Beispiel #1
void BotCheckServerCommands(bot_state_t *bs)
	char buf[1024], *args;

	while (trap_BotGetServerCommand(bs->client, buf, sizeof(buf)))
		//have buf point to the command and args to the command arguments
		args = strchr( buf, ' ');
		if (!args) continue;
		*args++ = '\0';

		//remove color espace sequences from the arguments
		RemoveColorEscapeSequences( args );

		if (!Q_stricmp(buf, "cp "))
			{ /*CenterPrintf*/ }
		else if (!Q_stricmp(buf, "cs"))
			{ /*ConfigStringModified*/ }
		else if (!Q_stricmp(buf, "print")) {
			//remove first and last quote from the chat message
			memmove(args, args+1, strlen(args));
			args[strlen(args)-1] = '\0';
			trap_BotQueueConsoleMessage(bs->cs, CMS_NORMAL, args);
		else if (!Q_stricmp(buf, "chat")) {
			//remove first and last quote from the chat message
			memmove(args, args+1, strlen(args));
			args[strlen(args)-1] = '\0';
			trap_BotQueueConsoleMessage(bs->cs, CMS_CHAT, args);
		else if (!Q_stricmp(buf, "tchat")) {
			//remove first and last quote from the chat message
			memmove(args, args+1, strlen(args));
			args[strlen(args)-1] = '\0';
			trap_BotQueueConsoleMessage(bs->cs, CMS_CHAT, args);
		else if (!Q_stricmp(buf, "vchat")) {
			BotVoiceChatCommand(bs, SAY_ALL, args);
		else if (!Q_stricmp(buf, "vtchat")) {
			BotVoiceChatCommand(bs, SAY_TEAM, args);
		else if (!Q_stricmp(buf, "vtell")) {
			BotVoiceChatCommand(bs, SAY_TELL, args);
		else if (!Q_stricmp(buf, "scores"))
			{ /*FIXME: parse scores?*/ }
		else if (!Q_stricmp(buf, "clientLevelShot"))
			{ /*ignore*/ }
Beispiel #2
int BotAI(int playernum, float thinktime) {
	bot_state_t *bs;
	char buf[1024], *args;
	int j;

	bs = botstates[playernum];
	if (!bs || !bs->inuse) {
		BotAI_Print(PRT_FATAL, "BotAI: player %d is not setup\n", playernum);
		return qfalse;

	//retrieve the current player state
	if (!BotAI_GetPlayerState( playernum, &bs->cur_ps )) {
		BotAI_Print(PRT_FATAL, "BotAI: failed to get player state for player %d\n", playernum);
		return qfalse;

	//retrieve any waiting server commands
	while( trap_BotGetServerCommand(playernum, buf, sizeof(buf)) ) {
		//have buf point to the command and args to the command arguments
		args = strchr( buf, ' ');
		if (!args) continue;
		*args++ = '\0';

		//remove color espace sequences from the arguments
		RemoveColorEscapeSequences( args );

		if (!Q_stricmp(buf, "cp "))
			{ /*CenterPrintf*/ }
		else if (!Q_stricmp(buf, "cs"))
			{ /*ConfigStringModified*/ }
		else if (!Q_stricmp(buf, "print")) {
			//remove first and last quote from the chat message
			memmove(args, args+1, strlen(args));
			args[strlen(args)-1] = '\0';
			BotQueueConsoleMessage(bs->cs, CMS_NORMAL, args);
		else if (!Q_stricmp(buf, "chat") || !Q_stricmp(buf, "tell")) {
			//remove first and last quote from the chat message
			memmove(args, args+1, strlen(args));
			args[strlen(args)-1] = '\0';
			BotQueueConsoleMessage(bs->cs, CMS_CHAT, args);
		else if (!Q_stricmp(buf, "tchat")) {
			//remove first and last quote from the chat message
			memmove(args, args+1, strlen(args));
			args[strlen(args)-1] = '\0';
			BotQueueConsoleMessage(bs->cs, CMS_CHAT, args);
		else if (!Q_stricmp(buf, "vchat")) {
			BotVoiceChatCommand(bs, SAY_ALL, args);
		else if (!Q_stricmp(buf, "vtchat")) {
			BotVoiceChatCommand(bs, SAY_TEAM, args);
		else if (!Q_stricmp(buf, "vtell")) {
			BotVoiceChatCommand(bs, SAY_TELL, args);
		else if (!Q_stricmp(buf, "scores"))
			{ /*FIXME: parse scores?*/ }
		else if (!Q_stricmp(buf, "clientLevelShot"))
			{ /*ignore*/ }
	//add the delta angles to the bot's current view angles
	for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
		bs->viewangles[j] = AngleMod(bs->viewangles[j] + SHORT2ANGLE(bs->cur_ps.delta_angles[j]));
	//increase the local time of the bot
	bs->ltime += thinktime;
	bs->thinktime = thinktime;
	//origin of the bot
	VectorCopy(bs->cur_ps.origin, bs->origin);
	//eye coordinates of the bot
	VectorCopy(bs->cur_ps.origin, bs->eye);
	bs->eye[2] += bs->cur_ps.viewheight;
	//get the area the bot is in
	bs->areanum = BotPointAreaNum(bs->origin);
	//the real AI
	BotDeathmatchAI(bs, thinktime);
	//set the weapon selection every AI frame
	EA_SelectWeapon(bs->playernum, bs->weaponnum);
	//subtract the delta angles
	for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
		bs->viewangles[j] = AngleMod(bs->viewangles[j] - SHORT2ANGLE(bs->cur_ps.delta_angles[j]));
	//everything was ok
	return qtrue;
Beispiel #3
 * BotAI
BotAI(int client, float thinktime)
	bot_state_t *bs;
	char	buf[1024], *args;
	int	j;

	bs = botstates[client];
	if(!bs || !bs->inuse){
		BotAI_Print(PRT_FATAL, "BotAI: client %d is not setup\n", client);
		return qfalse;

	/* retrieve the current client state */
	BotAI_GetClientState(client, &bs->cur_ps);

	/* retrieve any waiting server commands */
	while(trap_BotGetServerCommand(client, buf, sizeof(buf))){
		/* have buf point to the command and args to the command arguments */
		args = strchr(buf, ' ');
		if(!args) continue;
		*args++ = '\0';

		/* remove color espace sequences from the arguments */

		if(!Q_stricmp(buf, "cp ")){	/*CenterPrintf*/
		}else if(!Q_stricmp(buf, "cs")){/*ConfigStringModified*/
		}else if(!Q_stricmp(buf, "print")){
			/* remove first and last quote from the chat message */
			memmove(args, args+1, strlen(args));
			args[strlen(args)-1] = '\0';
			trap_BotQueueConsoleMessage(bs->cs, CMS_NORMAL, args);
		}else if(!Q_stricmp(buf, "chat")){
			/* remove first and last quote from the chat message */
			memmove(args, args+1, strlen(args));
			args[strlen(args)-1] = '\0';
			trap_BotQueueConsoleMessage(bs->cs, CMS_CHAT, args);
		}else if(!Q_stricmp(buf, "tchat")){
			/* remove first and last quote from the chat message */
			memmove(args, args+1, strlen(args));
			args[strlen(args)-1] = '\0';
			trap_BotQueueConsoleMessage(bs->cs, CMS_CHAT, args);
		else if(!Q_stricmp(buf, "vchat"))
			BotVoiceChatCommand(bs, SAY_ALL, args);
		else if(!Q_stricmp(buf, "vtchat"))
			BotVoiceChatCommand(bs, SAY_TEAM, args);
		else if(!Q_stricmp(buf, "vtell"))
			BotVoiceChatCommand(bs, SAY_TELL, args);

		else if(!Q_stricmp(buf, "scores")){		/*FIXME: parse scores?*/
		}else if(!Q_stricmp(buf, "clientLevelShot")){	/*ignore*/
	/* add the delta angles to the bot's current view angles */
	for(j = 0; j < 3; j++)
		bs->viewangles[j] =
			modeuler(bs->viewangles[j] +
	/* increase the local time of the bot */
	bs->ltime += thinktime;
	bs->thinktime = thinktime;
	/* origin of the bot */
	copyv3(bs->cur_ps.origin, bs->origin);
	/* eye coordinates of the bot */
	copyv3(bs->cur_ps.origin, bs->eye);
	bs->eye[2] += bs->cur_ps.viewheight;
	/* get the area the bot is in */
	bs->areanum = BotPointAreaNum(bs->origin);
	/* the real AI */
	BotDeathmatchAI(bs, thinktime);
	/* set the weapon selection every AI frame */
	trap_EA_SelectWeapon(bs->client, bs->weaponnum);
	/* subtract the delta angles */
	for(j = 0; j < 3; j++)
		bs->viewangles[j] =
			modeuler(bs->viewangles[j] -
	/* everything was ok */
	return qtrue;