	CFNotificationCenterRef center,
	void *observer,
	CFStringRef name,
	const void *object,
	CFDictionaryRef userInfo)
	CFNumberRef number = (CFNumberRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(userInfo, CFSTR("SKYPE_API_AVAILABILITY")); 
	isavailable = CFNumberToCInt(number);
	CFNotificationCenterRef center,
	void *observer,
	CFStringRef name,
	const void *object,
	CFDictionaryRef userInfo)
	CFNumberRef responseNumber = (CFNumberRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(userInfo, CFSTR("SKYPE_API_ATTACH_RESPONSE"));
	int response = CFNumberToCInt(responseNumber);
	client_id = response;
	if (delegate && delegate->SkypeAttachResponse)
	CFNotificationCenterRef center,
	void *observer,
	CFStringRef name,
	const void *object,
	CFDictionaryRef userInfo)
	CFNumberRef number = (CFNumberRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(userInfo, CFSTR("SKYPE_API_CLIENT_ID"));
	int client_number = CFNumberToCInt(number);
	if (client_number != 999 && (!client_id || client_id != client_number))
	CFStringRef string = (CFStringRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(userInfo, CFSTR("SKYPE_API_NOTIFICATION_STRING"));
	if (string && delegate && delegate->SkypeNotificationReceived)
Beispiel #4
int get_exif_rot (CGDataProviderRef image_source) {

	int val;
	// Create a source to read the exif from
	CGImageSourceRef image_exif_source = CGImageSourceCreateWithDataProvider (image_source, NULL);
	// Check for a NULL value in the CGImageSourceRef
	if (NULL == image_exif_source) {
		// Could not create the CGImageSoureRef
		printf ("Could not create CGImageSourceRef for image.\n");

	// NSDictionary to hold the exif from the file.
	CFDictionaryRef exif;
	// create an NSDictionary and populate it with the EXIF
	exif = (CFDictionaryRef) CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex (image_exif_source, 0, NULL);
	// Check for a NULL value for the exif CFDict
	if (NULL == exif) {
		// there was no EXIF
		printf ("This file has no EXIF.\n"); 

		// Release the exif source provider
		CFRelease (image_exif_source);
		image_exif_source = NULL;

		// Release the CFDictionary
		CFRelease (exif);
		exif = NULL;

		// set the orientation to Normal.
		return 1;

	} else {

		val = CFNumberToCInt (CFDictionaryGetValue (exif, kCGImagePropertyOrientation));

		// Release the exif source provider
		CFRelease (image_exif_source);
		image_exif_source = NULL;

		// Release the CFDictionary
		CFRelease (exif);
		exif = NULL;

		// get the value at the "Orientation" tag
		return val;

	// Release the exif source provider
	CFRelease (image_exif_source);
	image_exif_source = NULL;

	// Release the CFDictionary
	CFRelease (exif);
	exif = NULL;

	return 1;
} // get_exif ()