//========================================================= // Start task - selects the correct activity and performs // any necessary calculations to start the next task on the // schedule. OVERRIDDEN for bullsquid because it needs to // know explicitly when the last attempt to chase the enemy // failed, since that impacts its attack choices. //========================================================= void CBullsquid :: StartTask ( Task_t *pTask ) { m_iTaskStatus = TASKSTATUS_RUNNING; switch ( pTask->iTask ) { case TASK_MELEE_ATTACK2: { switch ( RANDOM_LONG ( 0, 2 ) ) { case 0: EMIT_SOUND( ENT(pev), CHAN_VOICE, "bullchicken/bc_attackgrowl.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM ); break; case 1: EMIT_SOUND( ENT(pev), CHAN_VOICE, "bullchicken/bc_attackgrowl2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM ); break; case 2: EMIT_SOUND( ENT(pev), CHAN_VOICE, "bullchicken/bc_attackgrowl3.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM ); break; } CBaseMonster :: StartTask ( pTask ); break; } case TASK_SQUID_HOPTURN: { SetActivity ( ACT_HOP ); MakeIdealYaw ( m_vecEnemyLKP ); break; } case TASK_GET_PATH_TO_ENEMY: { if ( BuildRoute ( m_hEnemy->pev->origin, bits_MF_TO_ENEMY, m_hEnemy ) ) { m_iTaskStatus = TASKSTATUS_COMPLETE; } else { ALERT ( at_aiconsole, "GetPathToEnemy failed!!\n" ); TaskFail(); } break; } default: { CBaseMonster :: StartTask ( pTask ); break; } } }
//========================================================= // Start task - selects the correct activity and performs // any necessary calculations to start the next task on the // schedule. //========================================================= void CBaseMonster :: StartTask ( Task_t *pTask ) { switch ( pTask->iTask ) { case TASK_TURN_RIGHT: { float flCurrentYaw; flCurrentYaw = UTIL_AngleMod( pev->angles.y ); pev->ideal_yaw = UTIL_AngleMod( flCurrentYaw - pTask->flData ); SetTurnActivity(); break; } case TASK_TURN_LEFT: { float flCurrentYaw; flCurrentYaw = UTIL_AngleMod( pev->angles.y ); pev->ideal_yaw = UTIL_AngleMod( flCurrentYaw + pTask->flData ); SetTurnActivity(); break; } case TASK_REMEMBER: { Remember ( (int)pTask->flData ); TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_FORGET: { Forget ( (int)pTask->flData ); TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_FIND_HINTNODE: { m_iHintNode = FindHintNode(); if ( m_iHintNode != NO_NODE ) { TaskComplete(); } else { TaskFail(); } break; } case TASK_STORE_LASTPOSITION: { m_vecLastPosition = pev->origin; TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_CLEAR_LASTPOSITION: { m_vecLastPosition = g_vecZero; TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_CLEAR_HINTNODE: { m_iHintNode = NO_NODE; TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_STOP_MOVING: { if ( m_IdealActivity == m_movementActivity ) { m_IdealActivity = GetStoppedActivity(); } RouteClear(); TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_PLAY_SEQUENCE_FACE_ENEMY: case TASK_PLAY_SEQUENCE_FACE_TARGET: case TASK_PLAY_SEQUENCE: { m_IdealActivity = ( Activity )( int )pTask->flData; break; } case TASK_PLAY_ACTIVE_IDLE: { // monsters verify that they have a sequence for the node's activity BEFORE // moving towards the node, so it's ok to just set the activity without checking here. m_IdealActivity = ( Activity )WorldGraph.m_pNodes[ m_iHintNode ].m_sHintActivity; break; } case TASK_SET_SCHEDULE: { Schedule_t *pNewSchedule; pNewSchedule = GetScheduleOfType( (int)pTask->flData ); if ( pNewSchedule ) { ChangeSchedule( pNewSchedule ); } else { TaskFail(); } break; } case TASK_FIND_NEAR_NODE_COVER_FROM_ENEMY: { if ( m_hEnemy == NULL ) { TaskFail(); return; } if ( FindCover( m_hEnemy->pev->origin, m_hEnemy->pev->view_ofs, 0, pTask->flData ) ) { // try for cover farther than the FLData from the schedule. TaskComplete(); } else { // no coverwhatsoever. TaskFail(); } break; } case TASK_FIND_FAR_NODE_COVER_FROM_ENEMY: { if ( m_hEnemy == NULL ) { TaskFail(); return; } if ( FindCover( m_hEnemy->pev->origin, m_hEnemy->pev->view_ofs, pTask->flData, CoverRadius() ) ) { // try for cover farther than the FLData from the schedule. TaskComplete(); } else { // no coverwhatsoever. TaskFail(); } break; } case TASK_FIND_NODE_COVER_FROM_ENEMY: { if ( m_hEnemy == NULL ) { TaskFail(); return; } if ( FindCover( m_hEnemy->pev->origin, m_hEnemy->pev->view_ofs, 0, CoverRadius() ) ) { // try for cover farther than the FLData from the schedule. TaskComplete(); } else { // no coverwhatsoever. TaskFail(); } break; } case TASK_FIND_COVER_FROM_ENEMY: { entvars_t *pevCover; if ( m_hEnemy == NULL ) { // Find cover from self if no enemy available pevCover = pev; // TaskFail(); // return; } else pevCover = m_hEnemy->pev; if ( FindLateralCover( pevCover->origin, pevCover->view_ofs ) ) { // try lateral first m_flMoveWaitFinished = gpGlobals->time + pTask->flData; TaskComplete(); } else if ( FindCover( pevCover->origin, pevCover->view_ofs, 0, CoverRadius() ) ) { // then try for plain ole cover m_flMoveWaitFinished = gpGlobals->time + pTask->flData; TaskComplete(); } else { // no coverwhatsoever. TaskFail(); } break; } case TASK_FIND_COVER_FROM_ORIGIN: { if ( FindCover( pev->origin, pev->view_ofs, 0, CoverRadius() ) ) { // then try for plain ole cover m_flMoveWaitFinished = gpGlobals->time + pTask->flData; TaskComplete(); } else { // no cover! TaskFail(); } } break; case TASK_FIND_COVER_FROM_BEST_SOUND: { CSound *pBestSound; pBestSound = PBestSound(); ASSERT( pBestSound != NULL ); /* if ( pBestSound && FindLateralCover( pBestSound->m_vecOrigin, g_vecZero ) ) { // try lateral first m_flMoveWaitFinished = gpGlobals->time + pTask->flData; TaskComplete(); } */ if ( pBestSound && FindCover( pBestSound->m_vecOrigin, g_vecZero, pBestSound->m_iVolume, CoverRadius() ) ) { // then try for plain ole cover m_flMoveWaitFinished = gpGlobals->time + pTask->flData; TaskComplete(); } else { // no coverwhatsoever. or no sound in list TaskFail(); } break; } case TASK_FACE_HINTNODE: { pev->ideal_yaw = WorldGraph.m_pNodes[ m_iHintNode ].m_flHintYaw; SetTurnActivity(); break; } case TASK_FACE_LASTPOSITION: MakeIdealYaw ( m_vecLastPosition ); SetTurnActivity(); break; case TASK_FACE_TARGET: if ( m_hTargetEnt != NULL ) { MakeIdealYaw ( m_hTargetEnt->pev->origin ); SetTurnActivity(); } else TaskFail(); break; case TASK_FACE_ENEMY: { MakeIdealYaw ( m_vecEnemyLKP ); SetTurnActivity(); break; } case TASK_FACE_IDEAL: { SetTurnActivity(); break; } case TASK_FACE_ROUTE: { if (FRouteClear()) { ALERT(at_aiconsole, "No route to face!\n"); TaskFail(); } else { MakeIdealYaw(m_Route[m_iRouteIndex].vecLocation); SetTurnActivity(); } break; } case TASK_WAIT_PVS: case TASK_WAIT_INDEFINITE: { // don't do anything. break; } case TASK_WAIT: case TASK_WAIT_FACE_ENEMY: {// set a future time that tells us when the wait is over. m_flWaitFinished = gpGlobals->time + pTask->flData; break; } case TASK_WAIT_RANDOM: {// set a future time that tells us when the wait is over. m_flWaitFinished = gpGlobals->time + RANDOM_FLOAT( 0.1, pTask->flData ); break; } case TASK_MOVE_TO_TARGET_RANGE: { if ( (m_hTargetEnt->pev->origin - pev->origin).Length() < 1 ) TaskComplete(); else { m_vecMoveGoal = m_hTargetEnt->pev->origin; if ( !MoveToTarget( ACT_WALK, 2 ) ) TaskFail(); } break; } case TASK_RUN_TO_SCRIPT: case TASK_WALK_TO_SCRIPT: { Activity newActivity; if ( !m_pGoalEnt || (m_pGoalEnt->pev->origin - pev->origin).Length() < 1 ) TaskComplete(); else { if ( pTask->iTask == TASK_WALK_TO_SCRIPT ) newActivity = ACT_WALK; else newActivity = ACT_RUN; // This monster can't do this! if ( LookupActivity( newActivity ) == ACTIVITY_NOT_AVAILABLE ) TaskComplete(); else { if ( m_pGoalEnt != NULL ) { Vector vecDest; vecDest = m_pGoalEnt->pev->origin; if ( !MoveToLocation( newActivity, 2, vecDest ) ) { TaskFail(); ALERT( at_aiconsole, "%s Failed to reach script!!!\n", STRING(pev->classname) ); RouteClear(); } } else { TaskFail(); ALERT( at_aiconsole, "%s: MoveTarget is missing!?!\n", STRING(pev->classname) ); RouteClear(); } } } TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_CLEAR_MOVE_WAIT: { m_flMoveWaitFinished = gpGlobals->time; TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_MELEE_ATTACK1_NOTURN: case TASK_MELEE_ATTACK1: { m_IdealActivity = ACT_MELEE_ATTACK1; break; } case TASK_MELEE_ATTACK2_NOTURN: case TASK_MELEE_ATTACK2: { m_IdealActivity = ACT_MELEE_ATTACK2; break; } case TASK_RANGE_ATTACK1_NOTURN: case TASK_RANGE_ATTACK1: { m_IdealActivity = ACT_RANGE_ATTACK1; break; } case TASK_RANGE_ATTACK2_NOTURN: case TASK_RANGE_ATTACK2: { m_IdealActivity = ACT_RANGE_ATTACK2; break; } case TASK_RELOAD_NOTURN: case TASK_RELOAD: { m_IdealActivity = ACT_RELOAD; break; } case TASK_SPECIAL_ATTACK1: { m_IdealActivity = ACT_SPECIAL_ATTACK1; break; } case TASK_SPECIAL_ATTACK2: { m_IdealActivity = ACT_SPECIAL_ATTACK2; break; } case TASK_SET_ACTIVITY: { m_IdealActivity = (Activity)(int)pTask->flData; TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_GET_PATH_TO_ENEMY_LKP: { if ( BuildRoute ( m_vecEnemyLKP, bits_MF_TO_LOCATION, NULL ) ) { TaskComplete(); } else if (BuildNearestRoute( m_vecEnemyLKP, pev->view_ofs, 0, (m_vecEnemyLKP - pev->origin).Length() )) { TaskComplete(); } else { // no way to get there =( ALERT ( at_aiconsole, "GetPathToEnemyLKP failed!!\n" ); TaskFail(); } break; } case TASK_GET_PATH_TO_ENEMY: { CBaseEntity *pEnemy = m_hEnemy; if ( pEnemy == NULL ) { TaskFail(); return; } if ( BuildRoute ( pEnemy->pev->origin, bits_MF_TO_ENEMY, pEnemy ) ) { TaskComplete(); } else if (BuildNearestRoute( pEnemy->pev->origin, pEnemy->pev->view_ofs, 0, (pEnemy->pev->origin - pev->origin).Length() )) { TaskComplete(); } else { // no way to get there =( ALERT ( at_aiconsole, "GetPathToEnemy failed!!\n" ); TaskFail(); } break; } case TASK_GET_PATH_TO_ENEMY_CORPSE: { UTIL_MakeVectors( pev->angles ); if ( BuildRoute ( m_vecEnemyLKP - gpGlobals->v_forward * 64, bits_MF_TO_LOCATION, NULL ) ) { TaskComplete(); } else { ALERT ( at_aiconsole, "GetPathToEnemyCorpse failed!!\n" ); TaskFail(); } } break; case TASK_GET_PATH_TO_SPOT: { CBaseEntity *pPlayer = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( NULL, "player" ); if ( BuildRoute ( m_vecMoveGoal, bits_MF_TO_LOCATION, pPlayer ) ) { TaskComplete(); } else { // no way to get there =( ALERT ( at_aiconsole, "GetPathToSpot failed!!\n" ); TaskFail(); } break; } case TASK_GET_PATH_TO_TARGET: { RouteClear(); if ( m_hTargetEnt != NULL && MoveToTarget( m_movementActivity, 1 ) ) { TaskComplete(); } else { // no way to get there =( ALERT ( at_aiconsole, "GetPathToSpot failed!!\n" ); TaskFail(); } break; } case TASK_GET_PATH_TO_SCRIPT: { RouteClear(); if ( m_pCine != NULL && MoveToLocation( m_movementActivity, 1, m_pCine->pev->origin ) ) { TaskComplete(); } else { // no way to get there =( ALERT ( at_aiconsole, "GetPathToSpot failed!!\n" ); TaskFail(); } break; } case TASK_GET_PATH_TO_HINTNODE:// for active idles! { if ( MoveToLocation( m_movementActivity, 2, WorldGraph.m_pNodes[ m_iHintNode ].m_vecOrigin ) ) { TaskComplete(); } else { // no way to get there =( ALERT ( at_aiconsole, "GetPathToHintNode failed!!\n" ); TaskFail(); } break; } case TASK_GET_PATH_TO_LASTPOSITION: { m_vecMoveGoal = m_vecLastPosition; if ( MoveToLocation( m_movementActivity, 2, m_vecMoveGoal ) ) { TaskComplete(); } else { // no way to get there =( ALERT ( at_aiconsole, "GetPathToLastPosition failed!!\n" ); TaskFail(); } break; } case TASK_GET_PATH_TO_BESTSOUND: { CSound *pSound; pSound = PBestSound(); if ( pSound && MoveToLocation( m_movementActivity, 2, pSound->m_vecOrigin ) ) { TaskComplete(); } else { // no way to get there =( ALERT ( at_aiconsole, "GetPathToBestSound failed!!\n" ); TaskFail(); } break; } case TASK_GET_PATH_TO_BESTSCENT: { CSound *pScent; pScent = PBestScent(); if ( pScent && MoveToLocation( m_movementActivity, 2, pScent->m_vecOrigin ) ) { TaskComplete(); } else { // no way to get there =( ALERT ( at_aiconsole, "GetPathToBestScent failed!!\n" ); TaskFail(); } break; } case TASK_RUN_PATH: { // UNDONE: This is in some default AI and some monsters can't run? -- walk instead? if ( LookupActivity( ACT_RUN ) != ACTIVITY_NOT_AVAILABLE ) { m_movementActivity = ACT_RUN; } else { m_movementActivity = ACT_WALK; } TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_WALK_PATH: { if ( pev->movetype == MOVETYPE_FLY ) { m_movementActivity = ACT_FLY; } if ( LookupActivity( ACT_WALK ) != ACTIVITY_NOT_AVAILABLE ) { m_movementActivity = ACT_WALK; } else { m_movementActivity = ACT_RUN; } TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_STRAFE_PATH: { Vector2D vec2DirToPoint; Vector2D vec2RightSide; // to start strafing, we have to first figure out if the target is on the left side or right side UTIL_MakeVectors ( pev->angles ); vec2DirToPoint = ( m_Route[ 0 ].vecLocation - pev->origin ).Make2D().Normalize(); vec2RightSide = gpGlobals->v_right.Make2D().Normalize(); if ( DotProduct ( vec2DirToPoint, vec2RightSide ) > 0 ) { // strafe right m_movementActivity = ACT_STRAFE_RIGHT; } else { // strafe left m_movementActivity = ACT_STRAFE_LEFT; } TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_WAIT_FOR_MOVEMENT: { if (FRouteClear()) { TaskComplete(); } break; } case TASK_EAT: { Eat( pTask->flData ); TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_SMALL_FLINCH: { m_IdealActivity = GetSmallFlinchActivity(); break; } case TASK_DIE: { RouteClear(); m_IdealActivity = GetDeathActivity(); pev->deadflag = DEAD_DYING; break; } case TASK_SOUND_WAKE: { AlertSound(); TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_SOUND_DIE: { DeathSound(); TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_SOUND_IDLE: { IdleSound(); TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_SOUND_PAIN: { PainSound(); TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_SOUND_DEATH: { DeathSound(); TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_SOUND_ANGRY: { // sounds are complete as soon as we get here, cause we've already played them. ALERT ( at_aiconsole, "SOUND\n" ); TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_WAIT_FOR_SCRIPT: { if ( m_pCine->m_iDelay <= 0 && gpGlobals->time >= m_pCine->m_startTime ) { TaskComplete(); //LRC - start playing immediately } else if (!m_pCine->IsAction() && m_pCine->m_iszIdle) { m_pCine->StartSequence( (CBaseMonster *)this, m_pCine->m_iszIdle, FALSE ); if (FStrEq( STRING(m_pCine->m_iszIdle), STRING(m_pCine->m_iszPlay))) { pev->framerate = 0; } } else m_IdealActivity = ACT_IDLE; break; } case TASK_PLAY_SCRIPT: { if (m_pCine->IsAction()) { //ALERT(at_console,"PlayScript: setting idealactivity %d\n",m_pCine->m_fAction); switch(m_pCine->m_fAction) { case 0: m_IdealActivity = ACT_RANGE_ATTACK1; break; case 1: m_IdealActivity = ACT_RANGE_ATTACK2; break; case 2: m_IdealActivity = ACT_MELEE_ATTACK1; break; case 3: m_IdealActivity = ACT_MELEE_ATTACK2; break; case 4: m_IdealActivity = ACT_SPECIAL_ATTACK1; break; case 5: m_IdealActivity = ACT_SPECIAL_ATTACK2; break; case 6: m_IdealActivity = ACT_RELOAD; break; case 7: m_IdealActivity = ACT_HOP; break; } pev->framerate = 1.0; // shouldn't be needed, but just in case pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_FLY; ClearBits(pev->flags, FL_ONGROUND); } else { m_pCine->StartSequence( (CBaseMonster *)this, m_pCine->m_iszPlay, TRUE ); if ( m_fSequenceFinished ) ClearSchedule(); pev->framerate = 1.0; //ALERT( at_aiconsole, "Script %s has begun for %s\n", STRING( m_pCine->m_iszPlay ), STRING(pev->classname) ); } m_scriptState = SCRIPT_PLAYING; break; } case TASK_ENABLE_SCRIPT: { m_pCine->DelayStart( 0 ); TaskComplete(); break; } //LRC case TASK_END_SCRIPT: { m_pCine->SequenceDone( this ); TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_PLANT_ON_SCRIPT: { if ( m_pCine != NULL ) { // Plant on script // LRC - if it's a teleport script, do the turn too if (m_pCine->m_fMoveTo == 4 || m_pCine->m_fMoveTo == 6) { if (m_pCine->m_fTurnType == 0) //LRC pev->angles.y = m_hTargetEnt->pev->angles.y; else if (m_pCine->m_fTurnType == 1) pev->angles.y = UTIL_VecToYaw(m_hTargetEnt->pev->origin - pev->origin); pev->ideal_yaw = pev->angles.y; pev->avelocity = Vector( 0, 0, 0 ); pev->velocity = Vector( 0, 0, 0 ); pev->effects |= EF_NOINTERP; } if (m_pCine->m_fMoveTo != 6) pev->origin = m_pGoalEnt->pev->origin; } TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_FACE_SCRIPT: { if ( m_pCine != NULL && m_pCine->m_fMoveTo != 0) // movetype "no move" makes us ignore turntype { switch (m_pCine->m_fTurnType) { case 0: pev->ideal_yaw = UTIL_AngleMod( m_pCine->pev->angles.y ); break; case 1: // yes, this is inconsistent- turn to face uses the "target" and turn to angle uses the "cine". if (m_hTargetEnt) MakeIdealYaw ( m_hTargetEnt->pev->origin ); else MakeIdealYaw ( m_pCine->pev->origin ); break; // default: don't turn } } TaskComplete(); m_IdealActivity = ACT_IDLE; RouteClear(); break; } case TASK_SUGGEST_STATE: { m_IdealMonsterState = (MONSTERSTATE)(int)pTask->flData; TaskComplete(); break; } case TASK_SET_FAIL_SCHEDULE: m_failSchedule = (int)pTask->flData; TaskComplete(); break; case TASK_CLEAR_FAIL_SCHEDULE: m_failSchedule = SCHED_NONE; TaskComplete(); break; default: { ALERT ( at_aiconsole, "No StartTask entry for %d\n", (SHARED_TASKS)pTask->iTask ); break; } } }
//========================================================= // StartTask //========================================================= void CAGrunt :: StartTask ( Task_t *pTask ) { switch ( pTask->iTask ) { case TASK_AGRUNT_GET_PATH_TO_ENEMY_CORPSE: { UTIL_MakeVectors( pev->angles ); if ( BuildRoute ( m_vecEnemyLKP - gpGlobals->v_forward * 50, bits_MF_TO_LOCATION, NULL ) ) { TaskComplete(); } else { ALERT ( at_aiconsole, "AGruntGetPathToEnemyCorpse failed!!\n" ); TaskFail(); } } break; case TASK_AGRUNT_SETUP_HIDE_ATTACK: // alien grunt shoots hornets back out into the open from a concealed location. // try to find a spot to throw that gives the smart weapon a good chance of finding the enemy. // ideally, this spot is along a line that is perpendicular to a line drawn from the agrunt to the enemy. CBaseMonster *pEnemyMonsterPtr; pEnemyMonsterPtr = m_hEnemy->MyMonsterPointer(); if ( pEnemyMonsterPtr ) { Vector vecCenter; TraceResult tr; BOOL fSkip; fSkip = FALSE; vecCenter = Center(); UTIL_VecToAngles( m_vecEnemyLKP - pev->origin ); UTIL_TraceLine( Center() + gpGlobals->v_forward * 128, m_vecEnemyLKP, ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &tr); if ( tr.flFraction == 1.0 ) { MakeIdealYaw ( pev->origin + gpGlobals->v_right * 128 ); fSkip = TRUE; TaskComplete(); } if ( !fSkip ) { UTIL_TraceLine( Center() - gpGlobals->v_forward * 128, m_vecEnemyLKP, ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &tr); if ( tr.flFraction == 1.0 ) { MakeIdealYaw ( pev->origin - gpGlobals->v_right * 128 ); fSkip = TRUE; TaskComplete(); } } if ( !fSkip ) { UTIL_TraceLine( Center() + gpGlobals->v_forward * 256, m_vecEnemyLKP, ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &tr); if ( tr.flFraction == 1.0 ) { MakeIdealYaw ( pev->origin + gpGlobals->v_right * 256 ); fSkip = TRUE; TaskComplete(); } } if ( !fSkip ) { UTIL_TraceLine( Center() - gpGlobals->v_forward * 256, m_vecEnemyLKP, ignore_monsters, ENT(pev), &tr); if ( tr.flFraction == 1.0 ) { MakeIdealYaw ( pev->origin - gpGlobals->v_right * 256 ); fSkip = TRUE; TaskComplete(); } } if ( !fSkip ) { TaskFail(); } } else { ALERT ( at_aiconsole, "AGRunt - no enemy monster ptr!!!\n" ); TaskFail(); } break; default: CSquadMonster :: StartTask ( pTask ); break; } }
void RouteSimulationExample::Initialise() { //Load a model containing the nodes which will be bound to our route simulation sessions. For //a detailed explation see http://www.eegeo.com/developers/documentation/loading_rendering_models //or see LoadModelExample.cpp. LoadModelVehicleNodes(m_pVehicleModel1, m_pVehicleModel2, m_switchableVehicleModels); //Build the route - see RouteDrawingExample.cpp for a detailed explanation of building routes, or //check out http://www.eegeo.com/developers/documentation/routes m_pRoute = BuildRoute(); //Create three simulation sessions for the same route. This first illustrates a session which //we will control such that it just loops around in a cycle forever, to illustrate route 'playback'. //The first session will just obey the link speed for the route links. m_pSessionCycle = m_routeSimulationService.BeginRouteSimulationSession(*m_pRoute); //The second session we will control such that it oscillates back and forward to illustrate //'rewinding' a route. We will vary the speed dynamically to illustrate 'fast-forward' playback. m_pSessionAlternatingSpeedChanger = m_routeSimulationService.BeginRouteSimulationSession(*m_pRoute); //The final session will be used to illustrate mapping a point on to the route. A useful application //of this might be to map a GPS location on to the route, but for illustrative purposes we map the //camera focus point on to the route, so that the effect is clear without relying on sampling the //GPS (we should not require you to catch a bus to test this example!). m_pSessionCamera = m_routeSimulationService.BeginRouteSimulationSession(*m_pRoute); //Start playback on the first two routes from the beginning - we will not start playback on the //m_pSessionCamera session as we want to control this session manually by setting the position //ourselves (and having the session select the closest route point to this position). m_pSessionCycle->StartPlaybackFromBeginning(); m_pSessionAlternatingSpeedChanger->StartPlaybackFromBeginning(); //Dynamically double the playback speed for the second route to illustrate fast-forward. m_linkSpeedMultiplier = 2.f; m_pSessionAlternatingSpeedChanger->UseLinkSpeedValueWithMultiplier(m_linkSpeedMultiplier); //Create a local transform for the views which will be bound to the route simulation //session. The source vehicle models are small so must be scaled up - a scale factor //of 15 works well for this case. In the mode we are using, the vehicles are also //facing backward, so we can rotate them in local space by 180 degrees so they face //forwards. Eegeo::m44 scale, rotation, transform; scale.Scale(15.f); rotation.RotateY(Eegeo::Math::kPI); m44::Mul(transform, scale, rotation); //Bind a view to each of the three sessions using a different vehicle node from the model. //A pointer is stored to the view bindings, such that we can access them to change the local //model transform as the vehicle changes direction (when the route alternates between rewind //and regular playback), or to disable and enable the rendering of the views. m_pViewBindingForCycleSession = m_routeSimulationViewService.CreateBinding(*m_pSessionCycle, m_switchableVehicleModels.at(0), transform); m_pViewBindingForOscillatingSession = m_routeSimulationViewService.CreateBinding(*m_pSessionAlternatingSpeedChanger, m_pVehicleModel1, transform); m_pViewBindingForCameraSession = m_routeSimulationViewService.CreateBinding(*m_pSessionCamera, m_pVehicleModel2, transform); m_pRouteSessionFollowCameraController->SetTiltEnabled(true); m_pRouteSessionFollowCameraController->SetView(37.7858, -122.401, 0, 1781.0f); m_pRouteSessionFollowCameraController->StartFollowingSession(m_pSessionAlternatingSpeedChanger); // Observe the progress along the route m_pExampleObserver = Eegeo_NEW(RouteSimulationExampleObserver)(m_pViewBindingForCycleSession, m_switchableVehicleModels); m_pSessionCycle->AddSessionObserver(*m_pExampleObserver); //Create some UI buttons for controlling the simulation... CreateAndBindUI(); }