 * build right join output by adding null rows for every row from left tile
 * which doesn't have a match
bool AbstractJoinExecutor::BuildRightJoinOutput() {
  while (right_matching_idx < no_matching_right_row_sets_.size()) {
    if (no_matching_right_row_sets_[right_matching_idx].empty()) {

    std::unique_ptr<LogicalTile> output_tile(nullptr);
    auto right_tile = right_result_tiles_[right_matching_idx].get();
    LogicalTile::PositionListsBuilder pos_lists_builder;
    if (left_result_tiles_.size() == 0) {
      // no tile information for left tile. construct a output tile from right
      // tile only
      output_tile = BuildOutputLogicalTile(nullptr, right_tile, proj_schema_);
      pos_lists_builder = LogicalTile::PositionListsBuilder(
          nullptr, &(right_tile->GetPositionLists()));
    } else {
      PL_ASSERT(left_result_tiles_.size() > 0);
      // construct the output tile from both children tiles
      auto left_tile = left_result_tiles_.front().get();
      output_tile = BuildOutputLogicalTile(left_tile, right_tile);
      pos_lists_builder =
          LogicalTile::PositionListsBuilder(left_tile, right_tile);
    // add rows with null values on the left
    for (auto right_row_itr : no_matching_right_row_sets_[right_matching_idx]) {
    PL_ASSERT(pos_lists_builder.Size() > 0);

    return true;
  return false;
// For this version, the work flow is that we first lookup the left table, and
// use the result to lookup right table. If left table is done that means right
// table is also done. So we only keep the left_child_done_ as the sign.
bool NestedLoopJoinExecutor::DExecute() {
  LOG_TRACE("********** Nested Loop %s Join executor :: 2 children ",

  // Grab info from plan node and check it
  const planner::NestedLoopJoinPlan &node =

  // Pick out the left and right columns
  const std::vector<oid_t> &join_column_ids_left = node.GetJoinColumnsLeft();
  const std::vector<oid_t> &join_column_ids_right = node.GetJoinColumnsRight();

  // We should first deal with the current result. Otherwise we will cache a lot
  // data which is not good to utilize memory. After that we call child execute.
  // Since is the high level idea, each time we get tile from left, we should
  // finish this tile, and then call child[0] execute for next tile.
  for (;;) {
    // Pick left and right tiles

    // If we have already retrieved all left child's results in buffer
    if (left_child_done_ == true) {
      LOG_TRACE("Left is done which means all join comparison completes");
      return false;

    // If left tile result is not done, continue the left tuples
    if (!left_tile_done_) {
      // Tuple result
      ContainerTuple<executor::LogicalTile> left_tuple(left_tile_.get(),

      // Grab the values
      if (!join_column_ids_left.empty() && !join_column_ids_right.empty()) {
        std::vector<type::Value> join_values;
        for (auto column_id : join_column_ids_left) {
          type::Value predicate_value = left_tuple.GetValue(column_id);

        // Pass the columns and values to right executor
        LOG_TRACE("Update the new value for index predicate");
        children_[1]->UpdatePredicate(join_column_ids_right, join_values);

      // Execute the right child to get the right tile
      if (children_[1]->Execute() == true) {
        LOG_TRACE("Advance the Right child.");
        std::unique_ptr<LogicalTile> right_tile(children_[1]->GetOutput());

        PL_ASSERT(right_tile != nullptr);

        // Construct output result
        auto output_tile =
            BuildOutputLogicalTile(left_tile_.get(), right_tile.get());

        // Build position list
        LogicalTile::PositionListsBuilder pos_lists_builder(left_tile_.get(),

        // Go over every pair of tuples in left and right logical tiles
        for (auto right_tile_row_itr : *right_tile) {
          // Insert a tuple into the output logical tile
          // First, copy the elements in left logical tile's tuple
          LOG_TRACE("Insert a tuple into the output logical tile");

          ContainerTuple<executor::LogicalTile> right_tuple(right_tile.get(),

          if (predicate_ != nullptr) {
            auto eval = predicate_->Evaluate(&left_tuple, &right_tuple,

            // Join predicate is false. Skip pair and continue.
            if (eval.IsFalse()) {
              LOG_TRACE("Not math join predicate");
            LOG_TRACE("Find a tuple with join predicate");
          pos_lists_builder.AddRow(left_tile_row_itr_, right_tile_row_itr);
        }  // Outer loop of NLJ

        // Now current left tile is done
        LOG_TRACE("pos_lists_builder's size : %ld", pos_lists_builder.Size());
        if (pos_lists_builder.Size() > 0) {
          LOG_TRACE("Set output result");
          LOG_TRACE("result is : %s", GetOutputInfo()->GetInfo().c_str());
          return true;
      // Right table is finished for the current left tuple. move to the next
      else {
        if (!left_child_done_) {
          LOG_TRACE("right child is done, but left is not, so reset right");

          // When all right table is done, examine whether left tile is done
          // If left tile is done, next loop will directly execute child[0]
          if (left_tile_row_itr_ == left_tile_->GetTupleCount() - 1) {
            LOG_TRACE("left tile is done");
            // Set up flag and go the execute child 0 to get the next tile
            left_tile_done_ = true;
          } else {
            // Move the row to the next one in left tile
            LOG_TRACE("Advance left row");

            // Continue the new left row
        } else {
          LOG_TRACE("Both left and right child are done");
          right_child_done_ = true;
          return false;
    }  // End handle left tile

    // Otherwise, we must attempt to execute the left child to get a new left
    // tile

    // Left child is finished, no more tiles
    if (children_[0]->Execute() == false) {
      LOG_TRACE("Left child is exhausted.");
      return false;
    // Cache the new tile
    else {
      // Get the left child's result
      LOG_TRACE("Retrieve a new tile from left child");

      // Set the flag with init status
      left_tile_done_ = false;
      left_tile_row_itr_ = 0;

    LOG_TRACE("Get a new left tile. Continue the loop.");

  }  // end the very beginning for loop
 * @brief Creates logical tiles from the two input logical tiles after applying
 * join predicate.
 * @return true on success, false otherwise.
 * ExecutorContext is set when executing IN+NestLoop. For example:
 * select * from Foo1 where age IN (select id from Foo2 where name='mike');
 * Here:
 * "select id from Foo2 where name='mike'" is transformed as left child.
 * "select * from Foo1 where age " is the right child.
 * "IN" is transformed as a execute context, in NestLoop
 * We put the results of left child in executor_context using NestLoop, and the
 * right child can execute using this context. Otherwise, the right child can't
 * execute. And there is no predicate_ for IN+NestLoop
 * For now, we only set this context for IN operator. Normally, the right child
 * has a complete query that can execute without the context, and we use predicate_
 * to join the left and right result.
bool NestedLoopJoinExecutor::DExecute() {
  LOG_INFO("********** Nested Loop %s Join executor :: 2 children ",

  // Loop until we have non-empty result tile or exit
  for (;;) {
    // Build outer join output when done
    if (left_child_done_ && right_child_done_) {
      return BuildOuterJoinOutput();

    // Pick left and right tiles

    LogicalTile *left_tile = nullptr;
    LogicalTile *right_tile = nullptr;

    bool advance_right_child = false;

    // If we have already retrieved all left child's results in buffer
    if (left_child_done_ == true) {
      LOG_TRACE("Advance the left buffer iterator.");


      if (left_result_itr_ >= left_result_tiles_.size()) {
        advance_right_child = true;
        left_result_itr_ = 0;

    // Otherwise, we must attempt to execute the left child
    else {
      // Left child is finished, no more tiles
      if (children_[0]->Execute() == false) {
        LOG_TRACE("Left child is exhausted.");

        left_child_done_ = true;
        left_result_itr_ = 0;
        advance_right_child = true;
      // Buffer the left child's result
      else {
        LOG_TRACE("Retrieve a new tile from left child");
        left_result_itr_ = left_result_tiles_.size() - 1;

    if (advance_right_child == true || right_result_tiles_.empty()) {
      // return if right tile is empty
      if (right_child_done_ && right_result_tiles_.empty()) {
        return BuildOuterJoinOutput();

      assert(left_result_itr_ == 0);

      // Right child is finished, no more tiles
      if (children_[1]->Execute() == false) {
        LOG_TRACE("Right child is exhausted. Returning false.");

        // Right child exhausted.
        // Release cur Right tile. Clear right child's result buffer and return.
        right_child_done_ = true;

        return BuildOuterJoinOutput();
      // Buffer the Right child's result
      else {
        LOG_TRACE("Advance the Right child.");
        // return if left tile is empty
        if (left_child_done_ && left_result_tiles_.empty()) {
          return BuildOuterJoinOutput();

    right_tile = right_result_tiles_.back().get();
    left_tile = left_result_tiles_[left_result_itr_].get();

    // Build Join Tile

    // Build output logical tile
    auto output_tile = BuildOutputLogicalTile(left_tile, right_tile);

    // Build position lists
    LogicalTile::PositionListsBuilder pos_lists_builder(left_tile, right_tile);

    // Go over every pair of tuples in left and right logical tiles
    for (auto right_tile_row_itr : *right_tile) {
      bool has_left_match = false;

      for (auto left_tile_row_itr : *left_tile) {
        // Join predicate exists
        if (predicate_ != nullptr) {
          expression::ContainerTuple<executor::LogicalTile> left_tuple(
              left_tile, left_tile_row_itr);
          expression::ContainerTuple<executor::LogicalTile> right_tuple(
              right_tile, right_tile_row_itr);

          // Join predicate is false. Skip pair and continue.
          if (predicate_->Evaluate(&left_tuple, &right_tuple, executor_context_)
                  .IsFalse()) {

        RecordMatchedLeftRow(left_result_itr_, left_tile_row_itr);

        // For Left and Full Outer Join
        has_left_match = true;

        // Insert a tuple into the output logical tile
        // First, copy the elements in left logical tile's tuple
        pos_lists_builder.AddRow(left_tile_row_itr, right_tile_row_itr);
      }  // Inner loop of NLJ

      // For Right and Full Outer Join
      if (has_left_match) {
        RecordMatchedRightRow(right_result_tiles_.size() - 1,

    }  // Outer loop of NLJ

    // Check if we have any join tuples.
    if (pos_lists_builder.Size() > 0) {
      return true;

    LOG_TRACE("This pair produces empty join result. Continue the loop.");
  }  // end the very beginning for loop
 * @brief Creates logical tiles from the two input logical tiles after applying
 * join predicate.
 * @return true on success, false otherwise.
bool HashJoinExecutor::DExecute() {
  LOG_TRACE("********** Hash Join executor :: 2 children \n");

  // Loop until we have non-empty result tile or exit
  for (;;) {
    // Check if we have any buffered output tiles
    if (buffered_output_tiles.empty() == false) {
      auto output_tile = buffered_output_tiles.front();
      return true;

    // Build outer join output when done
    if (left_child_done_ == true) {
      return BuildOuterJoinOutput();

    // Pick right and left tiles

    // Get all the tiles from RIGHT child
    if (right_child_done_ == false) {
      while (children_[1]->Execute()) {
      right_child_done_ = true;

    // Get next tile from LEFT child
    if (children_[0]->Execute() == false) {
      LOG_TRACE("Did not get left tile \n");
      left_child_done_ = true;

    LOG_TRACE("Got left tile \n");

    if (right_result_tiles_.size() == 0) {
      LOG_TRACE("Did not get any right tiles \n");
      return BuildOuterJoinOutput();

    LogicalTile *left_tile = left_result_tiles_.back().get();

    // Build Join Tile

    // Get the hash table from the hash executor
    auto &hash_table = hash_executor_->GetHashTable();
    auto &hashed_col_ids = hash_executor_->GetHashKeyIds();

    oid_t prev_tile = INVALID_OID;
    std::unique_ptr<LogicalTile> output_tile;
    LogicalTile::PositionListsBuilder pos_lists_builder;

    // Go over the left tile
    for (auto left_tile_itr : *left_tile) {
      const expression::ContainerTuple<executor::LogicalTile> left_tuple(
          left_tile, left_tile_itr, &hashed_col_ids);

      // Find matching tuples in the hash table built on top of the right table
      auto right_tuples = hash_table.find(left_tuple);

      if (right_tuples != hash_table.end()) {
    	// Not yet supported due to assertion in gettomg right_tuples->first
//    	if (predicate_ != nullptr) {
//    		auto eval = predicate_->Evaluate(&left_tuple, &right_tuples->first,
//					executor_context_);
//			if (eval.IsFalse())
//				continue;
//    	}

        RecordMatchedLeftRow(left_result_tiles_.size() - 1, left_tile_itr);

        // Go over the matching right tuples
        for (auto &location : right_tuples->second) {
          // Check if we got a new right tile itr
          if (prev_tile != location.first) {
            // Check if we have any join tuples
            if (pos_lists_builder.Size() > 0) {
              LOG_TRACE("Join tile size : %lu \n", pos_lists_builder.Size());

            // Get the logical tile from right child
            LogicalTile *right_tile = right_result_tiles_[location.first].get();

            // Build output logical tile
            output_tile = BuildOutputLogicalTile(left_tile, right_tile);

            // Build position lists
            pos_lists_builder =
                LogicalTile::PositionListsBuilder(left_tile, right_tile);


          // Add join tuple
          pos_lists_builder.AddRow(left_tile_itr, location.second);

          RecordMatchedRightRow(location.first, location.second);

          // Cache prev logical tile itr
          prev_tile = location.first;

    // Check if we have any join tuples
    if (pos_lists_builder.Size() > 0) {
      LOG_TRACE("Join tile size : %lu \n", pos_lists_builder.Size());

    // Check if we have any buffered output tiles
    if (buffered_output_tiles.empty() == false) {
      auto output_tile = buffered_output_tiles.front();

      return true;
    } else {
      // Try again
Beispiel #5
 * @brief Creates logical tiles from the two input logical tiles after applying
 * join predicate.
 * @return true on success, false otherwise.
bool HashJoinExecutor::DExecute() {
  LOG_INFO("********** Hash Join %s Join executor :: 2 children \n",

  // If there is still something in the buffer, we return the first tile in it
  if (buffered_output_tiles.size() > 0) {
    return true;

  // Pick all right tiles

  if (right_child_done_ != true) {
    // build hash table on right tiles
    while (hash_executor_->Execute() == true) {
    right_child_done_ = true;

  if (right_result_tiles_.empty()) {
    LOG_TRACE("Right child returned nothing. Exit.");
    return false;

  // Get the hash table from the hash executor
  HashExecutor::HashMapType &hash_table_ = hash_executor_->GetHashTable();
  // Get the address of column_ids
  auto col_ids_address = &(hash_executor_->GetHashKeyIds());

  // Loop until we have non-empty result join logical tile or exit
  for (;;) {
    // Build outer join output when done
    if (left_child_done_) {
      assert(right_child_done_ == true);
      return BuildOuterJoinOutput();

    // Pick next left tiles
    LogicalTile *left_tile = nullptr;

    // Left child is finished, no more tiles
    if (children_[0]->Execute() == false) {
      LOG_TRACE("Left child is exhausted. Returning false.");

      // Left child exhausted.
      // Release cur left tile. Clear right child's result buffer and return.
      assert(right_result_tiles_.size() > 0);
      left_child_done_ = true;

      // hash_table_.clear();
      return BuildOuterJoinOutput();
      // Buffer the left child's result
    else {
      LOG_TRACE("Advance the left child.");

    left_tile = left_result_tiles_.back().get();

    // Build Join Tile
    std::unordered_map<size_t, std::unique_ptr<LogicalTile>> output_tile_map;
    std::unordered_map<size_t, LogicalTile::PositionListsBuilder>

    // Go over the left logical tile
    for (auto left_tile_row_itr : *left_tile) {
      auto target_key = HashExecutor::HashMapType::key_type(
          left_tile, left_tile_row_itr, col_ids_address);

      auto got = hash_table_.find(target_key);

      // There is no corresponding right tuples. Skip this left tuple and
      // continue.
      if (got == hash_table_.end()) {

      // Go over the matching right tuples
      // Key : container tuple with a subset of tuple attributes
      // Value : < child_tile offset, tuple offset >
      auto right_matched_tuples = got->second;
      for (auto value : right_matched_tuples) {
        // For Right and Full Outer Join
        RecordMatchedRightRow(value.first, value.second);

        // If this left-right pair has not been recorded
        if (output_tile_map.find(value.first) == output_tile_map.end()) {
          // we have to firstly update the right_tile,
          // because this right tuple can belong to a tile which is
          // different from the one we use to initialize our pos_lists_builder
          LogicalTile *current_right_tile =

          // Build and record output join logical tile
          output_tile_map[value.first] =
              BuildOutputLogicalTile(left_tile, current_right_tile);

          // Build and record corresponding position lists
          LogicalTile::PositionListsBuilder pos_lists_builder(
              left_tile, current_right_tile);
          pos_lists_builder_map[value.first] = pos_lists_builder;

        // Insert a tuple into the correct output logical tile in the hashmap

      // For Left and Full Outer Join
      // if we get some matched right tuples for this left tuple,
      // we remove it from the no_matching_left_row_sets_
      RecordMatchedLeftRow(left_result_tiles_.size() - 1, left_tile_row_itr);

    // fill the buffered_output_tiles with values in hashmap
    for (auto iter = output_tile_map.begin(); iter != output_tile_map.end();
         ++iter) {

    // Check if we have any join tuples
    if (buffered_output_tiles.size() > 0) {
      return true;

    LOG_TRACE("This left tile produces empty join result. Continue the loop.");
 * @brief Creates logical tiles from the two input logical tiles after applying
 * join predicate.
 * @return true on success, false otherwise.
bool MergeJoinExecutor::DExecute() {
      "********** Merge Join executor :: 2 children "
      "left:: start: %lu, end: %lu, done: %d "
      "right:: start: %lu, end: %lu, done: %d",
      left_start_row, left_end_row, left_child_done_, right_start_row,
      right_end_row, right_child_done_);

  // Build outer join output when done
  if (right_child_done_ && left_child_done_) {
    return BuildOuterJoinOutput();

  // Pick right and left tiles

  // Try to get next tile from RIGHT child
  if (((right_child_done_ == false) && (right_start_row == right_end_row)) ||
      (left_child_done_ == true)) {
    if (children_[1]->Execute() == false) {
      LOG_TRACE("Did not get right tile ");
      right_child_done_ = true;
      // Try again
      return DExecute();

    LOG_TRACE("Got right tile ");

    auto right_tile = children_[1]->GetOutput();

    right_start_row = 0;
    right_end_row = Advance(right_tile, right_start_row, false);
    LOG_TRACE("size of right tiles: %lu", right_result_tiles_.size());

  // Try to get next tile from LEFT child
  if (((left_child_done_ == false) && (left_start_row == left_end_row)) ||
      (right_child_done_ == true)) {
    if (children_[0]->Execute() == false) {
      LOG_TRACE("Did not get left tile ");
      left_child_done_ = true;
      // Try again
      return DExecute();

    LOG_TRACE("Got left tile ");

    auto left_tile = children_[0]->GetOutput();

    left_start_row = 0;
    left_end_row = Advance(left_tile, left_start_row, true);
    LOG_TRACE("size of left tiles: %lu", left_result_tiles_.size());

  // Check if we have logical tiles to process
  if(left_result_tiles_.empty() || right_result_tiles_.empty()) {
    return false;

  LogicalTile *left_tile = left_result_tiles_.back().get();
  LogicalTile *right_tile = right_result_tiles_.back().get();

  // Build Join Tile

  // Build output logical tile
  auto output_tile = BuildOutputLogicalTile(left_tile, right_tile);

  // Build position lists
  LogicalTile::PositionListsBuilder pos_lists_builder(left_tile, right_tile);

  while ((left_end_row > left_start_row) && (right_end_row > right_start_row)) {
    expression::ContainerTuple<executor::LogicalTile> left_tuple(
        left_tile, left_start_row);
    expression::ContainerTuple<executor::LogicalTile> right_tuple(
        right_tile, right_start_row);
    bool not_matching_tuple_pair = false;

    // Evaluate and compare the join clauses
    for (auto &clause : *join_clauses_) {
      auto left_value =
          clause.left_->Evaluate(&left_tuple, &right_tuple, nullptr);
      auto right_value =
          clause.right_->Evaluate(&left_tuple, &right_tuple, nullptr);

      // Compare the values
      int comparison = left_value.Compare(right_value);

      // Left key < Right key, advance left
      if (comparison < 0) {
        LOG_TRACE("left < right, advance left ");
        left_start_row = left_end_row;
        left_end_row = Advance(left_tile, left_start_row, true);
        not_matching_tuple_pair = true;
      // Left key > Right key, advance right
      else if (comparison > 0) {
        LOG_TRACE("left > right, advance right ");
        right_start_row = right_end_row;
        right_end_row = Advance(right_tile, right_start_row, false);
        not_matching_tuple_pair = true;

      // Left key == Right key, go and check next join clause

    // Atleast one of the join clauses don't match
    // One of the tile has been advanced
    if (not_matching_tuple_pair) {

    // Join clauses matched, try to match predicate
    LOG_TRACE("one pair of tuples matches join clause ");

    // Join predicate exists
    if (predicate_ != nullptr) {
      if (predicate_->Evaluate(&left_tuple, &right_tuple, executor_context_)
              .IsFalse()) {
        // Join predicate is false. Advance both.
        left_start_row = left_end_row;
        left_end_row = Advance(left_tile, left_start_row, true);

        right_start_row = right_end_row;
        right_end_row = Advance(right_tile, right_start_row, false);

    // Sub tile matched, do a Cartesian product
    // Go over every pair of tuples in left and right logical tiles
    for (size_t left_tile_row_itr = left_start_row;
         left_tile_row_itr < left_end_row; left_tile_row_itr++) {
      for (size_t right_tile_row_itr = right_start_row;
           right_tile_row_itr < right_end_row; right_tile_row_itr++) {
        // Insert a tuple into the output logical tile
        pos_lists_builder.AddRow(left_tile_row_itr, right_tile_row_itr);

        RecordMatchedLeftRow(left_result_tiles_.size() - 1, left_tile_row_itr);
        RecordMatchedRightRow(right_result_tiles_.size() - 1,

    // Then, advance both
    left_start_row = left_end_row;
    left_end_row = Advance(left_tile, left_start_row, true);

    right_start_row = right_end_row;
    right_end_row = Advance(right_tile, right_start_row, false);

  // Check if we have any join tuples.
  if (pos_lists_builder.Size() > 0) {
    return true;
  // Try again
  else {
    // If we are out of any more pairs of child tiles to examine,
    // then we will return false earlier in this function
    // So, no need to return false here

  return true;
 * @brief Creates logical tiles from the two input logical tiles after applying
 * join predicate.
 * @return true on success, false otherwise.
bool HashJoinExecutor::DExecute() {
  // build hash map for right table
  if (!right_child_done_) {
    while (hash_executor_->Execute() == true)
    right_child_done_ = true;

  for (;;) {
    // left child & right child all done
    if (left_child_done_ && right_child_done_) {
      return BuildOuterJoinOutput();

    // if there is remaining pairs in buffer, release one at a time.
    if (!buffered_output_tiles.empty()) {
      // just hand in one.
      return true;

    // traverse every left child tile
    if (children_[0]->Execute()) {
      LogicalTile *left_tile = left_result_tiles_.back().get();

      // traverse every tuple in curt left tile
      for (auto left_tile_row_itr : *left_tile) {
        auto hash = HashExecutor::HashMapType::key_type(
            left_tile, left_tile_row_itr, &hash_executor_->GetHashKeyIds());
        auto hash_result = hash_executor_->GetHashTable().find(hash);
        if (hash_result != hash_executor_->GetHashTable().end()) {
          RecordMatchedLeftRow(left_logical_tile_itr_, left_tile_row_itr);
          // traverse right set
          for (auto iter = hash_result->second.begin();
               iter != hash_result->second.end(); ++iter) {
            auto tile_index = iter->first;
            auto tuple_index = iter->second;
            RecordMatchedRightRow(tile_index, tuple_index);
            LogicalTile *right_tile = right_result_tiles_[tile_index].get();
            LogicalTile::PositionListsBuilder pos_lists_builder(left_tile,
            pos_lists_builder.AddRow(left_tile_row_itr, tuple_index);
            auto output_tile = BuildOutputLogicalTile(left_tile, right_tile);
          }  // end of traversing right set
        }    // end of if match
      }      // end of traversal of curt left_tile

      // Release at most one pair.
      // PS: This should be done after traversing all the tuples in curt tile
      if (!buffered_output_tiles.empty()) {
        // release one at a time
        return true;
    }  // end of still have left tile

    // All left tiles are exhausted.
    else {
      left_child_done_ = true;
      return BuildOuterJoinOutput();
  }  // end of infinite loop
  // never should go here
  return false;
}  // end of DExecute
 * @brief Creates logical tiles from the two input logical tiles after applying
 * join predicate.
 * @return true on success, false otherwise.
bool HashJoinExecutor::DExecute() {
  LOG_INFO("Hash Join Executor");

  // Loop until we have non-empty result join logical tile or exit
  while (true) {
    // if (!buffered_output_tiles.empty()) {
    if (!result.empty()) {
      auto* output_tile = result.back();
      return true;

    // Build outer join output when done
    if (left_child_done_ && right_child_done_) {
      return BuildOuterJoinOutput();

    // Pick right and left tiles

    // Get all the logical tiles from RIGHT child
    if (!right_child_done_) {
      while (children_[1]->Execute()) {
      right_child_done_ = true;
      LOG_INFO("Hash Join Executor: Got all %lu right tiles.",

    // Get next logical tile from LEFT child
    if (children_[0]->Execute()) {
      LOG_INFO("Hash Join Executor: Got left tile %p.",
    } else {
      // Left input is exhausted, loop around
      left_child_done_ = true;
      return BuildOuterJoinOutput();
    if (right_result_tiles_.empty()) {
      /// No right children, a hash lookup would be empty. Continue ...

    // Build Join Tile

    LogicalTile* left_tile = left_result_tiles_.back().get();

    // Get the hash table from the hash executor
    auto& hash_table = hash_executor_->GetHashTable();
    auto& hash_columns = hash_executor_->GetHashKeyIds();

    for (oid_t left_tid : *left_tile) {
      /// Create key and probe hash table
      HashExecutor::HashMapType::key_type key(left_tile, left_tid,
      const auto& iter = hash_table.find(key);
      if (iter == hash_table.end()) {
      auto& matches = iter->second;
      for (auto& match : matches) {
        auto right_tile_index = match.first;
        auto* right_tile = right_result_tiles_[right_tile_index].get();
        auto right_tid = match.second;
        RecordMatchedRightRow(right_tile_index, right_tid);
        RecordMatchedLeftRow(left_result_tiles_.size() - 1, left_tid);

        const auto& pos_match_iter = right_matches.find(right_tile_index);
        if (pos_match_iter == right_matches.end()) {
          std::unique_ptr<LogicalTile::PositionListsBuilder> builder{
              new LogicalTile::PositionListsBuilder(left_tile, right_tile)};
              std::make_pair(right_tile_index, std::move(builder)));
        right_matches[right_tile_index]->AddRow(left_tid, right_tid);

    // Create a new logical tile for every grouped match in matches
    for (auto& iter : right_matches) {
      auto output_tile = BuildOutputLogicalTile(
          left_tile, right_result_tiles_[iter.first].get());
      auto& pos_lists_builder = iter.second;