Valentine::Valentine( iXY initial_loc, unsigned char color, unsigned char flag )
        : Vehicle( initial_loc )

    if ( color == false) {
        body_anim.setData( gValentineBody );
        turret_anim.setData( gValentineTurret );
    } else {
        body_anim.setData( gValentineBodyDarkBlue );
        turret_anim.setData( gValentineTurretDarkBlue );

    body_anim.setAttrib( iXY(0,0), iXY(0,0), unitLayer );
    turret_anim.setAttrib( iXY(0,0), iXY(0,0), unitLayer );

    body_anim_shadow.setData( gValentineBodyShadow );
    turret_anim_shadow.setData( gValentineTurretShadow );
    body_anim_shadow.setAttrib( iXY(0,0), iXY(0,0), unitLayer );
    turret_anim_shadow.setAttrib( iXY(0,0), iXY(0,0), unitLayer );

    select_info_box.setBoxAttributes( BoundBox( -20, -20, 20, 20), Color::blue );
    select_info_box.setBoxState( false );
    select_info_box.setFlag( flag );

    body_anim_shadow.attachSprite( &body_anim, iXY(0,0) );
    body_anim_shadow.attachSprite( &turret_anim_shadow, iXY(0,0) );
    body_anim_shadow.attachSprite( &turret_anim, iXY(0,0) );
    body_anim_shadow.attachSprite( &select_info_box, iXY(0,0) );
Beispiel #2
BoundBox BoundBox::Translate( const Vector2& rel ) const
	return BoundBox(this->xMin + rel.x,
					this->yMin + rel.y,
					this->xMax + rel.x,
					this->yMax + rel.y);
: m_CanJump(false),
	m_Bound = BoundBox(-0.5f * m_sCharSize, -0.5f * m_sCharSize,
						0.5f * m_sCharSize, 0.5f * m_sCharSize);
Leopard::Leopard(PlayerState* player, UnitID id, iXY initial_loc,
                 unsigned char color, unsigned char flag )
    : Vehicle(player, id, initial_loc)

    if ( color == false) {
        body_anim.setData( gLeopardBody );
        turret_anim.setData( gLeopardTurret );
    } else {
        body_anim.setData( gLeopardBodyDarkBlue );
        turret_anim.setData( gLeopardTurretDarkBlue );

    body_anim.setAttrib( iXY(0,0), iXY(0,0), unitLayer );
    turret_anim.setAttrib( iXY(0,0), iXY(0,0), unitLayer );

    body_anim_shadow.setData( gLeopardBodyShadow );
    turret_anim_shadow.setData( gLeopardTurretShadow );
    body_anim_shadow.setAttrib( iXY(0,0), iXY(0,0), unitLayer );
    turret_anim_shadow.setAttrib( iXY(0,0), iXY(0,0), unitLayer );

    select_info_box.setBoxAttributes( BoundBox( -25, -25, 25, 25), Color::blue );
    select_info_box.setBoxState( false );
    select_info_box.setFlag( flag );

    body_anim_shadow.attachSprite( &body_anim, iXY(0,0) );
    body_anim_shadow.attachSprite( &turret_anim_shadow, iXY(0,0) );
    body_anim_shadow.attachSprite( &turret_anim, iXY(0,0) );
    body_anim_shadow.attachSprite( &select_info_box, iXY(0,0) );
Beispiel #5
void Physics::step( real_t dt )
    // step the world forward by dt. Need to detect collisions, apply
    // forces, and integrate positions and orientations.
    for(size_t i=0; i<num_spheres(); i++){
        //Update Spheres boundbox
        Vector3 upper = spheres[i]->position + Vector3(spheres[i]->radius, spheres[i]->radius, spheres[i]->radius);
        Vector3 lower = spheres[i]->position - Vector3(spheres[i]->radius, spheres[i]->radius, spheres[i]->radius);
        spheres[i]->bound = BoundBox(lower, upper);
        for(size_t j=0; j<num_spheres(); j++){
                collides(*spheres[i], *spheres[j], collision_damping);
        for(size_t j=0; j<num_planes(); j++){
            collides(*spheres[i], *planes[j], collision_damping);
        for(size_t j=0; j<num_triangles(); j++){
            collides(*spheres[i], *triangles[j], collision_damping);
        for(size_t j=0; j<num_models(); j++){
            collides(*spheres[i], *models[j], collision_damping);
        //RK4 Position & Orientation
        rk4_update(*spheres[i], dt);
ObjectiveInterface::loadObjectiveList(const char *file_path)
    if ( ! GameConfig::game_enable_bases )

    ObjectiveID objective_count = 0;

        IFileStream in(file_path);


        std::string objectivecount = readToken(in, "ObjectiveCount:");
        std::stringstream ss(objectivecount);
        ss >> objective_count;

        if ( objective_count > 0 )
            objective_list = new Objective*[objective_count];
            num_objectives = 0;

        iXY loc;
        iXY world;
        std::string name;

        for (ObjectiveID objective_index = 0; objective_index < objective_count; objective_index++ )
            Objective *objective_obj;
            name = readToken(in, "Name:");
            std::string location = readToken(in, "Location:");
            std::stringstream ss(location);
            ss >> loc.x >> loc.y;
            MapInterface::mapXYtoPointXY( loc, world );

            objective_obj = new Objective(objective_index, world,
                    BoundBox( -48, -32, 48, 32 )
            strcpy(objective_obj->name, name.c_str());
            objective_list[objective_index] = objective_obj;
        } // ** for
    catch(std::exception& e)
        LOGGER.warning("OILOL Error loading objectives '%s': %s. Working without them",
                       file_path, e.what());
ObjectiveInterface::loadObjectiveList(const char *file_path)
    ObjectiveID objective_count = 0;

        IFileStream in(file_path);


        std::string objectivecount = readToken(in, "ObjectiveCount:");
        std::stringstream ss(objectivecount);
        ss >> objective_count;

        LOGGER.warning("There are %d objectives", objective_count);

        size_t loc_x, loc_y;
        size_t world_x, world_y;
        std::string name;
        for (ObjectiveID objective_index = 0; objective_index < objective_count; objective_index++ )
            Objective *objective_obj;
            name = readToken(in, "Name:");
            std::string location = readToken(in, "Location:");
            std::stringstream ss(location);
            ss >> loc_x >> loc_y;
            LOGGER.warning("\t%s in %lu,%lu", name.c_str(), (unsigned long)loc_x, (unsigned long)loc_y);

            MapInterface::mapXYtoPointXY( loc_x, loc_y, &world_x, &world_y );

            LOGGER.warning("\t\tin world %lu,%lu", (unsigned long)world_x, (unsigned long)world_y);

            objective_obj = new Outpost(objective_index, iXY(world_x, world_y),
                    BoundBox( -48, -32, 48, 32 )
            strcpy(objective_obj->, name.c_str());
        } // ** for
    catch(std::exception& e)
        throw Exception("Error while reading outpost definition '%s': %s",
                file_path, e.what());
Beispiel #8
BoundBox CMeshObjects::ComputeBoundBox(const D3DXMATRIX* mat) const
    if (m_meshes.size() == 0)
        return BoundBox();
    BoundBox box = m_meshes[0]->GetBoundBox();
    for (size_t i = 1; i < m_meshes.size(); i++)
        BoundBox bbox = m_meshes[i]->GetBoundBox();
        //printf("%s -> (%g %g %g) - (%g %g %g)\n", m_meshes[i]->GetName(), bbox.minPoint.x,
        //    bbox.minPoint.y, bbox.minPoint.z, bbox.maxPoint.x, bbox.maxPoint.y, bbox.maxPoint.z);
        box = BoundBox::unionBoxes(box, m_meshes[i]->GetBoundBox());
    return box;
TriangleBody::TriangleBody(Vector3 a, Vector3 b, Vector3 c){
    vertices[0] = a;
    vertices[1] = b;
    vertices[2] = c;
    orientation = Quaternion::Identity();
    velocity = Vector3::Zero();
    type = TRIANGLEBODY;
    real_t max_x = std::max(vertices[0].x, std::max(vertices[1].x, vertices[2].x));
    real_t max_y = std::max(vertices[0].y, std::max(vertices[1].y, vertices[2].y));
    real_t max_z = std::max(vertices[0].z, std::max(vertices[1].z, vertices[2].z));
    Vector3 upper(max_x, max_y, max_z);
    real_t min_x = std::min(vertices[0].x, std::min(vertices[1].x, vertices[2].x));
    real_t min_y = std::min(vertices[0].y, std::min(vertices[1].y, vertices[2].y));
    real_t min_z = std::min(vertices[0].z, std::min(vertices[1].z, vertices[2].z));
    Vector3 lower(min_x, min_y, min_z);
    bound = BoundBox(lower, upper);
Beispiel #10
Lynx::Lynx( PointXYi initial_loc, unsigned char color, unsigned char flag )
   : Vehicle( initial_loc )

  if ( color == false)
    body_anim.setData( gLynxBody );
    turret_anim.setData( gLynxTurret );
    body_anim.setData( gLynxBodyDarkBlue );
    turret_anim.setData( gLynxTurretDarkBlue );

  body_anim.setAttrib( PointXYi(0,0), PointXYi(0,0), unitLayer ); 
  turret_anim.setAttrib( PointXYi(0,0), PointXYi(0,0), unitLayer );

  body_anim_shadow.setData( gLynxBodyShadow );
  turret_anim_shadow.setData( gLynxTurretShadow ); 
  body_anim_shadow.setAttrib( PointXYi(0,0), PointXYi(0,0), unitLayer ); 
  turret_anim_shadow.setAttrib( PointXYi(0,0), PointXYi(0,0), unitLayer );

  select_info_box.setBoxAttributes( BoundBox( -30, -30, 30, 30), Color::blue );
  select_info_box.setBoxState( false );
  select_info_box.setFlag( flag );
  body_anim_shadow.attachSprite( &body_anim, PointXYi(0,0) );
  body_anim_shadow.attachSprite( &turret_anim_shadow, PointXYi(0,0) ); 
  body_anim_shadow.attachSprite( &turret_anim, PointXYi(0,0) ); 
  body_anim_shadow.attachSprite( &select_info_box, PointXYi(0,0) );

  //FLAGS_DBASE.get_sprite_index( flag, select_info_box.unit_flag );
  //FLAGS_DBASE.get_sprite_name( "allie", select_info_box.allie_flag );

Beispiel #11
void CCubeBox::ComputeBoundBox()
    m_boundBox = BoundBox(Point3(m_Vertices[0].x, m_Vertices[0].y, m_Vertices[0].z),
        Point3(m_Vertices[5].x, m_Vertices[5].y, m_Vertices[5].z));
Beispiel #12
: m_WorldId(1)
	m_Bound = BoundBox(-0.45f, -0.45f, 0.45f, 0.45f);