs)) == 0)
        return (0);

   setCDKButtonBox (button, Box);
   boxHeight = 1 + 2 * BorderOf (button);

   /* Translate the char * to a chtype. */
   button->info = char2Chtype (text, &button->infoLen, &button->infoPos);
   boxWidth = MAXIMUM (boxWidth, button->infoLen) + 2 * BorderOf (button);

   /* Create the string alignments. */
   button->infoPos = justifyString (boxWidth - 2 * BorderOf (button),
				    button->infoLen, button->infoPos);

    * Make sure we didn't extend beyond the dimensions of the window.
   boxWidth = (boxWidth > parentWidth ? parentWidth : boxWidth);
   boxHeight = (boxHeight > parentHeight ? parentHeight : boxHeight);

   /* Rejustify the x and y positions if we need to. */
   alignxy (cdkscreen->window, &xpos, &ypos, boxWidth, boxHeight);

   /* *INDENT-EQLS* Create the button. */
   ScreenOf (button)            = cdkscreen;
   ObjOf (button)->fn           = &my_funcs;
   button->parent               = cdkscreen->window;
   button->win                  = newwin (boxHeight, boxWidth, ypos, xpos);
   button->shadowWin            = (WINDOW *)NULL;
   button->xpos                 = xpos;
   button->ypos                 = ypos;
   button->boxWidth             = boxWidth;
   button->boxHeight            = boxHeight;
   button->callback             = callback;
   ObjOf (button)->inputWindow  = button->win;
   ObjOf (button)->acceptsFocus = TRUE;
   initExitType (button);
   button->shadow               = shadow;

   /* Is the window NULL? */
   if (button->win == (WINDOW *)NULL)
      destroyCDKObject (button);
      return (0);

   keypad (button->win, TRUE);

   /* If a shadow was requested, then create the shadow window. */
   if (shadow)
      button->shadowWin = newwin (boxHeight, boxWidth, ypos + 1, xpos + 1);

   /* Register this baby. */
   registerCDKObject (cdkscreen, vBUTTON, button);

   /* Return the button pointer. */
   return (button);
Beispiel #10
 * This redraws the scrolling list.
static void drawCDKScrollList (CDKSCROLL *scrollp, boolean Box)
   int j;

   /* If the list is empty, don't draw anything. */
   if (scrollp->listSize > 0)
      /* Redraw the list */
      for (j = 0; j < scrollp->viewSize; j++)
	 int k = j + scrollp->currentTop;

	 writeBlanks (scrollp->listWin,
		      0, j,
		      HORIZONTAL, 0,
		      scrollp->boxWidth - 2 * BorderOf (scrollp));

	 /* Draw the elements in the scrolling list. */
	 if (k < scrollp->listSize)
	    int screenPos = SCREENPOS (scrollp, k);
	    int ypos = SCREEN_YPOS (scrollp, j);

	    /* Write in the correct line. */
	    writeChtype (scrollp->listWin,
			 (screenPos >= 0) ? screenPos : 1,
			 (screenPos >= 0) ? 0 : (1 - screenPos),

      drawCDKScrollCurrent (scrollp);

      /* Determine where the toggle is supposed to be. */
      if (scrollp->scrollbarWin != 0)
	 scrollp->togglePos = floorCDK (scrollp->currentItem * (double)scrollp->step);

	 /* Make sure the toggle button doesn't go out of bounds. */

	 if (scrollp->togglePos >= getmaxy (scrollp->scrollbarWin))
	    scrollp->togglePos = getmaxy (scrollp->scrollbarWin) - 1;

	 /* Draw the scrollbar. */
	 mvwvline (scrollp->scrollbarWin,
		   0, 0,
		   getmaxy (scrollp->scrollbarWin));
	 mvwvline (scrollp->scrollbarWin,
		   scrollp->togglePos, 0,
		   ' ' | A_REVERSE,

   /* Box it if needed. */
   if (Box)
      drawObjBox (scrollp->win, ObjOf (scrollp));

   /* Refresh the window. */
   wrefresh (scrollp->win);
Beispiel #11
 * This function creates a new scrolling list widget.
CDKSCROLL *newCDKScroll (CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen,
			 int xplace,
			 int yplace,
			 int splace,
			 int height,
			 int width,
			 const char *title,
			 CDK_CSTRING2 list,
			 int listSize,
			 boolean numbers,
			 chtype highlight,
			 boolean Box,
			 boolean shadow)
   /* *INDENT-EQLS* */
   CDKSCROLL *scrollp           = 0;
   int parentWidth              = getmaxx (cdkscreen->window);
   int parentHeight             = getmaxy (cdkscreen->window);
   int boxWidth                 = width;
   int boxHeight                = height;
   int xpos                     = xplace;
   int ypos                     = yplace;
   int scrollAdjust             = 0;
   int x;
   /* *INDENT-OFF* */
   static const struct { int from; int to; } bindings[] = {
		{ 'g',		KEY_HOME },
		{ '1',		KEY_HOME },
		{ 'G',		KEY_END },
		{ '<',		KEY_HOME },
		{ '>',		KEY_END },
   /* *INDENT-ON* */

   if ((scrollp = newCDKObject (CDKSCROLL, &my_funcs)) == 0)
      destroyCDKObject (scrollp);
      return (0);

   setCDKScrollBox (scrollp, Box);

    * If the height is a negative value, the height will
    * be ROWS-height, otherwise, the height will be the
    * given height.
   boxHeight = setWidgetDimension (parentHeight, height, 0);

    * If the width is a negative value, the width will
    * be COLS-width, otherwise, the width will be the
    * given width.
   boxWidth = setWidgetDimension (parentWidth, width, 0);

   boxWidth = setCdkTitle (ObjOf (scrollp), title, boxWidth);

   /* Set the box height. */
   if (TitleLinesOf (scrollp) > boxHeight)
      boxHeight = (TitleLinesOf (scrollp)
		   + MINIMUM (listSize, 8)
		   + 2 * BorderOf (scrollp));

   /* Adjust the box width if there is a scrollp bar. */
   if ((splace == LEFT) || (splace == RIGHT))
      scrollp->scrollbar = TRUE;
      boxWidth += 1;
      scrollp->scrollbar = FALSE;

    * Make sure we didn't extend beyond the dimensions of the window.
   scrollp->boxWidth = (boxWidth > parentWidth
			? (parentWidth - scrollAdjust)
			: boxWidth);
   scrollp->boxHeight = (boxHeight > parentHeight
			 ? parentHeight
			 : boxHeight);

   setViewSize (scrollp, listSize);

   /* Rejustify the x and y positions if we need to. */
   alignxy (cdkscreen->window, &xpos, &ypos, scrollp->boxWidth, scrollp->boxHeight);

   /* Make the scrolling window */
   scrollp->win = newwin (scrollp->boxHeight, scrollp->boxWidth, ypos, xpos);

   /* Is the scrolling window null?? */
   if (scrollp->win == 0)
      destroyCDKObject (scrollp);
      return (0);

   /* Turn the keypad on for the window. */
   keypad (scrollp->win, TRUE);

   /* Create the scrollbar window. */
   if (splace == RIGHT)
      scrollp->scrollbarWin = subwin (scrollp->win,
				      maxViewSize (scrollp), 1,
				      SCREEN_YPOS (scrollp, ypos),
				      xpos + scrollp->boxWidth
				      - BorderOf (scrollp) - 1);
   else if (splace == LEFT)
      scrollp->scrollbarWin = subwin (scrollp->win,
				      maxViewSize (scrollp), 1,
				      SCREEN_YPOS (scrollp, ypos),
				      SCREEN_XPOS (scrollp, xpos));
      scrollp->scrollbarWin = 0;

   /* create the list window */

   scrollp->listWin = subwin (scrollp->win,
			      maxViewSize (scrollp),
			      - 2 * BorderOf (scrollp) - scrollAdjust,
			      SCREEN_YPOS (scrollp, ypos),
			      SCREEN_XPOS (scrollp, xpos)
			      + (splace == LEFT ? 1 : 0));

   /* *INDENT-EQLS* Set the rest of the variables */
   ScreenOf (scrollp)           = cdkscreen;
   scrollp->parent              = cdkscreen->window;
   scrollp->shadowWin           = 0;
   scrollp->scrollbarPlacement  = splace;
   scrollp->maxLeftChar         = 0;
   scrollp->leftChar            = 0;
   scrollp->highlight           = highlight;
   initExitType (scrollp);
   ObjOf (scrollp)->acceptsFocus = TRUE;
   ObjOf (scrollp)->inputWindow = scrollp->win;
   scrollp->shadow              = shadow;

   setCDKScrollPosition (scrollp, 0);

   /* Create the scrolling list item list and needed variables. */
   if (createCDKScrollItemList (scrollp, numbers, list, listSize) <= 0)
      destroyCDKObject (scrollp);
      return (0);

   /* Do we need to create a shadow? */
   if (shadow)
      scrollp->shadowWin = newwin (scrollp->boxHeight,
				   ypos + 1,
				   xpos + 1);

   /* Setup the key bindings. */
   for (x = 0; x < (int)SIZEOF (bindings); ++x)
      bindCDKObject (vSCROLL,
		     (void *)(long)bindings[x].to);

   registerCDKObject (cdkscreen, vSCROLL, scrollp);

   /* Return the scrolling list */
   return scrollp;
Beispiel #12
 * This function creates a widget.
CDKUSCALE *newCDKUScale (CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen,
                         int xplace,
                         int yplace,
                         char *title,
                         char *label,
                         chtype fieldAttr,
                         int fieldWidth,
                         unsigned start,
                         unsigned low,
                         unsigned high,
                         unsigned inc,
                         unsigned fastInc,
                         boolean Box,
                         boolean shadow)
    CDKUSCALE *widget	= 0;
    int parentWidth	= getmaxx(cdkscreen->window);
    int parentHeight	= getmaxy(cdkscreen->window);
    int boxHeight;
    int boxWidth;
    int horizontalAdjust, oldWidth;
    int xpos		= xplace;
    int ypos		= yplace;
    int x, junk;

    static const struct {
        int from;
        int to;
    } bindings[] = {
        { 'u',		KEY_UP },
        { 'U',		KEY_PPAGE },
        { 'g',		KEY_HOME },
        { '^',		KEY_HOME },
        { 'G',		KEY_END },
        { '$',		KEY_END },

    if ((widget = newCDKObject(CDKUSCALE, &my_funcs)) == 0)
        return (0);

    setCDKUScaleBox (widget, Box);

    boxHeight		= (BorderOf(widget) * 2) + 1;
    boxWidth		= fieldWidth + 2*BorderOf(widget);

    /* Set some basic values of the widget's data field. */
    widget->label	= 0;
    widget->labelLen	= 0;
    widget->labelWin	= 0;

     * If the fieldWidth is a negative value, the fieldWidth will
     * be COLS-fieldWidth, otherwise, the fieldWidth will be the
     * given width.
    fieldWidth = setWidgetDimension (parentWidth, fieldWidth, 0);
    boxWidth = fieldWidth + 2*BorderOf(widget);

    /* Translate the label char *pointer to a chtype pointer. */
    if (label != 0)
        widget->label	= char2Chtype (label, &widget->labelLen, &junk);
        boxWidth		= widget->labelLen + fieldWidth + 2;

    oldWidth = boxWidth;
    boxWidth = setCdkTitle(ObjOf(widget), title, boxWidth);
    horizontalAdjust = (boxWidth - oldWidth) / 2;

    boxHeight += TitleLinesOf(widget);

     * Make sure we didn't extend beyond the dimensions of the window.
    boxWidth = (boxWidth > parentWidth ? parentWidth : boxWidth);
    boxHeight = (boxHeight > parentHeight ? parentHeight : boxHeight);
    fieldWidth = (fieldWidth > (boxWidth - widget->labelLen - 2*BorderOf(widget))
                  ? (boxWidth - widget->labelLen - 2*BorderOf(widget))
                  : fieldWidth);

    /* Rejustify the x and y positions if we need to. */
    alignxy (cdkscreen->window, &xpos, &ypos, boxWidth, boxHeight);

    /* Make the widget's window. */
    widget->win = newwin (boxHeight, boxWidth, ypos, xpos);

    /* Is the main window null??? */
    if (widget->win == 0)
        return (0);

    /* Create the widget's label window. */
    if (widget->label != 0)
        widget->labelWin = subwin (widget->win,
                                   1, widget->labelLen,
                                   ypos + TitleLinesOf(widget) + BorderOf(widget),
                                   xpos + horizontalAdjust + BorderOf(widget));
        if (widget->labelWin == 0)
            return (0);

    /* Create the widget's data field window. */
    widget->fieldWin = subwin (widget->win,
                               1, fieldWidth,
                               ypos + TitleLinesOf(widget) + BorderOf(widget),
                               xpos + widget->labelLen + horizontalAdjust + BorderOf(widget));
    if (widget->fieldWin == 0)
        return (0);
    keypad (widget->fieldWin, TRUE);
    keypad (widget->win, TRUE);

    /* Create the widget's data field. */
    ScreenOf(widget)		= cdkscreen;
    widget->parent		= cdkscreen->window;
    widget->shadowWin		= 0;
    widget->boxWidth		= boxWidth;
    widget->boxHeight		= boxHeight;
    widget->fieldWidth		= fieldWidth;
    widget->fieldAttr		= (chtype)fieldAttr;
    widget->current		= low;
    widget->low			= low;
    widget->high			= high;
    widget->current		= start;
    widget->inc			= inc;
    widget->fastinc		= fastInc;
    ObjOf(widget)->acceptsFocus	= TRUE;
    ObjOf(widget)->inputWindow	= widget->win;
    widget->shadow		= shadow;

    /* Do we want a shadow??? */
    if (shadow)
        widget->shadowWin = newwin (boxHeight, boxWidth, ypos + 1, xpos + 1);
        if (widget->shadowWin == 0)
            return (0);

    /* Setup the key bindings. */
    for (x = 0; x < (int) SIZEOF(bindings); ++x)
        bindCDKObject (vUSCALE, widget, bindings[x].from, getcCDKBind, (void *)(long)bindings[x].to);

    registerCDKObject (cdkscreen, vUSCALE, widget);

    return (widget);