Beispiel #1
static void TCPCOMM_getInstance(int socket, CONST CMPIBroker * broker,
                                CONST CMPIContext * context)
    CMPIInstance *inst;
    CMPIStatus rc;
    CONST CMPIObjectPath *cop;
    char **props;
    cop = (__sft)->deserialize_CMPIObjectPath(socket, broker);
    props = socketcomm_deserialize_props(socket, (__sft), broker);
    inst = CBGetInstance(broker, context, cop, (CONST char**) props, &rc);
    (__sft)->serialize_CMPIStatus(socket, &rc);
    (__sft)->serialize_CMPIInstance(socket, inst);
Beispiel #2
    static bool _proc(
        const Instance* cimple_inst,
        Enum_Associator_Names_Status status,
        void* client_data)
        Data* data = (Data*)client_data;

        if (!cimple_inst)
            return false;

        // Ignore if an error was already encountered.

        if (data->rc != CMPI_RC_OK)
            return false;

        // Convert to a CMPI object path and deliver:

        CMPIObjectPath* cmpi_op = 0;

        data->rc = make_cmpi_object_path(

        // Now use the CMPI broker to get the full instance.

        CMPIInstance* cmpi_inst = CBGetInstance(
            data->broker, data->context, cmpi_op, data->properties, NULL);

        if (!cmpi_inst)
            data->rc = CMPI_RC_ERR_FAILED;
            return false;

        // Deliver instance to requestor:

        CMReturnInstance(data->result, cmpi_inst);

        return true;
IndCIMXMLHandlerInvokeMethod(CMPIMethodMI * mi,
                             const CMPIContext *ctx,
                             const CMPIResult *rslt,
                             const CMPIObjectPath * ref,
                             const char *methodName,
                             const CMPIArgs * in, CMPIArgs * out)

  CMPIStatus      st = { CMPI_RC_OK, NULL };
  CMPIStatus      circ = { CMPI_RC_OK, NULL };
  struct timeval tv;
  struct timezone tz;
  static unsigned int indID=1;

  if (interOpNameSpace(ref, &st) == 0)

  if (strcasecmp(methodName, "_deliver") == 0) {

    // On the first indication, check if reliable indications are enabled.
    if (RIEnabled == -1) {
      CMPIObjectPath *op=CMNewObjectPath(_broker,"root/interop","CIM_IndicationService",NULL);
      CMPIEnumeration *isenm = _broker->bft->enumerateInstances(_broker, ctx, op, NULL, NULL);
      CMPIData isinst=CMGetNext(isenm,NULL);
      CMPIData mc=CMGetProperty(isinst.value.inst,"DeliveryRetryAttempts",NULL);

    CMPIInstance *indo=CMGetArg(in,"indication",NULL).value.inst;
    CMPIInstance *ind=CMClone(indo,NULL);
    CMPIContext    *ctxLocal=NULL;
    CMPIObjectPath *iop=NULL,*subop=NULL;
    CMPIInstance *sub=NULL;

    if (RIEnabled) {
      ctxLocal = prepareUpcall((CMPIContext *) ctx);
      // Set the indication sequence values
      // Prevent this property from showing up in the indication
      filterFlagProperty(ind, "SFCB_IndicationID");
      CMPIData handler=CMGetProperty(sub, "Handler", &st);
      CMPIObjectPath *hop=handler.value.ref;
      CMPIInstance *hdlr=CBGetInstance(_broker, ctxLocal, hop, NULL, &st);

      // Build the complete sequence context
      // Get the stub from the handler
      CMPIString *context = CMGetProperty(hdlr, "SequenceContext", &st).value.string;
      // and add the sfcb start time
      char *cstr=malloc( (strlen(context->ft->getCharPtr(context,NULL)) + strlen(sfcBrokerStart) + 1) * sizeof(char));
      context = sfcb_native_new_CMPIString(cstr, NULL, 0); 
      // and put it in the indication
      CMSetProperty(ind, "SequenceContext", &context, CMPI_string);

      // Get the proper sequence number
      CMPIValue lastseq = CMGetProperty(hdlr, "LastSequenceNumber", &st).value;
      // Handle wrapping of the signed int
      if (lastseq.sint64 < 0) lastseq.sint64=0;
      // Update the last used number in the handler
      CMSetProperty(hdlr, "LastSequenceNumber", &lastseq.sint64, CMPI_sint64);
      CBModifyInstance(_broker, ctxLocal, hop, hdlr, NULL);
      // And the indication
      CMSetProperty(ind, "SequenceNumber", &lastseq, CMPI_sint64);

    // Now send the indication
    st = deliverInd(ref, in, ind);
    if (st.rc != 0) {
      if (RIEnabled){
        _SFCB_TRACE(1,("--- Indication delivery failed, adding to retry queue"));
        // Indication delivery failed, send to retry queue
        // build an element
        RTElement      *element;
        element = (RTElement *) malloc(sizeof(*element));
        // Get the OP of the subscription and indication
        // Store other attrs
        gettimeofday(&tv, &tz);
        // Push the indication to the repo
        CBCreateInstance(_broker, ctxLocal, iop, ind, &circ);
        if (circ.rc != 0) {
            mlogf(M_ERROR,M_SHOW,"Pushing indication instance to repository failed, rc:%d\n",circ.rc);
        // Add it to the retry queue
        // And launch the thread if it isn't already running
        pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&tattr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED);
        if (retryRunning == 0) {
          retryRunning = 1;
          _SFCB_TRACE(1,("--- Starting retryExport thread"));
          CMPIContext    *pctx = native_clone_CMPIContext(ctx);
          pthread_create(&t, &tattr, &retryExport, (void *) pctx);
  else {
    printf("--- ClassProvider: Invalid request %s\n", methodName);

getRefs(const CMPIContext *ctx, const CMPIResult *rslt,
        const CMPIObjectPath * cop,
        const char *assocClass,
        const char *resultClass,
        const char *role,
        const char *resultRole,
        const char **propertyList, int associatorFunction)
  UtilList       *refs = UtilFactory->newList(memAddUtilList, memUnlinkEncObj);
  char           *ns = (char *) CMGetNameSpace(cop, NULL)->hdl;
  CMPIStatus      st = { CMPI_RC_OK, NULL };


  if (assocClass != NULL) {
    CMPIObjectPath *path;
    if (assocForName(ns, assocClass, role, resultRole) == NULL) {
       * for an unknown class we just return nothing 
    path = CMNewObjectPath(_broker, ns, assocClass, NULL);
    SafeInternalProviderAddEnumInstances(refs, NULL, ctx, path,
                                         propertyList, &st, 1);

  else {
    CMPIData        rv;
    CMPIObjectPath *op =
        CMNewObjectPath(Broker, ns, "$ClassProvider$", &st);
    CMPIArgs       *in = CMNewArgs(Broker, NULL);
    CMPIArgs       *out = CMNewArgs(Broker, NULL);
    rv = CBInvokeMethod(Broker, ctx, op, "getassocs", in, out, &st);
    if (out) {
      int             i,
      CMPIArray      *ar = CMGetArg(out, "assocs", &st).value.array;
      for (i = 0, m = CMGetArrayCount(ar, NULL); i < m; i++) {
        char           *name =
            CMGetArrayElementAt(ar, i, NULL).value.string->hdl;
        if (name) {
          CMPIObjectPath *cop = CMNewObjectPath(Broker, ns, name, NULL);
          if (cop) {
            SafeInternalProviderAddEnumInstances(refs, NULL, ctx, cop,
                                                 propertyList, &st, 1);
        _SFCB_TRACE(1, ("--- assoc %s", name));

  if (role) {
    // filter out the associations not matching the role property
    CMPIInstance   *ci;
    UtilStringBuffer *pn = normalizeObjectPathStrBuf(cop);
    for (ci = refs->ft->getFirst(refs); ci; ci = refs->ft->getNext(refs)) {
      CMPIData        data = CMGetProperty(ci, role, NULL);
      if ((data.state & CMPI_notFound) ||
          data.type != CMPI_ref ||
          objectPathEquals(pn, data.value.ref, NULL, 0) == 0) {

  else {
    // filter out associations not referencing pathName
    CMPIInstance   *ci;
    int             matched,
    UtilStringBuffer *pn = normalizeObjectPathStrBuf(cop);
    for (ci = refs->ft->getFirst(refs); ci; ci = refs->ft->getNext(refs)) {
      for (matched = 0, i = 0, m = CMGetPropertyCount(ci, NULL); i < m;
           i++) {
        CMPIData        data = CMGetPropertyAt(ci, i, NULL, NULL);
        if (data.type == CMPI_ref
            && objectPathEquals(pn, data.value.ref, NULL, 0)) {
          matched = 1;
      if (matched == 0)

  if (associatorFunction == REF) {
    CMPIInstance   *ci;
    for (ci = refs->ft->getFirst(refs); ci; ci = refs->ft->getNext(refs)) {
      CMReturnInstance(rslt, ci);

  else if (associatorFunction == REF_NAME) {
    CMPIInstance   *ci;
    for (ci = refs->ft->getFirst(refs); ci; ci = refs->ft->getNext(refs)) {
      CMPIObjectPath *ref = CMGetObjectPath(ci, NULL);
      CMReturnObjectPath(rslt, ref);

  else {
    // Use hashtable to avoid dup'd associators
    CMPIInstance   *ci;
    UtilHashTable  *assocs =
        UtilFactory->newHashTable(61, UtilHashTable_charKey);
    UtilStringBuffer *pn = normalizeObjectPathStrBuf(cop);
    for (ci = refs->ft->getFirst(refs); ci; ci = refs->ft->getNext(refs)) {
      // Q: for ASSOC_NAME we should not require the
      // object exist if we go by the book, should we?
      // The current approach retrieves the instances
      // via the CIMOM handle
      if (resultRole) {
        CMPIData        data = CMGetProperty(ci, resultRole, NULL);
        UtilStringBuffer *an = NULL;
        if ((data.state & CMPI_notFound) == 0 && data.type == CMPI_ref &&
            objectPathEquals(pn, data.value.ref, &an, 0) == 0) {
          if (resultClass == NULL
              || CMClassPathIsA(Broker, data.value.ref, resultClass,
                                NULL)) {
            CMPIInstance   *aci =
                CBGetInstance(Broker, ctx, data.value.ref, propertyList,
            assocs->ft->put(assocs, an->ft->getCharPtr(an), aci);

      else {
        // must loop over the properties to find ref instances
        int             i,
        for (i = 0, m = CMGetPropertyCount(ci, NULL); i < m; i++) {
          CMPIData        data = CMGetPropertyAt(ci, i, NULL, NULL);
          if (data.type == CMPI_ref) {
            CMPIObjectPath *ref = data.value.ref;
            CMPIString     *tns = CMGetNameSpace(ref, NULL);
            if (tns == NULL || tns->hdl == NULL)
              CMSetNameSpace(ref, ns);
            UtilStringBuffer *an = NULL;
            if (objectPathEquals(pn, ref, &an, 0) == 0) {

              if (resultClass == NULL
                  || CMClassPathIsA(Broker, ref, resultClass, NULL)) {
                CMPIInstance   *aci =
                    CBGetInstance(Broker, ctx, ref, propertyList, &st);
                if (aci)
                  assocs->ft->put(assocs, an->ft->getCharPtr(an), aci);

      HashTableIterator *it;
      char           *an;
      CMPIInstance   *aci;
      for (it =
           assocs->ft->getFirst(assocs, (void **) &an, (void **) &aci); it;
           it =
           assocs->ft->getNext(assocs, it, (void **) &an,
                               (void **) &aci)) {
        if (associatorFunction == ASSOC)
          CMReturnInstance(rslt, aci);
        else {
          CMPIObjectPath *op = CMGetObjectPath(aci, NULL);
          CMReturnObjectPath(rslt, op);


int assoc_ServiceProcess( const CMPIBroker * _broker,
			  const CMPIContext * ctx,
			  const CMPIResult * rslt,
			  const CMPIObjectPath * ref,
			  int assocType,
			  CMPIStatus * rc )
  CMPIString     * sourceClass = NULL;
  CMPIData         serviceName;
  CMPIObjectPath * op          = NULL;
  CMPIObjectPath * rop         = NULL;
  CMPIInstance   * rci         = NULL;
  CMPIInstance   * sci         = NULL;
  LXS_Handle       lhdl;
  LXS_Service    * lxssvc      = NULL;
  int              i           = 0;

  _OSBASE_TRACE(2,("--- assoc_ServiceProcess() called"));

  /* check if source instance does exist */
  sci = CBGetInstance(_broker, ctx, ref, NULL, rc);
  if( sci == NULL ) {
    if( rc->rc == CMPI_RC_ERR_FAILED ) {
      CMSetStatusWithChars( _broker, rc,
			    CMPI_RC_ERR_FAILED, "GetInstance of source object failed.");
    if( rc->rc == CMPI_RC_ERR_NOT_FOUND ) {
      CMSetStatusWithChars( _broker, rc,
			    CMPI_RC_ERR_NOT_FOUND, "Source object not found.");
    _OSBASE_TRACE(2,("--- assoc_ServiceProcess() failed : %s",CMGetCharPtr(rc->msg)));
    return -1;

  sourceClass = CMGetClassName(ref, rc);
  if (CMGetCharPtr(sourceClass) == NULL) {
    CMSetStatusWithChars( _broker, rc,
			  CMPI_RC_ERR_FAILED, "Could not get source class name.");
    _OSBASE_TRACE(2,("--- assoc_ServiceProcess() failed : %s",CMGetCharPtr(rc->msg)));
    return -1;

  /* source class is Linux_UnixProcess; target class is Linux_Service */
  if( strcasecmp(CMGetCharPtr(sourceClass),_RefRightClass) == 0 ) {
    /* NOT_SUPPORTED - association is uni-directional */
  /* source class is Linux_Service; target class is Linux_UnixProcess */
  else if( strcasecmp(CMGetCharPtr(sourceClass),_RefLeftClass) == 0 ) {

    serviceName = CMGetKey(ref, "Name", rc);
    if( serviceName.value.string == NULL ) { 
      CMSetStatusWithChars( _broker, rc, 
			    CMPI_RC_ERR_FAILED, "Could not get Name of Service" ); 
      _OSBASE_TRACE(2,("--- assoc_ServiceProcess() failed : %s",CMGetCharPtr(rc->msg)));
      return -1;
    if (lhdl==NULL) {
      _OSBASE_TRACE(2,("--- assoc_ServiceProcess() exited : Could not find associated Service."));
      return 0;
    if (lxssvc==NULL) {
      _OSBASE_TRACE(2,("--- assoc_ServiceProcess() exited : Could not find associated Service."));
      return 0;

    /* get the list of associated processe */
    for (i=0;lxssvc->svProcesses[i]!=NULL;i++) {

      op = CMNewObjectPath( _broker, CMGetCharPtr(CMGetNameSpace(ref,rc)), 
			    _RefRightClass, rc );
      if( CMIsNullObject(op) ) { 
	CMSetStatusWithChars( _broker, rc, 
			      CMPI_RC_ERR_FAILED, "Create CMPIObjectPath failed." ); 
	_OSBASE_TRACE(2,("--- assoc_ServiceProcess() failed : %s",CMGetCharPtr(rc->msg)));
	return -1;
      CMAddKey(op, "CSCreationClassName", CSCreationClassName, CMPI_chars);
      CMAddKey(op, "CSName", get_system_name(), CMPI_chars);
      CMAddKey(op, "OSCreationClassName", OSCreationClassName, CMPI_chars);
      CMAddKey(op, "OSName", get_os_name(), CMPI_chars);
      CMAddKey(op, "CreationClassName", _RefRightClass, CMPI_chars);
      CMAddKey(op, "Handle", lxssvc->svProcesses[i], CMPI_chars);

      if (assocType&ATYPE_ASSOC) {
	/* the process (name) */
	if (assocType&ATYPE_NAME) {
	  CMReturnObjectPath(rslt, op); 
	else {	  
	  rci = CBGetInstance(_broker, ctx, op, NULL, rc);
	  if(rci==NULL) { return -1; }
	  CMReturnInstance( rslt, rci );
      else {
	/* the reference object (name) */
	if (assocType&ATYPE_NAME) {
	  rop = _makePath_ServiceProcess(_broker, ref, op, rc);
	  CMReturnObjectPath(rslt, rop); 
	else {
	  rci = _makeInst_ServiceProcess(_broker, ref, op, rc);
	  CMReturnInstance( rslt, rci );


  _OSBASE_TRACE(2,("--- assoc_ServiceProcess() exited"));
  return 0;