void HelloWorld::menuCloseCallback(CCObject* pSender) { #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WINRT) || (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WP8) CCMessageBox("You pressed the close button. Windows Store Apps do not implement a close button.","Alert"); #else CCDirector::sharedDirector()->end(); #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_IOS) exit(0); #endif #endif }
void MenuLayer::menuCloseCallback(Ref* pSender) { #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WINRT) || (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WP8) CCMessageBox("You pressed the close button. Windows Store Apps do not implement a close button.", "Alert"); #else Director::getInstance()->end(); #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_IOS) exit(0); #endif #endif }
void SetPanel::onClick(CCObject* ob) { CButton* btn = (CButton*)ob; int tag = btn->getTag(); switch(tag) { case 1: { if(this->getParent()) this->getParent()->removeChild(this); } break; case 2: { CNetClient::getShareInstance()->sendDataType(RoleExitMsg); //CSceneManager::sharedSceneManager()->getScene("CityScene")->release(); CCDirector::sharedDirector()->replaceScene(GETSCENE(LoginScene)); } break; case 3: { CNetClient::getShareInstance()->sendDataType(RoleExitMsg); CCDirector::sharedDirector()->end(); } break; case 4: { CCMessageBox(GETLANGSTR(1012), GETLANGSTR(1005)); //ShowTexttip(U8("此功能尚未开放,敬请期待"),RGB_RED); } break; case 5: { CCMessageBox(GETLANGSTR(1012), GETLANGSTR(1005)); //ShowTexttip(U8("此功能尚未开放,敬请期待"),RGB_RED); } break; default: break; } }
void BeginScene::fbSessionCallback(int responseCode, const char *responseMessage) { if (responseCode != EziSocialWrapperNS::RESPONSE_CODE::FB_LOGIN_SUCCESSFUL) { CCMessageBox(responseMessage, "Facebook Login"); } else { CCLOG("Login Success!!!"); } }
void CMainMenuLayer::settingCallback(CCObject* pSender) { #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WINRT) || (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WP8) CCMessageBox("You pressed the close button. Windows Store Apps do not implement a close button.","Alert"); #else CCScene* newScene = CSettingScene::create(); CCDirector::sharedDirector()->pushScene( newScene ); #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_IOS) //exit(0); #endif #endif }
bool CLevelManager::CreateFileFirstGame( const char* pc_FileName, int iNumOfLevel ) { bool result = true; string pathTest = CCFileUtils::sharedFileUtils()->getWriteablePath(); #if ANDROID char FullPath[256] = {0}; strcpy(FullPath,pathTest.c_str()); strcat(FullPath,"LevelInfo.txt"); FILE* pFile; pFile = fopen(FullPath,"r"); if (pFile != NULL) { result = false; fclose(pFile); } else { result = true; pFile = fopen(FullPath,"w+"); if (pFile != NULL) { fprintf(pFile,"%d\n",iNumOfLevel); for (int i = 0; i < iNumOfLevel; i ++) { if (i <= 5) { fprintf(pFile,"%d 0 0 1\n", (i+1) ); } else { fprintf(pFile,"%d 0 0 0\n", (i+1) ); } } fclose(pFile); //ResetLevelInfo(iNumOfLevel); return true; } else { CCMessageBox("Create first file failed","Error"); } } #endif return result; }
void CResultTitleLayer::mainSceneCallback(CCObject* pSender) { #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WINRT) || (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WP8) CCMessageBox("You pressed the close button. Windows Store Apps do not implement a close button.","Alert"); #else CCScene* newScene = CMainScene::create(); CCDirector::sharedDirector()->replaceScene(CCTransitionFade::create(0.5, newScene) ); #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_IOS) exit(0); #endif #endif }
void BaseScene::fbIncomingRequestCallback(int responseCode, const char* responseMessage, int totalIncomingRequests) { if (totalIncomingRequests > 0) { int pendingRequest = EziFBIncomingRequestManager::sharedManager()->getPendingRequestCount(); CCString* message = CCString::createWithFormat("Total new requests = %d\n Total pending requests = %d.\nGo to Request API Scene to see the list of incoming requets.", totalIncomingRequests, pendingRequest); CCMessageBox(message->getCString(), "fbIncomingRequestCallback"); } else { CCLOG("No new incoming request..."); } }
unsigned char* CCFileUtils::getFileData(const char* pszFileName, const char* pszMode, unsigned long * pSize) { string fullPath = s_strRelativePath + pszFileName; unsigned char * pData = CCFileUtils::getFileDataFromZip(s_strResourcePath.c_str(), fullPath.c_str(), pSize); if (! pData && getIsPopupNotify()) { std::string title = "Notification"; std::string msg = "Get data from file("; msg.append(pszFileName).append(") failed!"); CCMessageBox(msg.c_str(), title.c_str()); } return pData; }
void GameOverView::onYesClicked() { CCLOG("Yes!"); CCLOG("Quit the game!"); #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WINRT) || (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WP8) CCMessageBox("You pressed the close button. Windows Store Apps do not implement a close button.","Alert"); #else CCDirector::sharedDirector()->end(); #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_IOS) exit(0); #endif #endif }
void MoreDiamondDialog::onGetProfileCompleted( CCNode *sender, void *data ) { CCLOG("onGetProfileCompleted"); if (data != NULL) { CCDictionary *convertedData = (CCDictionary *)data; CCString* s = (CCString*)convertedData->objectForKey("isSuccess"); if (s->boolValue()) { CCLOG("CPP Get Profile Completed: TRUE"); string fbId = ((CCString*)convertedData->objectForKey("id"))->getCString(); string firstName = ((CCString*)convertedData->objectForKey("firstName"))->getCString(); string name = ((CCString*)convertedData->objectForKey("name"))->getCString(); string username = ((CCString*)convertedData->objectForKey("username"))->getCString(); string birthday = ((CCString*)convertedData->objectForKey("birthday"))->getCString(); string picture50x50 = ((CCString*)convertedData->objectForKey("picture"))->getCString(); //save DataManager::sharedDataManager()->SetFbID(fbId); DataManager::sharedDataManager()->SetFbFullName(name); DataManager::sharedDataManager()->SetName(name); DataManager::sharedDataManager()->SetFbUserName(username); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NDKHelper::AddSelector("MoreDiamondDialog", "onGetAvatarCompleted", callfuncND_selector(MoreDiamondDialog::onGetAvatarCompleted), this); string w = "128"; string h = "128"; CCDictionary* prms = CCDictionary::create(); prms->setObject(CCString::create(fbId), "fbId"); prms->setObject(CCString::create(w), "width"); prms->setObject(CCString::create(h), "height"); SendMessageWithParams(string("GetAvatar"), prms); } else { CCLOG("CPP Get Profile Completed: FALSE"); CCMessageBox("Không thể kết nối", "Lỗi"); } NDKHelper::RemoveSelector("MoreDiamondDialog", "onGetProfileCompleted"); } }
unsigned char* CCFileUtils::getFileData(const char* pszFileName, const char* pszMode, unsigned long * pSize) { unsigned char * buffer = NULL; std::string full_path = pszFileName; // If it is not inside resource path if (full_path.find(s_strResourcePath) == std::string::npos) { full_path = s_strResourcePath + pszFileName; } // if specify the zip file,load from it first if (s_pszZipFilePath[0] != 0) { buffer = getFileDataFromZip(s_pszZipFilePath.c_str(), full_path.c_str(), pSize); } // if that failed then let's try and load the file ourselves if (!buffer) { // read the file from hardware FILE *fp = fopen(full_path.c_str(), pszMode); if (fp) { fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); *pSize = ftell(fp); fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); buffer = new unsigned char[*pSize]; *pSize = fread(buffer, sizeof(unsigned char), *pSize, fp); fclose(fp); } } // we couldn't find the file if (!buffer && getIsPopupNotify()) { std::string title = "Notification"; std::string msg = "Get data from file("; msg.append(full_path); if (s_pszZipFilePath[0] != 0) { msg.append(") in zip archive(").append(s_pszZipFilePath); } msg.append(") failed!"); CCMessageBox(msg.c_str(), title.c_str()); } return buffer; }
unsigned char* CCFileUtils::getFileData(const char* pszFileName, const char* pszMode, unsigned long * pSize) { unsigned char * pData = 0; string fullPath(pszFileName); if ((! pszFileName) || (! pszMode)) { return 0; } if (pszFileName[0] != '/') { // read from apk fullPath.insert(0, "assets/"); pData = CCFileUtils::getFileDataFromZip(s_strResourcePath.c_str(), fullPath.c_str(), pSize); } else { do { // read rrom other path than user set it FILE *fp = fopen(pszFileName, pszMode); CC_BREAK_IF(!fp); unsigned long size; fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); size = ftell(fp); fseek(fp,0,SEEK_SET); pData = new unsigned char[size+1]; pData[size] = '\0'; size = fread(pData,sizeof(unsigned char), size,fp); fclose(fp); if (pSize) { *pSize = size; } } while (0); } if (! pData && getIsPopupNotify()) { std::string title = "Notification"; std::string msg = "Get data from file("; msg.append(fullPath.c_str()).append(") failed!"); CCMessageBox(msg.c_str(), title.c_str()); } return pData; }
void CommandManager::onResponse(CCHttpClient* client, CCHttpResponse* response) { const string commandName = m_currentCommand->getName(); if (response->isSucceed()) { m_currentCommand->setCommandState(CommandStateResonsedProcessed); if (m_currentCommand->getMessageHandler()) { int responseCode = response->getResponseCode(); RawData* responseData = response->getResponseData(); int responseDataSize = responseData->size(); const char* data = &((*responseData)[0]); CCLOG("command %s response code %d length %d", commandName.c_str(), responseCode, responseDataSize); ResponseMessage message; bool decoded = message.ParseFromArray(data, responseDataSize); CCAssert(decoded, FORMAT("command %s decode fail data length=%d", commandName.c_str(), responseDataSize)); m_currentCommand->getMessageHandler()->setMessage(&message); m_currentCommand->getMessageHandler()->execute(); } } else { CCLOG("command %s fail errorcode=%d error message=%s", commandName.c_str(), response->getResponseCode(), response->getErrorBuffer()); int resendCount = m_currentCommand->getResendCount(); if (resendCount < MAX_RESEND_COUNT) { client->send(response->getHttpRequest()); m_currentCommand->setResendCount(resendCount + 1); CCLOG("resend command %s for the %d time(s)", commandName.c_str(), resendCount); } else { CCMessageBox(FORMAT("Command fail %s", commandName.c_str()), "Error"); } } }
void CStartAndHelpButtonLayer::ReadyButtonCallBack( CCObject* pSender ) { #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WINRT) || (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WP8) CCMessageBox("You pressed the close button. Windows Store Apps do not implement a close button.","Alert"); #else // 서버로 레디 신호를 보낸다. CGameManager::GetInstance()->StartGame(); // Scene Change는 GetCurrentScene 을 통해서 비교 / Online 에서는 임의로 Scene을 바꾸지 않는다. #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_IOS) //exit(0); #endif #endif }
void FriendList::showAllFriendsList() { if (ALL_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE == false) { CCMessageBox("Downloading of images in Progess. Try after sometime", "Downloading Images"); return; } else { ALL_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE = false; } this->showLoadingAction(); this->unscheduleUpdate(); EziSocialObject::sharedObject()->getFriends(EziSocialWrapperNS::FB_FRIEND_SEARCH::ALL_FRIENDS, 20, 20); }
void CNetworkPlayerNumberLayer::MainSceneCallback(cocos2d::CCObject* pSender) { #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WINRT) || (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WP8) CCMessageBox("You pressed the close button. Windows Store Apps do not implement a close button.","Alert"); #else // 여기서 다음 단계로 넘어가면서 로그인을 하므로 뒤로 가면 로그아웃 할 필요는 없다. // CGameManager::GetInstance()->Logout(); CCScene* newScene = CMainScene::create(); CCDirector::sharedDirector()->replaceScene(CCTransitionFade::create(0.5, newScene) ); #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_IOS) //exit(0); #endif #endif }
void CMainMenuLayer::newgameCallback(CCObject* pSender) { #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WINRT) || (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WP8) CCMessageBox("You pressed the close button. Windows Store Apps do not implement a close button.","Alert"); #else //newgame load CGameManager::GetInstance()->SetOnlineMode(false); CCScene* newScene = CGameSettingScene::create(); CCDirector::sharedDirector()->pushScene(CCTransitionFade::create(0.5, newScene) ); #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_IOS) //exit(0); #endif #endif }
void FriendList::showHighScoreList() { if (ALL_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE == false) { CCMessageBox("Downloading of images in Progess. Try after sometime", "Downloading Images"); return; } else { ALL_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETE = false; } this->showLoadingAction(); this->unscheduleUpdate(); EziSocialObject::sharedObject()->getHighScores(); }
void CMainMenuLayer::multiplayCallback(CCObject* pSender) { #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WINRT) || (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WP8) CCMessageBox("You pressed the close button. Windows Store Apps do not implement a close button.","Alert"); #else CGameManager::GetInstance()->SetOnlineMode(true); CGameManager::GetInstance()->InitNetworkLogic(); CGameManager::GetInstance()->SetConnectionStatus(true); CCScene* newScene = CLoginScene::create(); CCDirector::sharedDirector()->replaceScene(CCTransitionFade::create(0.5, newScene) ); #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_IOS) //exit(0); #endif #endif }
void CNetworkPlayerNumberLayer::NumberOfPlayerCallBack( CCObject* pSender ) { #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WINRT) || (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WP8) CCMessageBox("You pressed the close button. Windows Store Apps do not implement a close button.","Alert"); #else // ∏Ó ∏Ì¿Ã «√∑π¿Ã«“¡ˆ∏¶ ∞Ò∂˙¥Ÿ∏È ∞™¿ª ¿¸¥fi«‘ int selectedPlayerNumber = static_cast<CCMenuItem*>(pSender)->getTag(); // ¡∂Ω…«ÿ! HardCoding^^; CGameManager::GetInstance()->SetPlayerNumberOfThisGame(selectedPlayerNumber + 1); #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_IOS) //exit(0); #endif #endif }
void LoginScene::sendLoginData() { if(strlen(edtUserName->getText())==0 || strlen(edtPassword->getText())==0) { CCMessageBox(UiLanguage::shareLanguage()->get("login_check"), UiLanguage::shareLanguage()->get("msgbox_notice")); return; } CSJson::Value root; CSJson::FastWriter writer; root["username"] = edtUserName->getText(); root["password"] = edtPassword->getText(); std:string data = writer.write(root); Message* msg = new Message(data.c_str(), 1001); socket->sendMessage(msg); this->schedule(schedule_selector(LoginScene::recvLoginData)); }
SuperAnimSpriteId SuperAnimSpriteMgr::LoadSuperAnimSprite(std::string theSpriteName) { // already load the sprite ? IdToSuperAnimSpriteMap::iterator anItr = mSuperAnimSpriteMap.begin(); while (anItr != mSuperAnimSpriteMap.end()) { if (anItr->second->mStringId == theSpriteName) { return anItr->first; } anItr++; } std::string anImageFileName; std::string anImageFile; int aLastSlashIndex = MAX((int)theSpriteName.find_last_of('/'), (int)theSpriteName.find_last_of('\\')); if (aLastSlashIndex != std::string::npos) { anImageFileName = theSpriteName.substr(aLastSlashIndex + 1); } else { anImageFileName = theSpriteName; } bool hasFileExt = anImageFileName.find('.') != std::string::npos; if (!hasFileExt) { // PNG by default if not specified format anImageFile = theSpriteName + ".png"; } else { anImageFile = theSpriteName; } // load the physical sprite CCRect aTextureRect; CCTexture2D *aTexture = getTexture(anImageFile.c_str(), aTextureRect); if (aTexture == NULL) { char aBuffer[256]; sprintf(aBuffer, "%s is missing.", anImageFileName.c_str()); CCMessageBox(aBuffer, "Error"); return InvalidSuperAnimSpriteId; } // create new super animation sprite SuperAnimSprite *aSuperAnimSprite = new SuperAnimSprite(aTexture, aTextureRect); // use the sprite name as the key aSuperAnimSprite->mStringId = theSpriteName; SuperAnimSpriteId anId = aSuperAnimSprite; mSuperAnimSpriteMap[anId] = aSuperAnimSprite; return anId; }
bool CCEGLView::initGL() { m_hDC = GetDC(m_hWnd); SetupPixelFormat(m_hDC); //SetupPalette(); m_hRC = wglCreateContext(m_hDC); wglMakeCurrent(m_hDC, m_hRC); // check OpenGL version at first const GLubyte* glVersion = glGetString(GL_VERSION); CCLOG("OpenGL version = %s", glVersion); if ( atof((const char*)glVersion) < 1.5 ) { char strComplain[256] = {0}; sprintf(strComplain, "Your OpenGL version is %s, but Cocos2d-x requires OpenGL 1.5 or higher on Windows. Please upgrade the driver of your video card", glVersion); CCMessageBox(strComplain, "OpenGL version tooooooooooold"); } GLenum GlewInitResult = glewInit(); if (GLEW_OK != GlewInitResult) { fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: %s\n",glewGetErrorString(GlewInitResult)); return false; } if (GLEW_ARB_vertex_shader && GLEW_ARB_fragment_shader) { CCLog("Ready for GLSL"); } else { CCLog("Not totally ready :("); } if (glewIsSupported("GL_VERSION_2_0")) { CCLog("Ready for OpenGL 2.0"); } else { CCLog("OpenGL 2.0 not supported"); } return true; }
void CStartAndHelpButtonLayer::StartButtonCallBack( CCObject* pSender ) { #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WINRT) || (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WP8) CCMessageBox("You pressed the close button. Windows Store Apps do not implement a close button.","Alert"); #else CGameManager::GetInstance()->StartGame(); if ( !CGameManager::GetInstance()->IsOnlineMode() ) { CCScene* newScene = CPlayScene::create(); CCDirector::sharedDirector()->replaceScene( CCTransitionFade::create(0.5, newScene) ); } #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_IOS) //exit(0); #endif #endif }
void HelloWorld::menuCloseCallback(CCObject* pSender) { CCArmatureDataManager::purge(); SceneReader::sharedSceneReader()->purge(); cocos2d::extension::ActionManager::shareManager()->purge(); GUIReader::shareReader()->purge(); #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WINRT) || (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WP8) CCMessageBox("You pressed the close button. Windows Store Apps do not implement a close button.","Alert"); #else CCDirector::sharedDirector()->end(); #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_IOS) exit(0); #endif #endif }
void CSettingCharacterLayer::SelectCharacterCallBack(CCObject* pSender) { #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WINRT) || (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WP8) CCMessageBox("You pressed the close button. Windows Store Apps do not implement a close button.","Alert"); #else // 조심해!! 현재 캐릭터 선택 / 취소가 체크박스 로직이 아니라 클릭했다 손을 떼면 취소되는 형태 // 적당한 API가 있을 것 같은데.. 좀 더 뒤져봐야겠다. // 해결책 : 오버라이딩으로 새 클래스 구현하면 된답니다. // 어떤 버튼이 클릭되었는지를 알아본다. int selectedCharacterId = static_cast<CCMenuItem*>(pSender)->getTag(); CGameManager::GetInstance()->SelectCharacter(selectedCharacterId); #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_IOS) exit(0); #endif #endif }
void SoloGameScene::initRandomLevel(int number) { m_curQuest = LevelManager::shareLevelLoader()->getLevelInRandom(number); if (m_curQuest != NULL) { m_lbQuestion->setString(m_curQuest->m_quest.c_str()); m_curRightAnswer = m_curQuest->m_right; //0 -> 3 m_lbAnswers[0]->setString(string("A. ").append(m_curQuest->m_arrChoice[0].c_str()).c_str()); m_lbAnswers[1]->setString(string("B. ").append(m_curQuest->m_arrChoice[1].c_str()).c_str()); m_lbAnswers[2]->setString(string("C. ").append(m_curQuest->m_arrChoice[2].c_str()).c_str()); m_lbAnswers[3]->setString(string("D. ").append(m_curQuest->m_arrChoice[3].c_str()).c_str()); } else { CCMessageBox("Bạn đã hoàn thành game!", "Chúc mừng"); } }
void HelloWorld::keyBackClicked() { #if (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WINRT) || (CC_TARGET_PLATFORM == CC_PLATFORM_WP8) CCMessageBox("You pressed the close button. Windows Store Apps do not implement a close button.","Alert"); #else PopupLayer* pl = PopupLayer::create("pop_bg.png"); // ContentSize 是可选的设置,可以不设置,如果设置把它当作 9 图缩放 pl->setContentSize(CCSizeMake(400, 300)); pl->setTitle("确认"); pl->setContentText("要离开游戏吗?", 28, 60, 250); // 设置回调函数,回调传回一个 CCNode 以获取 tag 判断点击的按钮 // 这只是作为一种封装实现,如果使用 delegate 那就能够更灵活的控制参数了 pl->setCallbackFunc(this, callfuncN_selector(HelloWorld::popupCallback)); // 添加按钮,设置图片,文字,tag 信息 pl->addButton("pop_button.png", "pop_button.png", "退出", 0); pl->addButton("pop_button.png", "pop_button.png", "取消", 1); // 添加到当前层 this->addChild(pl, 5); #endif }
void SoloGameScene::itHelp1Callback( CCObject* pSender ) { int diamond = DataManager::sharedDataManager()->GetDiamond(); int diamond_for_exclusive = DataManager::sharedDataManager()->GetDiamondForExclusive(); if (diamond < diamond_for_exclusive) { PLAY_OUT_PORP_EFFECT; m_lbDiamond->runAction(CCSequence::createWithTwoActions( CCScaleTo::create(0.2f, 1.5f), CCScaleTo::create(0.2f, 1.0f) )); return; } if (m_curDisableChoose >= 2) { PLAY_OUT_PORP_EFFECT; CCMessageBox("Chỉ được bỏ tối đa 2 câu!", "Thông tin"); return; } bool isOK = false; while(isOK == false) { int rd = (int)(CCRANDOM_0_1() * 4); if (rd != m_curRightAnswer) { if (m_itAnswers[rd]->isEnabled()) { m_itAnswers[rd]->setEnabled(false); m_curDisableChoose++; DataManager::sharedDataManager()->AddDiamond(- diamond_for_exclusive); m_lbDiamond->setString(CCString::createWithFormat("%d", DataManager::sharedDataManager()->GetDiamond())->getCString()); PLAY_GET_BOMB_EFFECT; isOK = true; } } } }