Beispiel #1
CGUIAction CGUIControl::GetNavigateAction(int actionID) const
  ActionMap::const_iterator i = m_actions.find(actionID);
  if (i != m_actions.end())
    return i->second;
  return CGUIAction();
Beispiel #2
    void Window::doAddControl(Control* pControl, CCriticalSection* gcontext, bool wait)
      if(pControl == NULL)
        throw WindowException("NULL Control passed to WindowBase::addControl");

      if(pControl->iControlId != 0)
        throw WindowException("Control is already used");

      // lock xbmc GUI before accessing data from it
      pControl->iParentId = iWindowId;

        MaybeLock mlock(gcontext);
        // assign control id, if id is already in use, try next id
        do pControl->iControlId = ++iCurrentControlId;
        while (ref(window)->GetControl(pControl->iControlId));


      // set default navigation for control
      pControl->iControlUp = pControl->iControlId;
      pControl->iControlDown = pControl->iControlId;
      pControl->iControlLeft = pControl->iControlId;
      pControl->iControlRight = pControl->iControlId;

      pControl->pGUIControl->SetAction(ACTION_MOVE_UP,    CGUIAction(pControl->iControlUp));
      pControl->pGUIControl->SetAction(ACTION_MOVE_DOWN,  CGUIAction(pControl->iControlDown));
      pControl->pGUIControl->SetAction(ACTION_MOVE_LEFT,  CGUIAction(pControl->iControlLeft));
      pControl->pGUIControl->SetAction(ACTION_MOVE_RIGHT, CGUIAction(pControl->iControlRight));

      // add control to list and allocate resources for the control

      // This calls the CGUIWindow parent class to do the final add
      CGUIMessage msg(GUI_MSG_ADD_CONTROL, 0, 0);
      CApplicationMessenger::GetInstance().SendGUIMessage(msg, iWindowId, wait);
Beispiel #3
void CGUIControlGroupList::AddControl(CGUIControl *control, int position /*= -1*/)
  // NOTE: We override control navigation here, but we don't override the <onleft> etc. builtins
  //       if specified.
  if (position < 0 || position > (int)m_children.size()) // add at the end
    position = (int)m_children.size();

  if (control)
  { // set the navigation of items so that they form a list
    CGUIAction beforeAction = GetAction((m_orientation == VERTICAL) ? ACTION_MOVE_UP : ACTION_MOVE_LEFT);
    CGUIAction afterAction = GetAction((m_orientation == VERTICAL) ? ACTION_MOVE_DOWN : ACTION_MOVE_RIGHT);
    if (m_children.size())
      // we're inserting at the given position, so grab the items above and below and alter
      // their navigation accordingly
      CGUIControl *before = NULL;
      CGUIControl *after = NULL;
      if (position == 0)
      { // inserting at the beginning
        after = m_children[0];
        if (!afterAction.HasActionsMeetingCondition() || afterAction.GetNavigation() == GetID()) // we're wrapping around bottom->top, so we have to update the last item
          before = m_children[m_children.size() - 1];
        if (!beforeAction.HasActionsMeetingCondition() || beforeAction.GetNavigation() == GetID())   // we're wrapping around top->bottom
          beforeAction = CGUIAction(m_children[m_children.size() - 1]->GetID());
        afterAction = CGUIAction(after->GetID());
      else if (position == (int)m_children.size())
      { // inserting at the end
        before = m_children[m_children.size() - 1];
        if (!beforeAction.HasActionsMeetingCondition() || beforeAction.GetNavigation() == GetID())   // we're wrapping around top->bottom, so we have to update the first item
          after = m_children[0];
        if (!afterAction.HasActionsMeetingCondition() || afterAction.GetNavigation() == GetID()) // we're wrapping around bottom->top
          afterAction = CGUIAction(m_children[0]->GetID());
        beforeAction = CGUIAction(before->GetID());
      { // inserting somewhere in the middle
        before = m_children[position - 1];
        after = m_children[position];
        beforeAction = CGUIAction(before->GetID());
        afterAction = CGUIAction(after->GetID());
      if (m_orientation == VERTICAL)
        if (before) // update the DOWN action to point to us
          before->SetAction(ACTION_MOVE_DOWN, CGUIAction(control->GetID()));
        if (after) // update the UP action to point to us
          after->SetAction(ACTION_MOVE_UP, CGUIAction(control->GetID()));
        if (before) // update the RIGHT action to point to us
          before->SetAction(ACTION_MOVE_RIGHT, CGUIAction(control->GetID()));
        if (after) // update the LEFT action to point to us
          after->SetAction(ACTION_MOVE_LEFT, CGUIAction(control->GetID()));
    // now the control's nav
    // set navigation path on orientation axis
    // and try to apply other nav actions from grouplist
    // don't override them if child have already defined actions
    if (m_orientation == VERTICAL)
      control->SetAction(ACTION_MOVE_UP, beforeAction);
      control->SetAction(ACTION_MOVE_DOWN, afterAction);
      control->SetAction(ACTION_MOVE_LEFT, GetAction(ACTION_MOVE_LEFT), false);
      control->SetAction(ACTION_MOVE_RIGHT, GetAction(ACTION_MOVE_RIGHT), false);
      control->SetAction(ACTION_MOVE_LEFT, beforeAction);
      control->SetAction(ACTION_MOVE_RIGHT, afterAction);
      control->SetAction(ACTION_MOVE_UP, GetAction(ACTION_MOVE_UP), false);
      control->SetAction(ACTION_MOVE_DOWN, GetAction(ACTION_MOVE_DOWN), false);
    control->SetAction(ACTION_NAV_BACK, GetAction(ACTION_NAV_BACK), false);

    if (!m_useControlPositions)
    CGUIControlGroup::AddControl(control, position);
    m_totalSize = GetTotalSize();