 * @brief  Read multiple bytes from RX FIFO of CC2500.
 * @param buffer buffer to write result to
 * @param NumByteToRead number of bytes to read from RX FIFO
 * @retval void
__inline void CC2500_read_rx(uint8_t* buffer, uint8_t NumByteToRead) {
	if (NumByteToRead == 1) {
		CC2500_Read(buffer, CC2500_RX_FIFO, NumByteToRead);
	} else if (NumByteToRead > 1) {
		CC2500_Read(buffer, CC2500_RX_FIFO_BURST, NumByteToRead);
	Receive Keypad variables.
	uint8_t *ctrl = pointer to control value 
	float *value	= pointer to the value you are expecting in the keypad sequence, i.e. pitch,roll,time
void receive_keypad(uint8_t *ctrl, float *value) {
    // Determine number of bytes to read
    uint8_t bytesToRead;
    CC2500_Read(&bytesToRead, CC2500_RXBYTES,1);
    bytesToRead = bytesToRead & 0x7F;
    uint8_t buffer[bytesToRead];
    CC2500_Read(&buffer[0], CC2500_FIFOADDR, bytesToRead); 
    bytesToRead -= 2;
    packet_t *pkt_pnt = (packet_t *) &buffer[0]; 
    *value = pkt_pnt->f1;
    *ctrl = pkt_pnt->b1;
    //uint8_t ctrl2 = pkt_pnt->b2;
    // Exract data
    //*pitch = buffer[0]; 
    //*roll = (float) buffer[4]; 
    //uint16_t ctrl  = buffer[8];
    //printf("   Pitch: %f Roll: %f \n",pkt_pnt->f1,pkt_pnt->f2); 
    // Move back to recieve state 
    CC2500_CommandProbe(CC2500_READBIT, CC2500_SRX);

Beispiel #3
 * @brief This function transmits wireless a given data array
 * @param array The array to transmit
 * @param length The size of the array
void transmit(uint8_t* array, int length) {
	uint8_t i = 0;
	uint8_t pending_write = 0;
	do {
		CC2500_Read(s2, CC2500_MARCSTATE | 0xC0, 1);
		if (s2[0] != 19) {
			CC2500_Read(s2 + 1, CC2500_STX | 0xC0, 1);
		} else {
	} while (1);
	while (i < length) {
		CC2500_Read(s2, CC2500_MARCSTATE, 2);
		if (s2[0] == 22) {
			i = 1;
		} else if (s2[0] == 19 && pending_write == 0) {
			CC2500_Write(array + i, CC2500_FIFO, 1);
			i = i + 1;
			pending_write = 1;
		} else {
			CC2500_Read(s2 + 1, CC2500_STX, 1);
			pending_write = 0;
		for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 18641351; j++);
	Receives the pitch and roll from the transmitter and parses the packet for the angles
	float* pitch, float* roll  = pointers to the angles
	uint8_t* ctrl2 = pointer to the control value so that we can update it.
uint16_t receive_pitchroll(float* pitch, float* roll, uint8_t* ctrl2) {
  // assume already in RX
    // Wait for a transmisson to be read. When this happens, the CC2500 will move to the idle state
    // Determine number of bytes to read
    uint8_t bytesToRead;
    CC2500_Read(&bytesToRead, CC2500_RXBYTES,1);
    bytesToRead = bytesToRead & 0x7F;
    uint8_t buffer[bytesToRead];
    CC2500_Read(&buffer[0], CC2500_FIFOADDR, bytesToRead); 
    bytesToRead -= 2;
    //printf("Data: %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x %x \n ",buffer[0],buffer[1],buffer[2],buffer[3],
    //  buffer[4],buffer[5],buffer[6],buffer[7],buffer[8],buffer[9]);
    packet_t *pkt_pnt = (packet_t *) &buffer[0]; 
    *pitch = pkt_pnt->f1;
    *roll = pkt_pnt->f2;
    uint8_t ctrl1 = pkt_pnt->b1;
    *ctrl2 = pkt_pnt->b2;
    // Exract data
    //*pitch = buffer[0]; 
    //*roll = (float) buffer[4]; 
    uint16_t ctrl  = buffer[8];
    //printf("   Pitch: %f Roll: %f \n",pkt_pnt->f1,pkt_pnt->f2); 
    // Move back to recieve state 
    CC2500_CommandProbe(CC2500_READBIT, CC2500_SRX);
    return ctrl; 
void test_read_write(void){
	uint8_t test_values[3] = {0x1F,0xDE,0xAD};
	uint8_t orig[3], res[3];
	CC2500_Read(orig, 0x00, 3);
	WIRELESS_TRY(orig[0], VAL_CC2500_IOCFG2);
	WIRELESS_TRY(orig[1], VAL_CC2500_IOCFG1);
	WIRELESS_TRY(orig[2], VAL_CC2500_IOCFG0);
	//CC2500_Read(&result, 0x00, 1);
	//printf("result = %d\n", result);
	//uint8_t val2[3] = {65,80,43};
	CC2500_Write(test_values, 0x00, 3);
	CC2500_Read(res, 0x00, 3);
	WIRELESS_TRY(res[0], test_values[0]);
	WIRELESS_TRY(res[1], test_values[1]);
	WIRELESS_TRY(res[2], test_values[2]);
	CC2500_Write(orig, 0x00, 3);
	CC2500_Read(res, 0x00, 3);
	printf("result = %d, %d, %d\n", res[0], res[1], res[2]);
Beispiel #6
 * @brief Recieves wireless data.
 * @notes	Recieves wireless data, checks the CRC for correctness, and then
 *				returns the value if it is ok. Otherwise an error value is returned.
 * @retval The angle data from the transmitter board or an error code.
angle_data CC2500_RXData(void){
	uint8_t bytes_in_rxfifo;
	uint8_t data[4];
	uint8_t crc;
	angle_data processed_data;
	while(CC2500_Strobe(SNOP) != 1);
	CC2500_Read(&bytes_in_rxfifo, RXBYTES, 1);
	bytes_in_rxfifo = bytes_in_rxfifo & 0x7F;
	if(bytes_in_rxfifo >= 4){
		CC2500_Read(data, 0xFF, 4);
		crc = data[3] & 0x80;
			processed_data.pitch = data[PITCH_DATA] - 90;
			processed_data.roll = data[ROLL_DATA] - 90;
		while(CC2500_Strobe(SNOP) != 0);
		// Return to RX mode
		// Wait until mode changes
		while(CC2500_Strobe(SNOP) != 1);
	return processed_data;
Beispiel #7
void set_transmit_mode() {
	CC2500_Read(&m_state_set_transmit, CC2500_MARCSTATE, 2);
	while (m_state_set_transmit != 19 && m_state_set_transmit != 20) {
		if (m_state_set_transmit == 22) {
		CC2500_Read(&status_byte, CC2500_STX, 1);
		CC2500_Read(&m_state_set_transmit, CC2500_MARCSTATE, 2);
Beispiel #8
 * @brief  This function is responsible for setting up the necessary components for wireless reception
void set_receive_mode() {
	CC2500_Read(&m_state_set_receive, CC2500_MARCSTATE, 2);
	while(m_state_set_receive != 13 && m_state_set_receive != 14 && m_state_set_receive != 15) {
	if (m_state_set_receive == 17) {
		CC2500_Read(&status_byte, CC2500_SRX, 1);
		CC2500_Read(&m_state_set_receive, CC2500_MARCSTATE, 2);
Beispiel #9
  * @brief  Reads one packet from 
  * @param  Memory pointer to store recieved packets
  * @param 	Number of bytes to read (packet length + <optional 
  * @note   Flushes the FIFO after retrieving and puts CC2500 in IDLE mode.
            Assumes RX packets are already in RX FIFO
void CC2500_RxPackets(uint8_t* pBuffer, uint16_t NumByteToRead) {
   // Read the packet(s)
   CC2500_Read(pBuffer, CC2500_FIFO_ADDR, NumByteToRead);
   // Go to idle and flush rx buffer.
   CC2500_Strobe(CC2500_STROBE_SIDLE, DUMMY_BYTE);
   CC2500_Strobe(CC2500_STROBE_SFRX, DUMMY_BYTE);
Beispiel #10
 * @brief  This function reads what is being received by the transmitter
void read_RXFIFO() {
	CC2500_Read(&bytes_received, CC2500_RXBYTES, 2);
	int bytes_read = 0;
	uint32_t i;
	while (1) { // this should be replaced with check on number of bytes received
		CC2500_Read((buffer + bytes_read), CC2500_FIFO, 1);
		CC2500_Read(&bytes_received, CC2500_RXBYTES, 2);
		for (i = 0; i < 16800000; i++); // delay
		CC2500_Read(&m_state_read_rxfifo, CC2500_MARCSTATE, 2);
		if (m_state_read_rxfifo != 13 && m_state_read_rxfifo != 14 && m_state_read_rxfifo != 15) {
		bytes_read = (bytes_read + 1)  % 32; // change to buffer length for greater modularity
Beispiel #11
void transmit(uint8_t* array, int length) {
	uint8_t i = 0;
	uint8_t pending_write = 0;
	do {
		CC2500_Read(s2, CC2500_MARCSTATE | 0xC0, 1);
		if (s2[0] != 19) {
			CC2500_Read(s2 + 1, CC2500_STX | 0xC0, 1);
		} else {
	} while (1);
	while (1) {
		uint8_t a = 2;
		CC2500_Write(&a, CC2500_FIFO, 1);
		int i;
		for (i = 0; i < 16900000; i++);
		a = 5;
		CC2500_Write(&a, CC2500_FIFO, 1);
		for (i = 0; i < 16900000; i++);*/
		CC2500_Read(s2, CC2500_MARCSTATE, 2);
		if (s2[0] == 22) {
			i = 1;
		} else if (s2[0] == 19 && pending_write == 0) {
			CC2500_Write(write_test + i, CC2500_FIFO, 1);
			i = (i + 1) % 5;
			pending_write = 1;
		} else {
			CC2500_Read(s2 + 1, CC2500_STX, 1);
			pending_write = 0;
		for (uint32_t j = 0; j < 18641351; j++);
	Reads packet from wireless chip.
	packet_t *return_pktpnt = pointer to where received packet will be stored
void read_packet(packet_t *return_pktpnt) {
    // Determine number of bytes to read
	uint8_t bytesToRead;
	CC2500_Read(&bytesToRead, CC2500_RXBYTES,1);
    bytesToRead = bytesToRead & 0x7F;
    uint8_t buffer[bytesToRead];
    CC2500_Read(&buffer[0], CC2500_FIFOADDR, bytesToRead); 
    bytesToRead -= 2;

    packet_t *pkt_pnt = (packet_t *) &buffer[0]; 
    return_pktpnt->f1 = pkt_pnt->f1;
    return_pktpnt->f2 = pkt_pnt->f2;
    return_pktpnt->b1 = pkt_pnt->b1;
    return_pktpnt->b2 = pkt_pnt->b2;
    // Move back to recieve state 
    CC2500_CommandProbe(CC2500_READBIT, CC2500_SRX);
Beispiel #13
void set_receive_mode() {
	CC2500_Read(&m_state_set_receive, CC2500_MARCSTATE, 2);
	while(m_state_set_receive != 13 && m_state_set_receive != 14 && m_state_set_receive != 15) {
	if (m_state_set_receive == 17) {
		CC2500_Read(&status_byte, CC2500_SRX, 1);
		CC2500_Read(&m_state_set_receive, CC2500_MARCSTATE, 2);
	uint8_t flag = status_byte & state_mask;
	while (flag != 16) {
		CC2500_Read(&status_byte, CC2500_SRX, 1);
		flag = status_byte & state_mask;
Beispiel #14
 * @brief Checks registers against a given value.
 * @notes	Reads the given numbers of registers from the start address, and
 *				compares them to the given value.
 * @param pBuffer: The given values to test registers against.
 * @param TestAddr: The initial register to test.
 * @param NumByteToTest: The number of registers to test.
 * @retval 1 if all registers are OK, 0 otherwise.
uint8_t CC2500_CheckRegisters(uint8_t* pBuffer, uint8_t TestAddr, uint16_t NumByteToTest){
	uint8_t ctrl[16];
  int i = 0;
	CC2500_Read(ctrl, TestAddr, NumByteToTest);
	while(i < NumByteToTest){
		if(pBuffer[i] != ctrl[i]) return 0;
	return 1;
void test_wireless(void){

	uint8_t res2[3];
	CC2500_Read(res2, CC2500_FREQ_REG, 3);
	printf("result = %x, %x, %x\n", res2[0], res2[1], res2[2]);

	for (int i=0; i<168000000/6; i++);
Beispiel #16
  * @brief  Read status registor on he device
  * @param  Address of the status register to read
  * @retval Status register bits received from CC2500
uint8_t CC2500_StatusReg(uint8_t StatusRegAddr) {
	uint8_t reg;
	//Set the Chip Select to low at the beginning of the transmission (page 21, CC2500)
	// set burst bit to high to distinct from strobe command (page 5, cc2500 design note)
	StatusRegAddr |= BURST_BIT;
	CC2500_Read(&reg, StatusRegAddr, 1);
	// set the chip select to high marking end of transmission	
	return reg;
void test_transmit(void){

	uint8_t res2[3];
	uint8_t to_send = 0;
	CC2500_Read(res2, CC2500_FREQ_REG, 3);
	printf("result = %x, %x, %x\n", res2[0], res2[1], res2[2]);
		CC2500_Write(&to_send, 	CC2500_FIFO_REG, 1);
		to_send = (to_send + 2) % 10;
		printf("sent = %d\n", to_send);
		for (int i=0; i<168000000/12; i++);
Beispiel #18
void RxPacket(void const *argument){
	uint8_t mode_filter, transmit_mode;
   //uint8_t buf;
	uint8_t buf;
	Packet pkt;
   GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOD, GPIO_Pin_12 | GPIO_Pin_13 | GPIO_Pin_14 | GPIO_Pin_15);
   mode_filter = 0x70;
   transmit_mode = 0x20;
	printf("Thread_started. waitig for signal\n");
   // put reciever in RX mode
	CC2500_Strobe(CC2500_STROBE_SRX, 0x00);
		int i;
		osSignalWait(RX_PKT, osWaitForever);
      //turn on LED on packet RX
		GPIO_ToggleBits(GPIOD, GPIO_Pin_12 | GPIO_Pin_13 | GPIO_Pin_14 | GPIO_Pin_15);
		CC2500_Read(&buf ,CC2500_FIFO_ADDR, 1); 
		//CC2500_RxPackets((uint8_t*)&pkt, CC2500_SETTING_PKTLEN + 2);
		printf("buf is %d \n", buf);

		if(pkt.Src_addr == 0x01){
			 // put the measured RSSI in  byte 3 for main board
      pkt.Aux_rssi = pkt.Rssi;
      printf("%d Packet received from user beacon\n", i);
      printf("SRC: 0x%02x\t\t", pkt.Src_addr);
      printf("SEQ: 0x%02x\t\t", pkt.Seq_num);
      printf("RAW_RSSI: 0x%02x\n", pkt.Rssi);
			buf = CC2500_Strobe(CC2500_STROBE_SRX, 0x3F);
			printf("Buffer : 0x%02x\n", buf); 
      // change the source address on the packet
      pkt.Src_addr = CC2500_SETTING_ADDR;
		// transmit this packet for main board
      CC2500_TxPacket((uint8_t*)&pkt, CC2500_SETTING_PKTLEN);
      // turn off LED on successful Tx
      GPIO_ToggleBits(GPIOD, GPIO_Pin_12 | GPIO_Pin_13 | GPIO_Pin_14 | GPIO_Pin_15);
      // put device back to rx mode
  * @brief  Function that receives data and performs Triple Modular Redundancy. This is a blocking call.
  * @param  *receiver: pointer to a Receiver structure. 
  * @retval None.
void wireless_RX(struct Receiver *receiver) {
	uint8_t i=0;
	uint8_t temp_data=0;
	osMutexWait(receiver->mutexID, osWaitForever);	
	uint8_t raw_data[sizeof(receiver->data)/sizeof(receiver->data[0]) * 3];
	while (i<(sizeof(receiver->data)/sizeof(receiver->data[0]) * 3)) {
		osMutexWait(receiver->mutexID, osWaitForever);
		if (receiver->buffer_space>0) {
			CC2500_Read(&temp_data, 0x3F, 1);
			if ((temp_data&0xF0)==0xF0) {
			} else if (i>0) {
				if ((temp_data&0xF0)==i<<4) {
				} else {
	osMutexWait(receiver->mutexID, osWaitForever);
	for(uint32_t j=0;j<sizeof(receiver->data)/sizeof(receiver->data[0]);j++){
		receiver->data[j] = ((raw_data[3*j]&raw_data[3*j+1]) | (raw_data[3*j]&raw_data[3*j+2]) | (raw_data[3*j+2]&raw_data[3*j+1]));
	osMutexWait(receiver->mutexID, osWaitForever);
Beispiel #20
* @brief  Receive packets
* @param  Pre-Set Argument
* @retval Null
void RxPacket(void const *argument){
	uint8_t mode_filter, transmit_mode;
   //uint8_t buf;
	uint8_t buf[2];
   GPIO_ResetBits(GPIOD, GPIO_Pin_12 | GPIO_Pin_13 | GPIO_Pin_14 | GPIO_Pin_15);
   mode_filter = 0x70;
   transmit_mode = 0x20;
	printf("Thread_started. waiting for signal\n");
   // put reciever in RX mode
	CC2500_Strobe(CC2500_STROBE_SRX, 0x00); 
		int i = 0;
		status = CC2500_Strobe(CC2500_STROBE_SRX, 0x00);
		CC2500_Read(&temp, CC2500_STATUS_REG_RXBYTES , 2);
		CC2500_Read(&test, CC2500_STATUS_REG_PKTSTATUS , 2);
		//Read only if correct packet length
		if(temp == CC2500_SETTING_PKTLEN)
	  	status = CC2500_Strobe(CC2500_STROBE_SRX, 0x00);
		  CC2500_RxPackets((uint8_t*)received, CC2500_SETTING_PKTLEN ); //Store in float array
	Returns the signal strength of the wireless chip.
	Reads the RSSI resgister and converts the values to dB.
	Return variable is a signed Integer.
int get_signal_strength(void) {
    uint8_t byte; 
    CC2500_Read(&byte, CC2500_RSSI,1);
    //printf("RSSI = %i \n",byte);
    int rssi = (int) byte;
        1) Read the RSSI status register
        2) Convert the reading from a hexadecimal number to a decimal number (RSSI_dec)
        3) If RSSI_dec >= 128 then RSSI_dBm = (RSSI_dec - 256)/2 – RSSI_offset
        4) Else if RSSI_dec < 128 then RSSI_dBm = (RSSI_dec)/2 – RSSI_offset
    int offset = 70;
    if (rssi >= 128)
        rssi = (rssi - 256)/2 - offset;
        rssi = (rssi)/2 - offset;   
    return rssi;
 * @brief  Read one byte from CC2500.
 * @param  ReadAddr : address to read from
 * @retval byte value read from CC2500
__inline uint8_t CC2500_read_one(uint8_t ReadAddr) {
	uint8_t temp;
	CC2500_Read(&temp, ReadAddr, 1);
	return temp;
Beispiel #23
void setup() {
	CC2500_Read(&status_byte, CC2500_STX, 1); // signal
	fill_with_zeros(buffer, 64);