/* ================ idUsercmdGenLocal::AdjustAngles Moves the local angle positions ================ */ void idUsercmdGenLocal::AdjustAngles( void ) { float speed; if ( toggled_run.on ^ ( in_alwaysRun.GetBool() && idAsyncNetwork::IsActive() ) ) { speed = idMath::M_MS2SEC * USERCMD_MSEC * in_angleSpeedKey.GetFloat(); } else { speed = idMath::M_MS2SEC * USERCMD_MSEC; } if ( !ButtonState( UB_STRAFE ) ) { viewangles[YAW] -= speed * in_yawSpeed.GetFloat() * ButtonState( UB_RIGHT ); viewangles[YAW] += speed * in_yawSpeed.GetFloat() * ButtonState( UB_LEFT ); } viewangles[PITCH] -= speed * in_pitchSpeed.GetFloat() * ButtonState( UB_LOOKUP ); viewangles[PITCH] += speed * in_pitchSpeed.GetFloat() * ButtonState( UB_LOOKDOWN ); }
void SampleCfg::DoSelChange () { IT_IT("SampleCfg::DoSelChange"); QString cmd = "select * from SAMPLE where NAME='"+Name->text()+"';"; GetConfigureDb ()->DoExec (this, cmd, tItem); // lock the db and action the request ButtonState (false); };
void UserCfgDlg::DoSelChange () { IT_IT("UUserCfgDlg::DoSelChange"); QString cmd = "select * from USERS where NAME ='" + Name->currentText () + "';"; // retrive the record GetConfigureDb ()->DoExec (this,cmd,tItem); ButtonState (false); };
void SerialCfg::Apply () { Build (); QString cmd = GetConfigureDb ()->Update ("SERIAL", "NAME", Name->currentText ()); // generate the update record GetConfigureDb ()->DoExec (this, cmd,tApply); // lock the db and action the request ButtonState (false); DOAUDIT(tr("Apply:") + Name->currentText()); }
DeviceTile::DeviceTile(int x, int y, int device_id, DeviceTileType type, const MidiCommDescriptionList &device_list, Tga *button_graphics, Tga *frame_graphics) : m_x(x), m_y(y), m_preview_on(false), m_device_id(device_id), m_device_list(device_list), m_tile_type(type), m_button_graphics(button_graphics), m_frame_graphics(frame_graphics) { // Initialize the size and position of each button whole_tile = ButtonState(0, 0, DeviceTileWidth, DeviceTileHeight); button_mode_left = ButtonState( 6, 38, GraphicWidth, GraphicHeight); button_mode_right = ButtonState(428, 38, GraphicWidth, GraphicHeight); button_preview = ButtonState(469, 38, GraphicWidth, GraphicHeight); }
void UserCfgDlg::Apply () { Build (); GetConfigureDb()->AddToRecord("UPDTIME",DATETIME_NOW,false); // set the update time QString cmd = GetConfigureDb ()->Update ("USERS", "NAME", Name->currentText ()); // generate the update record GetConfigureDb ()->DoExec (this, cmd, tApply); // lock the db and action the request ButtonState (false); DOAUDIT(tr("Apply:") + Name->currentText()); }
/* ============== idUsercmdGenLocal::CmdButtons ============== */ void idUsercmdGenLocal::CmdButtons(void) { int i; cmd.buttons = 0; // figure button bits for (i = 0 ; i <= 7 ; i++) { if (ButtonState((usercmdButton_t)(UB_BUTTON0 + i))) { cmd.buttons |= 1 << i; } } // check the attack button if (ButtonState(UB_ATTACK)) { cmd.buttons |= BUTTON_ATTACK; } // check the run button if (toggled_run.on ^(in_alwaysRun.GetBool() && idAsyncNetwork::IsActive())) { cmd.buttons |= BUTTON_RUN; } // check the zoom button if (toggled_zoom.on) { cmd.buttons |= BUTTON_ZOOM; } // check the scoreboard button if (ButtonState(UB_SHOWSCORES) || ButtonState(UB_IMPULSE19)) { // the button is toggled in SP mode as well but without effect cmd.buttons |= BUTTON_SCORES; } // check the mouse look button if (ButtonState(UB_MLOOK) ^ in_freeLook.GetInteger()) { cmd.buttons |= BUTTON_MLOOK; } }
void UnitCfg::Apply () { Build (); QString cmd = GetConfigureDb ()->Update ("UNITS", "NAME", Name->currentText ()); // generate the update record GetConfigureDb ()->DoExec (this, cmd, tApply); // ButtonState (false); // if(fNew) { Configure(); }; // DOAUDIT(tr("Apply:") + Name->currentText()); }
void SampleCfg::Apply () { IT_IT("SampleCfg::Apply"); Build (); // tmp_type = Type->currentText(); // if(pConfig) { // save the configuration emit SaveConfig (Name->text ()); }; // QString cmd = GetConfigureDb()->Update ("SAMPLE", "NAME", Name->text ()); // generate the update record GetConfigureDb()->DoExec (this, cmd,tApply); ButtonState (false); // // Make sure the tag list is correct // query for the current tag list // make sure the tags and current tags are all upto date // GetConfigureDb()->DoExec(this,"select * from TAGS where NAME='"+Name->text()+"';",tTagList); // get the current tag list // if(tmp_ip_index != InputIndex->currentText()) { // the input index changed - update the type list int id = CurrentTypeList.findIndex(InputIndex->currentText()); // remove the now used index if(id != -1) { CurrentTypeList.remove(CurrentTypeList.at(id)); // delete it }; CurrentTypeList << tmp_ip_index; // add the old (now free) index tmp_ip_index = InputIndex->currentText(); // save the current index }; // // Update the comment field - for the current item // if(List->currentItem()) { (List->currentItem())->setText(1,Comment->text()); }; // DOAUDIT(tr("Apply:") + Name->text()); // }
AlarmGroupCfg::AlarmGroupCfg (QWidget * parent, const char *name):Inherited (parent, name),pTimer(new QTimer(this)) { setCaption (tr("Alarm Group Configuration")); connect (GetConfigureDb (), SIGNAL (TransactionDone (QObject *, const QString &, int, QObject*)), this, SLOT (QueryResponse (QObject *, const QString &, int, QObject*))); // connect to the databas // GetConfigureDb()->DoExec(this,"select NAME from ALARMGROUP order by NAME asc;",tList); // get the report namesd GetConfigureDb ()->DoExec (this, "select NAME from SAMPLE;",tListSPs); // get the sample point list // connect (pTimer, SIGNAL (timeout ()), this, SLOT (DoSelChange ())); // wire up the item selection timer ButtonState(false); // Comment->setMaxLength(MAX_LENGHT_OF_STRING); }
static void ManageLoop(void) { static uint16_t adc_value = kAdcPending; // button handling if (ButtonSwitch(&button_small)) { if (ButtonState(&button_small) == 1) { //AdcStart(0, &adc_value); LedToggle(&led_green); } } if (adc_value != kAdcPending) { UartTransmitNumber(adc_value); adc_value = kAdcPending; } }
/* ================= idUsercmdGenLocal::JoystickMove ================= */ void idUsercmdGenLocal::JoystickMove( void ) { float anglespeed; if ( toggled_run.on ^ ( in_alwaysRun.GetBool() && idAsyncNetwork::IsActive() ) ) { anglespeed = idMath::M_MS2SEC * USERCMD_MSEC * in_angleSpeedKey.GetFloat(); } else { anglespeed = idMath::M_MS2SEC * USERCMD_MSEC; } if ( !ButtonState( UB_STRAFE ) ) { viewangles[YAW] += anglespeed * in_yawSpeed.GetFloat() * joystickAxis[AXIS_SIDE]; viewangles[PITCH] += anglespeed * in_pitchSpeed.GetFloat() * joystickAxis[AXIS_FORWARD]; } else { cmd.rightmove = idMath::ClampChar( cmd.rightmove + joystickAxis[AXIS_SIDE] ); cmd.forwardmove = idMath::ClampChar( cmd.forwardmove + joystickAxis[AXIS_FORWARD] ); } cmd.upmove = idMath::ClampChar( cmd.upmove + joystickAxis[AXIS_UP] ); }
SerialCfg::SerialCfg (QWidget * parent, const char *name):Inherited (parent, name), pTimer (new QTimer (this)) { setCaption (tr ("Serial Port Configuration")); connect (GetConfigureDb (), SIGNAL (TransactionDone (QObject *, const QString &, int, QObject*)), this, SLOT (QueryResponse (QObject *, const QString &, int, QObject*))); // connect to the databas GetConfigureDb()->DoExec(this,"select NAME from SERIAL order by NAME asc;",tList); ButtonState (false); connect (pTimer, SIGNAL (timeout ()), this, SLOT (DoSelChange ())); // wire up the item selection timer // Comment->setMaxLength(MAX_LENGHT_OF_STRING); //set the tab order // QWidget *pL[] = { Name, Enabled, Comment, DataBits, StopBits, Parity, BaudRate, 0 }; SetTabOrder (this, pL); }
void UnitCfg::New () { NewDlg dlg (Name, this); if (dlg.exec ()) { // Comment->setText (tr(NONE_STR)); Name->insertItem (dlg.GetName ()); // add to the list box Enabled->setChecked (0); SetComboItem (Name, dlg.GetName ()); // make it the selected item // Build (); // build the record GetConfigureDb ()->AddToRecord ("NAME", Name->currentText ()); QString cmd = GetConfigureDb ()->Insert ("UNITS"); // generate the update record GetConfigureDb ()->DoExec (this, cmd,tNew); // lock the db and action the request // ButtonState (false); fNew = true; DOAUDIT(tr("New:") + dlg.GetName()); }; }
bool Gamepad::GetEvent(Event &event) { // button IDs are 1-indexed for (size_t button = 1; button <= button_state.size(); ++button) { bool state = ButtonState(button); if (button_state[button - 1] != state) { button_state[button - 1] = state; event.type = Event::BUTTON_EVENT; event.id = button; event.state = state; event.value = 0; event.angle = 0; return true; } } for (size_t axis = 0; axis < axis_state.size(); ++axis) { float value = joystick.GetRawAxis(axis); if (std::fabs(value - axis_state[axis]) > AXIS_THRESHOLD) { axis_state[axis] = value; event.type = Event::AXIS_EVENT; event.id = axis; event.state = (value > AXIS_THRESHOLD); event.value = value; event.angle = 0; return true; } } for (size_t pov = 0; pov < pov_state.size(); ++pov) { int angle = joystick.GetPOV(pov); if (angle != pov_state[pov]) { pov_state[pov] = angle; event.type = Event::POV_EVENT; event.id = pov; event.state = (angle >= 0); // angle is -1 if not pressed event.value = 0; event.angle = angle; return true; } } return false; }
void UserCfgDlg::New () { // Get the new name NewDlg dlg (Name, this); if (dlg.exec ()) { // ReportsPriviledge->setChecked (0); AlarmAckPriv->setChecked (0); ReportsPriv->setChecked (0); ReportsPriviledge->setEnabled (true); AlarmAckPriv->setEnabled (true); ReportsPriv->setEnabled (true); ExitApp->setEnabled(0); // need this priviledge to close the user interface AllPriv->setChecked (0); AgePassword->setChecked(true); // default to needing to change passwords AgeDays->setValue(0); // require password to change on next login FactoryAdministrator->setChecked(false); // default no Factory Administrator // Comment->setText (tr(NONE_STR)); Password->setText (tr(NONE_STR)); // // leave the language - so it defaults to current // Name->insertItem (dlg.GetName ()); // add to the list box SetComboItem (Name, dlg.GetName ()); // make it the selected item // Build (); // build the record GetConfigureDb ()->AddToRecord ("PSSWORD", tr(NONE_STR)); // force user toe choose password on startup // GetConfigureDb ()->AddToRecord ("NAME", Name->currentText ()); QString cmd = GetConfigureDb ()->Insert ("USERS"); // generate the update record GetConfigureDb ()->DoExec (this, cmd,tNew); // lock the db and action the request // ButtonState (false); // DOAUDIT(tr("New:") + dlg.GetName()); // }; }
void SampleCfg::New () { IT_IT("SampleCfg::New"); // // Save any existing configuration for any existing point // // NewDlg dlg (List, this); dlg.setCaption (tr ("New Sample Points")); if (dlg.exec ()) { // delete the config widget RemoveConfig(); // SetComboItem (Unit, tr(NONE_STR)); InputIndex->clear (); InputIndex->insertItem(tr(NONE_STR)); InputIndex->setCurrentItem (0); // Comment->setText (tr(NONE_STR)); (void) new QListViewItem(List,dlg.GetName (),tr(NONE_STR)); // add to the list box Enabled->setChecked (0); Fileable->setChecked (0); Retrigger->setChecked(0); AlarmThreshold->setValue(0); // SetListViewItem (List, dlg.GetName ()); // make it the selected item Name->setText (dlg.GetName ()); // Build (); // build the record GetConfigureDb ()->AddToRecord ("NAME", Name->text ()); QString cmd = GetConfigureDb ()->Insert ("SAMPLE"); // generate the update record GetConfigureDb ()->DoExec (this, cmd, tNew); // lock the db and action the request // ButtonState (false); DOAUDIT(tr("New:") + dlg.GetName()); } }
/* ================ idUsercmdGenLocal::KeyMove Sets the usercmd_t based on key states ================ */ void idUsercmdGenLocal::KeyMove( void ) { int forward, side, up; forward = 0; side = 0; up = 0; if ( ButtonState( UB_STRAFE ) ) { side += KEY_MOVESPEED * ButtonState( UB_RIGHT ); side -= KEY_MOVESPEED * ButtonState( UB_LEFT ); } side += KEY_MOVESPEED * ButtonState( UB_MOVERIGHT ); side -= KEY_MOVESPEED * ButtonState( UB_MOVELEFT ); up -= KEY_MOVESPEED * toggled_crouch.on; up += KEY_MOVESPEED * ButtonState( UB_UP ); forward += KEY_MOVESPEED * ButtonState( UB_FORWARD ); forward -= KEY_MOVESPEED * ButtonState( UB_BACK ); cmd.forwardmove = idMath::ClampChar( forward ); cmd.rightmove = idMath::ClampChar( side ); cmd.upmove = idMath::ClampChar( up ); }
SampleCfg::SampleCfg (QWidget * parent, const char *name):Inherited (parent, name), pTimer (new QTimer (this)),pConfig (0), pCfgDriver(0) { IT_IT("SampleCfg::SampleCfg"); setCaption (tr ("Sample Point Configuration")); unit_type = tr(NONE_STR); // connect (GetConfigureDb(), SIGNAL (TransactionDone (QObject *, const QString &, int, QObject*)), this, SLOT (QueryResponse (QObject *, const QString &, int, QObject*))); // connect to the database connect (GetResultDb(), SIGNAL (TransactionDone (QObject *, const QString &, int, QObject*)), this, SLOT (QueryResponse (QObject *, const QString &, int, QObject*))); // connect to the database // GetConfigureDb()->DoExec(this,"select NAME,COMMENT from SAMPLE order by NAME asc;",tList); GetConfigureDb()->DoExec(this,"select NAME from UNITS order by NAME asc;",tUnitList); ButtonState (false); // connect (pTimer, SIGNAL (timeout ()), this, SLOT (DoSelChange ())); // wire up the item selection timer InputIndex->insertItem(tr(NONE_STR)); Type->insertItem (tr(NONE_STR)); // Comment->setMaxLength(MAX_LENGHT_OF_STRING); //set the tab order // QWidget *pL[] = { List, Comment, Unit, Type, InputIndex, Units, Enabled, Fileable,LogMode,Retrigger,AlarmThreshold, 0 }; SetTabOrder (this, pL); }
void AlarmGroupCfg::Apply () { Build (); // QString cmd = GetConfigureDb ()->Update ("ALARMGROUP", "NAME", Name->currentText ()); // generate the update record GetConfigureDb ()->DoExec (this, cmd, tApply); // lock the db and action the request // ButtonState (false); // cmd = "delete from ALM_GRP_STATE where NAME ='" + Name->currentText() + "';"; GetCurrentDb()->DoExec(0,cmd,0); if (GroupList->count () > 0) { for(unsigned i = 0; i < GroupList->count(); i++) { cmd = "insert into ALM_GRP_STATE values ('"+ Name->currentText() + "','" + GroupList->text (i) + "',0,0," + DATETIME_NOW + ",0);"; GetCurrentDb()->DoExec(0,cmd,0); } } DOAUDIT(tr("Apply:") + Name->currentText()); }
UnitCfg::UnitCfg (QWidget * parent, const char *name):Inherited (parent, name), pTimer (new QTimer (this)),fNew(0) { setCaption (tr ("Unit Configuration")); connect (GetConfigureDb (), SIGNAL (TransactionDone (QObject *, const QString &, int, QObject*)), this, SLOT (QueryResponse (QObject *, const QString &, int, QObject*))); // connect to the databas GetConfigureDb()->DoExec(this,"select NAME from UNITS order by NAME asc;",tList); ButtonState (false); connect (pTimer, SIGNAL (timeout ()), this, SLOT (DoSelChange ())); // wire up the item selection timer // // Fill the unit type list QDir d (QSDRIVER_DIR, "*" DLL_EXT, QDir::Name, QDir::Files); // get the directory listing // if (d.count ()) { const QFileInfoList *pD = d.entryInfoList (); QFileInfoListIterator it (*pD); QFileInfo *fi; // while ((fi = it.current ())) { UnitType->insertItem (fi->baseName ()); ++it; }; }; // Comment->setMaxLength(MAX_LENGHT_OF_STRING); //set the tab order // QWidget *pL[] = { Name, Comment, UnitType, Enabled, ApplyButton, NewButton, DeleteButton,0 }; SetTabOrder (this, pL); }
/* ================= idUsercmdGenLocal::MouseMove ================= */ void idUsercmdGenLocal::MouseMove( void ) { float mx, my, strafeMx, strafeMy; static int history[8][2]; static int historyCounter; int i; history[historyCounter&7][0] = mouseDx; history[historyCounter&7][1] = mouseDy; // allow mouse movement to be smoothed together int smooth = m_smooth.GetInteger(); if ( smooth < 1 ) { smooth = 1; } if ( smooth > 8 ) { smooth = 8; } mx = 0; my = 0; for ( i = 0 ; i < smooth ; i++ ) { mx += history[ ( historyCounter - i + 8 ) & 7 ][0]; my += history[ ( historyCounter - i + 8 ) & 7 ][1]; } mx /= smooth; my /= smooth; // use a larger smoothing for strafing smooth = m_strafeSmooth.GetInteger(); if ( smooth < 1 ) { smooth = 1; } if ( smooth > 8 ) { smooth = 8; } strafeMx = 0; strafeMy = 0; for ( i = 0 ; i < smooth ; i++ ) { strafeMx += history[ ( historyCounter - i + 8 ) & 7 ][0]; strafeMy += history[ ( historyCounter - i + 8 ) & 7 ][1]; } strafeMx /= smooth; strafeMy /= smooth; historyCounter++; if ( idMath::Fabs( mx ) > 1000 || idMath::Fabs( my ) > 1000 ) { Sys_DebugPrintf( "idUsercmdGenLocal::MouseMove: Ignoring ridiculous mouse delta.\n" ); mx = my = 0; } mx *= sensitivity.GetFloat(); my *= sensitivity.GetFloat(); if ( m_showMouseRate.GetBool() ) { Sys_DebugPrintf( "[%3i %3i = %5.1f %5.1f = %5.1f %5.1f] ", mouseDx, mouseDy, mx, my, strafeMx, strafeMy ); } mouseDx = 0; mouseDy = 0; if ( !strafeMx && !strafeMy ) { return; } if ( ButtonState( UB_STRAFE ) || !( cmd.buttons & BUTTON_MLOOK ) ) { // add mouse X/Y movement to cmd strafeMx *= m_strafeScale.GetFloat(); strafeMy *= m_strafeScale.GetFloat(); // clamp as a vector, instead of separate floats float len = sqrt( strafeMx * strafeMx + strafeMy * strafeMy ); if ( len > 127 ) { strafeMx = strafeMx * 127 / len; strafeMy = strafeMy * 127 / len; } } if ( !ButtonState( UB_STRAFE ) ) { viewangles[YAW] -= m_yaw.GetFloat() * mx; } else { cmd.rightmove = idMath::ClampChar( (int)(cmd.rightmove + strafeMx) ); } if ( !ButtonState( UB_STRAFE ) && ( cmd.buttons & BUTTON_MLOOK ) ) { viewangles[PITCH] += m_pitch.GetFloat() * my; } else { cmd.forwardmove = idMath::ClampChar( (int)(cmd.forwardmove - strafeMy) ); } }
void mtsMicroScribeDigitizer::Run(void) { // timestamp of last reconnect trial in case of disconnection static double lastReconnectTryTime = 0; ProcessQueuedCommands(); // If not connected, try reconnect at every 1 sec if (!DeviceConnected) { if (lastReconnectTryTime == 0) { lastReconnectTryTime = osaGetTime(); } else if (lastReconnectTryTime + 1.0 * cmn_s < osaGetTime()) { CMN_LOG_CLASS_INIT_VERBOSE << "Run: Try reconnecting to digitizer..." << std::endl; if (ARM_SUCCESS == ArmReconnect()) { OnDeviceConnection(); } else { CMN_LOG_CLASS_INIT_VERBOSE << "Run: Failed to reconnect to digitizer." << std::endl; } } return; } // read digitizer tip position if (ARM_NOT_CONNECTED == ArmGetTipPosition(&TipPositionVendor)) { // Disconnection detected OnDeviceDisconnection(); return; } // read digitizer tip orientation if (ARM_NOT_CONNECTED == ArmGetTipOrientation(&TipOrientationVendor)) { // Disconnection detected OnDeviceDisconnection(); return; } // read digitizer tip orientation unit vector if (ARM_NOT_CONNECTED == ArmGetTipOrientationUnitVector(&TipOrientationUnitVectorVendor)) { // Disconnection detected OnDeviceDisconnection(); return; } // read digitizer button states if (ARM_NOT_CONNECTED == ArmGetButtonsState(&ButtonStateVendor)) { // Disconnection detected OnDeviceDisconnection(); return; } // read digitizer joint readings if (ARM_NOT_CONNECTED == ArmGetJointAngles(ARM_DEGREES, // or ARM_RADIANS JointReadingsVendor)) { // Disconnection detected OnDeviceDisconnection(); return; } // Convert vendor-defined container to cisst container // position TipPosition(X) = TipPositionVendor.x; TipPosition(Y) = TipPositionVendor.y; TipPosition(Z) = TipPositionVendor.z; // orientation TipOrientation(ROLL) = TipOrientationVendor.x; TipOrientation(PITCH) = TipOrientationVendor.y; TipOrientation(YAW) = TipOrientationVendor.z; // orientation unit vector TipOrientationUnitVector(ROLL) = TipOrientationUnitVectorVendor.x; TipOrientationUnitVector(PITCH) = TipOrientationUnitVectorVendor.y; TipOrientationUnitVector(YAW) = TipOrientationUnitVectorVendor.z; // button state static DWORD lastButtonStateVendor = 0; bool buttonStateChange = false; if (!(lastButtonStateVendor & ARM_BUTTON_1) && (ButtonStateVendor & ARM_BUTTON_1)) { EventButton1Down(); ButtonState(BUTTON_1) = DOWN; buttonStateChange = true; } else if ((lastButtonStateVendor & ARM_BUTTON_1) && !(ButtonStateVendor & ARM_BUTTON_1)) { EventButton1Up(); ButtonState(BUTTON_1) = UP; buttonStateChange = true; } if (!(lastButtonStateVendor & ARM_BUTTON_2) && (ButtonStateVendor & ARM_BUTTON_2)) { EventButton2Down(); ButtonState(BUTTON_2) = DOWN; buttonStateChange = true; } else if ((lastButtonStateVendor & ARM_BUTTON_2) && !(ButtonStateVendor & ARM_BUTTON_2)) { EventButton2Up(); ButtonState(BUTTON_2) = UP; buttonStateChange = true; } if (buttonStateChange) { lastButtonStateVendor = ButtonStateVendor; } // Joint readings for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_DOF; ++i) { JointReadings(i) = JointReadingsVendor[i]; } }
int main(void) { unsigned char temp1, temp2, temp3; unsigned char iloop, jloop; char CharChoice; char ADC_read; char Buttons; char ssid_size; bool flash, finish; unsigned char ChanSel, ChanTime; unsigned char Channel[7]; unsigned char NewChannel[7]; unsigned char charWiFlyMsgLen; bool MsgGood, MsgSame; InitializeSystem(); AssociatedCheck = 0; initAllIndicators(); for (jloop = 0; jloop <=6; jloop++) { Channel[jloop] = 0; NewChannel[jloop] = 1; } LED_D3 = 1; Delayms(1000); LED_D3 = 0; LED_D4 = 1; Delayms(1000); LED_D4 = 0; LED_D5 = 1; Delayms(1000); LED_D5 = 0; LED_D6 = 1; Delayms(1000); LED_D6 = 0; LED_D7 = 1; Delayms(1000); LED_D7 = 0; LED_D8 = 1; Delayms(1000); LED_D8 = 0; LED_D9 = 1; Delayms(1000); LED_D9 = 0; sprintf(OutString, "WiFly Pass_thru\nDemo"); putsLCD(OutString); // JKW starts here Delayms(5000); sprintf(OutString,"$$$"); putsWiFly(OutString); putsConsole(OutString); sprintf(OutString, " \n "); // columns 41, 59 setLCDC(0x00); // point to 1st line Delayms(200); putsLCD(&OutString[0]); jloop = 0; temp1 = 0; ssid_size = 0; Buttons = ButtonState(); /* **************************** sprintf(OutString, "Select SSID from\nmenu: "); // columns 41, 59 LCD_and_Console_out(OutString); sprintf(OutString, "Hogwarts \n "); // columns 41, 59 LCD_and_Console_out(OutString); sprintf(OutString, "Press S3 for YES\nor wait for NO "); // columns 41, 59 LCD_and_Console_out(OutString); sprintf(OutString, "Zoltan \n "); // columns 41, 59 LCD_and_Console_out(OutString); sprintf(OutString, "Press S3 for YES\nor wait for NO "); // columns 41, 59 LCD_and_Console_out(OutString); sprintf(OutString, "These are all I \nsee, to manually"); // columns 41, 59 LCD_and_Console_out(OutString); sprintf(OutString, "enter your own \ntext, press S3 "); // columns 41, 59 LCD_and_Console_out(OutString); sprintf(OutString, "You have chosen \nto enter SSID by"); // columns 41, 59 LCD_and_Console_out(OutString); sprintf(OutString, "text wheel,press\nS3 for next char"); // columns 41, 59 LCD_and_Console_out(OutString); **************************** */ sprintf(OutString, "S6 to go back \nS5 when done "); // columns 41, 59 LCD_and_Console_out(OutString); temp2 = 0; CharChoice = 0xFF; // impossible value finish = 0; ssid_size = 8; SSID_text[0] = 'H'; SSID_text[1] = 'o'; SSID_text[2] = 'g'; SSID_text[3] = 'w'; SSID_text[4] = 'a'; SSID_text[5] = 'r'; SSID_text[6] = 't'; SSID_text[7] = 's'; while(!finish) { sprintf(OutString, " \n "); // columns 41, 59 ADC_read = ReadADC_char(); if ( (ADC_read > CharChoice + 0x05) || (ADC_read < CharChoice - 0x05) ) { CharChoice = ADC_read - 0x05; temp2 = 0; } else { if (temp2>0) { CharChoice++; temp2 = 0; } temp2++; } if (CharChoice <= 0x20) CharChoice = 0x20; if (CharChoice >= 0x7F) CharChoice = 0x7F; if (ssid_size > 0) // characters previously entered { for (iloop = 0; iloop < ssid_size; iloop++) { OutString[iloop] = SSID_text[iloop]; } } OutString[ssid_size] = CharChoice; OutString[17] = '_'; OutString[18] = '_'; OutString[19] = '_'; OutString[20] = '_'; OutString[21] = 0x30; //(ssid_size - ssid_size %10) + 0x30; OutString[22] = (ssid_size %10) + 0x30; // putsConsole(OutString); LCD_only_out(OutString); flash = 0; finish = 0; for (iloop = 0; iloop <6; iloop++) { if (!( flash || finish) ) {Buttons = ButtonState(); } // only allow one button push per else Buttons = 0x00; } if (Buttons == 0x01) { SSID_text[ssid_size] = CharChoice; ssid_size++; Buttons = 0x00; OutString[17] = '*'; flash = 1; //button action seen, flash the underscore; } if (Buttons == 0x02) { if (ssid_size != 0) ssid_size = ssid_size - 0x01; Buttons = 0x00; OutString[18] = '*'; flash = 1; } if (Buttons == 0x04) { finish = 1; if (ssid_size != 0) ssid_size = ssid_size - 0x01; Buttons = 0x00; OutString[19] = '*'; iloop = 6; } if (flash == 1) { if (iloop %2) OutString[ssid_size] = ' '; else OutString[ssid_size] = '_'; } LCD_only_out(OutString); // Wait for button release while (Buttons != 0x00) { Buttons = ButtonState(); Delayms(100); } OutString[17] = '_'; OutString[18] = '_'; OutString[19] = '_'; OutString[20] = '_'; OutString[21] = 0x30; //(ssid_size - ssid_size %10) + 0x30; OutString[22] = (ssid_size %10) + 0x30; } //end of my little text wheel exercise // Output Final Result sprintf(OutString, " \n "); // columns 41, 59 if (ssid_size > 0) // characters previously entered { for (iloop = 0; iloop <= ssid_size; iloop++) { OutString[iloop] = SSID_text[iloop]; } OutString[17] = '_'; OutString[18] = '_'; OutString[19] = '_'; OutString[20] = '_'; OutString[21] = (ssid_size - ssid_size %10) + 0x30; OutString[22] = (ssid_size %10) + 0x30; LCD_only_out(OutString); // setLCDC(0x00); // point to 1st line // Delayms(200); // putsLCD(OutString); } } Delayms(5000); sprintf(OutString,"set ip proto 18\r\n"); WiFly_and_Console_out(OutString); sprintf(OutString,"set dns name\r\n"); WiFly_and_Console_out(OutString); sprintf(OutString,"set ip remote 80\r\n"); WiFly_and_Console_out(OutString); sprintf(OutString,"set comm remote 0\r\n"); WiFly_and_Console_out(OutString); sprintf(OutString,"set ip timer 1\r\n"); WiFly_and_Console_out(OutString); sprintf(OutString,"set ip a\r\n"); WiFly_and_Console_out(OutString); sprintf(OutString,"set ip host\r\n"); WiFly_and_Console_out(OutString); sprintf(OutString,"set ip gateway\r\n"); WiFly_and_Console_out(OutString); sprintf(OutString,"set dns a\r\n"); WiFly_and_Console_out(OutString); // sprintf(OutString,"set comm remote GET$/users/102\r\n"); sprintf(OutString,"set comm remote GET$/boardshortmessages/1"); // sprintf(OutString,"set comm remote GET$/users/105\r\n"); // sprintf(OutString,"set comm remote GET$/users/112\r\n"); WiFly_and_Console_out(OutString); sprintf(OutString,"set wlan ssid \r\n"); //set wlan ssid Hogwarts\r\n"); for (iloop = 0; iloop <= ssid_size; iloop++) { if (iloop <= ssid_size) { OutString[iloop+14] = SSID_text[iloop];} // if (iloop == (ssid_size+1)) { OutString[iloop+14] = 0x5C; } // use 0x5V for '\' // if (iloop == (ssid_size+2)) { OutString[iloop+14] = 'r'; } // if (iloop == (ssid_size+3)) { OutString[iloop+14] = 0x5C; } // use 0x5V for '\' // if (iloop == (ssid_size+4)) { OutString[iloop+14] = 'n'; } } WiFly_and_Console_out(OutString); LCD_only_out(OutString); Delayms(2000); sprintf(OutString,"set wlan phrase pooKums496\r\n"); WiFly_and_Console_out(OutString); sprintf(OutString,"save\r\n"); WiFly_and_Console_out(OutString); // sprintf(OutString,"get everything\r\n"); // WiFly_and_Console_out(OutString); Delayms(200); setLCDC(0x00); // point to 1st line Delayms(200); sprintf(OutString, "Sept22 5:48PM \nsocket gets only"); // columns 41, 59 putsConsole(OutString); putsLCD(OutString); Delayms(2000); // sprintf(OutString,"scan\r\n"); // WiFly_and_Console_out(OutString); // sprintf(OutString,"join # 1\r\n"); // NOT GOOD SINCE THIS CAN CHANGE EVERY MINUTE!!! sprintf(OutString,"join \r\n"); //set wlan ssid Hogwarts\r\n"); for (iloop = 0; iloop <= ssid_size; iloop++) { if (iloop <= ssid_size) { OutString[iloop+5] = SSID_text[iloop];} } WiFly_and_Console_out(OutString); LCD_only_out(OutString); Delayms(5000); if (AssociatedCheck) { putsConsole(WiFlyMsg); Delayms(200); setLCDC(0x00); // point to 1st line sprintf(OutString, " \n "); // columns 41, 59 putsLCD(OutString); Delayms(200); setLCDC(0x00); // point to 1st line putsLCD(WiFlyMsg); } else { sprintf(OutString, "nope\r\n"); putsConsole(OutString); Delayms(200); setLCDC(0x00); // point to 1st line sprintf(OutString, "nope \n "); // columns 41, 59 Delayms(200); putsLCD(OutString); } Delayms(2000); for (iloop = 0; iloop <=25; iloop++) { AssociatedCheck = 1; MessageCheck = 0; MessageCnt = 0; sprintf(OutString,"open\r\n"); putsConsole(OutString); putsWiFly(OutString); Delayms(1000); sprintf(OutString,"!"); putsConsole(OutString); putsWiFly(OutString); Delayms(10000); sprintf(OutString,"$$$"); putsConsole(OutString); putsWiFly(OutString); Delayms(200); setLCDC(0x00); // point to 1st line Delayms(200); sprintf(OutString, "iloop = \nLoop to 25 "); OutString[9] = (char) (0x30 + iloop %10); OutString[8] = '0'; if ((iloop >= 10) && (iloop <= 19)) OutString[8] = '1'; if ((iloop >= 20) && (iloop <= 29)) OutString[8] = '2'; putsLCD(OutString); Delayms(200); if (MessageCheck) { putsConsole(WiFlyMsg); sprintf(OutString, " \n "); // 41, 59 // if (charWiFlyMsgLen > 0) LED_D5 = 1; // if (charWiFlyMsgLen > 5) LED_D6 = 1; // if (charWiFlyMsgLen > 10) LED_D7 = 1; // if (charWiFlyMsgLen > 20) LED_D8 = 1; // if (charWiFlyMsgLen > 30) LED_D9 = 1; temp2 = ( (char) WiFlyMsgLen) %10; temp3 = (char) ((char)WiFlyMsgLen - temp2) /10; charWiFlyMsgLen = temp3*10+temp2; OutString[1] = temp3 + 0x30; OutString[2] = temp2 + 0x30; LCD_only_out(OutString); Delayms(2000); if (charWiFlyMsgLen <= 15) { for (jloop = 0; jloop<=charWiFlyMsgLen; jloop++) { OutString[jloop] = WiFlyMsg[jloop]; } } else if (charWiFlyMsgLen >= 31 ) { for (jloop = 0; jloop<=15; jloop++) { OutString[jloop] = WiFlyMsg[jloop]; } for (jloop = 16; jloop<=31; jloop++) { OutString[jloop+1] = WiFlyMsg[jloop]; } } else { // OutString[16] = 0x5C; // '\' // OutString[17] = 'n'; for (jloop = 0; jloop<=15; jloop++) { OutString[jloop] = WiFlyMsg[jloop]; } for (jloop = 16; jloop<=charWiFlyMsgLen; jloop++) { OutString[jloop+1] = WiFlyMsg[jloop]; } } LCD_only_out(OutString); } else { sprintf(OutString, "nope\r\n"); putsConsole(OutString); Delayms(200); setLCDC(0x00); // point to 1st line sprintf(OutString, "nope \n "); // columns 41, 59 Delayms(200); putsLCD(OutString); } // *************************************************** // processing WiFlyMsg quality, and channels and times // *************************************************** MsgGood = 1; MsgSame = 1; for (jloop = 12; jloop <=25; jloop++) { if ( (WiFlyMsg[jloop] >=0x30) && (WiFlyMsg[jloop] <=0x39) ) { if (jloop == 8) LED_D3 = 1; if (jloop == 9) LED_D4 = 1; if (jloop == 10) LED_D5 = 1; if (jloop == 11) LED_D6 = 1; if (jloop == 12) LED_D7 = 1; if (jloop == 13) LED_D8 = 1; if (jloop == 14) LED_D9 = 1; if (jloop %2 == 0) { temp1 = WiFlyMsg[jloop] - 0x30; } else { NewChannel[(jloop-1)/2 - 6] = 10*temp1 + WiFlyMsg[jloop] - 0x30; } } else { MsgGood = 0; } } if (MsgGood == 1) { for (jloop = 0; jloop <=6; jloop++) { if ( NewChannel[jloop] != Channel[jloop] ) { MsgSame = 0; } } } sprintf(OutString, "\r\n"); putsConsole(OutString); sprintf(OutString, " \r\n"); for (jloop = 0; jloop <=6; jloop++) { temp2 = NewChannel[jloop] %10; temp3 = (char) ((NewChannel[jloop] - temp2) /10); OutString[jloop*2] = temp3 + 0x30; OutString[jloop*2+1] = temp2 + 0x30; } putsConsole(OutString); if (1) //MsgSame == 0) { for (jloop = 0; jloop <=6; jloop++) { Channel[jloop] = NewChannel[jloop]; } sprintf(OutString, "\r\n"); putsConsole(OutString); sprintf(OutString, " \r\n"); for (jloop = 0; jloop <=6; jloop++) { temp2 = Channel[jloop] %10; temp3 = (char) ((Channel[jloop] - temp2) /10); OutString[jloop*2] = temp3 + 0x30; OutString[jloop*2+1] = temp2 + 0x30; } putsConsole(OutString); ChanSel = 0; ChanTime = 0; for (jloop = 0; jloop <=6; jloop++) { sprintf(OutString, "\r\njloop= "); OutString[8] = jloop + 0x30; putsConsole(OutString); ChanSel = jloop; ChanTime = 0; if (Channel[jloop] == 0) // ignore this channel { sprintf(OutString, "ChanSel= skip \r\n"); OutString[12] = ChanSel + 0x31; //start at 1 not 0 putsConsole(OutString); ChanTime = 0; } else { sprintf(OutString, "ChanSel= "); OutString[10] = ChanSel + 0x31; //start at 1 not 0 putsConsole(OutString); temp2 = ChanTime %10; temp3 = (ChanTime - temp2)/10; sprintf(OutString, "ChanTime= "); OutString[10] = temp3 + 0x30; OutString[11] = temp2 + 0x30; putsConsole(OutString); while (ChanTime < Channel[jloop]) { LED_D3 = 0; LED_D4 = 0; LED_D5 = 0; LED_D6 = 0; LED_D7 = 0; LED_D8 = 0; LED_D9 = 0; if (ChanSel == 0) LED_D3 = 1; if (ChanSel == 1) LED_D4 = 1; if (ChanSel == 2) LED_D5 = 1; if (ChanSel == 3) LED_D6 = 1; if (ChanSel == 4) LED_D7 = 1; if (ChanSel == 5) LED_D8 = 1; if (ChanSel == 6) LED_D9 = 1; Delayms(1000); // the 1 second count ChanTime++; sprintf(OutString, " "); temp2 = ChanTime %10; temp3 = (char) ((ChanTime - temp2) /10); OutString[0] = temp3 + 0x30; OutString[1] = temp2 + 0x30; putsConsole(OutString); } LED_D3 = 0; LED_D4 = 0; LED_D5 = 0; LED_D6 = 0; LED_D7 = 0; LED_D8 = 0; LED_D9 = 0; } // big else } // main jloop } // MsgSame if statement // *************************************************** } // big iloop of 25 passes return 0; } // main
void UnitCfg::QueryResponse (QObject *p, const QString &c, int State, QObject*caller) // notify transaction completerequestrt needs the name record addedivityLled int2);, tion text,repprint int2);ate text); { if(p != this) return; IT_IT("UnitCfg::QueryResponse"); switch (State) { case tList: { // fill the name list box GetConfigureDb ()->FillComboBox (Name, "NAME"); Name->setCurrentItem (0); SelChanged (0); Name->setFocus (); ButtonState (true); }; break; case tItem: { IT_COMMENT("Received User Data"); // fill the fields Comment->setText (UndoEscapeSQLText(GetConfigureDb()->GetString ("COMMENT"))); SetComboItem (UnitType, GetConfigureDb ()->GetString ("UNITTYPE")); Enabled->setChecked (GetConfigureDb ()->GetString ("ENABLED").toInt ()); Comment->setFocus (); ButtonState (true); }; break; case tDrop: { int n = GetConfigureDb()->GetNumberResults(); QStringList list; QString point_list = "("; if (n) { for(int i = 0; i < n; i++,GetConfigureDb()->FetchNext()) { if(i) { point_list += ","; }; point_list += "'" + GetConfigureDb()->GetString("NAME") + "'"; // list << GetConfigureDb()->GetString ("NAME"); }; point_list += ");"; } QString cmd ="delete from TAGS_DB where NAME in " + point_list; GetCurrentDb ()->DoExec (0,cmd,0); // cmd ="delete from CVAL_DB where NAME in " + point_list; GetCurrentDb ()->DoExec (0,cmd,0); if(!list.isEmpty()) { QStringList::Iterator it = list.begin(); for(;it != list.end();++it) { QString cmd = "drop table "+ (*it) + ";"; GetResultDb()->DoExec(0,cmd,0); } } //TO DO APA caricare tutti i Driver *p in un dizionario come fa il monitor //e poi usarli quando e' necessario Driver * p = FindDriver(UnitType->currentText()); if(p) { DOAUDIT(tr("Drop Unit Tables:") + Name->currentText()); p->DropAllSpecTables(list); // invoked the unit level drop tables } } break; case tNew: case tDelete: case tApply: ButtonState (true); default: break; }; };
void AlarmGroupCfg::QueryResponse (QObject *p, const QString &, int State, QObject*caller) // notify transaction completerequestrt needs the name record addedaphpage int2, samples text);;dtod text,enddate text); { if(p != this) return; IT_IT("AlarmGroupCfg::QueryResponse"); switch (State) { case tList: { // fill the name list box GetConfigureDb ()->FillComboBox (Name, "NAME"); Name->setCurrentItem (0); Name->setFocus (); }; return; // next step int he state machine case tListSPs: // list sample points { GetConfigureDb ()->FillListBox (SamplePoints, "NAME"); // now fill the dictionary SPD.clear (); for (unsigned i = 0; i < SamplePoints->count (); i++) { NameDict::value_type pr (SamplePoints->text (i), false); SPD.insert (pr); }; // // ButtonState (true); SelChanged (0); }; break; case tItem: { IT_COMMENT("Received User Data"); if(GetConfigureDb()->GetNumberResults() > 0) { Comment->setText (UndoEscapeSQLText(GetConfigureDb()->GetString ("COMMENT"))); // Now we read the image field and load up the Report List GroupList->clear (); QString s = GetConfigureDb ()->GetString ("SAMPLES"); // // now extract the strings // QTextIStream is (&s); int n = 0; // how many names is >> n; // ClearSPD (); if (n > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { QString a; is >> a; a = a.stripWhiteSpace (); GroupList->insertItem (a); // // mark as in report list NameDict::iterator k = SPD.find (a); if (!(k == SPD.end())) { (*k).second = true; }; }; }; // // Comment->setFocus (); ButtonState (true); // // set up the sample list // NameDict::iterator j = SPD.begin (); SamplePoints->clear (); // for (; !(j == SPD.end()); j++) { if (!(*j).second) { SamplePoints->insertItem ((*j).first); }; }; }; // }; break; case tNew: case tDelete: case tApply: ButtonState (true); default: break; };
void ScheduleCfg::DoSelChange () // action the fetchangedorord record - we wan to avoid too much activityy from the properties table) text,enddate text); { QString cmd = "select * from SCHEDULE where NAME='" + Name->currentText()+ "';"; GetConfigureDb ()->DoExec (this, cmd, tItem); // lock the db and action the request ButtonState (false); };
void ScheduleCfg::QueryResponse (QObject *p, const QString &c, int State, QObject*caller) // notify transaction completerequestrt needs the name record added8,repname text, action text,repprint int2);ate text); { if(p != this) return; IT_IT("ScheduleCfg::QueryResponse"); switch (State) { case tList: { // fill the name list box GetConfigureDb ()->FillComboBox (Name, "NAME"); GetConfigureDb ()->DoneExec (this); Name->setCurrentItem (0); SelChanged (0); Name->setFocus (); // }; break; case tItem: { IT_COMMENT("Received User Data"); // // fill the fields // Comment->setText (UndoEscapeSQLText(GetConfigureDb()->GetString ("COMMENT"))); FrequencyMode->setCurrentItem (GetConfigureDb ()->GetInt ("FREQMODE")); Time->setText (IntervalToString(GetConfigureDb ()->GetInt ("TOD"))); SetComboItem (SamplePointList, GetConfigureDb ()->GetString ("TRIGGERPOINT")); RelOp->setCurrentItem (GetConfigureDb ()->GetInt ("RELOP")); // TagList->clear (); TagList->insertItem (GetConfigureDb ()->GetString ("TRIGGERTAG")); // // we should now fetch the tag list for the selected trigger point // TriggerValue->setText (GetConfigureDb ()->GetString ("TRIGGERVAL")); // SetComboItem (ReportList, GetConfigureDb ()->GetString ("REPNAME")); // PrintReport->setChecked (GetConfigureDb ()->GetBool ("REPPRINT")); // // Get the action string // Action->setText(GetConfigureDb ()->GetString("ACTIONS")); SetComboItem(ReceipeList,GetConfigureDb()->GetString("RECEIPE")); // Comment->setFocus (); ButtonState (true); // SpChanged(0); // }; return; case tTagList: // { QString s = TagList->currentText (); // should have been set TagList->clear (); GetConfigureDb ()->FillComboBox (TagList, "TAG"); // if (GetConfigureDb ()->GetNumberResults () > 0) { SetComboItem (TagList, s); // put it back as it was } else { TagList->insertItem (tr(NONE_STR)); }; // GetConfigureDb ()->DoneExec (this); // all done so release }; break; case tReportList: // get the list of reports { GetConfigureDb ()->FillComboBox (ReportList, "NAME"); ReportList->insertItem(tr(NONE_STR)); SetComboItem(ReportList,tr(NONE_STR)); }; break; case tSamplePointList: // { GetConfigureDb ()->FillComboBox (SamplePointList, "NAME"); SamplePointList->insertItem (tr(NONE_STR)); // the null choice SetComboItem(SamplePointList,tr(NONE_STR)); ButtonState (true); // the basic field are all set up now SelChanged (0); // get the top of the list - load up first record }; break; case tReceipeList: { GetConfigureDb ()->FillComboBox (ReceipeList, "NAME"); ReceipeList->insertItem (tr(NONE_STR)); // the null choice }; break; case tDelete: case tNew: case tApply: ButtonState (true); default: break; }; };
void TrackSelectionState::Init() { if (m_state.midi_out) m_state.midi_out->Reset(); Midi &m = *m_state.midi; // Prepare a very simple count of the playable tracks first int track_count = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < m.Tracks().size(); ++i) { if (m.Tracks()[i].Notes().size()) track_count++; } m_back_button = ButtonState(Layout::ScreenMarginX, GetStateHeight() - Layout::ScreenMarginY/2 - Layout::ButtonHeight/2, Layout::ButtonWidth, Layout::ButtonHeight); m_continue_button = ButtonState(GetStateWidth() - Layout::ScreenMarginX - Layout::ButtonWidth, GetStateHeight() - Layout::ScreenMarginY/2 - Layout::ButtonHeight/2, Layout::ButtonWidth, Layout::ButtonHeight); // Determine how many track tiles we can fit // horizontally and vertically. Integer division // helps us round down here. int tiles_across = (GetStateWidth() + Layout::ScreenMarginX) / (TrackTileWidth + Layout::ScreenMarginX); tiles_across = std::max(tiles_across, 1); int tiles_down = (GetStateHeight() - Layout::ScreenMarginX - Layout::ScreenMarginY * 2) / (TrackTileHeight + Layout::ScreenMarginX); tiles_down = std::max(tiles_down, 1); // Calculate how many pages of tracks there will be m_tiles_per_page = tiles_across * tiles_down; m_page_count = track_count / m_tiles_per_page; const int remainder = track_count % m_tiles_per_page; if (remainder > 0) m_page_count++; // If we have fewer than one row of tracks, just // center the tracks we do have if (track_count < tiles_across) tiles_across = track_count; // Determine how wide that many track tiles will // actually be, so we can center the list int all_tile_widths = tiles_across * TrackTileWidth + (tiles_across-1) * Layout::ScreenMarginX; int global_x_offset = (GetStateWidth() - all_tile_widths) / 2; const static int starting_y = 100; int tiles_on_this_line = 0; int tiles_on_this_page = 0; int current_y = starting_y; for (size_t i = 0; i < m.Tracks().size(); ++i) { const MidiTrack &t = m.Tracks()[i]; if (t.Notes().size() == 0) continue; int x = global_x_offset + (TrackTileWidth + Layout::ScreenMarginX)*tiles_on_this_line; int y = current_y; Track::Mode mode = Track::ModePlayedAutomatically; if (t.IsPercussion()) mode = Track::ModePlayedButHidden; Track::TrackColor color = static_cast<Track::TrackColor>((m_track_tiles.size()) % Track::UserSelectableColorCount); // If we came back here from StatePlaying, reload all our preferences if (m_state.track_properties.size() > i) { color = m_state.track_properties[i].color; mode = m_state.track_properties[i].mode; } TrackTile tile(x, y, i, color, mode); m_track_tiles.push_back(tile); tiles_on_this_line++; tiles_on_this_line %= tiles_across; if (!tiles_on_this_line) { current_y += TrackTileHeight + Layout::ScreenMarginX; } tiles_on_this_page++; tiles_on_this_page %= m_tiles_per_page; if (!tiles_on_this_page) { current_y = starting_y; tiles_on_this_line = 0; } } }
void UserCfgDlg::QueryResponse (QObject *p, const QString &c, int State, QObject*caller) // notify transaction completerequestrt needs the name record addedivityLled int2);, tion text,repprint int2);ate text); { if(p != this) return; IT_IT("UserCfgDlg::QueryResponse"); switch (State) { case tList: { // fill the name list box GetConfigureDb ()->FillComboBox (Name, "NAME"); GetConfigureDb ()->DoneExec (this); Name->setCurrentItem (0); SelChanged (0); Name->setFocus (); ButtonState (true); }; break; case tItem: { IT_COMMENT("Received User Data"); // fill the fields Password->setText (tr(NONE_STR)); // we set the password to tr(NONE_STR). If it changes we save it otherwise leave it alone Comment->setText (UndoEscapeSQLText(GetConfigureDb()->GetString ("COMMENT"))); SetComboItem (Language, GetConfigureDb ()->GetString ("LANGUAGE")); // // get the privs // int p = GetConfigureDb ()->GetString ("PRIVS").toInt (); // AllPriv->setChecked (0); ReportsPriviledge->setChecked (0); AlarmAckPriv->setChecked (0); ReportsPriv->setChecked (0); AgePassword->setChecked(0); FactoryAdministrator->setChecked(0); ExitApp->setChecked(0); AgeDays->setValue(GetConfigureDb ()->GetInt("EXPIREDAYS")); if (p == (int) PRIVS_ALL) { AllPriv->setChecked (true); AllChanged (true); } else { AllChanged (false); // mark as not all privs ReportsPriviledge->setChecked (p & PRIVS_REPORTS); AlarmAckPriv->setChecked (p & PRIVS_ACK_ALARMS); ReportsPriv->setChecked (p & PRIVS_REPORT_MAKE); AgePassword->setChecked (p & PRIVS_AGE_PASSWORD); FactoryAdministrator->setChecked (p & PRIVS_FACTORY_ADMIN); ExitApp->setChecked(p & PRIVS_CAN_EXIT); }; Password->setFocus (); ButtonState (true); }; break; case tDelete: case tNew: case tApply: ButtonState (true); default: break; }; };